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1、托福听力提升反应速度和准确度靠精听 托福听力提升反应速度和准确度靠精听, 实用训练方法分享,今天给大家带来了托福听力提升反应速度和准确度靠精听,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力提升反应速度和准确度靠精听 实用训练方法分享托福听力备考为什么要练精听?在精听中考生们需要做的只有两个目的:1.了解全文的总体含义,知道这段听力主要讲的是什么事件或故事;2.寻找全文的逻辑顺序,即本段听力是按时间顺序来讲述的,还是按照空间顺序来进行的,重点放在*中的一些逻辑关键词,例如时间逻辑关键词:now、after、in the future等。细听每个句子是托福精听的灵魂,也是提高听力能

2、力比较关键的一步。关于精听的材料选取上,如果你的是时间充裕型,前中期精听选择感兴趣的非考试类教材,如新闻、TED、纪录片甚至是电影。等托福考试临近期,使用TOP。托福听力备考如何正确进行精听训练?Step1 :拿到音频后从头到尾集中注意力泛听一遍托福听力试题。了解*大意,对以后单句精听时起到辅助联想作用。Step2:每个句子不看文本听5-10次,边听边使用电脑打字。推荐打字,速度快,对写托福作文帮助很大,听不出来的内容空着,把能听到听懂的全部写出来。每个句子听完写完后,直接立刻看此句托福听力文本,这个时候大脑是最敏感的,最渴望知道没听出来的内容是什么,立马看到文本最容易刺激记忆。看文本的时候,

3、做好阅读理解,完全弄懂意思,生词要查,并记录。阅读理解完单句文本后,看着托福听力的文本把此句听2-4次。因为只有看着文本再听,才知道原来是这两个字母连读起来的意思,比如美音里and有时候会读成“嗯”。不看托福听力文本,再听3-5次。这么做的目的是,声音从耳朵进去,在听清楚每个音的同时,大脑也瞬间同时把每个单词和整句话的意思反应出来。每个单句听完写完后,重头再把托福听力的全文泛听一次。这时候你会发现,你不但听懂了90%以上的内容,而且完全能跟的上语速毫无压力,只是几个生词有点忘记,再重点记一下就好。2020托福听力练习:预防少女怀孕的项目反而增加怀孕率This is Scientific Ame

4、rican 60-Second Science. Im Christopher Intagliata.Used to be, teenage kids had to carry around a bag of flour wrapped in a blanket to learn the responsibilities of parenthood. But these days? The same lesson is taught with hi-tech dolls that cry and record every interaction.You know they get grumpy

5、, you have to rock them to calm them down, they have to be fed. Sally Brinkman, an epidemiologist at the Telethon Kids Institute, in Australia. Its supposed to be so tiring and so difficult that it puts them off and they say I dont want to be a teenage mom. And then they think about contraception an

6、d all of those sorts of things.Problem is, that theory that the dolls will discourage teenage parenthooddoesnt seem to be true, according to a new study by Brinkman and her colleagues. The team recruited nearly 3,000 13- to 15-year-old girls for the trial, from 57 schools in Western Australia. All t

7、he girls got the standard Australian curriculum on contraception and sexual health. But half had to care for the infant dollsand got extra education sessions with the school nurse.The teams hypothesis? We thought either its going to make a difference, or its going to make no difference whatsoever. W

8、e hadnt expected that it would do the opposite. And in fact, the girls who cared for the dolls were nearly one and a half times more likely to get pregnant before age 20, than teens in the control group. The findings are in The Lancet.The company that makes the dolls has criticized the trial, and sa

9、ys the researchers didnt properly implement the educational portion of the program. But Brinkman disagrees. Maybe, she says, the program itself is flawed. If were inadvertently increasing teenage pregnancy rates, you know, this program needs to stop. We shouldnt be delivering it in schools.以前,十几岁的孩子


11、半女孩曾照顾过婴儿娃娃,而且在护校学习了额外的教育课程。该团队的假设?“我们认为,结果要么有区别,要么就完全没有区别。我们没想到结果恰恰相反。”实际上,曾经照顾过娃娃的女孩可能在20岁以前怀孕的机率比对照组中的女孩高出1.5倍。这一研究结果发表在柳叶刀期刊上。生产这种娃娃的公司对这项试验进行了指责,他们认为研究人员没有妥善实施该项目的教育责任。但是布林克曼不同意这种说法。她说,也许这个项目本身就存在缺陷。“如果我们无意中使少女怀孕率上升,那这个项目就要停止。我们不应该在学校里进行这个项目。”重点讲解:1. calm down (使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来;例句:His rage was so

12、on calmed down by the rustic peace.乡村的宁静很快就使他的怒气平静下来。2. put off 使反感;使对失去兴趣;例句:The high divorce figures dont seem to be putting people off marriage.离婚的人很多,但这好像并没有打消人们对结婚的热情。3. care for 照料;照顾;护理;例句:It seemed to be her mission to care for her brothers children.照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。4. in fact (用于修正、引出相反意见

13、或对比等)事实上,其实;例句:No doubt he means to help, but in fact he just gets in the way.他确实是想帮忙,然而事实上却只是帮倒忙。2020托福听力练习:鲨鱼体内含毒素或威胁类Living at the top of the food chain, sharks can accumulate dangerous levels of methylmercury. So much that pregnant women and children are advised not to eat shark at all. But shar

14、ks can accumulate another toxin too, called BMAA, which has been linked to the development of neurodegenerative disease. Which could be bad news for shark eaters.Mercury in combination with BMAA is a one-two punch. Deborah Mash, a professor of neurology at the University of Miamis Miller School of M

15、edicine. These are two synergistic toxins. So even if there are low levels of exposure from the mercury or the BMAA, when humans are exposed to both of these toxins, then they will have a synergistic effect on the nervous system.BMAA starts out in cyanobacteria, and travels up the food chain through

16、 crabs and shrimp and fish. And, as previous studies have shown, makes all the way to sharks. What Mash and her colleagues wanted to know was how widespread the problem was, and if the chemical often appeared alongside mercury. So they analyzed fin and muscle samples from 10 species of shark55 indiv

17、iduals in allfrom the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. And they found BMAA and mercury in all 10 species. Suggesting that exposure to that one-two punch could be pretty common. The results are in the journal Toxins.Its still not clear at this point what sort of risk this occasional exposure through food

18、 might have. Still, Mash isnt waiting.I myself would not want to be exposed to BMAA or methyl mercury in my diet by eating shark fin or shark meat or taking shark cartilage products. We already know that mercury is toxic to our health. And we already know that BMAA plus mercury is a very bad mix for

19、 the brain. So people need to be concerned, and I think thats not only for the benefit of us as consumers, but also to the poor sharks, who are threatened with extinction.Conservationists have argued for years that sharks should be spared. Maybe now that its us who are threatened. people might final

20、ly start to leave them alone.因为生活在食物链的顶端,所以鲨鱼可以积累达到危险水平的汞。因为鲨鱼体内的汞含量非常高,所以建议孕妇和儿童不要吃鲨鱼。但是,鲨鱼还能积累另外一种毒素BMAA,这种毒素与神经退行性疾病的发展有关。这对爱吃鲨鱼的人来说可是个坏消息。“汞和BMAA的结合可谓是双重重击。”黛博拉马许是迈阿密大学米勒医学院的神经学教授。“这是两种协同作用的毒素。即使汞或者BMAA的含量很低,但是只要人类接触到这两种毒素,它们就会对人的神经系统产生协同效应。”BMAA最初存在于蓝藻中,之后通过螃蟹、虾类和鱼类进入食物链上层。此前的研究已经表明,BMAA最后进入鲨鱼体


22、来,环保人士一直认为应该保护鲨鱼。也许现在受到威胁的是我们人类所以,现在人们可能不会再去管它们了。重点讲解:1. even if 即使;尽管;纵然;例句:Theyll stand by you even if you dont succeed.即使你不成功他们也会支持你。2. be exposed to 使暴露于(险境);使遭受(危险或不快);例句:Women who are exposed to mercury, cadmium, or vinyl chloride before conceiving seem to be especially likely to have autistic

23、 kids.女性在怀孕期间接触汞、镉或氯乙烯很有可能会生出自闭症患儿。3. start out 起初是;例句:He started out to fix the car himself, but in the end, he had to ask for help.起初他本打算自己修车,可最后他还是不得不请人帮忙。4. leave alone 听自便;随去;不打扰;例句:Some people need to confront a traumatic past; others find it better to leave it alone.有人需要直面过去的创伤,有人则觉得不去想它为妙。托福听力提升反应速度和准确度靠精听


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