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1、八年级英语下册补全对话专项复习,(一)解题技巧1.阅读全文,了解大意2.看空格前后单词,注意固定短语和常见句型搭配.3.注意时态和语态4.复读对话,检查主谓一致,名词单复数5.平时朗读背诵听力材料,重点默写对话中 的形 容词,名词,动词。 ( 二)真题演练,补全对话(一)A: Hi ,Tony ,where did you go this summer vacation?B: Hi ,Rita ,I went to Sandy Beach.A: What was the weather 1 _ here?B: The weather was very good ,It was 2 _ hot

2、3 _ cold.A: Did you go4 _?B: yes ,I surfed a lot with my father.A:You5 _a very good time there,6 _ you?B: Of 7 _.In fact, I cant 8 _ to go there next summer vacation,like,neither,nor,surfing,had,didnt,course,wait,bu,补全对话二A: You look unhappy. Whats the 1_?B: Oh,my jeans are out of 2_,I dontWant to 3_

3、 them to school.A: Why dont you buy a new 4_of jeans.B: Maybe you could get a 5_ job.What about 6 _ as a clerk in the supermarket after school.A: Oh ,I cant, my parents will 7_about me if I get home 8 _.B: Why not 9_ some money from your friends?B: It sounds a good 10_.youre kind-hearted.,matter,sty

4、le,wear,pair,Part-time,working,complain,late,borrow,idea,补全对话(三)A: Excuse me, Can I sit here?B: Of course. 1_ sits here.A: Would you mind 2_ your backpack?B: Sorry, Ill do it right 3 _.Sit down,please.A: I want to take a rest .Could you please 4_down the radio? Its a bit too5_.B: OK, Ill do it in a

5、6_.A: Oh, my watch doesnt 7_.Would you mind telling me what the 8_is now? B: 9 _ at all. Its9:30.A: My train will arrive at 10:30. Would you mind 10_up me if Im asleep?B: Sure, thats no 11_.,nobody,moving,away,turn,loud,minute,work,time,Not,waking,problem,补全对话四A: Excuse me, can I 1_your homework?B:

6、Im 2_ not. But 3_ do you want to copy my homework.A:I 4 f_ to do 5 m _.B:I dont think this is a good 6_for you to copy it. A: Why do you think 7_ ?B: Because it will start a bad 8_.You should do your 9_ work by 10_.A:OK,I think maybe you are right, can you 11_me with it?B: Sure. Lets do it right now.A:12_ 13 _.,copy,afaid,why,ailed,ine,idea,so,habit,own,yourself,help,Thank,you,


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