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1、Welcome to our class,IPA-International Phonetic Alphabet,音标,International Phonetic symbols(国际音标),What are phonetic symbols?,the system or pattern of speech sounds used in a particular language,?,语音最小单位是音素。语言的语音都是由四十八个不同的音素相互组合而成的。,音 标英语共有48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。英语辅音和元音在语言中的作用相当于汉语中的生母和韵母。记录英语音素的符号叫做

2、音标。音标放在两条斜线(/),以免和字母混淆。,How many phonetic symbols are there?,国际音标,元音,分类:英语中共有48个音标,元音20个,辅音28个。,单元音,双元音,前元音,中元音,后元音,/i:/, /I/, /e/, /,/:/, /, /,/u:/, /, /:/, /, /:/,/eI/, /aI/, /I/, /I/, /e/, / ,/a/, /,辅音,爆破音,磨檫音,鼻 音,半元音,舌边音,/ p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/,/f/, /v/, /s/, /z/, /, /, /, /, /h/, /r/ ,/m/

3、, /n/, /,/l/,/w/, /j/,/tr/, /dr/ ,/ts/, /dz/, /t/, / /,破擦音,元 音,单元音 /i:/,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起,嘴角向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,适当拉长发音。与字母 E 发音相同。注意: “:”是长音符号,长元音往往比它相应的短元音长两倍以上。发音组合:eeeeaieei,/i:/,例词: he他 even甚至 sea大海 Tree树 feel感觉 deep 深的Tea茶 seat座位 reason原因Believeachievereceive接受.,单元音 / -/i/,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭抬起,比/i:/低,嘴型扁平。注意

4、嘴巴比/i:/大,发音比/i:/短。 发音组合:i,/i/ -/i/,例词: big大的 ship轮船 hill山脉 chicks雏鸡,元音/ e /,嘴形扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起。发音组合:eeaa,/e/,例词: pen钢笔 bed床 leg胳膊 wellBreadheaven marry anyman,单元音/,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形。是所有音标里面嘴巴咧的最宽的一个,同时嘴巴也要张大,上下齿之间可容纳食指和中指。发音组合:a,/,例词: am apple that hand,前元音发音规律/i:/i/ /e/ /,舌尖抵下齿舌前部抬起的高度逐步降低牙床张开的程度逐

5、渐加大,单元音/:/- /:/,舌中部稍抬起,舌尖微抵下齿,双唇扁平,发音较长。发音组合:orirerurear,/:/-/:/,例词:girl bird work wormterm burnsurfpearl learn,单元音 /,双唇扁平,舌尖微抵下齿,口张开比/:/略大发音组合:aeror o,/,例词:appear again alike teacher mother driver visitor doctor actor welcome,元音/,舌头后部的靠前部分稍微抬起,舌尖和舌端两侧触及下齿。双唇向两旁平伸。发音组合:uo,/,例词: cup run jump Flood,元音

6、/u:/,长元音,嘴形小而圆,微微外突,舌头尽量后缩。舌后部向上抬起,嘴巴要收的又小又圆,并且向外突出。与汉语中的“呜”音很像。发音组合:oooouu,/u:/,例词:zoo food cool pooltomb blue group,单元音/-/u/,短元音。嘴唇张开略向前突出,嘴形稍收圆并放松些。注意嘴巴的形状,嘴巴张开略向前突出,舌头后部略向上抬起,发短促音即可。发音组合:oouou,/-/u/,例词: foot-feed wood book push pull full should,元音/: /,舌头置于口腔底部,口腔完全张开,但是不成圆形。然后将舌身再稍稍向后缩.双唇也收的更圆更小

7、发音组合:aooawouoreauorar,/:/,例词: fork morning air porttalkballcall floorboughtthoughtcaughtnaughty,元音/-/,舌头置于口腔底部,口腔完全张开,但是不成圆形。然后将舌身再稍稍向后缩。,/-/,例词: cock shop job box,单元音/:/,长元音。口腔打开,嘴张大,舌身平放后缩,舌尖离开下齿,下巴收低一点,轻松发音。与“啊”发音有点像。,/:/,例词: car garden star guitar,你还记得前面出现过那些单元音吗?,/i:/, /i/, /e/, /,/ : /, /, /:/

8、 ,/,/u:/, /u/, /:/, / /,_,/ i:/ / i/ / e / /,/:/ / /u:/ /u/,/ / /a:/ /:/ / /,单元音 vowels (12个),双元音,/ei/, /ai/, /i/, /i/, /e/, / /a/, /,双元音/eI/ -/ei/,由e和i两个单音组成,/e/重读,/ i/轻读,口形由半开到合,与字母 A发音相同。发音组合:eiaaiay,/eI/-/ei/,例词: eight face cake wait rain day may,双元音 /aI/-/ai/,口形由开到合,牙齿由全开过度到全闭。发音组合:yiuy,/aI/- /

9、ai/,例词: my kite write bicyclebuyguy,双元音/i/,前元音重读,后元音轻读,双唇从圆到扁,口形从开到合,牙齿从全开到逐渐闭合,注意连贯性。发音组合:oyoi,/I/,例词:boy toy Boil noise coin,双元音/i/,前元音重读,后元音轻读,双唇始终半开。发音组合:eerearere,/I/,例词:beer deer ear fear near here,双元音/e/,前重后轻,舌端抵下齿,双唇半开.发音组合:airearareere,/e/,例词: hair bare pear Chairthere,双元音/,前重后轻,嘴唇由收圆到半开,口形

10、由合到开,双唇由圆到扁平。发音组合:oorureour,/,例词: tour poor sure gourd,双元音/a/,/a/重读,/u/轻读,口形由大到小。发音组合:ouow,/a/,例词:how now house mouth trousers,双元音/,口形由半开到小,与字母 O的发音相同。前面的音清楚而较长,后面的音圆唇,发音模糊而较短发音字母oowoa,/,例词: coat throw boat toe,那么你能说出所有的双元音吗?,/eI/, /aI/, /I/, /I/, /e/, / /a/, /,_,/I/ /e/ /u/,/eI / /aI/ /u/ /au/ /I/,

11、双元音 vowels (8个),元音总结,英语语音专题(二),辅音 Consonants (28个) 1.爆破音 p Practice makes perfect. b Barry found a big bug on her bed. t This is a hat, thats a cap. d The doorman told David to go down. k Dont kit the kitten. g A good beginning makes a good ending.,pbpay - baypear bearpen - Benpig - big,pbcap - cabl

12、ap - labtap - tabrope - robe,tdtown downtie dietear deartouch Dutch,tdbent bendright ridelent lendbet bed,speak spit spy study star start sky school screen,kgKate gatecard guardcould goodcoat goat,kgpick pigflak flagback bagLock log,2.鼻音 m May I have some milk, mum? n Nora knows the new comer. Lingl

13、ing is listening to the song.,Compare n n ng /nk inink sin-sing thin-thing thanthank son-song,3.摩擦音 f If you buy fish, make sure its fresh. v Victor is very clever. Thank you for your table cloth. Those are far and these are near. s Sandy has a new swimming suit. z What size of shoes does Daisy wear

14、?, sure, she, social, nation Wash the fish, please. pleasure, televisionGeorge measured the garage with pleasure. h have hot, who whole hate houseHelen holds her hands. r read, write, wrongAre you ready to read?,4.破擦音 t He teaches children how to play chess. d John likes to tell jokes. tr Therere lo

15、ts of trucks in the street. dr He likes strong drinks. ts The students are wearing white shirts. dz Take away your dirty hands.,5) 舌边音: l land, world 如果在后面 读 little, middle, castle,puzzleWhat a beautiful bicycle!6) 半元音: w wall, what, answer The homework every week is very hard. j yes yellow yearYes,

16、 your yellow skirt is wet.,light night rightlock knock rocklot not rotlead need readlice nice rice,compare:,1. Red lorry卡车, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry. 2. Lets look for leaves in the large lake with a long ladder梯.,Tongue twisters,英语辅音字母中有 3 个辅音m,n,l是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节,也叫成音节。它们构成的音节往往出现在词尾,一般是非重读音节。如:apple pl , table teibl,middle midl, little litl,garden ga:dn,lesson lesn, physical fisikl , realism ri:lizm 等等。,_, p b t d k g , f v sz, h w j , t d , tr dr tsdz,m n l r , ,总结,


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