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1、苏教译林版三年级英语上册全册精品课件,Unit 1 I like dogs Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad Unit 3 How many?Unit 4 I can play basketballUnit 5 Our new homeUnit 6 At the snack bar Unit 7 How much?Unit 8 Dolls,Unit1 I like dogsStory time,Welcome back to school!,动画欣赏,dog 小狗,dog,dogs,I like dogs. 我喜欢小狗Do you like dogs?你喜欢小狗吗?

2、,Do you like?你喜欢吗?,Yes, I do. 是的,我喜欢。,No, I dont. I like不,我不喜欢,我喜欢的是,What animals are on the zoo?,animals,What other animals are on the zoo?想象一下动物园里还有哪些动物呢?,animal,动物,cat 猫,anda 熊猫,elephant 大象,horse 马,lion 狮子,monkey 猴子,tiger 狮子,Lets talk,Are they on a farm?,Who are they?,Where are they?,What are the

3、y going to talk about?他们将要谈论些什么呢?,Watch the cartoon,Story time,Try to say,Look at these toy animals, boys and girls.,Wow!,Listen and tick,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),Listen to the tape and tick what they are talking about.听录音,勾出他们谈论的动物,True or false,Yang Ling: I like cats. They are cute.Su Hai:

4、I dont like dogs. I like horses.Mike: I dont like dogs. I like pandas.,Try to say,cute and fat,可爱的,胖,Listen to the tape again. Fill in the blanks.再次听课文录音,完成填空练习,Look at , boys and girls.Wow.Look at !I like . ItsI like dogs. , Su Hai?Yes,Do you like dogs, Mike?No, I like . Theyre and .,these,toy,anim

5、als,this,cat,cat,cute,Do you like dogs,I do,I dont,pandas,cute,fat,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read and act.(分角色读),Read after one.(跟一个学生读),Read together.(齐读),Lets read,Read by turns.(轮流读),Act it out,加上丰富的表情和动作表演更生动!,Look at,I like cute,I like Do you like?,No, cute and fat.,Homework,1. Copy the new words

6、four times.2. Recite Story Time after class.3. Draw an animal,Unit1 I like dogsFun time,Cartoon time,教学目标,1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写单词cat,dog,elephant,horse,lion,monkey,panda,tiger2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型Do you like?并且会用Yes,I do.和No,I dont 来回答。3.能明白并理解名词的复数形式,理解like的后面用可数名词的复数形式4.能理解Would you like 和Do you like两个句型的使

7、用方法5.明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处,Review,对话练习,句型:Do you like? Yes,I do. No,I dont. I like,Fun time,Draw and say,Do you like?,Lets say,No, I dont. I likeTheyre,Review,Story time,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read and act.(分角色读),Read after one.(跟一个学生读),Read together.(齐读),Lets read,Read by turns.(轮流读),Cartoon time,Wo

8、uld you like a pie,Bobby?,No,thanks.,你想要.吗?,True or false,Bobby:I would like a pie.( )Bobby:I like cakes.( )Sam:I dont like cakes.( )Sam:I have a cake.( ),跟读课文,注意语音语调,Sam: Would you like a pie,Bobby?Bobby:No,thanks.Bobby:I like cakes. Do you like cakes,Sam?Sam: Yes,I do. I have a cake here.Sam: Look

9、!Do you like it?,Lets act,Listen to the tape again. Fill in the blanks.再次听课文录音,完成填空练习,Sam: , Bobby?Bobby:No, .Bobby: , Sam?Sam: Yes, I do. here.Sam: Look!,Fill in the blanks(填空),Would you like a pie,thanks,I like cakes. Do you like cakes,I have a cake,Do you like it?,Summary,你喜欢.吗?,Do you like?,Woul

10、d you like ?,或者是,是的,我喜欢。,Yes, I do.,Yes, please.,或者是,不,我不喜欢。,No, I dont.,No, thanks/thank you.,或者是,Happy Animal Family,Do you like them?,Talk about the animals.和你的伙伴们谈一谈你喜欢或不喜欢的动物吧!,Homework,1.准备默写单词表单词和划线句子2. Recite Cartoon Time after class.,Unit1 I like dogsSound time, Rhyme time,教学目标,1.能熟练听懂、会读、会

11、拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.能初步会说本单元小诗:Little monkey4.能理解并且会读/g/,能总结归纳过去所学单词,Review,对话练习,句型:Do you like?Yes,I do.No,I dont. I like,Story time,角色扮演,Read the story,比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。A.自己单独读B.跟伙伴扮演角色读C.跟伙伴齐读,Cartoon time,给动画配声音,Would you like a pie,Bobby?,No,thanks.,I like cakes. Do you like cakes

12、,Sam?,Yes,I do. I have a cake here.,Do you like it?,Rhyme time,Little monkey,in the tree,Little dog,run with me!Little cat,on the mat,Little panda,cute and fat!,Little monkey,(和我一起跑),(在地毯上),Say again,g,My good little dog, Go and get my big bag on the log.,bag,dog,get,girl,good,我的小狗,去拿来在木头上的我的大书包。,An

13、imals are our friends,we should protect them.(动物是我们的朋友,我们应该保护它们。),Homework,1.完成部分同步探究练习2.背诵-Sound time和Rhyme time,Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad,Story time,学习目标,Have a guess!猜一猜,I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds. What am I? 我是一种水果,外面黄色,里面白色,并且有小黑籽。我是什么呢?,ba

14、nana,How to say 你喜欢香蕉吗?,Do you like these fruits?你喜欢这些水果吗?,grape,banana,mango,pineapple,Lets makea fruit salad.,notice,Lets常用来提出建议,意思是“我们吧”。如:Letsgoandplayfootball.,我们去踢足球吧。,Lets= Let us,fruit 水果,salad 沙拉,banana 香蕉,grape 葡萄,mango 芒果,ineapple 菠萝,看动画,回答问题,Story time,Story timeWhat are Miss Li and her

15、class doing?李老师和她的学生在干什么呢?,I have a pineapple.我有一个菠萝。I have a mango and an orange.我有一个芒果和一个橙子。,Liu Tao and Mike,Do you have any bananas, Yang Ling?杨玲,你有香蕉吗?No, I dont. I have some grapes.没有。我有一些葡萄。,Su Yang and Yang Ling,Su Yang and Wang Bing,Wang Bing, do you have a banana?Yes, I do.Here you are.Tha

16、nks.,Lets make a fruit salad!我们一起做一份水果沙拉吧!,Lets = Let us让我们.吧!我们一起.吧!make 做;制作make a card make a paper plane,What fruit do you have?你们有什么水果?,I have.,Do you have.?,这节课我们学习了什么?What do we learn in this lesson?,fruit我有.。 你有.吗? 肯定及否定回答。How to make a fruit salad.,Wash, peel and cut(into cubes).洗、去皮、切(块状)。

17、,1,2,3,Buy some fruit and a packet of salad.买些水果和一包沙拉酱。,Mix the fruit cubes with some salad.把水果拌上沙拉。,How to make a fruit salad?,Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad,Fun time,Cartoon time,学习目标,1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写单词a banana、 a grape、a mango、 a pineapple;复习水果类单词an orange, a peach,a pear,an apple。2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会

18、运用句型Do you have?并且会用Yes, I do.和No,I dont 来回答。3.能初步会用How many?询问可数名词的数量。4.能明白Cartoon time 的幽默之处,Review,抢答-快速说出下列食物的英文意思,口语练习,句型:Do you have?Yes. I do.No,I dont. I have,Fun time,Draw and say,Tips:,some 与any 的区别:相同点:some和any都可以表示“一些” 不同点:some用于肯定句和希望得到肯定回答的、表示邀请、请求的问句,如:Ihavesomepurplegrapes.Wouldyouli

19、kesomeapples?any一般用于否定句和疑问句,如:Doyouhaveanydogs?Idonthaveanymangoes.,Draw and say,I haveDo you have any?,Yes. I do.No,I dont.,Cartoon time,看图猜故事,看动画,然后完成练习,Choose the best answer:,1. Today, Sam is a .A. doctor B. cook C.magician D. teacher2. Sams stage properties are .A.mangoes B. pineapples C.apples

20、 D. Bananas,(道具),C,A,提示:magician:魔术师,跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调,Do you like mangoes,Bobby?,Yes,I do.,Look!One,two,three!I have a mango.,Cool!,One,two,three!I have two mangoes.,Wonderful!,How many mangoes do you have?Ha!Ha!,Lets learn,How many+可数名词复数+do you have? 你有多少?(how many 是对数量多少的提问)其答语为:I have我有,How many,Ac

21、t the cartoon,Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad,Song time,学习目标,1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.能初步会唱本单元歌曲:Do you like purple grapes?,Free talk,句型:I have a Do you have?Yes. I do./No,I dont. What do you have?I have,Review,抢答-快速说出下列食物的英文意思,Story time,分角色给课文配音,Cartoon time,分角色给动画配音,Act time,Li

22、ttle monkey,Look,what do I have?,What colour?,Do you like grapes?,Learn to a song,Do you like purple grapes?,Sing together,Do you like purple grapes,purple grapes,purple grapes?Yes,I like purple grapes.Oh!Theyre nice and sweet.,Do you like purple grapes?,consolidation,编歌曲,争做小小歌唱家:用今天新学的歌曲,改变歌词,进行编唱。

23、如:Do you like bananas?Do you like mangoes?,Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad,Sound time,Checkout time,学习目标,1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.能熟练会唱本单元歌曲:Do you like purple grapes?4.能明白字母Hh在单词中的发音/h/,能总结归纳过去所学新单词,Warming-up,Sing together,Sound time,Whos this girl?,Sound time,h,Helen,Helen,plea

24、se hurry.Have a hot cake with a cherry.,海伦,海伦,赶快,吃一个热的樱桃蛋糕,behind,have,horse,hot,hurry,Checkout time,Listen and match,Exercise 练习部分,1菠萝 A cool2一些 B pear3酷 C grape4精彩的D have5葡萄 E wonderful6梨子 F some7有 G pineapple8喜欢 H like,一、Look and match (连线),二、Choose the right answer.(选择正确的答案),( )1. Do you have _

25、toy animals? A some B any C a D an( )2._you like a big pineapple? Yes,please. A Do B Are C Would D Is( )3._you _an toy elephant? Yes,I do. A Do have B Do like C Would like D Are have( )4.How many _ do you have? I have five. A mangos B monkey C grapes D cake( )5.Look at these_ .They are sweet. A tige

26、r B bananas C apple D horses,B,C,A,C,B,三、句子改错,1.This is a elephant. _2.Whats this over there?_3.A bird is on the tree ._4.Do you have some grapes?_5.I like you toy horse. _,a an,this that,on in,some any,you your,Unit3 How many?第1课时Story time,学习目标,数字歌,Free talk,句型: What do you like?I likeDo you like/

27、have?Yes,I do./No,I dont.,a toy car,How many toys cars?,有多少个玩具汽车?,Watch the cartoon and try to find the answers,How many toys cars?,有多少个玩具汽车?,Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen 13 14 15,Lets learn,thirteen,fourteen,Lets learn,fifteen,sixteen,Lets learn,seventeen,eighteen,Lets spell,nineteen,Story time,Who ha

28、s 15 stickers?,剪纸,Helen,Can I have a look?,我能看看吗?,can 可以have a look 看一看,Story time,Listen and repeat,Look at my toy cars.,Theyre nice. How many cars do you have, Mike?,Thirteen.,Do you have any toy cars, Helen?,No, I dont.,What do you have?,I have some stickers.,Can I have a look?,Yes.,Theyre very b

29、eautiful. How many stickers do you have?,I have fifteen stickers.,Can I have one?,Sure.,Lets learn,1 :,Read in roles together.让我们一起分角色朗读课文吧。,ead,ets,Lets learn,2 :,Try to act.让我们一起表演对话吧。,ead,ets,Story time,Lets read and act!,Guess: What do I have?,Do you have any?,summary,你有什么?,我能看下吗?,我能有一个吗?,你有多少?,

30、Homework,1.自制调查表,进行调查。2. Copy the new words four times.3. Recite Story Time after class.,Unit3 How many?第2课时Fun time,Cartoon time,学习目标,1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen。2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have?I have /Can I?3.理解Cartoon

31、 time 的幽默之处,Sing songs,2. Chant 120,1. Number song,Lets play,If you see a number, read it out.如果你看到了一个数字,请把它读出来并表演出来。,If you see a thunder, please say “Oh, no! ”如果你看到了一个闪电,请说“Oh, no!”。,Number rain,twelve,fourteen,thirteen,sixteen,nineteen,eight,fifteen,one,eleven,three,10,review,Story time,读课文,以小组为单

32、位,选择一种喜欢的方式读一读课文。,Read and act.(分角色读),Read after one.(跟一个学生读),Read together.(齐读),Read by turns.(轮流读),Fun time,Do a survey,做调查,Lets do a survey,讨论:四人一小组,互相调查所有物。,I have _ ball. How many balls do you have?,I have _ balls.,a,twelve,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,table tennis 乒乓球,Cartoon time,Read and find,T

33、ask:自读课文,找一找鲍比会打乒乓球吗?,Can play table tennis?,No,but I can do this!,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Look and say,I have many balls. Theyre in that box.,I have a ball. Lets play.,Cartoon time,Look and say,How many balls do you have?,I have twelve balls.,Cartoon time,Look and say,Can you play table tennis?,N

34、o, but I can do this!,Cartoon time,Lets read and act!,数字13192. 当你想知道对方有什么,可以问:3. 当你想询问对方拥有物品的数量时,可以问:4. 当你想询问对方是否会打乒乓球时,可以说:,Summarize总结,本节课你学到了哪些知识?,thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen,What do you have? Do you have a/an/any?,How many s do you have?,Can you play table tenni

35、s?,Homework,1.准备默写单词表单词和划线句子2. Recite Cartoon Time after class.,Unit3 How many?第3课时Checkout time,Ticking time,学习目标,1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写本单元四会单词2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元四会句型3.能熟练会说本单元的小诗Cakes4.提高学生英语的听说读写的综合运用能力,完成补充习题全部练习以及同步练习的部分练习,Lets sing,Review,Story time,Read in roles together.让我们一起分角色朗读课文吧。,Review,Cart

36、oon time,Try to act.让我们一起表演对话吧。,Count the numbers,Say the last number,eighten,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,seventeen,fifteen,说出上一个数字,Free talk,句型:What do you have? I have,How many do you have?I have,Do you have any?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,Checkout time,数字13192. 当你想知道对方有什么,可以问:3. 当你想询问对方拥有物品的数量时,可以问:4. 当你

37、想询问对方是否会打乒乓球时,可以说:,Summarize总结,thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen,What do you have? Do you have a/an/any?,How many s do you have?,Can you play table tennis?,我能从1数到19。,我能用“How manydo you have?问问题。,我知道字母“l”的发音。,我能从1数到19。,我能用“How manydo you have?问问题。,我知道字母“l”的发音。,1.看看我的玩具小汽车。

38、2.你有多少本书?3.你有什么?4.我有一些贴纸。5.我能看一看吗?6.我能拥有一张吗?7.它们在那个盒子里。8.你会打乒乓球吗?9.不会,但是我会这样做!,Look at my toy cars.,How many books do you have?,What do you have?,I have some stickers.,Can I have a look?,Can I have one?,Theyre in that box.,Can you play table tennis?,No, but I can do this!,翻译,Exercise练习部分,你的文具盒里有多少支钢

39、笔?-四支。 _ _ _ do you have _your pencil box? _.,How,many,pens,in,Four,2. 你有什么?-我有许多盒子在课桌上。 _ do you _? I have _ _ on the _.,What,have,many,boxes,3. 我有十四个球。你呢? I have _ _. _ about you?,desk,fourteen,balls,What,Lets do!,补全对话,Fill in the blanks with “a/ an/ the”,1. This is_ dog. Thats _elephant.2. Can I

40、have a look at _ruler?3. I have _red apple.4. Would you like _orange car?5. Do you like _fat panda?,a,an,the,a,an,a,1. I have _ oranges.2. Do you have _ oranges?3. Would you like _ oranges?4. I can see _ oranges on the table.,Fill in the blanks with “some/ any”,some,any,some,some,Unit3 How many?第3课时

41、Checkout time,Ticking time,学习目标,1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写本单元四会单词2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元四会句型3.能熟练会说本单元的小诗Cakes4.提高学生英语的听说读写的综合运用能力,完成补充习题全部练习以及同步练习的部分练习,Lets sing,Review,Story time,Read in roles together.让我们一起分角色朗读课文吧。,Review,Cartoon time,Try to act.让我们一起表演对话吧。,Count the numbers,Say the last number,eighten,twelv

42、e,thirteen,fourteen,seventeen,fifteen,说出上一个数字,Free talk,句型:What do you have? I have,How many do you have?I have,Do you have any?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,Checkout time,数字13192. 当你想知道对方有什么,可以问:3. 当你想询问对方拥有物品的数量时,可以问:4. 当你想询问对方是否会打乒乓球时,可以说:,Summarize总结,thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen

43、 nineteen,What do you have? Do you have a/an/any?,How many s do you have?,Can you play table tennis?,我能从1数到19。,我能用“How manydo you have?问问题。,我知道字母“l”的发音。,我能从1数到19。,我能用“How manydo you have?问问题。,我知道字母“l”的发音。,1.看看我的玩具小汽车。2.你有多少本书?3.你有什么?4.我有一些贴纸。5.我能看一看吗?6.我能拥有一张吗?7.它们在那个盒子里。8.你会打乒乓球吗?9.不会,但是我会这样做!,Look

44、 at my toy cars.,How many books do you have?,What do you have?,I have some stickers.,Can I have a look?,Can I have one?,Theyre in that box.,Can you play table tennis?,No, but I can do this!,翻译,Exercise练习部分,你的文具盒里有多少支钢笔?-四支。 _ _ _ do you have _your pencil box? _.,How,many,pens,in,Four,2. 你有什么?-我有许多盒子

45、在课桌上。 _ do you _? I have _ _ on the _.,What,have,many,boxes,3. 我有十四个球。你呢? I have _ _. _ about you?,desk,fourteen,balls,What,Lets do!,补全对话,Fill in the blanks with “a/ an/ the”,1. This is_ dog. Thats _elephant.2. Can I have a look at _ruler?3. I have _red apple.4. Would you like _orange car?5. Do you

46、like _fat panda?,a,an,the,a,an,a,1. I have _ oranges.2. Do you have _ oranges?3. Would you like _ oranges?4. I can see _ oranges on the table.,Fill in the blanks with “some/ any”,some,any,some,some,Unit4 I can play basketball第1课时Story time,Listen, read and judgeRules(游戏规则): Say Yeah, Yeah, Yeah if y

47、ou think it is true. Say No, No, No if you think it is false.,Play a game,I can swim.,I can run.,Yeah, yeah, yeah!,No, No, No!,I can fly.,I can play basketball.,I can dance.,I can speak English.,I can sing.,Speak English,Sing & dance,Play sports,Welcome to Super Kids Club!,Can you read?,Can you act?

48、,Can you play sports?,Act time,Story time,I can! I try! Im a super!,Sports time,Sports time,Story time,Show time,Super kids club,A: Can you play basketball?B: Yes, I can. Look!A: Cool!/Nice!/Great!B: No, I cant. A: Its OK. Have a try!,Ask and answer,Can you play basketball? 你会打篮球吗?,basketball 篮球,Yes

49、,I can. 是的,我会No, I cant. 不,我不会,Can you play football?你会踢足球吗?,football 足球,Can you ?,jump 跳,Can you ?,skate 滑冰,swim 游泳,Notice,当别人表现很好时,我们可以用“very well”来形容。 如:He can play basketball very well.(他篮球打的很好。)当别人说“我不会.”时,为了鼓励他,我们可以说:Have a try.(试一试),Watch the cartoon and then answer the question看动画,回答问题,1.Can

50、 Wang Bing play basketball?2.Can Mike play basketball? 3.Can Liu Tao play basketball, too?,Yes,he can.,Yes,he can.,No,he cant.,1. Can Liu Tao can play at first(首先)?Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. 2. Can Liu Tao can play at last(最后)?A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant.,Watch and choose,Tips:跟读模仿,理解故事.,Listen


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