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1、Lesson 51 A pleasant climate.,Warming-up,Weather,snow,rain,sun,wind,cloud,storm,Whats the weather like in the picture?,名词后面加y变为形容词,spring,summer,autumn,winter,seasons,spring,summer,autumn,winter,hot,cold,warm,cool,wet,dry,长沙,兰州,1. plea sant,/ ple znt /,adj.,宜人的,今人感到舒服的,leasantlyadv. 愉快地,2. cli mate,

2、/ klai mit /,weathern. 天气,长时间的天气状况或数年间的天气情况,某一特定时间内的各种天气变化,比如说:风、雪、阴、晴等,e.g. -Whats the weather like today? -Its a fine day today.,e.g. -Whats the climate like in your country(国家)? -Its very pleasant.,3. coun try,/ kn tri /,-Which country do you come from?-Where do you come from?-I come from China.,

3、4. Greece,/ g r i: s /,Greek,5. sp ring,/sp ri/,n. 春天,Its often windy.,It rains sometimes.,adj.刮风的,v.下雨,6. su mmer,/s m/,n. 夏天,Its often hot.,The sun shines every day.,adj.严热的,v.照耀,7. au tumn,n. 秋天,/: tm/,It rains sometimes.,v.下雨,Its cold in November.,adj.冷的,8. win ter,n. 冬天,/win t/,It snows sometim

4、es.,v.下雪,Its cold in winter.,adj.冷的,n. 肴腊n. 气候n. 天气n. 国家n. 春天n. 夏天n. 秋天n. 冬天,1. spring2. country3. weather4. climate5. Greece6. winter7. autumn8. summer,v. 下雨v. 下雪v. 刮风v. 照耀,1. snow2. rain3. shine4. wind,adj. 有风的adj. 下雨的adj. 下雪的adj. 温暖的adj. 寒冷的adj. 严热的adj. 宜人的,1. pleasant2. windy3. rainy4. snowy5. w

5、arm6. cold7. hot,year 年spring 春summer 夏autumn 秋winter 冬,一月份JAN. Jan.=January二月份FEB. Feb.=February三月份MAR. Mar.=March四月份APR. Apr.=April五月份MAY May = May六月份JUN.Jun.=June七月份JUL.Jul.=July八月份AUG. Aug.=August九月份SEP. Sept.=September十月份OCT. Oct.=October十一月份NOV. Nov.=November十二月份DEC. Dec.=December,1像 箭 Jan.=Ja

6、nuary 二月过春节,都放寒假“飞吧” Feb.=February 三月三八妇女节 “妈妻”节 Mar.=March四月 吃苹果 ” apple“ Apr.=April五月 劳动节 劳动最“美” May = May六月 六一儿童节 大家聚会“聚呢ju neJun.=June七月 暑假” 就来“ Jul.=July八月 奥古斯特 Aug.=August九月 开学上 school Sept.=September十月 国庆节 投气球 我可投吧”Oct.=October十一 很冷 没有温度 “ no 温” Nov.=November十二月 一年到底 Dec.=December,Listen to t

7、he tape and answer these questions:,1.Where and what do they talk about?2.How many months are there in spring? What are they?3.Is it hot or cool in summer?4.Does it ever snow in winter?,Whats the climate like in your country?,Its very pleasant.,Where do you come from?=Where are you from?I come from

8、Greece.=I am from Greece.What nationality are you?Im Greek.weather: 指某特定地区在 一定时间的气象情况。 climate 指一般比较长的时间,如一季的天气状况。,I come from Greece.,Where do you come from?I come from_.,China,springIts often windy in _.Its always warm in _ and _, but it rains sometimes.,March,April,May,summerIts always hot in _,

9、_and_ . The sun shines every day.,June,July,August,autumnIts always warm in _ and _.Its often cold in _ and it rains sometimes.,September,October,November,winterIts often cold in_ , _and _.It snows sometimes.,December,January,February,Spring:,often windy ;,always warm ;,rains sometimes,Summer:,alway

10、s hot;,The sun shines every day.,Autumn/Fall:,always warm;,often cold;,rains sometimes,Winter:,often cold;,snows sometimes,Key sentences:,Whats the weather like? Is it.?,汉 斯:你是哪国人?迪米特里:我是希腊人。汉 斯:你们的国家的气候是怎么样?迪米特里:气候非常宜人。汉 斯:春季的天气怎么样?迪米特里:3月里常常刮风。 4月和5月的天气总暖洋洋的,但有时下雨。汉 斯:夏季的天气如何呢?迪米特里:6月、7月和8月的天气总是炎热

11、的 每天都出太阳。汉 斯:秋季的天气是冷还是暖呢?迪米特里:9月和10月总是很暖和, 11月常常就冷了,而且有时下雨。汉 斯:冬季的天气很冷吗?迪米特里:12月、1月和2月常常很冷,有时还下雪。,我是小小天气播报员,Im a weather reporter!,Where do you come from?I come from _.Whats the weather like in _? Its _.,Where do you come from ? Whats the weather like in _?,:一般现在时,表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作的一种时态,常与always,

12、 often, never, usually, sometimes, every day等连用。,Present simple tense,Things are always true 1. 客观事实,Things are true now2. 符合现在事实情况,Things we do regularly3. 经常、习惯、反复做的事情,I am Lily. We are boys. The moon goes round the earth.,You are 13.He is a student. You study at Menghe Secondary School.,I wash th

13、e dishes every day.You sometimes take a bus home. They usually have lunch at 11:30.She often helps others.He always gets up early. Nick visits museums at weekends. She is often late for school.,一般现在时的三种用法,我们每天都喝牛奶。 我们总在下午上英语课。,在描述一个动作多久发生一次时,可以用以下这些词:,Every day we drink milk.,We always have English classes in the afternoon.,她通常下课后打篮球。,She usually plays basketball after school.,他经常坐公共汽车上学。,He often goes to school by bus.,我们有时做家务活。,Sometimes we do housework.,她很少9点以后吃晚饭。,She seldom has supper after 9:00pm.,他上学从不迟到。,He is never late for school.,


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