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1、主系表结构,7.15,主语,+,系动词,+,表语,Subject,Link verb,Predicative,一.主语,主语可以是什么?,The chair is green.,名词,He is from England.,Playing the computer is my hobby.,What she said is right.,代词,动名词,从句,名词主要由 、 、 或 充当。,名词,代词,动名词,从句,二.系动词,状态、属性类动词,be(am、is、are ),/was、were,他是一名教师。,He is a teacher.,他生病了。,He is ill.,他习惯自己一个人待

2、着。,be used to doing,stay,He is used to staying alone.,持续类动词,keep、remain、stay,继续是,仍然是,我们仍然可以做朋友。,We can remain friends.,我们要保持身体较康。,We should keep healthy.,门仍然是关着的。,The door remains closed.,他保持沉默。,He keeps/stays slient.,slient,keep、stay都可以表示 ,但如果表示身体健康方面的,只能用 。,保持,keep,表“像”系动词,appear、seem,appear、seem+

3、,形容词,你似乎很累。,You seem tired.,她好像身体很好。,She appears well.,他好像很开心。,He appears happy.,to do,他似乎喜欢这个。,He seems to like it.,她看起来像是一个二十岁的女孩。,She seems to be a 20-year-old girl.,that+从句,It seems/appears that+从句,好像他犯了一个错误。,It seemed that he made a mistake.,=He seemed to make a mistake.,他好像在自言自语。,It seems that

4、 he is talking to himself.,=He seems to be talking to himself.,seem、appear是除了be动词外唯一可以直接加not表示否定的系动词。,He doest seem to be her father.,=He seems not to be her father.,The baby doesnt appear to be aweak.,=The baby appears not to be aweak.,seem、appear常与there连用。,那里好像只有一个房间。,There seems to be only one ro

5、om.,这里好像有一些水。,There appears to be some water.,那里好像明天有一场聚会。,There seems to be a party tommrow.,表示感官类的动词:起来(是),看起来,look,听起来,sound,闻起来,smell,尝起来,taste,摸起来;感觉起来,feel,这听起来是一个好主意。,It sounds a good idea.,这闻起来很不错。,It smells nice.,冰摸起来是冷的。,Ice feels cold.,这个菜尝起来很美味。,This food tastes delicious.,那个看起来不一样。,That

6、 looks different.,每个人感觉很开心。,Everyone feels happy.,look,smell,sound,feel,taste能接as if/as though+表语从句表示好像,看起来天好像要下雨了。,It looks as if it is going to rain.,这听起来有重要的事情发生。,It sounds as if something important will happen.,感觉现在是春天了。,It feels as if it is Spring now.,变化类的系动词,become,go,turn,grow,get,come,becom

7、e,后面一般接一种职业、身份;比较级+and+比较级,变成一个老师,become a teacher,变得越来越好,become better and better,go,多接形容词,一般指的是由好变到坏,turn,多和颜色搭配;当接的是名词,名词前面不用冠词,变绿,turn green,变成作家,turn writer,grow,一般多与生长有关,come,多指由坏变到好,get,多指一种渐变的过程,比较级+and+比较级的结构,become,go,turn,grow,get,come,1.Wrong never right.,2.Fish soon bad in hot water.,3.

8、I was interested in music when I old.,4.My dream is to a doctor.,5.Leaves always yellow in Autumn.,6.It is darker and darker.,come,goes,grew,become,turn,getting,终止类系动词,prove,被证实是,这句话被证实是假的。,This sentence proves false.,turn out,最后,终于,证实他是对的。,He proves right.,他最后终于成功了。,He turned out successful.,三.表语,Y

9、ou look friendly.,He is a boy.,Five plus two is seven.,They are in the classroom.,My hobby is reading books.,形容词,名词,数词,地点介词,动名词,His job is to look after the children.,The question is what you want to do.,动词不定式,表语从句,当表语是happy、willing、sorry等表示主语的心情的形容词时,后面通常加to do,译为做是的,很去。,我很开心遇到到你。,I am happy to mee

10、t you.,听到这个消息,我很抱歉。,I am sorry to hear that.,我很愿意帮你。,I am willing to help you.,有这种父母,我感到很幸运。,I feel lucky to have this kind of parent.,主系表结构,主语,名词,代词,动名词,主语从句,系动词,属性类,延续类,表“像”,感官类,变化类,终止类,be,keep,remain,stay,seem,appear,loook,sound,smell,taste,feel,become,go,turn,grow,come,get,prove,turn out,表语,名词,形

11、容词,地点介词,数词,动名词,不定式,表语从句,1.What Mr White said sounds_. A. friendly B. wonderfully C. pleasantly D. nicely,2.The poor boy _ blind at the age of three. A. turned B. goes C. became D. went,3.His voice_ as if he has a cold. A. sounds B. listens C. hears D. seems,4.It _that he was late for the train. A. looks B. turns C. gets D. seems,5.These apples taste_. A. to he good B. to be well C. well D. good,6.When I went home yesterday, it was _ dark. A. going B. getting C. running D. coming,


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