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1、常用并列连词coordinating conjunctions,平行并列连词: 转折并列连词:因果并列连词: 选择并列连词:,and, bothand, not only but also, neithernor,but,however,while,yet,for,so,or,eitheror,请用合适的并列连词把每组句子合并为一个并列句。1.He was tired. He went to bed. 2.The child hid behind his mothers skirt. He was afraid of the dog.,He was tired, so he went to b

2、ed.,The child hid behind his mothers skirt,for he was afraid of the dog.,He made a promise.He didnt keep it.,He made a promise,but He didnt keep it.,Mary is opening the door.John is greeting her guests.,Mary is opening the door,and John is greeting her guests.,How to do these exercises.He isnt a stu

3、dent. (She)2. She doesnt study English. (Mary)3. They didnt play football yesterday. ( we),She isnt a student, either.Neither is she.,Mary doesnt study English, either.Neither does Mary.,We didnt play football yesterday, either.Neither did we.,4. Jim always works hard.Marys mother is a Chinese.6. Sh

4、e said she would come to see me.,So he does.,So she is.,So she did.,对上文所说的事加以肯定,某人(事)怎么样.这种情况也适合另一个人(事).肯定式.too, also, so 否定式.either, neither,但是,either, neither也可以做代词,either两个中的任何一个,neither 两个都不,Will you come here this evening or tomorrow evening? Either is OK. Im free. (Neither . Im very busy.)2. I

5、 have an apple. Either of you can take it. I want to eat it. Neither of you can take it.,.句中either.or是连词, 意为” 或或,是还是, 不是就是” Either my father or my mother cooks dinner on weekdays常见的结构有. 1. 连接并列主语, 谓语一般和邻近的主语一致.Either you or he has to go there.Either mum or I wash clothes.Either you or I am right.Eit

6、her he or his brother knows the way there.,2. 连结并列谓语或表语,状语 You may either watch TV at home or play basketball outside.Either come in or go out.He is either a doctor or a teacher.Do you speak either English or French?You may come either before class or after class.Either you stay or I do.,neithernor.

7、, (既不也不) not only but also(不但而且),连结两个主语时与either or一样 Neither you nor he is wrong. Neither Dad nor my brother helps.Not only you but also your teacher was wrong.Not only Li Ming but also his wife works in the USA.与以上三个不同的是,bothand(两着都)连结两个主语时,句中谓语动词应是复数形式Both you and your teacher are wrong.Both Li Mi

8、ng and his wife work in USA.My father has friends both at home and abroad.,Choose the right verb form to complete the sentences.Both my brothers _ in Italy. ( lives/ live)Neither of his parents _ butter and cheese. (likes/ like)Neither John nor Mary _ at home. ( was/were)Both Peter and Mike often _

9、football match but neither of them_ football very well. (watches/watch) (plays/play)Either you or I _ going to cook supper tonight. (are/am)Either my father or my mother _ dinner. Both my brother and I _ them on weekends. (cooks/cook) (helps/help)All the people in my family _the housework. (does/do)

10、,live,likes,was,watch,plays,am,cooks,help,do,Fill in the blanks with “ eitherorneithernorboth(and)My father and my mother are _ teachers. They teach in the same school.2. _he _she can join us. We want both of them.3. The trousers are _ too short_ too long. Neither of them is the right size.4. She is

11、 _Chinese _ Japanese. She comes from Korea.5. Everyone helps parents with the housework because my parents _ work.,both,Either or,either or,neither nor,both,Fill in the blanks with the proper verb formsEither your mother or your father _(be) a worker.2. Either they or he _(be) a student.3. Neither y

12、ou nor Tom _(have) this book.4. Both your parents and your sister _(be) at home.,is,is,has,are,1.老师和学生们都不喜欢这部电影Neither the students nor the teacher likes this film.不要像那样和你的父母说话,那是不礼貌的。 Dont talk with your parents like that.Its impolite.你的女儿不但很漂亮而且也很聪明Your daughter is not only beautiful but clever as

13、 well.I wonder at his rudeness.9.I wonder whether he will come again.,Do more exercises on P.124-125,1. c 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. d 8. b 9. a 10. a 11. d 12. a,Lesson 26 The best art critics,Daily English,Do you like painting? How many painters do you know? Is it easy to understand the paintings

14、? Who is the best art critics?,齐白石,Daily English,姓名:齐白石生卒:1864年1月1日-1957年9月16日 简介:齐白石(1864年1月1日1957年9月16日),生于湖南长沙府湘潭(今湖南湘潭)人。原名纯芝,字渭青,号兰亭。后改名璜,字濒生,号白石、白石山翁、老萍、饿叟、借山吟馆主者、.,徐悲鸿,Daily English,徐悲鸿(1895-1953年),汉族,原名徐寿康,江苏宜兴市屺亭镇人。中国现代画家、美术教育家。曾留学法国学西画,归国后长期从事美术教育,先后任教于国立中央大.,达芬奇,Daily English,达芬奇全名为莱昂纳多达芬

15、奇(14521519),是整个欧洲文艺复兴时期最完美的代表。达芬奇是一位学识渊博、多才多艺的画家、寓言家、雕塑.,梵高,Daily English,文森特威廉梵高(又称”凡高”,以下称“梵高”)(Vincent Willem van Gogh,18531890),荷兰后印象派画家。出生于新教牧师家庭。是后印象主义的先驱,并深深地影响了二十世纪艺术,尤其是野兽派与表现主义。,毕加索,Daily English,姓名:毕加索生卒:1881年10月25日-1973年4月8日 简介:毕加索,西班牙画家、雕塑家。法国共产党党员。是现代艺术的创始人,西方现代派绘画的主要代表。,Key wordsexpre

16、ssions,art n. 艺术critic n. 评论家paint n. 画pretend v. 假装, pattern n. 图案curtain n. 窗帘,Key wordsexpressions,material n. 材料appreciate v.鉴赏 notice v. 注意到 whether conj。是否Hang v.悬挂upside down 上下颠倒地critically adv.批评地,1.pretend假装pretend to do pretend thatDont pretend _(know)when you dont.别不懂装懂。You pretend_(be)f

17、oolish.你有意装傻。When the test is finished,he pretended to _(recover).测验结束了,他就假装痊愈了。He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home.,New words and expressions,to know,to be,to recover,2.appreciate 鉴赏 感激I appreciate your invitation very much. 我很感谢你的邀请。appreciate sth appreciate doing sthappreci

18、ate that Weshallappreciatehearingfromyouagain.能再次收到你的来信,我们将十分感激。Iappreciatethatyouhavecomehereso early.感谢你来得这么早。,3.notice v.注意到notice sb doing sth动作持续性,一部分notice sb do sth动作全过程 He noticed me entering the room.他看到我正在走进房间。She was too shy to notice him.她太害羞, 没有向他打招呼。He was noticed to leave the office a

19、s soon as possible.他被通知尽快离开办公室n.公告,通知,贴示,4.hang hung hung悬挂 hang out 更侧重于跟朋友出去玩的意思hang about 则相对更集中于闲逛,徘徊的意思哈hang up 挂起挂断电话 区别hang(hanged hanged)绞死,5.art 艺术 artist艺术家6.critic评论家 critical评论的critically评论地7.paint a painting 画一幅画8.pattern图案9.curtain窗帘10.material材料11.whether是否(or not)12.upside down上下颠倒的,

20、Enjoy the story and find the answer,Does the writer think that many people really understand modern art? Why do young children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else? What did the writers sister say about the picture on the wall?,Read the story again, and tell me T or F,The writer

21、is a famous painter and he paints a lot of pictures. Many people like pretending that they understand modern art. Of course, many pictures are “about” something. They are not just pretty patterns. People dont like those pictures in the same way as pretty curtain material. The writer thinks young chi

22、ldren often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. The writers sister is only seven years old, so she cant understand the pictures. Yesterday the writer was hanging the picture on the wall when his sister came in. The picture which the writer was hanging was an old one. I found the pict

23、ure was upside down. My sister looked at the picture critically for only a moment before she said that it was all right.,They always tell you what a picture isabout.They always tell you what a picture means.,Language points,I think that young children often appreciate modern art better than anyone e

24、lse.当形容词修饰的是一个由some, any, every等词构成的不定代词时,定语要后置Would you like to eat anything else?,(改错)I have important something to tell you.(选择)when you learn English,you should often read_ _ A.English something B.something EnglishC.England something D.something England,B,We like them in the same way that we lik

25、e pretty curtain material.in the same way that以同样的方式She is singing in the same way that I was.,key structures 关键句型She always tells me whether my picutures are good or not.I dont know whether you are telling the truth (or not).I cant decide whether to go(or not).I dont know whether you like flowers(o

26、r not).,双手交叉如图所示,看一看你是左手的大拇指在上面,还是右手的大拇指在上面? 右手手的大拇指在上面:说明你是 一个理性的人,做事爱动脑筋,不冲动,不容易被别人的语言打动,做事情逻辑性强。 左手的大拇指在上面:说明你是一个感性的人,做事容易凭直觉。易动情, 别人的言语对你有很大触动,I want to know whether you are rational(理性的) or not. perceptual 感性的pseptul,Im hanging this picture on the wall,its a new one.(one代指上文中同类中的其一)(it代指前文中提到过的

27、那个事物)Where is my bike?I cant find it.This is my new watch.I like it very much.,Do you like these photos? Yes, _are very beautiful and I like_ very much. A.they,those B.they,them C.ones,ones D.the ones, the onesI am looking for a house. Id like _ with a garden around_A.one,it B.it,it C.one,one D.it,o

28、ne,B,A,Isnt it upside down?反问句 表示说话者惊异的情绪、责难的口吻或赞叹;某种建议、邀请、请求或看法等。助动词/be动词/情态动词否定形式提前Arent you a student ?难道你不是一个学生吗?Cant you wait a moment ?你不能等一会儿吗?,Key points,critic, critical, critically art, artist paint, painter, painting pretend that 从句 pretend to do sth. in the same way that / as appreciate

29、doing sth. / appreciate your help anyone else / Who else do you know? /other students notice 注意 / put up a notice 通知,海报,布告 whether or not / if 区别 hang = put up / hang hung hung / hang hanged hanged Its a new one / Do you like it? upside down 上下颠倒, 一团糟 material 材料 Isnt it upside down 反问句,Look and thi

30、nk,1.Whose bike is it? Do you know,你能得出结论吗?,特殊疑问句作宾语从句: 1、用疑问词引导 2、从句用陈述句语序。 3、宾语从句时态受主句限制,whose bike it is?,2.How can I get to the post office? Could you tell me,how I can get to the post office?,3.Where does he live? She wants to know She asked,where he lives.,where he lived.,由从属连词whether, if 引导的宾

31、语从句,1. Will he go to the park with us? I want to know _.2.Can he come? He is worried about _? 3.Is it going to rain tomorrow or not? I dont know _.,if /whether he will go to the park with us,whether he can come,whether it is going to rain or not,1.当句末为or not时,引导词只能用whether而不能用if.2.介词后,引导词只能用whether而

32、不能用if.3.与不定式连用,引导词只能用whether而不能用if.4.从句放在 句首,引导词只能用whether而不能用if.,4.Whether to leave or not depends on you.,将下列每组两个句子用适当的词连接起来(注意时态和语序)1. Do you like English ? Wei Fang asked me . Wei Fang asked me _ _ English . 2. Were you at home before nine last night ? The policeman wants to know. The policeman

33、wants to know _ _ _ at home before nine last night. 3. Has he come back from Guangzhou ? I asked my teacher . I asked my teacher _ he _ _ back from Guangzhou. 4. Ill go to the park . It doesnt rain tomorrow. Ill go to the park _ it _ rain tomorrow. 5. Can Mike drive a car ? Could you tell us ? Could

34、 you tell us _ Mike _ _ a car ? 6. Did Alice work out the problem herself ? I asked the teacher . I asked the teacher _ Alice _ _ the problem herself.,If I liked,If I was,If had come,If doesnt,If can drive,If worked out,Practise,1.Is your father at home tonight? Tell me.,2.Can he come tomorrow? Coul

35、d you tell me?,3. Will it rain tomorrow? Did you know?,4. Are you a student or not? He asked me.,5. Has he gone to Hainan? She wanted to know.,Tell me if /whether your father is at home tonight.,Could you tell me if/whether he can come tomorrow?,Did you know if /whether it would rain tomorrow?,He as

36、ked me whether I was a student or not.,He wanted to know if/whether he had gone to Hainan.,Whats that called in English?Whats that made of?Whats that used for?Where is it made?,It is called a clock.,It is made of metal.,It is used for telling the time.,It is made in China.,Do more exercises,1. a 2.

37、d 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. d 7. d 8. a 9. b 10 d 11. b 12. d,talk about my own opinion,How is your room at home decorated? What do you have on your walls?2.Do you think artists should try to “please” other people? Why or why not?,Thanks for listening!Goodbye!,wool,leather,glass,cloth,cotton,wood,metal,pape

38、r,handle, handle, handle, made of metal. wool, wool, wool, used for keeping warm. wood, wood, wood, made into board. brush, brush, brush, used for brushing.,Chant,Do you remember these materials,metal,gold,glass,paper,plastic,silver,wood,wool,flour,mud,card,cotton,silk,rubber,fur,nylon,polyester,allow/permit 允许 prevent/stop 停止/阻止appreciate/enjoy喜欢cant stand 不能忍受consider 考虑 finish 完成imagine 想象 practise 练习miss 错过,怀念 mind 介意feel like 想要 insist on 坚持give up 放弃 be busy 忙于,


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