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1、托福口语有哪些高分应试技巧 托福口语有哪些高分应试技巧呢?今天给大家带来了托福口语有哪些高分应试技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语有哪些高分应试技巧新托福IBT 增加了口语考试,这对于我们中国学生来说是比较头疼的一个考试项目,想要IBT取得高分,突破口语大关相当重要。要想突破IBT口语,首先还是要实实在在的从基础做起。口语是个累积的过程,那么平日的练习必不可少。就IBT考试的出题重点来看,还是主要针对校园生活。所以平日可以在这方面多放一些注意力。多听听有关这方面的资料,可以起到事半功倍的效果。另外,还要求考生具备在英语环境下听课并作课堂笔记的能力。所以平时要学会

2、做笔记,这也是IBT考试的一个新的特点,在写作中也用得到。再者,要锻炼比较、总结并阐述自己观点的能力;及能够用英文处理校园生活中出现的问题的能力。这些对口语分数的提高都有很大的帮助。就IBT考试出题的题型来看,主要是独立型和综合型. 所谓独立题型就是我们传统的考试题型,一问一答的形式。有十五秒的准备时间,然后用四十五秒钟将回答通过麦克风录入电脑. 综合题型是综合了读-READING, 听-LISTENING和说-SPEAKING 三种能力融合在一起进行测试的,对于中国考生来说是一种新的题型。考试过程中先提供一篇很短的*,用四十五秒钟读完.然后再听一段同样主题的*.然后用三十秒对所读所听和两部分

3、内容进行综合,比较,归纳,总结,最后在六十秒内将之通过麦克风录入电脑. 所以这类题型中对听力能力的要求也是非常高的,而非单纯的我们传统的口语考试。刚开始做这类题型的时候,建议可以先把答案落实到书面上。因为开始接触这样的试题,头脑中一定会很乱,不知道该从何说起,可能会东一句,西一句的,毫无条理性。所以落实到书面上这样一个过程就是帮助整理你的思路。如果真的很难回答出来,就像写作文一样,一字一句的把答案写下来。然后大声读熟,再重新回答问题。这样把一套题目练熟之后,再进行下一套题目的练习。经过一段时间之后,就可以只列出纲要,再根据纲要回答问题。最后一个阶段就是像正式考试一样,脱口回答问题。在练习的过程

4、中除了要注意内容的完整性和条理的清晰性之外,还要注意语音和语调的标准,这是个漫长的过程,一定要从平时做起,要多多注意。例如,遇到这样的一个题目,可以先把它落实到书面上:What place or landmark in your country do you recommend that other people visit?在看到这样一个题目的时候, 先在脑海里搜索你所熟悉的place或者landmark. 找到以后,再筛选题目。找到一个比较容易说的题目并且最好是大家所熟悉的话题.接下来就要想回答内容的支撑点。 然后再展开,分别找到其他的论据来论证它。至少要说2-3个论据, 这样才更有说服力

5、,例如:I recommend people go to Beijing, the capital city of China, for the following several reasons. First, Beijing is the best representative of a conventional Chinese city. It has numerous historic places like the great wall and the summer palace from which people can learn a lot about Chinese long

6、 history and rich culture. I recommend BJ also because it is chinas commercial center with high buildings stand against the sky. People can go shopping in the large shopping centers like international trade center. Anyway, if one can visit only one city in China, then the best choice is BJ since you

7、 can enjoy its beauty as well as prosperity.Describe an object that is very special in your life. Explain why this object is important to you.The object that is special for me is the book Harry potter one. I cherish it very much for the following several reasons. First, it is a present that my mothe

8、r gave to me as my eleventh birthday gift. Second, after reading this book, I found books are actually amazing; the plots in it are quite impressive. And then, I developed an interest in reading books. I really appreciate that the book brings me to this fantastic world. Finally, by talking about the

9、 book, I meet so many friends that have the common interest of me. Therefore, this book is truly special for me, Ill cherish it forever.这样来回答就足够了。实际上只要回答的内容完整,可以较好的支撑你的论点, 并且具有条理性就可以了。还有就是要多多注意发音,发音好可以为你的口语提分不少.接下来就是读,再回答问题,相信经过一段时间的练习可以看到很明显的提高的。在IBT口语考试中,切记不要兜圈子回答问题,而是要马上切入主题。因为独立回答部分的时间为45秒钟,其它的题

10、目回答时间也只有60秒钟。要是慢慢的谈,很可能在最后因为时间不够,没能表述自己的观点。而且外国人的思维也是喜欢考生能够直接切入主题,然后围绕主题谈论。根据经验,平时的口语练习可以在嘈杂的环境中进行,因为通常IBT考场环境并不是很安静的。如果平日的练习都是在很安静的环境下来进行的,那么到了真正的考场上,很可能由于环境的不适应而影响考试的发挥。记住以上所提到的几点,相信通往口语高分是可以比较容易去实现的。托福口语实用词汇句式语料汇总分享651. Dont be uneasy about the consequence.不必为后果忧虑不安。652. Even a child can answer t

11、his question.即使小孩儿都能回答这个问题。653. He has many strange ideas in his mind. 他脑子里尽足奇思怪想。654. He is commonly supposed to be foolish.他是公认的傻瓜。655. He sat with his arms across the chest. 他双臂交叉于胸前的坐在那里。656. He set up a fine example to all of us. 他为我们树立了一个好榜样。657. His cake is four times as big as mine. 他的蛋糕是我的四

12、倍大。658. I do not care whether it rains or not. 我不管天会不会下雨。659. I have a lot in common with my sister. 我和我姐姐有很多相同之处。660. I havent even touched your tooth yet. 我还没有碰到你的牙齿呢。661. Im looking forward to a prompt reply.盼迅速答复。662. It is an excellent novel in every way. 无论从哪方面来看,这都是一本优秀的小说。663. It is clear th

13、at the cat has eaten it!很明显,是猫偷吃的!664. Nothing but death can part the couple.除了死之外,什么也拆不散这一对。665. Now she looks pale as if she were ill.现在她脸色难看,好像病了一样。666. She was injured badly in the accident.她在这次意外中受到重伤。667. The secret was spread among the crowd.秘密在人群当中传播开来。668. The two brothers look very much al

14、ike. 这兄弟俩看上去很相像。669. Their interest is listening to others. 他们的兴趣是听别人说话。670. There was a notice in the supermarket. 超市里有一个布告。671. This one cannot compare with that one. 这个与那个无法比较。672. To know everything is to know nothing. 样样通,样样松。673. To tell the truth, I dont like disco. 说实话,我不喜欢迪斯科。674. True and

15、False have opposite meanings. 真与假含义完全相反。675. Whats the point of going to college? 上大学有何用?676. Where can we make the insurance claim? 我们可以在哪里提出保险赔偿?这个无法与那个比较。677. Why dont I pick you up at your house? 为什么不让我去接你呢?678. Why dont you attend an aerobic class? 你为什么不去参加一个有氧健身班呢?679. You can kill two birds w

16、ith one stone.一举两得。680. You cant go in no matter who you are. 不管你是谁,都不能进去。681. You should learn these words by heart. 你应该把这些词背熟。682. Could I have those two tickets, please?这两张票给我行不行?683. He has to take care of his sick mother. 他得照顾他生病的母亲。684. He hired a workman to repair the fence.他雇用了一个工人修理围墙。685.

17、I cant make this machine run properly.我无法使这部机器正常运转。686. I dont know if Ill have the patience.我不知道我有没有耐心。687. I dont like what you are saying.我不喜欢你说的话。688. I fell in love with her at first sight.我第一眼见到她就爱上了她。689. I have just heard from my sister, Mary.我刚收到我妹妹玛丽的一封信。690. If you would only try, you cou

18、ld do it.只要你肯尝试,你一定能做这件事。691. It is no use learning without thinking.学而不思则惘。692. It was a lazy, breezy autumn afternoon.这是一个懒散的,起风的秋日下午。693. Jack is the strongest boy in the class.杰克是全班最强壮的男孩。694. Please fetch a chair from another room.请到别的房间取一把椅子。695. The doctor began to operate on the boy.医生开始给那个男

19、孩动手术。696. The doctor is taking my blood pressure.医生正给我量血压。697. The machines will not operate properly.那些机器不能正常运转。698. The students declared against cheating.学生们表示反对作弊。699. There is hope so long as he is with us. 只要他在就有希望。700. He talks as if he were the head of the office.他说话的口气像办公室主任似的。托福口语表达:开车时用到的

20、俚语hit the brakes : 停车I nearly went through the window when I hit the brake. I thought it was ABS.run a red light: 闯红灯She is so careless when driving and she just runs a red light.cut someone off:强行超车People like to cut each other off in this country.tailgate: 后面的车离的很近Some jerk was tailgating me all t

21、he way to work.pull over: 把车开到路肩(一般指警察把车逼停)I got pulled over by the police on my way to school.pull out of : 开车出来I just pulled out of the parking lot.speed up =accelerate: 加速We are getting late, and we need to speed up a little bit.make a u-turn:掉头(180度)I saw a police officer at the end of the block, so I made a U-Turn.roundabout: 转盘(四个方向都可以去)At the roundabout, take the third exit.detour:绕道They made a detour to avoid the town center.pull in: 开进, 进站He pulled in for some gas.托福口语有哪些高分应试技巧


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