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1、What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,过去进行时,含义: 表示过去某个时刻 正在进行的动作。结构: was/were + doing例句:I was having an English class at this time yesterday.,现在进行时,含义: 表示现在 正在进行的动作。结构: is/am/are + doing例句:I am having an English class.,A few days ago, a UFO visited the earth, a reporter is interviewing some peop

2、le where they were then.,bedroom,bathroom,barber shop,barber,kitchen,Word study,alien,Whats he doing now?,What was he doing at three oclock yesterday afternoon?,He football.,was playing,. He is playing football.,What was she doing at seven oclock yesterday morning?,She,Whats she doing now?,She,is ru

3、nning.,was running.,What are they doing now?,They,What were they doing at ten last night ?,They,are dancing.,were dancing.,Ask and answer in pairs Where were you at 6:00 yesterday evening? What were you doing ?,1 in a river swimming 2 in a park playing basketball3 in a shop doing some shopping4 at h

4、ome cooking 5 at home doing my homework,I was watching a TV program about UFO.,Did you see a UFO?,UFO: Unidentified Flying Object不明飞行物,What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,I was taking a shower.,Where were you when the UFO arrived?,I was in the bathroom.,I was sleeping.,What were you doing when

5、 the UFO arrived?,I was in the bedroom.,Where were you when the UFO arrived?,What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,I was doing the dishes.,I was in the kitchen.,Where were you when the UFO arrived?,What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,I was cutting hair.,I was in the barber shop.,Where were

6、 you when the UFO arrived?,What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,I was reading.,I was in the living-room.,Where were you when the UFO arrived?,Game Time,What were you doing at 9:00 yesterday evening?,Where were you when the UFO landed ?,1._I was in the bathroom.,I was getting out of the shower.,

7、I was sleeping late.,I was borrowing some books.,I was cooking dinner.,I was cutting my hair.,I was sitting on the chair.,2._I was in my bedroom.,3._I was in front of the library.,4._I was in the kitchen.,5._I was in my barber shop.,6._I was in the barbers chair.,1a. Match the statements with the pe

8、ople in the pictures. Page 18,d,b,a,c,e,f,Listen and circle the correct responses.,a. Standing in front of the library / studying in the library,b. Cleaning my room /sleeping late,c. Making a milk shake /cooking dinner,d. Getting out of the shower / talking on the phone,e. Eating lunch / cutting hai

9、r,Pairwork: -what was he/she/the man/ the woman doing when the UFO arrived?he was .when it arrived.,A: What was /weredoing when the UFO arrived?,Pair work,B: was/were ,Groupwork: What were you doing at last night?,过去进行时,含义: 表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作。结构: be (was/were) + doing例句:What were you doing at nine last

10、 night? I was taking a shower at nine last night.,summary,2a What happened to Ted?,What did he see?,2a Listen and order these statements 1-5.,The alien visited the Museum of Flight.The alien bought a souvenir.A UFO landed on Center Street.The alien went into a store.An alien got out of the UFO.,2,3,

11、1,4,5,2b Listen and complete the following sentences.,The boy was walking down the street a UFO landed.2. The girl was shopping she saw the alien getout. the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police. the alien was visiting the museum, theboy called the TV station.,when,while,while,whe

12、n,Comparing the following sentences:,The girl was drawing, when the UFO landed.,While the girl was drawing, the UFO landed.,While they were swimming, the alien got out.,They were swimming, when the alien got out.,比较 “when” and “while”,when “当.时候” ,引导时间状语从句 后面跟的动作较短, 常跟一般过去时When the UFO took off, the

13、 boy was taking photos,2. while “当.时候”,引导时间状语从句 后面跟的动作较长, 常跟过去进行时While the boy was taking photos, the UFO took off,Target Language:,比较 “when” and “while”,2. When the UFO landed, the boy was walking down the street. While the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed,1. When the alien got out,

14、the girl was shopping. While the girl was shopping, the alien got out.,Target Language:,=,=,Group work page 19,When the UFO took off, the girl was, while she was playing ,it took off.,Fill in the blanks with “while” and “when”.,1. Tom was eating supper, it began to rain outside.,2. What were you doi

15、ng, Mr. Zhou came in?,3. Peter was sleeping, a thief broke into his house.,4. She left her hometown she was five.,when,when,While,While,Grammar focus page 19过去进行时表示某事在某个特定的过去时间正在进行或发生。还表示一个历时较长的背景动作或情况,而一般过去时表示在此过程中发生或打断它的一个短暂动作或事情。As I was walking down the road, I saw Bill.Read the sentences on pag

16、e 19,An alien got out and walked down Center Street .,Dear Jack, I had a very unusual experience on Sunday .,At around ten oclock in the morning, I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me.,You can imagine how strange it was !,I followed it to see where it was going ,and I

17、was very surprised when It went into a souvenir shop.,While it was looking at the souvenirs ,the shop assistant called the police.,Before the police arrived , the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Flight .,While the alien was in the museum ,I called the TV station .Isnt that amazing

18、 ! Ted,播放,停止,Reading,Listen and read the e-mail message,首页,culture,Task2,Task3,Task4,Task1,Dear Jack, I had a very unusual experience on Sunday .At around ten oclock in the morning, I was walking down the street when a UFO landed right in front of me. You can imagine how strange it was !An alien got

19、 out and walked down Center Street . I followed it to see where it was going ,and I was very surprised when It went into a souvenir shop. While it was looking at the souvenirs ,the shop assistant called the police. Before the police arrived , the alien left the shop and then visited the Museum of Fl

20、ight . While the alien was in the museum ,I called the TV station .Isnt that amazing ! Ted,播放,暂停,排序,Read carefully(精读)Number the pictures in the correct order,经历,体验,about ,大约,奇怪的陌生的,跟随追随,令人惊异的,Task2,1,2,3,4,5,Retell Teds experience,Unusual experience. 10:00 am, walking, landedHow strange, got out an

21、d walkedFollowed, surprised, souvenir shopLooking at, called the policeBefore , left the shop, visitedWhile, called the TV station,星期天我有一次不寻常的经历。大约上午十点,我正在街上走着突然一个UFO降落在我面前.你能想象那有多奇怪。一个外星人出来,沿着中心大街走。我跟着它,看它正往哪去,我非常奇怪当它进入一个礼品店时。当它正看着礼品时,店员给警察打电话。在警察到之前,外星人离开商店然后参观了飞行博物馆。当外星人在博物馆时,我给电视台打电话。令人惊异吧!,Tell

22、 a story,首页,culture,Task,Task2,Task4,Task3,Try to find out the answers to the following questions.,1. Did Ted often see the UFO? How do you know that?,2. What did Ted think of the UFO?,3. Where did the alien go?,4. When did the reporter of the TV station come?,No, he thought that was a very unusual

23、experience.,He thought that the UFO was strange.,It went to a souvenir store and the Museum of Flight.,While the alien was at the museum, Ted called the TV station.,一次不寻常的经历,Explanation,1. experience: n,v.Does she have much experience of teaching?a pleasant experience 愉快的经历experience pleasure/ pain/

24、 difficulty2. followSpring follows winter. Follow the road and turn left at the first corner.Follow ones advice.Speak slowly, I cant follow you.3. police: (plural)警方There were over 100 police on duty.,What were you doing at these times last Sunday?,Make a survey:,Make a report:At nine oclock last Su

25、nday morning, I was sleeping. My friend li Qian was doing her homework,首页,culture,Task,Task2,Task3,Task4,When I ,He was doing,When I walked on the street, he was eating.,When they ,I did,While they were fighting with each other, I slept.,Shes shouting.,The dogs jumping down.,Hes scared.,The cats cli

26、mbing a tree.,Section B,shout,climb,What were they doing when you saw them?,jump,follow,1 Match the sentences with the pictures.,1. Hes scared.2. Its climbing a tree.3. Its jumping down.4. Shes shouting.,c,d,b,a,scared,cat,2a Listen. Check () the six things you hear in the chart.,a. the newspaper re

27、porter d. the womanb. the man e. Johnc. the cat f. the police officer,e,c,b,d,f,a,Pairwork: -while John was walking to school,- .he saw a cat in a tree.,当我走向学校时,我看到一只猫在树上。我爬了树。当我正爬树时,一个人看见我。他向我喊,我停下爬。猫想跳下来,但它太害怕了。然后发生了什么?那人叫了警察。当他叫警察时,一个妇女打电话给报社。你做了什么?我从树上跳下,猫也跳下。后来警官和报社记者到了。记者拍了照片登在报上。当他正拍照时,猫又上了树。

28、,1.what a day,感叹句, 后接名词或名词短语,how+ adj./adv+主谓部分What a nice day it is! 天气多好呀!How fine the weather is!How tall he is!What a tall boy he is! 他真高!2. shout at 向。喊叫3.jump down from, jump over the stone, jump onto the table, jump into a bus4. take a photo of 给拍照5. put in: 登载,发表 publish6. The price of veget

29、ables is going up.,他真高啊!你看起来气色真好啊!你真聪明啊!不要从树上往下跳。我正给他拍照时,他向我叫喊。Pairwork: while John, he.Walking to/ saw a catClimbing/ saw me, shouted at meCalling the police/ called the newspaperTaking a photo/ went up,Read the article. Then answer the questions.,1. What was Linda doing when Davy ran away?,2. Why

30、couldnt Linda see Davy?,Linda was buying a newspaper at the train station.,Linda couldnt see Davy because the stationwas crowded.,3. Where was Davy while Linda was looking for him?,4. What happened while Linda was looking for him?,Davy was outside the station.,Davy met another dog outside the statio

31、n.,5. What was Davy doing when Linda finally saw him?,Davy was jumping and running with another dog.,went,a,got out of,away,couldnt,shouted,While,another,were,think about,next to,found,当琳达正在火车站买报纸时,那狗出了箱子跑掉了。车站拥挤,琳达哪里也看不到大卫.当琳达喊叫他的名字时,一些人看他。当她正在电话上交谈时,大卫在站外遇到另一只狗。当警察正来时,琳达绕着车站走,叫着大卫的名字。她没想到向站外看。一个小男

32、孩对她说,你向外看了吗?我进来时看见一只大黑狗。当琳达最后看见大卫时,他正和另一只狗跳着,跑着。有一个警官挨着他们。我想我的狗找到了你的狗。,4aWrite a story according to these pictures.,Last Sunday, Feifei went to the park by bike at 11am.While she was watching some people swimming in the lake at 11:10am, a thief looked at her and her bike behind some trees.The thief

33、stole her bike while FeiFei was still standing and watching people in the lake at 11:15am.She found her bike was gone at 11:20am. While she was calling the police, she was crying.,4b PAIRWORK Role play. Student A was in the park last Sunday. Student B is a police officer. Talk about what was happeni

34、ng at these times.,A: Where were you at 11:00 am last Sunday?B: I was in the park.A: What were you doing there?B: ,11:00 am,11:10 am,11:15 am,11:20 am,11:25 am,happened,an accident,P: What were you doing when the accident happened?,A: I was riding my bike when the accident happened.,B: ,C: ,Intervie

35、w,Self check,1. Fill in the blanks with the words given.,take off get out land shout shop,1. The girl was when she saw a car accident.2. I was so tired this morning. It was difficult to of bed.3. My flight to New York from Beijing International Airport.4. It was raining when the plane in London.5. D

36、ont ! I can hear you.,shopping,get out,took off,landed,shout,Look at what He Yan did yesterday. Write what you were doing at these times.,While He Yan was at the doctors, I was going to the class.,While she was having English class, I was having a test. While she was having lunch with her mother, I

37、was playing in the park. While she was visiting her aunt in hospital, I was studying in the classroom. While she was going shopping, I was going home.,3. Circle the words that dont belong.,1. walk climb jump down alien2. bathroom bedroom newspaper kitchen3. barber UFO cut hair barber shop4. when sca

38、red while how long,Liu Xiang won the gold medal at the 2004 Olympics,on Aug. 27th,Beijing was made host for the 2008 Olympics.,Word study,flight,playground,bell,earth,plane,Im a hero.Youre heroes, too.,hero,terrorist 恐怖分子murder 谋杀;凶杀destroy 破坏;毁坏kill 杀死;致死,Title:Do you remember what you were doing?,

39、Reading strategy: The title can be helpful for you to understand a text. It is also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph before you read.,People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. In the United States, for example, many pe

40、ople remember what they were doing on April 4, 1968. This was one of the most important events in modern American history. On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed in the city of Memphis in America. Although some people may not remember who murdered him, they remember what they were doing when

41、 they heard about the event.,Even the most everyday activities can seem important. Robert Allen is now over 40. He was just a school student at that time, but he remembers what he was doing when he heard the news. “It was a bright, sunny day.” Robert remembers. “We were having fun in the playground

42、when the bell rang. Our teacher asked us to stop what we were doing and listen. He told us the news: “Dr Martin Luther King died just 10 minutes ago! We couldnt believe it!” School closed for the day, and Robert and his friends walked home together in silence.,Dr Martin Luther Kings murder took plac

43、e about thirty years ago, before many Americans were born. However, in more recent times, most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists. Even the date - September 11, 2001 has meaning to most Americans.,Not all events in history are

44、as terrible as this, of course. Many Americans also say they remember what they were doing when man first walked on the moon on July 20, 1969. In more recent history, most Chinese remember what they were doing when Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut in space. Yang went into space on Octob

45、er 15, 2003. His flight around the Earth lasted about 22 hours. When he returned, he became a national hero in China, and became famous all over the world.,Match the events with the correct dates.,Dr Martin Luther King was murdered.2. Yang Liwei flew around the Earth.3. The World Trade Center was de

46、stroyed in New York.4. Man walked on the moon for the first time.,September 11, 2001April 4, 1968July 20, 1969March 15, 1979October 15, 2003,Read the first sentence of each paragraph, then say T or F.(阅读每段句首,然后判断下列句子正误。),The writer will write some important events for example.2. People will forget s

47、ome everyday activities when they heard the important news.3. The writer will give some events which happened in recent times.4. The writer may give some more terrible events.,The writer will write some important events for example.,T,Martin Luther King 马丁路德金 (1929-1968),2. People will forget some e

48、veryday activities when they heard the important news.,F,What was Robert doing when he heard the news?What did the teacher tell him?After that, what did he and his friends do?,Robert and his friends walked home together in silence.,3. The writer will give some events which happened in recent times.,

49、T,World Trade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists on September 11,2001.,4. The writer may give some more terrible events.,F,How long was Yang Liweis flight in the space?,His flight around the Earth lasted about 22 hours.,What do you think of him?,He is a national hero.,1. hear about, 听说 l

50、isten:注意地听I heard about your accident.Let us hear from you as soon as possible.Can you hear me?2. seem+adj./n./to do./like/that.This problem seems interesting.He seemed a happy man.You seemed to be interested.After what seemed like hours, he came out with a smile.I cant seem to get to sleep at night


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