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1、Lecture 9,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,形容词比较级和最高级的构成,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,副词比较级和最高级的形式,形容词与副词比较级和最高级的基本用法,形容词和副词的比较结构,形容词比较级和最高级的构成,1. 形容词比较级和最高级的构成2. 不规则形容词比较级和最高级形式,形容词和副词比较级和最高级的基本用法,原级(positive degree)比较级 ( comparative degree) 3. 最高级 (superlative degree),形容词比较级和最高级的构成, 一般单音节词末尾加-er 和 est, 例如:strong-stronger-stronge

2、st 单音节词如果以-e结尾,只加-r 和-st,例如:strange-stranger-strangest 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有一个辅音字母, 须先双写这个辅音字母,再加-er和-est 例如:sad-sadder-saddest, big-bigger-biggest, hot-hotter-hottest, angry-angrier-angriest, clever-clever-cleverest, narrow-narrower-narrowest, noble-nobler-noblest 少数以-y, -er(或-ure),-ow, -ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加-er 和

3、 est (以-y结尾的词,如y前是辅音字母,把y变成I, 再加-er 和 est ,以-e结尾的词仍加-r 和 st ) 其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加单词 more和most。例如:difficult-more difficult-most difficult,不规则形容词比较级和最高级的构成,farther与 further older和elder,Who is_, Jim or Jack?- Jim. By the way, I heard that Jims father wants to send him to the US for _ education.A. older, fa

4、rther B. older, furtherC. elder, farther D. elder, further1) 用于家人之间表示长幼关系,通常用elder(在美国英语中也用older)。例:ones elder older brother 哥哥 the elderolder daughter 大女儿2) elder有时用作转义,指职位、身份较高的人。例:You are all elder statesmen. 你们都是政治元老/资深政客。,farther与 further older和elder,3) older专指年龄的大小而言,既可用于一个家庭成员之间,又可用于非同一家庭成员之间

5、。例:My elder brother is twelve years older than I. 我的哥哥比我大十二岁。MrChen is older than me. 陈先生比我年长。4) older只能用作形容词,elder 既可作形容词,又可作名词。例:Tom, you should be humble enough. They are all our elders. 汤姆,你要谦虚些,他们都是我们的长辈。5) 最后记住,older常与than连用,但是elder决不能和than连用。正:He is older than me误:He is elder than me,farther与

6、 further older和elder,2. farther 与further:1) 两者均可用来指实际的距离,既空间上的距离。例:We cannot go any farther/further without a rest. 不休息一下的话就走不动了。Its not safe to go any farther /further. 再往远走,就不安全了。 2) further还可用于比喻意义上的距离或深度,如时间、程度和数量等,表示“更多,更进一步”,是additional的另一种说法。例:We intend to stay for a further two months. 我们打算再

7、停留两个月。Have you any further questions to ask? 你们还有问题要问吗?,副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上一样。 1. 一般副词 hard harder hardest fast faster fastest late later latest early earlier earliest 2. 特殊副词 well better best much more most badly worse worst little less least 3. 开放类副词 开放类副词即以后缀-ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加-er或-est,而应在副词原形前加m

8、ore或most。如: quickly more quickly most quickly quietly more quietly most quietly,副词比较级和最高级的构成,形容词和副词比较级和最高级的基本用法比较级,1. 比较级 1)比较级通常由“形容词(副词)比较级+ than” 构成,表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、-ing结构和-ed结构,有时也可省去than。如: Mary is happier than Jane. 玛丽比珍妮幸福。(形容词和系动词用) He lives more hap

9、pily than I. 他过得比我幸福。(副词修饰行为词) 2)注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致。如: The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than it did for us. Sound travels faster through water than through air.,形容词和副词比较级和最高级的基本用法比较级,3)比较级前还可用much, even, still, a little等词语来修饰,表示“得多”,“甚至”, “更”,“一些”等意思。如: Japan is a

10、 little larger than Germany. 日本比德国大一点儿。 用“.times + 形容词的比较级 + than.”句式表示倍数;用“表示数量的词 + 比较级+ than.”来表示具体的比较差别。如: Our room is twice larger than theirs. 我们的房间比他们的大两倍。 He is a head taller than I. 他比我高一头。 A new laptop costs about _ of a second-hand one.(TEM4 2009)A. the price of three times B. three times

11、the priceC. as much as the three times price D. three times more than the price比较级句型:A is 3(4,etc.) times the size (height, length, width, etc.) of 表示倍数,意为“ A 的大小(高度、长度、宽度)是 B的三倍(或四倍等)”。4)隐含比较级 有时比较级并不一定出现than,这时通过上下文可暗示出。如: Are you feeling better now? 你现在感觉好些了吗?,形容词和副词比较级和最高级的基本用法比较级, 有些形容词在表示比较的时候

12、,用“to”而不用“than”。如: prior to 较早的,较重要的 superior to优越,高于 inferior to 下等的,次的 senior to 年长的,地位高的 junior to年幼的,地位低的 preferable to 更好的 The task is prior to all others. 这项任务比其他所有的任务都重要。 In maths he felt superior to John. 他觉得自己数学比约翰强。 He is two years senior to me. 他比我大两岁。 Health without riches is preferable

13、to riches without health. 贫穷但健康要比富有却多病更可取。,形容词和副词比较级和最高级的基本用法最高级,2. 最高级 1)最高级用于三者或三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词形容词最高级名词表示范围的短语或从句”(如of all, of the three, in the world, that has ever taken place等)。如: Of all the writers in England, William Shakespeare is the most widely known. 但是:John is the brighter of the tw

14、o boys.(比较级前定冠词the不可省)2)副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the。如: He runs fastest of the three. 三个人中他跑得最快。 3)当用介词短语表明形容词或副词最高级的比较范围,作介词宾语的名词或代词与句中的主语属同一类人或物,并把主语包括在内时,用介词of;如不属于同一类人或物,而只说明在某一时间、空间范围内的比较时,用介词in。,形容词和副词比较级和最高级的基本用法最高级,如: He is the tallest of the four boys. ( He 与boys属同类) He is the tallest in

15、our class. ( He与 class不属同类) a most interesting book,most expensive restaurants (这两个most=very)4)可以用原级、比较级、最高级三种形式来表示最高级的意思。如: She is the best student in her class. She is better than any other student in her class. No other student in her class is better than she. No other student in her class is as

16、good as she.,三种形式来表示最高级,He is the tallest in our class. He is taller than any other student in our class. No other student in our class is as tall as he. Freedom /Time /Love is the most precious of all the things in the world.Freedom /Time /Love is more precious than any other thing in the world.Not

17、hing in the world is as precious as freedom.Nothing else in the world is more precious than freedom.,三种形式来表示最高级,Jane is the cleverest of all the girls in the class.Jane is the cleverer than all the other girls in the classJane is the cleverer than any other girl in the classNo other girl n the class

18、 is as clever as JaneChina is the biggest of all the countries in Asia.The Yangzi River is the longest of all the rivers in China.Xiao Li studies the hardest of allXiao Li studies harder than anybody else.Nobody studies as hard as Xiao Li.Nobody else studies harder than Xiao Li.,比较结构,as adj/adv. as

19、Mary is as tall as Alice.He speaks English as fluently as his brother.not so/as adj/adv. asMary is not as /so tall as Alice.He doesnt speak English as fluently as his brother.,比较结构,as +many/much+名词+asThere are as many students in Class One as in Class Two.We have as much snow this year as last year.

20、not as/ so +many/much+名词+asThere are not as /so many students in Class One as in Class Two.We have not as/so much snow this year as last year.,比较结构,as adj. +n +asPeter is not as diligent a student as Mike.I dont want to attend as dull a lecture as this.She is as bright as she is witty.(同一个人的两个方面进行比较

21、)她不仅风趣而且聪明。This book is as interesting as it is instructive. (同一个物的两个方面进行比较)这本书不仅有教育意义而且饶有趣味。She is not as bright as she is hardworking.她勤奋但不聪明。This book is not as interesting as it is instructive. 这本书有教育意义但没有趣味。,比较结构,moreA (n/adj.) than B (n/adj)与其说B不如说AJohn is more daring than quick-witted. 与其说约翰脑

22、子灵活,不如说他胆大。He is more honest than silly.与其说他愚蠢,不如说他诚实。 less A than B 与其说是A不如说是BIt is even more a picture than a poem . 这与其说是一首诗,倒不如说是一幅画。It is less a picture than a poem. 这与其说是幅画,倒不如说是首诗。 He was less hurt than frightened.,比较结构,more than=veryA)相当于程度副词I was more than happy to hear of your marriage.The

23、y were more than pleased with her performance.B)带有否定意义The beauty of the West Lake is more than I can describe. 西湖之美简直难以形容。That is more than I can tell.那我可说不清。,比较结构,no+比较级 + thanJohn is not better than Tom.约翰不比汤姆好。John is no better than Tom.约翰和汤姆一样坏。no better than=as bad asno richer than=as poor asno

24、 bigger than=as small asno later than =as early asMary is no taller than Louis.The room is no darker than that one.,比较结构,no more +n than +n 两者都不是A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.鲸和马同样不是鱼。A bat is no more a bird than a frog.蝙蝠和青蛙同样不是鸟。He is no more a writer than a painter.他既不是画家,也不是作家。He is

25、no more an inventor than an engineer.,比较结构,no less adj./nthann 两者都是He is no less guilty than his wife.他和他的妻子同样有罪。A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.鲸与马一样也是哺乳动物。He is no less clever than his elder brother.他的聪明程度不次于他哥哥(或者和他哥哥一样聪明); He studies no less hard than John. 他和约翰一样努力(努力程度不次于约翰) She is

26、 no less beautiful than her sister. 她和她姐姐一样漂亮,比较结构,no more than“仅仅”, “不多于” 有“少“的含义no less than “不少于” 有“多” 的含义She earned no more than 300 dollars a week.她每星期只挣得300美元The rent cost her no less than 500 dollars a month.她每月所付房租多达500美元。There were no more than 20 students in the hall.There were no less tha

27、n 5,500 wounded.,比较结构,not so muchas=lessthan 与其说A不如说B (lessthan)It wasnt so much that I disliked her as that I just wasnt interested.与其说我不喜欢她,不如说我对她不感兴趣。It wasnt so much his appearance I liked as his personality.与其说我喜欢他的外表,不如说我喜欢他的为人。The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.与其说海洋把世界分开,

28、不如说海洋把世界连接起来。,比较结构,The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.评析:这里被比较的是两个不定式: to teach you things 和to teach you the art of learning.译文:学校教育的伟大作用不在于教会你多少东西,而在于教会你学习的技巧。The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in wh

29、at direction we are moving.人生的意义不在于你目前身在何处,而在于你心向何方。,比较结构,(just) as, so 正如, 也(用倒装结构) 如: Just as the soil is a part of the earth, _ the atmosphere. A as it is B the same is C so is D and so is,比较结构,Just as dark clouds cannot long hide the sun, so no lies can cover up the fact.乌云遮不住太阳,谎言掩盖不了事实。Just as

30、 food nourishes the body, so do books enrich the mind.食物滋养身体,书本丰富心灵。,比较结构,Just 也可以省去,比如,As you sow, so will you reap/so you will reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。As land is improved by sowing it with various seeds, so is the mind by exercising it with different studies.土壤因播种不同的种子而改良,智力用各科的学习来提高。As it is the mark of g

31、reat minds to say many things in a few words, so it is the mark of little minds to use many words to say nothing.大智者寥寥数语既能达意,寡智者口若悬河仍言之无物。,比较结构,The more the more越 越 The older I get , the happier I am.The more money you make, the more you spend.The more you argue with him, the less notice he takes.你越

32、跟他辩论,他越是漫不经心。天气越热,我们越累。The hotter the weather was, the more tired we were.计算机越小,价格越贵。The smaller the computer, the more expensive it is.,比较结构,The sooner, the better.The more, the merrier.more and more 越来越The prices are getting higher and higher.She speaks English more & more fluently.Household elect

33、ric appliances are getting less and less expensive.家用电器越来越便宜。,He is no more than a child. 他不过是个孩子。 He was regarded as nothing more than (=only) an amateur. 他仅仅被看作业余爱好者。,Any questions?,Review,more than.lessthanno more thanno lessthan.no darker thannot so muchthan,Thank you!,Ss of Education Class:Fini

34、sh exercise 9A 、9C & 9B at p194-197.Ss of G1& G2:Finish Exercise25B( p289) 、Exercise25F &25G (p293294)Get ready for direct speech and indirect speech!See you!,Exercises,1. Directions: In this exercise, there are fifteen sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose

35、the one that best completes the sentence.,B,D,D,1)E-mailing is much _ than long-distance calling. A. cheapB. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest 2)This question is _ more difficult than that one. A. rather B. quite C. very D. a little 3)Yang won the women 500 meters in the sports meet. She did _ of

36、all. A. good B. well C. better D. best 4)Among all of us he did the experiment _ . A. more carefully B. most carefully C. the most carefully D. more careful,B,Exercises,D,D,A,5)Would you please say it _ ? I still cant follow you. A. loudly B. slowly C. more loudly D. more slowly 6)Mum, this T-shirt

37、is much too small for me. Would you buy me a _ one? A. nice B. large C. nicer D. larger 7)Now China has joined the WTO. So I think English is _ useful than before. A. more B. most C. much D. many 8)I dont think Unit 3 is more difficult. I think its _ . A. more easily B. more easier C. much easily D.

38、 much easier 9)The young man drives _ than he did three months ago. A. much carefully B. much more careful C. much careful D. much more carefully 10)Mike is the oldest boy and is taller than _ boys in the class. A. the other B. any C. each D. all,D,D,A,Exercises,B,D,B,11)His sister is _ than he. A.

39、younger five years B. five years younger C. five year younger D. five younger years 12)The USA is one of _ countries in the world. A. rich B. richest C. more rich D. the richest 13)He thinks he is superior _ his classmates because his father is an important person. A. than B. to C. of D. with 14)Las

40、t year, Matt earned _ his brother, who has a better position. A. twice as many as B. twice as much as C. twice much than D. twice as more as 15)The climate of Japan is milder than _ . A. Canada B. in Canada C. that in Canada D. that of,C,D,Smoking is so harmful to personal health that it kills peopl

41、e each year _ than automobile accidents. A seven more times B seven times more C over seven times D seven times,“Do you regret paying_ as five hundred dollars for the painting ?”“No, I would gladly have paid for it.” A twice so much B twice as much C as much twice D so much twice,如:Their watch is _

42、to all the other watches on the market. A superior B advantageous C super D beneficial,The heart is _ intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain. A not so B not much C much more D no more,心脏和胃两者都不具有智力,他们都受大脑控制。答案为D,Exercises,2. Directions: In each of the following senten

43、ces, there are four underlined parts with one part improperly used. Identify that part and put it right in a proper form. 1)On the whole, ambitious students are much likely to succeed in A B their studies than are those with little ambition. C D 2) A great many teachers firmly believe that English i

44、s one of the A B most poor taught subjects in high schools at present. C D3)John chance of being elected chairman of the committee is far A B C greater than Mike. D,B,are more likely,C,most poorly taught,D,Mikes,Exercises,4)My knowledge of English literature is more inferior to hers. A B C D 5)The h

45、arder she tried, the more badly she danced before such a A B C large audience. D 6)The population of China is larger than any other country in the world. A B C D 7)That product that we sell at a slightly higher price is the more A B preferable to the one of a lower price. C D,B,inferior,B,the worse,

46、D,that of any country,B,cancel “the more”,Exercises,8)He took down the largest of the two dictionaries and began to A B search for the word he had misspelled. C D,the larger,B,Exercises,3. Directions: Put the following sentences into English. 1)我犯的错误比你多多了。 2)你的猜测与正确的答案相差最远。 3)我姐姐比你的大哥大3岁。,I made a l

47、ot more mistakes than you (did).,Your guess is the furthest from the correct answer.,My elder sister is three years older than/senior to your eldest brother.,Exercises,4)这个消息使教师们比学生还感到意外。5)汽油比前几年贵了一倍。 6)我感冒更厉害了。这次感冒是我最厉害的一次。,Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.,My cold is getting

48、worse. Its the worst cold Ive ever had.,The news was more surprising to the teachers than to the students.,Additional Exercises,1.The little man was _ more than one meter fifty tall.(1995-1-49)(1997-1-36) A. nearly B. quite C. hardly D. almost,2.If tap water were as dangerous as some people think _

49、would be getting sick.(1998-1-41) A. a lot of more us B. more a lot of us C. a lot of us more D. a lot more of us,3.Indeed, almost every scientist now finds it impossible to read all the works relevant to his own subject,_ extensively outside of it.(1993年1月六级题) A. much more to read B. much less to r

50、ead C. much less reading D. still more reading,4.The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is _ an anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.(2001年考研题) A. everything except B. anything but C. no less than D. nothing more than,5.The population of many


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