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1、,Lesson 23,One mans meat is another mans poison,【New words and expressions】 生词和短语poison n. 毒药illogical adj. 不合逻辑的,无章法的octopus n. 章鱼delicacy n. 美味,佳肴repulsive adj. 令人反感的,令人生厌的stomach n. 胃turn v. 感到恶心,翻胃,fry v. 油炸fat n. (动物、植物)油abuse n. 辱骂,责骂snail n. 蜗牛luxury n. 奢侈品,珍品associate v. 联想到despise v. 鄙视appe

2、al v. 引起兴致shower n. 阵雨stroll n. 溜达,散步impulse n. 冲动dozen n. 12个,一打fancy v.喜爱,喜欢,oison One mans meat is another mans poison: used to say that sth. one person likes may not be liked by someone else= theres no accounting for taste. whats your poison? a very humorous way of asking someone which alcoholic

3、 drink he/she would like poisonous adj.hate each other like poison 彼此互相恨透 drug 毒品 take/use drugs吸毒 drug rehabilitation center戒毒所,illogical,il- not 否定 前缀logical illogicallegal illegallegible illegible,octopus : a sea creature with 8 tentacles Ink-fish 乌贼 octo- 8Octagon 八角形 October according to Roman

4、Calendar,delicacy,Eg. Snails are considered a delicacy in France.delicate adj. 美味的,可口的,清淡的 delicious adj. 味道美的 epicure: a person who takes interest in the pleasure of food and drink and regards cooking as an art 美食家 glutton: a person who eats a lot big-eater 饭桶 a big-mouth 多嘴多舌的人,(口语) 称赞美食 The smell

5、 is making me hungry. The aroma makes my mouth water. It was out of the world! So delicious! I licked the platter clean! I am so full I could burst. I made a pig of myself.,repulsive : very unpleasant,disgusting adj.(多用于食物),stomach,have a strong stomach turn ones stomach have no stomach for a fight/

6、quarrel appetite n. a desire for food食欲 have an appetite for knowledge have a huge/big appetite lose your appetite (口语)肚子 (医) 肚子,腹部abdomen,fry,boil bleach steam back roast stev steamed-bread 馒头 barbecue 烧烤,水煮(放在水里)漂,焯一下蒸烤(面包)烤肉炖肉,焖菜 n大烩菜,fry up 加热Eg.Fry up the food, please. fry in ones own fat 自作自受

7、have other fish to fry 另有要事要做Eg: Hello,Lucy, lets go have dinner. Thats a good idea, but I have other fish to fry. Thank you very much.,fat,fatty adj.plump 丰满的 chubby 胖嘟嘟的,,abuse n. /v. : to use sth. such as power or authority for the wrong purposeEg. Dont abuse your authority. He greeted his wife w

8、ith a stream of abuse. 他骂妻子的声音不绝于耳。,snail,at a snails pace: extremely slow Eg. How could you catch the train at a snails pace.,associate,associate with =connect with=link with = be bound up withEg. Chinese will associate red with merry while Americans link it with danger.,despise vt. regard as worth

9、less,look down upon 鄙视,瞧不起Eg: Dont look down upon anyone.,appeal v. 引起兴致 appeal to sb 引起某人兴趣 Eg: Eating snails never appeals to me. appeal 上诉,呼吁 appeal for sth. 为某事而上诉,stroll n. slow walking for pleasure go for a stroll/ take a stroll = go for a walk/ take a walk stroller 散步的人 stroll vi.Eg. He is st

10、rolling along the road.,impulse : a sudden wish to do sth. on impulse 冲动的Eg. He rushed out to catch up (with) the lady on impulse. be driven by impulse to do sth. 情不自禁的做Eg.Why did you do it? I should say I was driven by impulse to do it. impulsive adj. 冲动的 impulsively adv. 冲动地,dozen: a group of twel

11、ve by the dozen 成打的 dozens of 许多的 two dozen eggs,a dozen roses. (其用法和hundred, thousand 一样) Speak nineteen to the dozen 说个不停 Eg.The old lady is speaking nineteen to the dozen.,fancy v.: to like Eg.: I dont fancy living in the cold room. fancy 想像,设想: to image(表示一种惊讶的心情,其后接动名词做宾语)Eg. Fancy meeting you

12、here. fancy oneself 自以为是,自命不凡 Do you fancy yourself?,listen,Listen to the tape then answer . what was it about snails that made the writer collect them for his friend on that day in particular?,People become quite illogical when they try to decide what can be eaten and what cannot be eaten.当涉及到或谈及到叙

13、述客观事实的时候 it comes to sth when it comes to doing sth when eg. 家长们在决定孩子学什么不学什么时,变得 不合情理。 Parents become quite illogical when they try to decide what children can learn and what they cant nowadays. He never complains when it comes to helpinghis wife with the house work.,for instance = for example Take

14、sth. For instance say, lets say打个比方,on the other hand 另一方面at 介词,表示当.就.;一.就. at the idea of 一想到 at the sight of 一看到 at the mention of 一提到 at the news of 一听到.消息 at the touth of 一触摸到.东西 at the sound of 一听到.声音,at the thought of 一想到Eg.: I was glad at the thought of getting something te eat. I always love

15、 at the mention of ghost story.,accepted practice: sth. That people do oftenWide spread practice常见的事,司空见惯的做法 common/standard/general/normal practice be out of practice practice makes perfect.,stick to 1.=insist on doing = persist in doing2.be loyal to Stick to me, and youll never go hungry again.stick to ones promise,


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