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1、By Amy,British Pub culture,In your mind , pub is likely to,What is bar culture?pub in Britain Pub in China drink in pubKnowledge for the green-hand,Outline,VS,ub,bar,club,翻译成中文都只有一个词语酒吧。但是,它们在英国的真正含义,是迥异的。 pub 这里就是一般意义的酒吧,里面一般卖酒,有几个小桌子,有的会有桌球和一些其它的游戏。人主要在里面聊天喝酒,pub更家庭一些。可以一家三口去。bar 就是买酒也买食物的地方,通常来说,

2、就是吧台,CLUB和PUB里卖酒的那个地方也叫BAR,餐厅里卖酒的地方也叫BAR.bar更适合商务场合或约会,更成人化一些。,Bar culture?Pub culture?Or club culture?,club 就是night club,也就是可以跳舞的,也卖酒,但跳舞是重点,而且在英国一般是要门票的,还有穿合适的衣服才能进的。,最初,在美国西部,牛仔和强盗们很喜欢聚在小酒馆里喝酒。由于他们都是骑马而来,所以酒馆老板就在馆子门前设了一根横木,用来拴马。后来,汽车取代了马车,骑马的人逐渐减少,这些横木也多被拆除。有一位酒馆老板不愿意扔掉这根已成为酒馆象征的横木,便把它拆下来放在柜台下面,没

3、想到却成了顾客们垫脚的好地方,受到了顾客的喜爱了。其他酒馆听说此事后,也纷纷效仿,因此柜台下放横木的做法便普及起来。由于横木在英语里念“bar” ,所以人们索性就把酒馆翻译成“酒吧”。,Bar,Visitors to Britain may find the best place to taste local culture is in a traditional pub.,The origin and development of pub,Alcohol has been drunk and served throughout the British Isle since the Bronz

4、e Age铜器时代.(公元前4000年)However, the origins of what we may now recognizes as the pub began to appear during the Roman Colonization of Britain, as places where travelers could obtain rest and refreshment. Then it sprang up迅速成长;突然开始 along the new road networks. These Roman taverns (客栈)remained even after

5、 the withdrawal of the Romans from Britain.,Pub culture has long history.,Pub and influence in contemporary British,Pubs play an important part in the social structure of the country. They are places where all ages and social classes mix to talk, do business, or just spend a couple of quiet hours be

6、fore heading home in the evening. Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve.,When it comes to pub, the British have a lot of classic arguments. They said: “ We have been having the church at the beginning , then pub, the town wound up at last.Samuel Johnson on

7、ce said” There is nothing which hasyet been contrived by man, by which so much happiness produced as by a good tavern.”,if you havent been to a pub,you havent been to Britain,Lets watch a short video.,世间人类所创造的万物,哪一项比得上酒吧更能给人们带来无限的温馨与幸福,Pub culture is extremely important.,Pub culture makes a greater

8、contribution to religion.Pub as the financial places, promote British economic growth.Pub plays an important role in political area.Pub culture has huge influence in literature.Pub is an important occasion for many clubs, organizations , it is also important for British sport.Pub offer the opportuni

9、ties to British music.,Main Influence,Religion,Financial,Literature,Political,Club,Music,Sport,It is very influential.,据英国反酗酒组织以及一些媒体公布的最新数字:40%的英国人每周至少有一天喝得烂醉如泥;18至29岁的英国年轻人,有超过半数的人承认每周至少喝醉一次;20%的英国人承认自己曾因醉酒而受伤。从花销来看,英国男性平均每人每年花在喝酒上达1144英镑;英格兰和爱尔兰的妇女过度饮酒在全世界是最严重的,17至30岁妇女中,三分之一的人可划入酗酒者的行列;更严重的是,英国每

10、年有超过2.2万人死于酗酒!在此情况下,英国政府付出巨大的代价。据统计,整个国家每年为此至少要花掉150亿英镑,工业界损失50亿英镑,失去工作日1700万个!因酗酒导致社会治安方面的诸多弊端,那就更不必说了。,Terrible Influence,why they are important?,地理原因:英国气候多变,不适宜长时间户外运动,多数英国人只能选择去酒吧来放松自己,这是在英国比其他国家更盛行的主要原因.历史原因:英国人认为,能喝酒是成年的标志。英国人的习惯是,见酒必饮,一醉方休。性格特点:一般人认为英国人很矜持,不善言谈,在英国不流行串门闲聊,没有重要的事情,英国人一般是不会去别人家

11、拜访的。英国的酒吧有着重要的社会功能,需要闲聊的事情全都在酒吧进行。不同街区的酒吧往往是每个社区的社交中心。有些酒吧,由于光顾的客人十分稳定,几乎已经成了某些社区的私人俱乐部。有时陌生人突然光顾,甚至会招来人们惊异的眼光。,A good pub is equally important with a post, supermarket or a church.,Classification of Pubs,There are enormous pubs in Britain, all of them have theirs own special parts. Quite a few pubs

12、 have their unique history, while other are popular for their subjects.,Classification of Pubs,1 Public Bar,talkdrinkdanceplay gameslisten to music,Snooker,Darts,Classification of Pubs,2 Saloon Bar,Peaceful and quietExpensiveFor higher level,During the Middle Ages(公元476年公元1453年)the pub sign came int

13、o existence the earliest versions being green bushes set upon poles to indicate the sale of beer, stemming from the earlier Roman tradition of vines(藤蔓) being displayed to advertise wine. By the fourteenth century, more abstract names were common.,Name of pub,Farmers arms,kings arms,Name of pub,Pubs

14、 have traditional names which date back over 600 years. Some typical names are the Conqueror, the white swan, the crown, the red lion.,Some celebrities nameSome big eventsLocal noble family name or emblem.,“红狮”在很长时期,都是英国最大牌的连锁酒吧。对上年纪的英国人来说,它让人有种时光倒流的感觉,让人怀念深厚的英国酒吧文化,也怀念英国曾经的辉煌,但越来越多的年轻人不再青睐它,“红狮”酒吧关

15、张的越来越多。英国最出名的“红狮”是在伦敦唐宁街10号首相府附近、议会街48号的那家。这里常有部长级的顾客登门,还会有很多爱喝一杯的英国老议员们在这里一边看电视新闻,一边向陪喝的大报记者们,透点“内幕消息”,让这里俨然成了新闻直播间。,Red lion,伦敦市中心维多利亚大街的罗伯特酒吧,是英国首相、国会议员频频光临之地。该酒吧靠近议会大厦,议员们每当休会,只要步行10分钟,便可到这里喝两杯,放松一下。为了不耽搁开会,酒吧老板特地在二楼设置了“听铃台”,当召集议员的第一次铃声响起时,酒吧老板就会马上通告议员们,让他们迅速赶回开会。你说这是不是很有趣?,Robert,The Sherlock H

16、olmes,Icebar in london,Bulldog,英国球迷的大本营 Bulldog 英国斗牛犬酒吧英伦味儿十足。就像它的名字一样,提供传统的英国菜及英国啤酒,还有很多难得一见的罐装啤酒,口味重的话可以喝黑啤。啤酒都是买一送一,当然,有些是买大送小了。一共有三层,每一层的功能都不一样。一楼可以玩免费的撞球、飞镖。超大屏幕的电视看直播再爽不过了,即使是在二楼也可以看得一清二楚。,英国最具醉意的酒吧,位于英国斯塔福特郡希姆雷市,现已成为一个英国旅游景点。世界各地的游客都纷纷涌来,试图一睹这个奇特斜屋的真面目。 由于这座斜屋酒吧的屋顶、门窗、甚至酒吧吧台都是倾斜的,所以来酒吧消费的顾客常常

17、还没喝酒、就已经产生了一种已经喝醉酒的错觉,感到自己有点头昏眼花、头重脚轻,所以这座酒吧也因此获得了英国最具醉意的酒吧的头衔.,左右屋顶高度相差1.2米,Crooked House,The Last Post,酒吧内部陈设和装饰颇具英国的风格:沉重而典雅;虽然嘈杂,但又决不乏轻松温馨的气氛。就像酒吧的名字一样,来到这里,好像来到的疲惫旅途中的最后一站,于是掸掸身上的灰尘,疲惫的心情由此开始舒展,泡吧不仅是英国人独享的专利,在世界上许多国家都盛行。随着中国经济的发展,上世纪90年代,就把开始出现在中国大都市,成为年轻人天下。北京是中国酒吧最多的地方。这里有汽车酒吧,足球酒吧,电影酒吧,艺术家酒吧

18、等形式各样的酒吧,任何人在这里都可以找到适合自己的酒吧,在这里,人们不仅可以感受到异国风情,还可以体验浓郁的中国文化。,Pub in China,Pub in China,全新奢华复古夜宴酒吧主题文化,Pub in China,收藏整理了一批中国古代建筑、家具的遗存物品,展示了各种老宅木雕设制的桌台,桌椅,极具历史沧桑感和厚重感。,Pub in China,杭州荷喜中式主题酒吧,入口处的进口天然雪中红透光石材定性了整体的色调,庙宇的横梁,大红色的立柱,鸟笼式的卡座,古代的戏台,传统的皮影才子佳人也在这里被应用到了男女卫生间的标志,还有一些纯手工画的荷花系列工笔画,统统都是采用了最能表达中式风格

19、的元素。,1.Concept 中国:酒吧基本都是新兴的,被贴上的标签是“娱乐场所”。英国:酒吧不计其数,每个酒吧都有自己的特色,其中不乏有数百年历史的。它们成为英国百姓的休息社交场所,代表着英国的传统,也体现着英国人的特性,可以说酒吧是英国文化中不可缺少的一部分。2.Purpose 中国:狂欢。 英国:大多是为了安静地聊聊天。 在有欧洲杯和英超联赛的时候,酒吧通常都会挤满了人。为什么英国人不愿意静静地呆在家里看比赛,而是都跑到了酒吧,在人挤人的空间中,享受这种气氛呢?也许只能用“这是一种文化”来解释。3.Frequency 中国:不会频繁地去酒吧,只有在聚会或周末需要放松时才会去,而且基本上都

20、是年轻人英国:去酒吧几乎是一项日常活动,下班后去酒吧喝几杯,聊聊天,一天的疲劳和烦恼也就渐渐消散。无论年轻还是年长,酒吧几乎都是每个英国人必去的地方,是他们生活中必不可缺的。4.Food 中国朋友喝酒时,大多喜欢备上“下酒菜”。英国的酒吧里虽然也有可口的食物供应,但英国人基本上都是一杯一杯地直接喝下去,大多不会边吃边喝。,中西方酒吧文化对比,drink in pub,There are many types of beer available in pubs. Traditional British beer are called bitter苦啤酒, or ale浓啤酒, lager淡啤酒.

21、,drink in pub,Another drink is cider. This is like beer, but it is made from apples so it can taste sweet. Wine, red or white, is normally available in all pubs, as are spirits烈性酒 such as whisky, gin金酒 or vodka伏特加 . These are served as singles (25ml) or doubles (50ml).,drink in pub,It is not, howeve

22、r, necessary to drink alcohol. Non-alcoholic drinks are called soft drinks. You can have juice, lemonade or cola, among others. All beers are served as pints or halves. To order, you need to ask for a pint or half, and then name the beer. (一品脱啤酒” 1 pint = 0.473 升)of bitter, please.,Custom in pub,Pub

23、 will generally be open between 11a.m. and 11p.m. About 10minutes before closing time , the landlord will ring a bell and will tell people to order their last drinks ,usually saying “last drinks at the bar ” or “ time, gentlemen, please. ”,Custom in pub,Normally people go to a pub with other people,

24、 and its common for one person to offer to buy drinks for the others at the beginning.The ritual of sharing-buying rounds of drinks in turn-is of great significance. If one of your British friends or business contracts buy the first round, you should be quick to offer the next.,Talk generally about

25、the weather, the beer or the pub and at a suitable moment, offer to your new friends a drink.,if you are in a big group, it is best if only one or two people go to buy the drinks.,Pubs often have two bars, many have a garden where people can sit in the summer. Children can go in pub gardens with the

26、ir parents.,some knowledge you have to know,Theres no waiter so dont be waiting at the table. you have to go to the bar to buy drinks,Always say “please” and Be polite.,Tipping is not expected.,Dont ever introduce yourself with an outstretched hand and a big smile.,Typical expressions,Order your dri

27、nk,Tip a barman or barmaid,Ask if you can buy a drink for someone,Two pints of lager and a Bitter, please.,“would you like a drink yourself?”,“Do you want a drink?” or “What can I get you?”,Typical expressions,Reply to someones to offerto buy you a drink Ask to buy the next round,“Can I have the same, please ?” , “could you get me ”or “Im fine, thank you.”,“Its my round, what are you having?”,If you havent been to a British pub, you havent really been to Britain. So why not try it?,!,


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