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1、托福阅读结合实例从结构入手逐段分析 托福阅读说明类*阅读技巧指点, 结合实例从结构入手逐段分析,今天给大家带来了托福阅读说明类*阅读技巧指点 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读说明类*阅读技巧指点 结合实例从结构入手逐段分析托福阅读说明文怎么看懂?一般而言,托福阅读中的说明文会说明某个现象,*的第一段是:介绍背景及引出下文;之后的主体段,结构也很清晰:主旨句Topic sentence + 解释句Explain + 举例子Examples + 总结句Summary。 其实跟我们高考语文有异曲同工之妙。下面来看实例解析:The Roman Armys Impact o

2、n Britain(选自官方真题Official-19)In the wake of the Roman Empires conquest of Britain in the first century A.D., a large number of troops stayed in the new province, and these troops had a considerable impact on Britain with their camps, fortifications, and participation in the local economy. Assessing t

3、he impact of the army on the civilian population starts from the realization that the soldiers were always unevenly distributed across the country. Areas rapidly incorporated into the empire were not long affected by the military. Where the army remained stationed, its presence was much more influen

4、tial. The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers animals. The imposition of military rule also robbed local leaders of opportunities to participate in local government, so social development

5、was stunted and the seeds of disaffection sown. This then meant that the military had to remain to suppress rebellion and organize government.these troops had a considerable impact on Britain,也就是第一句说的是罗马军队对英国有影响。这句话相当于对题目的阐述,交代了*的整个大背景。 之后24句其实交代前提,开始具体的说开,要估算军队对平民的影响首先要了解一个事实:士兵不是平均分布的。那既然不是平均分布,肯定

6、是有多有少的。所以,第三句接着说了有些地方士兵少:很快融入帝国的区域;第四句说有些地方士兵多影响大:军队驻扎的地方。第57句说回重点,也就是what,到底有哪些影响:军营先要征地;然后会抢走当地领导参与政府的机会;之后社会发展受阻,人民不满而反抗,最后军事镇压。首段的第一句话,虽然句子很长,但其实只需要抓住结构层次进行分析就能找到阅读重点。所以总共7句话的段落,分层三个层次,主旨句+前提说明+重点阐述。事实上,段落第一句就完成了background+introduction双重目的:英国被罗马帝国征服+ 士兵的营地/防御工事以及参与当地经济所造成的影响。Economic exchange wa

7、s clearly very important as the Roman army brought with it very substantial spending power. Such activities had a major effect on the local area, in particular with the construction of infrastructure such as roads, which improved access to remote areas.第二段一开始就交代了经济交换的影响:强大的购买力,以及帮助修建基础设施。Each soldie

8、r received his pay, but in regions without a developed economy there was initially little on which it could be spent. These settlements acted like small towns, becoming centers for the artisan and trading populations.第三段还是在讲经济:刚来的时候士兵有钱没地方花;最后军队驻扎地变成了小镇。The army also provided a mean of personal adva

9、ncement for auxiliary soldiers recruited from the native peoples, as a man obtained hereditary Roman citizenship on retirement after service in an auxiliary regiment. By the later Roman period, frontier garrisons (groups of soldiers) were only rarely transferred, service in units became effectively

10、hereditary, and forts were no longer populated or maintained at full strength.第四段开始讲另一个重大影响:当地人通过当兵获得可继承的罗马公民地位。This process of settling in as a community over several generations, combined with local recruitment, presumably accounts for the apparent stability of the British northern frontier in the

11、 later Roman period. It also explains why some of the forts continued in occupation long after Rome ceased to have any formal authority in Britain, at the beginning of the fifth century A.D. The circumstances that had allowed natives to become Romanized also led the self-sustaining military communit

12、y of the frontier area to become effectively British.第五段,做了个小总结,讲这种融合过程及当地招募促进了北部边境的稳定。通过上文实例讲解,相信大家对于托福阅读说明文的基本结构和解题思路也有了一定了解。之后大家在通过一些练习加深对说明文的认识和解题方法,以后面对这类高频阅读*类型就能顺利解答确保得分了。托福阅读真题原题+题目Perhaps one of the most dramatic and important changes that took place in the Mesozoic era occurred late in tha

13、t era, among the small organisms that populate the uppermost, sunlit portion of the oceans the plankton. The term plankton is a broad one, designating all of the small plants and animals that float about or weakly propel themselves through the sea. In the late stages of the Mesozoic era, during the

14、Cretaceous period, there was a great expansion of plankton that precipitated skeletons or shells composed of two types of mineral: silica and calcium carbonate.This development radically changed the types of sediments that accumulated on the seafloor, because, while the organic parts of the plankton

15、 decayed after the organisms died, their mineralized skeletons often survived and sank to the bottom. For the first time in the Earths long history, very large quantities of silica skeletons, which would eventually harden into rock, began to pile up in parts of the deep sea. Thick deposits of calcar

16、eous ooze made up of the tiny remains of the calcium carbonate-secreting plankton also accumulated as never before. The famous white chalk cliffs of Dover, in the southeast of England, are just one example of the huge quantities of such material that amassed during the Cretaceous period; there are m

17、any more. Just why the calcareous plankton were so prolific during the latter part of the Cretaceous period is not fully understood. Such massive amounts of chalky sediments have never since been deposited over a comparable period of time.The high biological productivity of the Cretaceous oceans als

18、o led to ideal conditions for oil accumulation. Oil is formed when organic material trapped in sediments is slowly buried and subjected to increased temperatures and pressures, transforming it into petroleum. Sediments rich in organic material accumulated along the margins of the Tethys Seaway, the

19、tropical east-west ocean that formed when Earths single landmass (known as Pangaea) split apart during the Mesozoic era. Many of todays important oil fields are found in those sediments in Russia, the Middle East, the Gulf of Mexico, and in the states of Texas and Louisiana in the United States.1. W

20、hat does the passage mainly discuss?(A) How sediments were built up in oceans during the Cretaceous period(B) How petroleum was formed in the Mesozoic era(C) The impact of changes in oceanic animal and plant life in the Mesozoic era(D) The differences between plankton found in the present era and Cr

21、etaceous plankton2. The passage indicates that the Cretaceous period occurred(A) in the early part of the Mesozoic era(B) in the middle part of the Mesozoic era(C) in the later part of the Mesozoic era(D) after the Mesozoic era3. The passage mentions all of the following aspects of plankton EXCEPT(A

22、) the length of their lives(B) the level of the ocean at which they are found(C) their movement(D) their size4. The word accumulated in line 8 is closest in meaning to(A) depended(B) matured(C) dissolved(D) collected5. According to the passage , the most dramatic change to the oceans caused by plank

23、ton duringthe Cretaceous period concerned(A) the depth of the water(B) the makeup of the sediment on the ocean floor(C) the decrease in petroleum-producing sediment(D) a decline in the quantity of calcareous ooze on the seafloor6. The white chalk cliffs of Dover are mentioned in line 14 of the passa

24、ge to(A) show where the plankton sediment first began to build up(B) provide an example of a plankton buildup that scientists cannot explain(C) provide an example of the buildup of plankton sediment(D) indicate the largest single plankton buildup on Earth7. The word prolific in line 17 is closest in meaning to(A) fruitful(B) distinct(C) determined(D) energetic8. The word ideal in line 20 is closest in meaning to(A) common(B) clear(C) perfect(D) immediate9. The word it in line 22 refers to(A) biological productivity(B) oil(C) organic material(D) petroleumPASSAGE 90 CCADB CACC


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