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1、2020雅思报名常识成功报考必知 几乎所有要去英语国家的留学学生都需要参加雅思考试。今天就给大家带来了雅思报名常识成功报考必知,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思报名常识 成功报考必知1。雅思报名要求-证书要求雅思只接受以下身份证件:来自中国大陆、香港及澳门的候选人须以有效身份证或护照注册,台湾籍考生须注册有效的台湾居民通行证(台湾网卡),非中文考生须以有效护照注册。中国军人持有有效的军人证或身份证。雅思不接受的身份证件包括但不限于:户口簿、户籍证书、驾照、学生证、工作证、香港和澳门通行证等。1.1网上注册的个人信息确认每位考生有责任如实填写在线雅思考试报名表,确保个人信


3、段审查考生的身份。2。转账和取款考生可在转学或退学登记截止日期前登录注册网站。转账费用是必需的,只有部分退款可用于退款。特殊情况下,在注册截止日期后申请回避的,应当在规定的期限内提供足够的证明材料,经英国文化委员会考试部门(在中国担任英国驻中国大使馆/领事馆负责人)批准。文化教育部)。过户申请在登记截止日期后不再受理。三。候选人照片考生须在参加笔试的6个月内携带本人照片,并在照片背面填写姓名和考试编号。考生进入考场时,必须将照片交给监考员。具体要求如下:肩部上方彩色无冠照片(双耳外露);白色背景;照片尺寸与护照标准照片(33mm x 48mm)。考生未按时出示所需照片的,不得参加考试,不得转学

4、、退学、退学。英国文化委员会(作为英国大使馆/领事馆文化教育部在中国工作)保留在考试当天拍摄考生照片的权利,恕不另行通知。这张照片将用于识别候选人并打印在成绩单上。未按要求在考试结束前完成照片的考生将无法收到考试成绩单。被检查人拒绝拍照的,不能参加考试,不得转让、撤回或者退还费用。考生的照片将严格保密,仅用于雅思相关事宜。4。雅思考试报名住店手续办理时间听力/阅读/写作考试:考试日上午建议考生在考试当天上午8:00报到,排队进入笔试教室。超过8:30到达笔试室的考生将被取消笔试资格,不得转学、退学、退学。雅思大作文:it is important to build more public pa

5、rks or sports facilities雅思大作文题目:When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own

6、knowledge or experience.作文范文:While the price of real estate is rocketing in metropolitan cities in recent decades, the living space for city dwellers is drastically squeezed. This situation does not only mean the square meter of their home, but also refer to the outdoor public space and commercial b

7、uildings they are allowed to utilize.City residents need space to do outdoor activities. They need to walk their dogs, do exercises, or play with their little children. Equipped with some sports facilities, these places can serve a role of encouraging physical activities and healthy lifestyles. Publ

8、ic open space also facilitates local residents to meet their neighbors and feel to be included in a community. This sense of belonging can be vital for the establishment of a healthy and safe cohesive community. Open areas are the most significant for children. Especially for those children with no

9、siblings, the public ground around their home is the place where they regularly socialize with their peers in their neighborhood.Of course, plazas, gardens and parks occupy land, posing a real challenge for metropolis planners, who have to balance between the growing demand for residence as well as

10、commercial buildings and recreational infrastructures. Furthermore, the size of such facilities should also be under scrutiny. A large civic central square does not actually serve a better function for local residents than a smaller one around home because the distance travelled between would be lon

11、g, and this inconvenience can discourage people from regular participation. Imagine the Tiananmen Square, not in Beijing but in a town with small population in a regional area. Would it serve its best to local people?Therefore, here is my conclusion that citizens deserve large commercial shopping ce

12、ntres for recreational purposes. In the meantime, small sporting facilities ought to be established outside each residential quarter.雅思阅读技巧:完成图表题完成图表、示意图题型(table、chart or diagram completion)这部分题型是要根据*所给出的信息,将图表内缺失的内容(或数据)填补出来。在IELTS阅读测试中,有很多种图表及示意图。这些图表中虽然词/语不多,但却能够明确说明问题的答案。通常这些图表会附在所给阅读*之内,作为*的一部分。切记不可忽略这些图表。图表填空的关键在于分析图表中已存在的文字信息点所在,然后根据已给出的信息点寻找对应的信息。完成图表、示意图题答题步骤:1. 详细查看答题指引,以确定图表为何种信息。2. 查看例句,了解图表内容及答题方式。3. 查看图表题目栏中词语及数字符号。4. 查看图表中的说明及注释部分。5. 利用问句中的关键词语,在所给图表中寻找答案。


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