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1、定语从句专项练习题,1. Mary lives in the room, the door _ opens east. A. of it B. of which C. of that D. whose 2. The engineer _ my father is talking has just come from abroad. A. with whom B. with who C. with which D. that 3. He lives in a hotel, _ is only five minutes walk from here. A. that B. which C. in

2、which D. where 4. Is there anything _ I can do for you? . A. which B. who C. as D. that 5. The speaker will tell us about some writers and their works _are known to us. which B. that C. as D. who 6. This is the reason _ they are all against the plan. A. which B. that C. why D. what 7. It was not unt

3、il late in the evening _ the traveler found a hotel. A. which B. that C. as D. where 8. I didnt like the way _ she spoke to me. A. which B. that C. how D. as,单项选择,B,A,B,D,B,C,B,B,9. The bike and its rider _ had knocked down the boy were taken to the police. A. who B .that C. which D. whom 10. It was

4、 at our college library _ I borrowed the novel. A. which B. in which C. that D. where 11. I have seen trees, _ open at sunrise and close at sunset. A. which the leaves B. of which leaves C. whose leaves D. its leaves 12. All _ is needed is a supply of oil. A. the thing B. that C. what D. which 13. T

5、he foreign guests, _ were scientists, were warmly welcomed at the airport. A. most of whom B. most of them C. most of which D. most of those 14. On the train I saw a student _ I thought was your sister. A. who B. whom C. which D. that,B,c,C,B,A,A,15. Is the river _ through the town very long? A. flo

6、ws B. that flows C. which flow D. the one flows 16. Put the letter _ he can find it easily. A. in which B. at which C. where D. which 17. Is this the university _ you visited last time? A. that one B. which C. the one D. the one what 18. This is the very letter _ I am looking for . A. which B. that

7、C. as D. what 19. I hope that the little _ I have been able to do has been of some use. A. which B. that C. what D. for which 20. Who _ has common sense will do such a thing? A. which B. that C .whose D. whom,B,C,B,B,B,B,21.The place _interested me most was the Childrens Palace. A. Which B. where C.

8、 what D. in which22.This is the hotel _last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed23.Do you know the year _the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which24.That is the day _Ill never forget. A. which B. on which

9、C. in which D. when25.The factory _well visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which,A,D,C,A,C,26.This is one of the best films _. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked27.Can you lend me the book _t

10、he other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked28.The pen _he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which29.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of _sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that30.The engineer _my

11、father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom31.It there anyone in your class _family is in the country? A. who B. whos C. which D. whose,A,A,A,C,D,D,32.He talked a lot about things and persons _they remembered in the school.A. which B. that C. whom D. what33.T

12、he letter is from my sister, _is working in Beijing.A. which B. that C. whom D. who34.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of _are women.A. them B. which C. whom D. who35.Youre the only person _Ive ever met _could do it.A. who;/ B./; whom C. whom;/ D./; who36.I lost a book, _I cant rem

13、ember now.A. whose title B. its title C. the title of it D. the title of that37.Last summer we visited the West Lake, _Hangzhou is famous in the world. A. for which B. for that C. in which D. what,B,D,C,D,A,A,38. I have two grammars, _are of great use.A. all of which B. either of which C. both of th

14、at D. both of which39.I can never forget the day _ we worked together and the day _ we spent together.A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when40. My neighbours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _ was very kind of them.A. who B. which C. that D. it 41.This is the reason

15、_he didnt come to the meeting.A. in which B. with which C. that D. for which42.This machine, _for many years, is still working perfectly.A. after which I have looked B. which I have looked afterC. that I have looked after D. I have looked after,D,A,B,D,B,43.The reason _he didnt come was _he was ill.

16、 A. why; that B. that; why C. for that; that D. for which; what44.He is working hard, _will make him pass the final exam. A. that B. which C. for which D. who45This is the factory _ they visited the other day Athat Bwhere Cto which Dwhat46Jeanne was her old friend,_ she borrowed a necklace Afrom who

17、 Bfrom whom Cto that Dto whom47. This book is for the students _ native language is not English Athat Bof whom Cwhose Dwhose48He built a telescope_ he could study the skies Ain which Bthrough that Cfrom which Dthrough which,A,B,A,B,C,D,49. Xiao Huang,_ your good friend, will try her best to help you

18、 out Awho is Bwho am Cthat am Dwhat is50His glasses,_ he was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broke Awhich Bwith which Cwithout which Dthat51. He has two Chinese-English dictionaries,_ were bought last week Atwo of which Bboth of which Cboth of them Dall of whom52She is a teacher of much know

19、ledge,_ much can be learned Awho Bthat Cfrom which Dfrom whom53A saleswoman is _ sells goods Aa thing that Bsomething that Ca woman who Da woman what,A,C,B,D,C,54.This is the magazine _ I copied the paragraph. A. that B. which C. from that D. from which 55. You can depend on whatever promise _ he ma

20、kes. A. / B. why C. when D. whose 56. Smoking, _ is a bad habit, is, however, popular. A. that B. which C. it D. though 57. - Did you ask the guard _ happened?- Yes, he told me all _ he knew. A. what; that B. what; what C. which; which D. that; that 58. I shall never forget those years _ I lived on

21、the farm with the farmers, _ has a great effect on my life.A. when; who B. that; which C. which; that D. when; which,D,A,B,A,D,59. The number of the people who _ cars _ increasing. A. owns; are B. owns; is C. own; is D. own; are 60. Is oxygen the only gas _ helps fire burn? A. that B. / C. which D.

22、it 61. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, _ he could see _ was going on inside house. A. which; what B. through which; what C. through that; what D. what; that 62. I have bought two pens, _ writes well. A. none of them B. neither of them C. neither of which D. none of which 63. All that can be

23、eaten _ eaten up. A. are being B. has been C. had been D. have been,C,A,B,C,B,64. This is the bag _ my mother bought yesterday. A. that B. who C. whom D. this65. The man _ lives next to us is my English teacher. A. whom B. which C. who D. /66. The only language _ is easy to learn is the mother tongu

24、e. A. which B. that C. / D. it67. The girl handed everything _ she had picked up in the street to the police. A. which B. in which C. that D. all68. _ cleans the blackboard should be praised. A. That B. Who C. The one who D. The students who69. Please show me the book _ you bought yesterday. A. whic

25、h B. whom C. whose D. this,A,C,B,C,C,A,70. This is the best book _ I have been looking for all this year. A. who B. whom C. which D. /71. This is the only article of these that _ written by him. A. was B. were C. is D. are72. The man _ was here just now is a doctor. A. whom B. who C. / D. he73. The

26、boy _ has two lovely dogs. A. who live next door B. which lives next door C. whom lives next door D. that lives next door74. Those _ made no mistakes in todays exercises please raise your hands. A. which B. whom C. that D. who,D,C,B,D,D,75. Dont go in, this is the shop _ we have just been _. A. /, t

27、o B. that, / C. where, to D. which, there76. He is the most careful boy _ I know. A. what B. which C. as D. ./ 77. This is the school _ Mr. Smith once taught. A. in that B. when C. where D. there78. Have you visited the house _ the famous scientist was born? A. where B. in that C. that D. which79. T

28、he factory _ Mr. Li used to work was closed last week. A. when B. where C. that D. which80. Do you still remember the day _ we first met? A. that B. when C. what D. on that,A,D,C,A,B,B,81. The time _ we studied together is not easily forgotten. A. which B. when C. where D. in which82. October 1,1949

29、 is the day _ well never forget. A. when B. that C. where D. in which83. October 1,1949 was the day _ the Peoples Republic of China was founded. A. which B. when C. where D. in which84. Is this the shop _ sells childrens clothing? A. which B. where C. in which D. what85. Is this museum _ they visite

30、d last month? A. that B. which C. where D. the one86. I still remember the sitting-room _ my mother and I used to sit in the evening. A. what B. which C. that D. where,B,B,B,A,D,D,87. Is this the factory _ you visited the other day? A. that B. where C. in which D. the one88. Is this factory _ some f

31、oreign friends visited last Friday? A. that B. where C. which D. the one89. Is this the factory _ he worked ten years ago? A. that B. where C. which D. the one90. The wolves hid themselves in the places _couldnt be found. A. that B. where C. in which D. in that91. Here is so difficult a question _.

32、A. that no one can answer B. which nobody can answer it C. as no one can answer it D. as nobody can answer,A,D,B,A,A,92. The reason is _he is unable to operate the machine. A. because B. why C. that D. whether93. Who can think of a situation _ this idiom can be used? A. which B. that C. where D. in

33、that94. May the fourth is the day _ we Chinese people will never forget. A. which B. when C. on which D. about which95. We are going to spend the Spring Festival in Guangzhou, _ live my grandparents and some relatives. A. which B. that C. who D. where96. He has two sons, _ work as chemists. A. two o

34、f whom B. both of whom C. both of which D. all of whom,C,C,A,D,B,97. It was in 1969 _ the American astronaut succeeded in landing on the moon. A. that B. which C. when D. in which98. His composition won first prize, _ made him too happy to sleep for nights. A. what B. thatC. which D. where99. (08浙江8)Yesterday she sold her car, _ she bought a month ago. A. when B. where C. that D. which100. (07山东30)Where did you get to know her?It was on the farm we worked. A.that B.there C.which D.where,c,c,D,D,


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