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1、形容词与副词,(一)形容词的作用1作定语,如: a careless driver2作表语,与系动词连用。如:The desk is clean .3作宾语补足语,用在cut, find, keep, leave, make, push, tear等动词之后。如:The news made everyone happy.,一、形容词,4与定冠词一起表示某一类人或物, 如:The rich and the poor live very different lives .,5作状语,表示伴随、原因、结果等。如:He went to bed , cold and hungry .,(一)副词的作用1

2、作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。如:He had worked hard all his life .(修饰动词)He is very diligent.(修饰形容词)You can find books on that subject quite easily .(修饰副词)Luckily she was in when I called .(修饰句子),二、副词,2作表语,表示地点及位置。如:They are downstairs.3作定语,如:The population here is getting smaller and smaller.,三、形容词和副词的区别: 1.形

3、容词修饰系动词,副词修饰行为动词。 She always looks _ .(美丽) She is always dressed _.,beautiful,beautifully,2. 形容词修饰名词;副词修饰形容词,副词和全句。 He has got a serious illness.(名词) He is seriously ill.(形容词) You can find books on that subject quite easily .(副词) Luckily she was in when I called.(句子),四、形容词和副词的比较等级,原级,1. 肯定 as adj. /

4、 adv. 原级 as,2. 否定 not as (so) adj. / adv. 原级 as,3. 倍数 倍数 as adj. / adv. 原级 as 倍数 the size (height, length, width) of,如:1. Mr. Sun speaks English as fluently as you.,2. This building looks not so (as) high as that one.,3. This room is three times as large as that one.,more most,worse worst,less least

5、,比较级,1. 构成形式:,- er,more,注意不规则变化,better best,farther farthest further furthest,2. 用法,A. 表示一方超过另一方 “ 比较级(-er/more) than ”,B. 表示一方不及另一方 “ less 原级 than ”,C. 表示 越来越 “ 比较级 and 比较级 ”,D. 表示 越 越 “ the 比较级 , the 比较级 ”,E. 表示 两者中比较 “ the 比较级 of the two”,F. 表示 倍数 “ 倍数比较级 than ”,3. 比较级前的副词或副词短语。,“一点点, 稍微”:a littl

6、e (bit), slightly, any, some“得多”:many, much, a lot, far, by far“更,甚”:even, still,4. 比较级句型表达最高级含义 + any other + 单数名词比较级 + the other + 复数名词 + any of the other + 复数名词Tom is taller than any of the other boys in his class . ( = Tom is the tallest boy in his class .),1. 形容词后置:A. 修饰some, any, no, every 等构成

7、的复合不定代词要后置。如: something new; nothing serious; anything interesting,五、形容词和副词的一些特别用法,B. else 修饰不定代词和疑问代词时,要后置。如: Nobody else is so silly as you are.,C. “enough”作定语时一般放在中心词前;但作副词时只能后置。We have enough food to eat. She is old enough to go to school.,E. 某些形容词,如: present (在场的,出席的), involved(有关的), concerned

8、(相关的), left (剩下的), mentioned (提及的), selected (当选的)等。如: the students present (出席的学生) the cost involved (所需费用),D. 以 a- 开头的形容词做定语要后置。如:alike, alive, alone, asleep, afraid, awake 如:He is the only man awake at that time.,2. 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序: 限定词(冠词,代词)-数词-描绘形容词(beautiful, good, interesting, kind)-特征形容词 (大小+长

9、短+新旧+颜色 +国籍+材料)-名词,1.This _ girl is Linds cousin. A. pretty little Spanish B. Spanish little pretty C. Spanish pretty little D. little pretty Spanish2. One day they crossed the _bridge behind the palace. A. old Chinese stone B. Chinese old stone C. old stone Chinese D. Chinese stone old,A,A,如: an ol

10、d Chinese stone bridge those large round black wooden tables,3. so和such的用法,A: 基本用法:such + n. /n.p.; so + adj./adv.,B,B: 修饰可数名词单数,so 和such可以互换;如:so good a student, such a good studentC: so 可加 many, much, few, little 等,而such不能。如:so many people, so little water,Can you believe that in _ a rich country

11、there should be _ many poor people? A. such, such B. such, so C. so, so D. so, such,4. 两种形式的副词close 与 closelyclose意思是“近”; closely 意思是“仔细地”He is sitting close to me.Watch him closely.,late 与 lately late意思是“晚”; lately 意思是“最近”You have come too late.What have you been doing lately?,3) deep 与 deeplydeep意

12、思是“深”,表示时间和空间深度;deeply时常 表示感情上的深度,深深地He pushed the stick deep into the mud.He often works deep into the night. Even father was deeply moved by the film.,high 与 highly high表示空间高度;highly表示程度,“高度地” The plane was flying high. I think highly of your opinion.,5) wide 与 widely wide表示空间宽度;widely意思是“广泛地”,“在许

13、多地方”He opened the door wide.English is widely used in the world.,6) free 与 freely free的意思是免费;freely 的意思是无限制地You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.You may speak freely; say what you like.,注意下列各组副词的区别 1) just - just now 2) rather - quite - fairly 3) yet - still - already 4) hard - hardly

14、 - rarely - scarcely 5) much too - too much 6) most - mostly - almost 7) especially - specially 8) every day - everyday 9) sometime - sometimes -some time,巩固练习:Its always difficult being in a foreign country, _ if you dont speak the language. A. Extremely B. naturally C. basically D. especially2. Wo

15、uld you be _ do me a favor? A. kind enough B. so kind as to C. so kind toD. kind as to3. The guide told us that he would organize some businessmen from abroad to have a tour _ the next month. A. some timeB. sometime C. some timesD. sometimes4. It is _ that his English is _ perfect. A. sure veryB. ri

16、ght rather C. exact fairlyD. certain quite,D,B,B,D,5. Alien had to call a taxi because the box was _ to carry all the way home. A. much too heavy B. too much heavy C. heavy too much D. too heavy much,A,1.She doesnt speak_ her friends, but her written work is excellent. A.as well as B. as often as C.

17、 so much as D. as good as2.Of all the story books, I like this one _. Its not interesting at all. A. very much B. the best C. very less D. the least,A,D,3.-If you dont like the red coat, take the blue one. -Ok, but do you have _size in blue? This one is a bit tight for me. A. a big B. a bigger C. th

18、e big D. the bigger4.If the manager had to choose between the two, he would say John was _choice. A.good B.the best C.better D.the better,B,D,5.Many people have helped with canned food, however, the food bank needs _ for the poor. A.more B.much C.many D.most6.This story book is not interesting at al

19、l. -Well, Ill lend you _one, Ok? A.the most interesting B.a most interesting C.most interesting D.much interesting,A,B,7.-Its so hot today. -It surely is. Its _yesterday. A.two degrees hotter than B.two degrees as hot as C.two degree hotter than D.as two degrees hot as,A,8.(2003北京) Our neighbour has

20、 _ ours. A.as a big house as B.as big a house as C. the same big house as D. a house the same big as 9.He insisted that those who worked _ than anyone else should get _ money. A.harder, the most B.harder, most C.hardest, the most D.hardest, most,B,A,10.Everybody says that this problem is _ difficult

21、 than the one you asked me about yesterday. A.a lot quite more B.quite a lot more C.a lot more quite D.very much more quite11.He is not _ as any of us, but he is brave enough. A.as a good player B.as good a player C.a player so good D.a so good player,B,B,12.The harder you work, _. A. the greater pr

22、ogress youll make B. the greater youll make progress C. youll make the greater progress D. youll make greater progress,A,13.Professor White has written some short stories, but he is _known for his plays. A. the best B. more C. better D. the most,C,14.(NMET2001全国) It is generally believed that teachi

23、ng is _ it is a science. A. an art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as,D,15.Toms handwriting is better than _. A. any other students handwriting B.any students handwriting else C.any of the other students D.any student handwriting16.(00上海) Greenland, _ island in the w

24、orld, covers over two million square kilometers. A. it is the largest B.that is the largest C. is the largest D. the largest,A,D,17.To my surprise he is _ than his younger sister. A. taller B. less taller C. less shorter D. less tall,D,18.(NMET2000上海春) Although Linda tried hard in the exam, she did

25、_ than her brother. A. more badly B.much better C. much badly D. much worse,D,V-ed & V-ing,1.(03北京春) Mr. Smith , _ of the _ speech, started to read a novel. A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring2. (03上海) It is believed that if a book is _, it will surely _ the reader.A.

26、interested;interest B.interesting,be edC. interested; be ing D. ing; interest,A,D,3._ that he didnt know what do do. A. So excited he was B. So exciting he was C. So excited was he D. So exciting was he,C,4.(NMET2004上海春) After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, _. A. exhausting B.

27、 exhausted C. being exhausted D. having exhausted,B,1.( 2004江苏) The _ house smells as if it hasnt been lived in for years. A. little white wooden B. little wooden white C. white wooden little D.wooden white little,A,描绘性形容词大小-长短-新旧-颜色-国籍-材料,修饰顺序,2.( 2004辽宁) John Smith, a successful businessman, has a

28、 _ car. A. large German white B. large white German C. white large German D. German large white,B,3.( 2004浙江) _ students are required to take part in the boat race. A. Ten strong young Chinese B. Ten Chinese strong young C. Chinese ten young strong D. Yong strong ten Chinese,A,4.(NMET2004上海春) I have

29、 worked with him for some time and have found that he is _ than John. A. more efficiency a worker B. a more efficient worker C. more an efficient worker D. a worker more efficiently,B,5.(NMET2004上海春) _, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful can careless. A. Strangely enough

30、 B. Enough strangely C. Strange enough D. Enough strange,A,6.It is said that there is _ in todays newspaper. A.nothing interesting B.interesting nothing C.nothing of interesting D.no interesting anything,A,高考演练,1.(NMET2004全国) Mary kept weighing herself to see how much _ she was getting. A. heavier B

31、. heavy C. the heavier D. the heaviest,A,2.(NMET2004上海) He speaks English well indeed, but of course not _ a native speaker. A.as fluent as B. more fluent than C.so fluently as D. much fluently than,C,3.(NMET2004湖南) That doesnt sound very frightening, Paul, Ive seen _. What did you like most about t

32、he film? A. better B. worse C. best D. worst,B,4.(NMET2003上海) The house rent is expensive. Ive got about half the space I had at home and Im paying _ here. A. as three times much B. as much three times C. much as three times D.three times as much,D,5.(NMET2003上海春) After supper she would sit down by

33、the fire, sometimes for _ an hour, thinking of her young and happy days. A. as long as B. as soon as C. as much as D. as many as,A,6.(NMET2002北京) All the people _ at the party were his supporters. A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important,A,7.(NMET2002上海) As far as I am concerned, education

34、is about learning and the more you learn, _. A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you are C. the more life you are equipped for D. you are equipped the more for life,B,8.(NMET2002上海春) The magazine is a(n) _ number. You can take it out of the readingroom. A.back B. past

35、 C. old D. former,A,9.(NMET2002全国) Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _ IQ. A. a high B. a higher C. the higher D. the highest,B,10.(NMET2002京皖春) -Im very _ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious. -Mm, it does have a _ smell.A.pleasant,pleased B.pleas

36、ed,pleasedC.pleasant,pleasant D.pleased,pleasant,D,11.(NMET2002京皖春) Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. _, neither of them could swim. A. In fact B. Luckily C. Unfortunately D. Naturally,C,12.(NMET2001上海) In recent years travel companies have succeed in selling us the idea that the further

37、 we go, _. A. our holiday will be better B. our holiday will be the better C. the better our holiday will be D. the better will our holiday be,C,13.(NMET2001上海) According to the new research gardening is a more _ exercise for older women than jogging or swimming. A. mental B. physical C. effective D

38、. efficient,C,14.(NMET2001上海春) I would be very _ if you could give me an early reply. A. pleasant B. grateful C. satisfied D. helpful,B,15.(NMET2001上海春) He left in such a hurry that I _ had time to thank him. A. almost B. even C. hardly D nearly 16.(NMET2001上海春) When you turn on the TV set, clear pi

39、ctures will _ appear on the screen. A.rapidly B.hurriedly C.lately D.immediately,C,D,17.(NMET2000上海) Youre standing too near the camera. Can you move _? A. a bit far B.a little farther C. a bit of farther D. a little far,B,18.(NMET2000上海春) There was no news; _, she did not give up hope. A. moreover

40、B.therefore C. but D.nevertheless,D,19.The old man is still in danger. He is _ than he was yesterday. A.as well as B.not worse C.no better D.more worse,C,20.(NMET2004上海) Some people like drinking coffee, for it has _ effects. A. promoting B. stimulating C. enhancing D. encouraging,B,21.Would you be

41、_ do me a favour, please? A. kind enough B. so kind as to C. so kind to D. kind as to,B,1.You cant sit on this newly bought chair_. A.comfort B.comfortable C.comfortably D.with comfortable2. The apple tastes _ and sells _ . A. well; well B. good; good C. good; well D. well; good3. Your answer sounds

42、 _ . A. correct B. correctly C. correctness D. correcting,C,C,A,4. There was a _ talk between the two teams last week. A.friend B.friendship C.friendly D.warmly 5. At the meeting, they kept _ all the time. A. silent B.silence C. quietly D. quite 6. They all looked _ at the master and felt quite _ .

43、A.sad; sad B. sadly; sadly C. sad; sadly D. sadly; sad,C,A,D,7.Mum, I think Im _ to get back to school. -Not really, my dear. Youd better stay at home for another day or two. A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough,C,8.we decided not to climb the mountains because it was raining _. A. ba

44、dly B. hardly C. strongly D. heavily,D,9.John was so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes _. A. open B. to be opened C. to open D. opening,A,10.(02北京) It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother. A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing,A,high / highly , deep / deeply , wide / widely , etc.,


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