1、雅思考试要考多长时间呢 雅思考试分为四个部分:听、说、读、写。不过,雅思考试考多久?今天就给大家带来了雅思考试要考多长时间呢,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思考试要考多长时间呢1. 雅思考试时间雅思考试每个月有2-4次,其中A类考试每个月有4次,G类考试每个月有2次,如果想要参加雅思考试,建议提前一个月报名。2.雅思各项考试时长雅思考试考多久?1)雅思听力雅思听力考试的时长为40分钟,有30分钟听的时间加10分钟誊写答案的时间。雅思听力考试分为四个部分,每个部分有10道题,所以总计有40道题。在播放听力材料过程中,考生有读题、写下答案以及检查答案的时间。在听力材料播放完
3、雅思口语雅思口语考试时间一般安排在当天下午或者第二天,看考场情况而定。预订的口试时间前30分钟到达考点并签到。口试截止入场时间为口试时间前15分钟。迟到考生将无法进入考场,无法参加任何考试科目,并不得转考、退考或退费,已完成科目的成绩将被取消。口试考试时间大约为11到14分钟。在完成口试后,请立即离开考场。不要与任何人谈及您的考试情况,否则会被视作违规,情节严重会被取消考试资格。雅思大作文:we should spend amount of time and money on the protection of wild animals雅思大作文题目:Some people hold that
4、 we should spend amount of time and money on the protection of wild animals. Some people argue that they should be spent on human populations. To what extent do you agree or disagree ?作文范文:n these days, with some improper human activities such as hunting rare animals and the extinction of some endan
5、gered animals, there has been an intense debate about whether too many resources, including time and money, are allocated to preserve wild animals.Proponents of this opinion may argue that human beings could have done more to safeguard wild animals from being extinct, so that less animals would have
6、 died out or diminished. After all, animals, as a key component of the whole food chain, exert a profound impact on the sustainability of an ecosystem. And every existent animal plays a crucial part in the nature balance. For example, the decrease of owls will lead to the multiplication of voles whi
7、ch are big eaters of crops. If the importance of protecting wildlife is underestimated, we human beings would be affected adversely in the end.However, considering the allocation of the taxes levied from citizens, opponents believe that the government has more issues related to human rather than ani
8、mals to give priority to, among which are education and technology, and there is no doubt that these two aspects are essential for human further development economically and environmentally; as a result the two industries give an impetus to the economic development of society, which will be conduciv
9、e to the protection of wildlife in turn. As long as the government has the ability to construct more conservations for diverse animals, and the awareness of valuing animals is cultivated among all the residents, the better living environment can be guaranteed for all the wildlife.From my perspective
10、, considerable significance should be attached to the preservation of wildlife, but in the meantime, other crucial projects should not be ignored, especially education and technology.雅思阅读技巧:完成句子题完成句子题型 (sentence completion tasks)完成句子题型就是先给出句子的一部分,未给出部分在*中找出,或者给出2-3个答案,由你选择一个。这种题型较难,要花一点时间仔细查看*中的有关部分
11、。完成句子题答题步骤:1. 详细阅读答题指引,获取必要的答题信息。2. 参考例句,确定答题形式。3. 利用语法知识确定句子缺失部分。4. 仔细查看所给句子的含义,并找出关键词语。5 利用所给部分的关键词语在*中找出相关句子。6. 在*中的相关句子里,选取缺失部分(即答案)。如果完成句子题型是以多重选择的形式出现,那么则要将选择答案部分列为问句的一部分,从中选取所需的关键词语,逐个与*中相关句子进行匹配。雅思阅读技巧:skimskim最重要的就做一些简单的标记。比如,应该把每段的主题词划下,这也是一种keywords, 只不过是整个段落的keywords。再者,一些转折意义的词,引出结论的词也应
12、该有所标识,因为那都是考点的潜在信号。如果发现该*出现了非常多的人名,在翻看后面的题型,很有可能出现人名理论配对,那在阅读这样的*时,就应该concentrate on每个人说话的内容,自然X.X.X predict, suggest, believe, hold, harbor, concept, conclude, reveal, assert, etc. 这样的词就是一种警示,你的KEY。提醒大家,边看*边做note-taking是一个非常好的阅读习惯,不仅可以有利于整体了解*脉络,也有助于后面题目定位过程中的回忆和提示。如果一篇*有heading题和主旨类的单选题,边划边阅读实为上策。Note-taking是对skim最重要的补充,也是大家在雅思阅读备考中最重要的一项工作,提醒大家,如果能够对这个部分相当的熟悉,就会在考试的过程中对整个内容都更快速的把握,也更加容易找到答案。雅思考试要考多长时间呢