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1、Lesson 101,A card from Jimmy,本课内容,单词学习直接引语和间接引语课文讲解翻译句子翻译对话作业,单词学习,Scotland n. 苏格兰(英国)card n. 明信片youth n. 青年hostel n. 招待所,旅馆association n. 协会soon adv. 不久write(wrote, written) v. 写,card n. 明信片,卡片post card 明信片,credit card 信用卡,an ID card 身份证,a birthday card 生日卡片,a new year card 新年贺卡,名片,扑克,Play cards打扑克

2、,-youth1)n.青年人,年轻人(单复数同形)该国的青年人 一 般都有礼貌The youth of the nation is polite in general.2)青年(少年)时期,青春时期他少年时代在美国度过He spent his youth in the U.S.A他年轻时学过意大利语。He studied Italian in his youth.3)青春,She lost her youth. 她青春不再,She kept her youth. 她青春依旧,association n. 协会我父亲是牙医协会的会长。My father was the president of

3、the dental association.在组织或者机构前要加定冠词thethe United Nations the International Olympic Committee,-soon adv.1)不久他不久就会回来。He will be back soon. 演在晚餐之后很快就开始了。The show began soon after dinner.表2)快,早Winter has come too soon.冬天来得太早了The sooner, the better. 越快越好as soon as 一就你一完成就告诉我Tell me as soon as you have f

4、inished.,-write v. 写请你把姓名,地址写在这里。Write your name and address here, please. 你报告写好了没有?Have you written the report yet? 我用铅笔还是用钢笔写?Shall I write in pencil or in ink? 用英文写write in EnglishWrite to sb. 给某人写信我一个月给我家人写两封信。I write to my family twice a month.,直接引语和间接引语,直接引语就是直接引用说话人原来所说的话,而间接引语就是原话的转述。直接引语放在引

5、号里,间接引语是把说话人的原话变成宾语从句。直接引语变间接引语须在人称,时态及地点状语等方面作相应的变化。,1.如果直接引语为陈述句,变为间接引语时常用从属连词that引导(口语中可省略),引述动常常用say,tell等。同时,概据主语的要求,间接引语须在人称,时态及其它方面作相应的变化。She said to me,“I have left my book in your room.”She told me that she had left her book in my room.,2. 如果直接引语为疑问句,变为间接引语时关联词用whether, if 或其他疑问词;词序与一般从句相同,

6、引述动词常用say, ask, wonder等。“Is he your brother?” he said.He asked if he was my brother.Mr. Smith asked, “What is your name?”Mr. Smith asked what my name was.,如果直接引语为祈使句,变为间接引语时多用“名词(代词)+不定式”结构。1)引述表示命令的祈使句,常用动词order, tell, warn;2)引述表示请求的祈使句,常用动词ask, beg;3)引述表示建议、劝告的祈使句,常用动词advise等。The boss said,“Please

7、 come here again tomorrow.”-The boss asked me to go there again the next day.,课文讲解,Read Jimmys card to me please, Penny.read sth to sb 把读给听read sb sth读这份报纸给我听。Read the newspaper to me. 你能给我读一下这封信吗?Can you read the letter to me?,I have just arrived in Scotland and Im staying at a Youth Hostel.just 1、

8、刚刚(完成时态)她刚刚把钥匙给我。He has just given the key to me. 他刚刚去图书馆。She has just gone to the library. 2、正要,刚要 (进行时态)他们刚要作弊, 老 师过来了。They were just cheating. The teacher came here. 他正要离开,他的父母打电话了。He was just leaving. His parents called.,arrive in + 城市/ 国名(大地点)她昨天到了马德里。She arrived in Madrid yesterday. arrive at

9、+公共场所地点名称(airport, park, the station)(小地点)我们十分钟前到达机场。We arrived at the airport the minutes ago. 他们刚刚到这个旅馆。They have just arrived at the hotel.,What else does he say?What else 其它什么When else 其 它什么时间Where else 其它什么地方Who else 其它什么人你还想要其它什么东西?What else do you want? 其它什么时间我们再见面呢?When else can we meet agai

10、n? 你还去过其它什么地方?Where else have you been? 还有谁能做这件事?Who else can do it?,He doesnt say very much, does he?反意疑问句由两部分组成,前面是一个陈述句,后面是一个简略问句,中间用逗号隔开,反意疑问句可以用来确认自己的判断,还可以用来表示惊讶,愤怒等感情如果前一部分陈述句是肯定形式,简略问句就要用否定形式如果前一部分陈述句是否定形式,后一部分则用肯定形式。,回答反意疑问句要根据实际情况而定。他是一个工程师,是吗?He is an engineer, isnt he?实际情况:He is an engin

11、eer.-Yes, he is.他不是一个工程师,是吗?He isnt an engineer, is he? Yes, he is.,翻译句子,今天天气真好,不是吗?她上个月去了巴黎,是吧?是的,她去了。他说他要去美国了。恐怕我看不太清楚。你没去上学,对不对?!你根本没给他打过电话,是吗?!他们说老师马上就回来。我朋友说他要给我寄明信片。我的新家离你很近,不是吗?你不爱喝咖啡,对吗?你今天又迟到了,是不是?,翻译文章,今天我想给苏珊打电话,可是她不在家。是吗?昨天我见着她妈妈了,她妈妈说她已经回来了呀。不会吧,她才去深圳没几天,不是吗?是的,可是她没有去深圳,她哪儿也没去。什么?!她上周对我们说她要去深圳的,不是吗?你还记得吧?我知道,你听我把话说完嘛。她不去深圳了,她说她要先去一趟香港,因为她打算去香港工作了。天哪,她怎么都没有告诉我呢。因为你知道了一定又会大呼小叫,就像现在这样。,


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