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1、被动语态 专项复习,广州市第四十四中学 初三英语备课组,什么是被动语态?被动语态的动词结构是什么?,English is taught by Miss Ding every day.英语的语态有主动和被动之分。被动语态的主语是动作的承受者。被动语态的动词结构是: .,be + p.p.,初中阶段要求掌握的6种被动语态,一般现在时: English is taught by Miss Ding every day.一般过去时: English was taught by Miss Ding last week.一般将来时: English will be taught by Miss Ding

2、tomorrow.现在完成时: English has been taught by Miss Ding for a year.过去完成时: English had been taught by Miss Chi by last March.情态动词: English may be taught by a new teacher next term.,am/is/are + p.p.,was/were + p.p.,will be +p.p.,have/has been + p.p.,had been + p.p.,can (/must) be + p.p.,被动语态在中考中怎么考?,在选择题

3、中: 要求我们能辨别用主动还是被动以及用哪一种被动 The trees must twice a day. A. water B. be watered C. is watered D. watered,B,1. The window by Tom yesterday. A. is broken B. broke C. was broken D. has broken2. Eight books by Miss Smith since last year. A. were written B. had been written C. has been written D. have been

4、written3. Thousands of words by the end of last term. A. have been learned B. had been learned C, have learned D. had learned4. The 28th Olympic games in Beijing in 2008. A. held B. will be held C. will hold D. is held 5. If you listened carefully, what the teacher said . A. could be understood B. c

5、an be understood C. were understood D. is understood6. The song by the students once a week. A. is sung B. was sung C. will be sung D. are sung7. the picture last week? A. Did, be drawn B. Was, drawn C. Did, was drawn D. were, drawn,C,D,B,B,A,A,B,链接中考,1. No one knows how the huge rocks and without o

6、ur modern machines 800 years ago. (2001) A. Are cut; moved B. were cut; move C. Are cut; moving D. were cut; moved2. The man who lived alone on that island thought he never . (2001) A. will; find B. would; be found C. is; found D. had; been found3. If you carefully, you the report well. (2002) A. wi

7、ll listen; will be understood B. will listen; understand C. listen; will understand D. listen; understand,C,D,B,补充练习 Page 31. Our TV set _ yesterday. A. is repaired B. was repaired C. had been repaired D. would be repaired2. A new building _ in our school next year. A. will be built B. is built C. i

8、s being built D. has been built3. When _ the Peoples Republic of China _? A. did; found B. was; found C. was; founded D. did; find4. This maths problem _ out by little Tom.A. can be easily worked B. can easily be workedC. can is easily worked D. can easily worked,B,A,C,A,5. Trees _ in winter but in

9、spring. A. not can be planted B. can be not planted C. cant be planted D. can not be plant6. Many books on science _ since I went to college. A. were kept B. have been kept C. will be kept D. are kept7. _ the work _ yet ? A. is; finished B. Will; be finished C. Has; been finished D. Would; be finish

10、ed8. English _ all over the world. A. speak B. speaks C. are spoken D. is spoken9. She knew that Tom already to the party. A. is asked B. was asked C. had been asked D. has been asked,C,B,C,D,C,在句型转换中: 要求我们能熟练地把各种主动句变成被动句 We play the piano every day.(改为被动语态) The piano every day.,is played,主动变被动的方法,W

11、e play the piano every day.The piano is played (by us) every day.,主语,谓语,宾语,做题步骤:1、找出主谓宾2、宾变主,(主变宾,)动词变结构3、检查三个一致性,时态一致主谓一致句型一致,1. She told a story before her daughter fell asleep. A story by her before my daughter fell asleep.2. They watch football matches every night. Football matches every night.3

12、. He visits his grandparents twice a year. His grandparents twice a year.4. We have known the news for a week. The news for a week.5. We will hold a class meeting tomorrow. A class meeting tomorrow.6. Did they find out the answer? the answer out ?,was told,are watched,are visited by him,has been kno

13、wn,will be held,Was,found,把下列句子改为被动语态,1. Two years ago we used that machine to make shoes for children. (2001) Two years ago that machine shoes for children.5. Miss King saw Bill helping a blind man cross the street yesterday afternoon.(2005) Yesterday afternoon Bill a blind man cross the street .6.

14、 We should water the young trees every two days.(2006) The young trees every two days.,was used to make,was seen helping,by Miss King,should be watered,补充练习 Page 51. We should keep everything tidy before we leave it. Everything in the lab tidy before we leave it.2. They will build a new library over

15、 there. A new library over there.3. Two years ago we used that machine to make shoes for children. Two years ago that machine shoes for children.4. We clean the classroom every day. The classroom every day.5. Everyone has given back the library books on time. The library books on time.,should be kep

16、t,will be built,was used to make,is cleaned,have been given back,考点一:动词短语不可分开,4. Dont worry. All the children by the nurses. A. are well taken of B. take good care of C. are taken good care of D. take good care6. Mr Johnsons story by everyone who heard it. (2003) A. laughed at B. was laughed C. laug

17、hed D. was laughed at8. A neighbour helped to keep our dog. It while we were on the holiday. A. was taken care B. took care of C. is taken care of D. was taken care of9. As usual, Meihua at 6:30 this morning by her mother to get ready for school.(2006) A. has woken up B. woke up C. wakes up D. was w

18、oken up,D,D,D,C,2. You must throw the broken pottery away at once.(2002) The broken pottery at once4. You must hand in your history homework by the weekend.(2004) Your history homework by the weekend.,must be thrown away,must be handed in,补充练习10. Kate has a high fever. A doctor must _ at once. A. se

19、nd for B. is sent for C. be sent D. be sent for11. Joan said the wallet _ at once. A. will be handed in B. would be handed in C. had been handed in D. would be handed12. Jack often does things foolishly, so he _ sometimes _ by others. A. is; laughed B. is; laughed at C. was; laughed D. has; been lau

20、ghed at13. Food and clothes _ by women. A is often talk about B. are often talked C. are often talked about D. often talked about6. They have sold out the light green dresses. The light green dresses .7. He looked after his grandmother. His grandmother .,D,B,B,C,Page 5,have been sold out,was looked

21、after,Page 3,考点二:不及物动词无被动语态 常考的词有 happen/ take place, open/close (开业/打烊), start/end (开始/结束) Where the accident ? A. did; happen B. was; happen C. were; happen D. does; happen5. - Its time to do your homework. - Yes, Mum. Ill turn off the TV as soon as the programme .(2003) A. ends B. end C. will be

22、ended D. will end,A,A,补充练习 Page 414. Great changes _ in the village since then. A. have been taken place B. took place C. have taken place D. were taken place15. He _ much better today. A. is felt B. felt C. was felt D. feels16. Do you know _? A. when did it happen B. when was it happen C. when it w

23、as happened D. when it happened17. His book well. A. sells B. sold C. is sold D. are sold,A,D,D,C,考点三:see sb. do sth.中的do 是省略了to 的不定式,改为被动时要加上被省略的to We saw him pick up the wallet. He up the wallet. 此类动词有:一感(feel)二听(hear, listen to)三让(let, make, have)四看(see, watch, look at, notice) 3. The policeman m

24、ade the young woman move her car. (2003) The young woman her car by the policeman.,was seen to pick,was made to move,补充练习Page 421. The Browns _ leave the hotel already. A. has been seen B. have being seen C. have been seen to D. have be seen toPage 58. The policeman made the young man stop his car.

25、The young man by the policeman.9. We saw some boys playing basketball behind the house. Some boys basketball behind the house.,C,was made to stop his car,were seen playing,考点四:双宾语的主动语态变为被动时,任何一个宾语都可以作主语。但是,如果表示人的宾语位置不动,则要在它的前面相应地加上to 或 for e.g. 1. I gave him two pens. He a new pen by me. Two pens hi

26、m by me. 2. My mother bought me a watch. A watch me by my mother. I a watch by my mother. 常考的有:give, show, pass 加 to; buy, bring 加 for.,were given to,was given,was bought for,was bought,补充练习Page 423. Miss White said some beautiful coat _ her in the shop. A. had shown to B. had been shown to C. had b

27、een shown D. had shown24. A nice gift _ her daughter on her last birthday. A. is given B. is given to C. was given D. was given toPage 510. Tom has shown us the new MP4 player. A new MP4 player .11. My mother bought me a beautiful watch last week. A beautiful watch by my mother last week.,B,D,has be

28、en shown to us by Tom,was bought for me,考点五:及物动词后没有宾语时,要用被动语态7. At the end of the meeting Miss Green two minutes to decide whether she should join the project or not.(2004) A. gave B. had given C. was given D. was giving补充练习Page 4 18. Mr Li, you _ on the phone. A. are wanted B. were wanted C. are be

29、ing wanted D. will be wanted19. Jack _ answer the question in French. A. asked to B. was ask C. was asked D. was asked to20. We _ to be here at six oclock. A. were told B. told C. are told D. will tell22. Jack to stay at school. A. will ask B. is asked C. was asked D. had asked,C,A,D,A,C,被动语态小结,正确判断时态、语态二. 主动变被动要检查哪三个一致性三. 几种特殊的情况 1. 动词短语 2. 不及物动词 3. 主动变被动何时加to 4. 双宾语的句子要注意什么 5. 注意及物动词后面的宾语,


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