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1、Lesson 103,The French test,本课内容,单词学习课文讲解翻译句子翻译对话作业,单词学习,exam n. 考试pass v. 及格,通过mathematics n. (maths是缩写)数学 question n. (具体的某一个)问题easy adj. 容易的enough adv. 足够的paper n. 考卷fail v. 未及格,失败answer v. 问答mark n. 分数rest n. 其他的东西difficult adj. 困难的hate v. 讨厌low adj. 低的cheer v. 振作,振奋guy n. 家伙,人top n. 上方,顶部,exam n

2、. 考试(examination 较为正式一些)他是个好学生,他任何考试通常都在80分以上。He is a good student. He usually gets over 80 points in any exam.入学考试an entrance exam期末考试a final exam 参加考试take an exam 考试及格pass an exam考试作弊cheat in an examtest (专项技能的)考试 driving test 驾照考试,期中考试 a midterm exam,考试不及格fail an exam,ass1) v. 及格,通过只有十名学生通过了考试。On

3、ly ten students passed the examination. pass in +具体学科通过数学考试pass in mathematics 通过语文考试 pass in Chinese2) 通过,前进这条路宽度只够小汽车通过。The road is only wide enough for cars to pass. 3)穿过,越过 每天我看到他,他都点个头和我擦肩而过。Every day I see him. He always passes me with a nod.,4)把递给 pass sb sth= pass sth to sb 请把这张纸传给他。Please p

4、ass him the paper.= Please pass the paper to him. 请把要是递给我好么?Will you pass me the key?5)消失,结束好了,你会没事的,悲伤会过去的。Come on! Youll be fine. The sorrow will pass.,mathematics n. 数学缩写是maths你数学好吗?Are you good at mathematics? 她数学不太好。She is poor at mathematics. 我通过了数学考试。I passed in mathematics .,question 1) n. 问

5、题(反义词answer)我能问你个问题吗?May I ask you a question? 最后两个问题 我回答不上来。I cant answer the last two questions. beyond question 毫无疑问他确实是这个班最好的学生。He is beyond question the best student in this class. out of the question 根本不可能让他帮助我们是不可能的。It is out of the question to make him help us.,2)v. 询问,审问我想问他昨天做了些什么?Ill ques

6、tion him about what he was doing yesterday.3) v. 杯疑,对提出异议 我怀疑他是否诚实。I question his honesty.,easy adj.1) 简单的,容易的反义词difficult这是个简单的问题。This is an easy question. 这个工作很简单This is an easy job. be easy to do 容易做 这个工作容易做。The task is easy to do. Its easy for sb to do 对某人来说做某事很容 易对他来说,学习英文很容易。It is easy for him

7、 to learn English. 对她的爷爷来说,把这个箱子抬起来真不容易。It is not easy for her grandfather to lift the box.,2)安逸的,舒适的,不用操心的 live an easy life 过安逸的生活。Be easy/Take it easy.请放心,别紧张3) 宽大的,温顺的,不严厉的be easy on sb / be easy with sb 对宽容,不 严厉对她温和些,她身体不舒服Go easy on her. Shes not feeling well.你为什么那么宽容她?Why are you so easy on h

8、er?,enough 1) adv. 足够地他跑得够快,能够赶上他的朋友He runs fast enough to catch up with his friend. 。你穿这么薄的衣服暖和么?Are you warm enough in such a light coat.enough for sb to do 足够做.这个房间我们住足够大了。This room is big enough for us to live in . 你还太小,不能做这件事情。You are not old enough to do it.,2)adj. 充足的你有时间作这件事吗?Do you have eno

9、ugh time to do it? 你有足够的椅子给每个人吗?Do you have enough chairs for everyone? 十张纸足够了。 Ten pieces of paper are enough.enough+ n. + (for sb) + to do 足够(某人)做 的There is enough food for us to last a week.食物足够我们吃一周的。你有没有足够的钱,借我5美元。Do you have enough money to lend me five dollars?,aper n. 1) n. 考卷(可数名词)五十份考卷不够学生

10、考试。Fifty papers are not enough for the students to take the exam. 2)报纸(可数名词)相当于newspapera daily paper 日报 an evening paper 晚报那一定会上报的。That will certainly get into the papers.,3)论文,报告(可数名词)4)文件,资料(常用复数形式papers)重要的文件 important papers 契约文件contract papers5) 纸(不可数名词)一张纸a piece of paper three pieces of pape

11、r,fail 1) v. 不及格(反义词pass)fail the exam 考试不及格2)v. 失败(反义词succeed)计划失败了。The plan failed. fail to do 未成做成某事我今天下午未能见到他。I failed to see him this afternoon. 他常常未能遵守诺言He often fails to keep his word.,answer-1) v. 回答 他不想回答我。He doesnt want to answer me. 2)v. 应答,回应 请接电话。Please answer the phone.answer the door

12、应门3) n. 答案 你知道这道题的答案吗Do you know the answer to this question?,mark1) n. 分数school marks 学校的成绩他在英语考试中得了高分He got a high mark in English.我数学得了80 分I got 80 marks in mathematics.2) n. 记号,印,标记 make a mark 做记号在透气毡上标上记号。Please make a mark on the breather fabric.,rest 1) n. 其他的东西你可以把剩下的面包吃光。You can eat up the

13、 rest of the bread. 你打开门和窗户,剩下的由我来做。You open the door and window. Ill do the rest. 剩下的钱放在了架子上。The rest of the money was put on the shelf. 剩下的的学生回家了。The rest of the students went back home.2)n. 休息休 息一下。take a rest/have a rest,difficult 1) adj. 困难的那本书对小孩来说很难。The book is difficult for the children. be

14、difficult to do. 做. 是困难的该问题很难回答。The question is difficult to answer. Its difficult for sb to do. 对某人来说做某事很难打一封信对她来说很难It is difficult for her to type a letter. 2)难对付的他是一个很难相处的人。He is a difficult man to get along with.,hate v. 讨厌我讨厌狗I hate dogs. 他们互相厌恶。They hate each other. hate doing. 不喜欢做 她不喜欢做饭。She

15、 hates cooking. hate to do 不愿意.,不想做我很不想说这句话,但你的确错了。I hate to say it, but you are wrong.,low adj. 1) 低的 小心,门很矮。Be careful! Its a low door.冷库里温度很低。The temperature is low in the freezer.2) (身体)弱的,没有精神的,意志消沉的He is in a low state of health. 他的健康状况不好。他因感冒而没精神。He is low with a cold. 我今天心情很坏。I feel so low t

16、oday3) (声音)低的low season 淡季 high season 旺季,cheer v.1) 振作,振奋那个消息使那一家人振奋不己。The news cheered the family. 提起精神Cheer up! 2)欢呼,喝彩,为(某人)加油当他出现时群众发出欢呼声The crowd cheered when he appeared.,top n. 上方,顶部反义词bottom在山顶at the top of a mountain书页的上方。The top of the page .从上面算起第三行the third line from the topFrom top to

17、toe .= from top to bottom 从头到脚,完全的On top of the world ,非常幸福的,欢天喜地的他高兴得心情飘飘然。He felt on top of the world.,课文讲解,How was the exam? = How did the exam go?工作进行如何?How is the work going?生活如何?How is life? Not too bad. / Just so so. 非常好Pretty good.太重了,我搬不动。Its too heavy. I cant lift it. 房间太小了The room is too

18、small.,How about you? = What about you? 用于询问情况或者用于提建议下个假期去法国怎么样?How about going to France for our next holiday?The English and Maths papers werent easy enough for me. I hope I havent failed.enough 的用法一般放在形容词之后使用这个房间对我们来说够大了。The room is big enough for us. 这本书对我来说不算有趣。The book isnt interesting enough for me.,enough 放在名词之前他没有买计算机,因为他没有钱了。He didnt buy the computer, because he didnt have enough money.,


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