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1、第二课时:阅读理解,阅读理解(Reading),一测试形式(testing form) 八级考试阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)部分由四篇阅读材料组成,共3000个单词左右,题材广泛,包括社会,科技,文化,经济,日常知识,人物传记等,体裁多样,包括记叙文(narration),描写文(description),说明文(exposition),议论文(argumentation),广告(advertisement),图表(chart)等,关键词基本上不超出规定的范围。每篇材料后有若干道多项选择题。,根据高校英语专业八级考试大纲的规定,阅读理解的测试要求分为以下就几项:1.能

2、读懂一般英美报刊杂志上的社论和书评。2.能读懂有一定难度的历史传记和文学作品。3.能理解所读材料的主旨大意;能理解字面意义和隐含意义;能根据所读材料进行判断和推理;能分析所读材料的思想观点、语编结构、语言特点和修辞手法。4. 能在阅读中根据需要自觉调整阅读速度和阅读技巧。5.考试时间是30分钟。,由此可见,八级考试对考生的要求还是非常高的。我们在英语专业八级测试的成绩统计中可以发现:虽然考生的阅读能力明显高于其他的能力,但也存在一定的问题,主要是: (1) 部分考生的单词、词组以及语法的基本功还不过关,对阅读理解做成不应该的影响;(2) 考生的衔接能力不强; (3) 没有足够的推理和判断能力;

3、 (4) 阅读技能掌握不够,运用上下文解决问题能力不强,整体理解力有待提高。,为了解决这些问题我们有必要了解一下阅读的一些基本层面。目前比较公认的将阅读理解的过程分为四个层次:(1) 字面理解(literal comprehension) ,主要是指读者可以理解文章的单词和句型,回想文章大意、细节、事件发生的时间、地点、顺序和人物之间的关系、对比、人物特性和因果关系等等。(2)推断性理解(inferential comprehension) ,主要是指读者根据字面意思推断出字里行间的隐含意思,包括作者的意图和观点等。(3) 评价性理解(evaluative comprehension) ,主要

4、是指读者根据自己的原则和观点对文章进行分析和评价。 (4) 欣赏性理解(appreciative comprehension) ,指读者最终对文章的写作技巧、思想水平等做出评价。,常见的阅读方法,1、略读 (Skimming)2、扫读 (Scanning)3、研读(Study Reading),Skimming: reading for the general idea or the big picture,Reread material you have already studied.Look over and sort out your mail.Flip through a new b

5、ook or magazine.Keep informed in a general way about the news.,Practical steps for skimming,Read the title.Note the authors name and the source of the text.Read the first paragraph completely.Read subheadings and first sentences of remaining paragraphs.,Alternately read and “float” over the body of

6、the material, looking for the following:main idea of paragraphs, with some of the more important supporting details;clue words, such as names, dates, and qualifying adjectives;direction words, indicating the writers agreement or disagreement with the idea under discussion;numbered sequences and idea

7、s set off by attention-getting markings, such as italic or boldface type, capital letters, asterisks and so on.If the final paragraph appears to be a summary, read it completely.,Scanning: reading for the exact answer to a specific question,Finding a word in the dictionary;Locating a certain street

8、or town on a map;Finding a certain trains departure time in a train timetable;Looking for news of a specific athlete, meeting, or traffic accident in the newspaper;Finding the subject, author, or title you want in the librarys card catalog or on the shelf;Locating information in a book index or tabl

9、e of contents.,Practical steps for scanning,Note the time when you start the exercise.Read carefully the first question on the text. Scan, but do not read in the usual way, the paragraphs of the text to find the answer to this question. Let your eyes move very rapidly over the sentences until you co

10、me to the sentence that gives you the answer. Read this sentence. Check no further in the text.Mark your answer to the question either by circling the letter or by filling in the blank.Go on to the second question immediately, and repeat this process. Complete all the questions on the text.Make a no

11、te of your finishing time.,StudyReading,研读(studyreading)就是仔细阅读,对文章有透彻深刻理解。根据考题,运用上下文、逻辑关系、背景知识进行判断和推论。对难句的理解和翻译用得着这种方法。,从上面的分类我们不难看出字面理解属于浅层理解,它依靠读者的语言知识即可完成。而推断性理解属于深层理解,它要依靠读者的语言能力和阅读技巧来完成。评价性理解和欣赏性理解属于理解的最高境界,指读者能根据文章的结构进行分析和逻辑判断,从字里行间推测出作者隐含的意义和作者的观点。读者凭借自己的阅读经验和评判原则,分析、评价文章的优劣、信息的真实性、事件的可能性和结论的

12、合理性等,并表明自己的态度。结合阅读过程的这四个不同层面,八级考试的阅读题型一般分为五类,即细节题、主旨题、推断题、词义题和评价题。,1.细节题是根据文章的内容、信息进行提问的。譬如以what, which, when, where, why 等开头的问题。一般而言需要根据题干中的关键词在文章中找到相关语句,然后再结合上下文对这些语句进行进一步的分析。以2019年真题中的TEXT A 为例:本文主要阐释了威尔士在英联邦中的地位的逐渐改善。该篇文章第一题为细节题。According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant toA. maintain

13、 the present status among the nations.B. reduce legislative powers of England.C. create a better state of equality among the nations.D. grand more say to all the nations in the union.根据该词所在的句子:The idea behind devolution was to restore the balance within the union of nations making up the United King

14、dom. 这里的意思是,权力下放是为了使英国的各个地区之间能够重建平衡,所以应该选C选项。,再比如2019年TEXT C 的第三个小题。Richard s behavior as death approached showedA. bravery and self-controlB. wisdom and correctnessC. devotion and romanceD. chivalry and charity根据文章第三段对查理死前情况的描述,我们可以看出他能够勇敢而平静得面对死亡,将财产分给好友或者是馈赠给慈善机构,而且原谅了射杀他的弓箭手。所以D选项是正确选项。解此题的关键在于对

15、于单词chivalry(骑士精神)的掌握。,2.主旨题。该种题型主要考察文章的大意、作品基调、作者态度和目的等。出题形式通常为:“What does the passage mainly discuss?”, “Which of the following is the more appropriate tile for the passage?”。,3.推断题。推断题是根据作者暗示的信息和观点或者是某段/某句的言外之意而提出的问题。这类问题不仅要求考生读懂相关的文章内容,还要求考生能够做出正确的推论。以2019真题中的TEXT A 为例:文章第五小题According to Dyfan Jo

16、nes, what has changed isA. peoples mentalityB. pop cultureC. towns appearanceD. possibilities for the people我们可以通过文章最后一段的内容:is growing up with a sense of possibility unimaginable ten years ago. “We used to think: We cant do anything, were only Welsh. Now I think thats changing. ” 推导出来威尔士人心态的变化。所以A应该

17、是正确选项。,再比如,2019年的TEXT C 的第三篇文章的第四个小题:The point of the last short paragraph is that Richard wasA. cheated by his own successor.B. determined to take revenge on his enemies.C. more generous to his enemies than his successors.D. unable to influence the behavior of his successor文章倒数第二段提到查理不仅原谅了射伤他的人而且还赠

18、给他一些财物。文章最后却告诉我们,查理去世后,放箭的人受剥皮酷刑而死,由此我们可以推断出查理与他的继任者相比对敌人更加的宽容大度。所以,C选项为正确选项,4. 词义题。此种题型用于测试考生对具体词义或指代关系的识别能力。其题干类型经常为:“The word attribute in line means”/ “What does the underlined phrase in line 38 refer to ” 我们以2019年真题第一篇文章的第二个小题为例:The word “centrifugal” in the second paragraph meansA. separatistB

19、. conventionalC. feudalD. political该词所在的句子是:to counter centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union. 从中我们可以看出, “centrifugal” 与“union”相对。所以A为正确选项。,5.评价题。此题型用于测试考生对文章风格、写作手法等的分析能力。题干经常为:“What kind of writing technique does the writer use in the passage to”/ “What are the ways

20、the writer uses to create the gloomy impression in the passage?”以2019年TEXT B 为例,该篇文章的第三个小题:What is the role of the 4th and 5th paragraphs in the development of the topic?A. To show how Kuwaiti women enjoy themselves.B. To describe how women work and study in Kuwait.C. To offer supporting evidence to

21、 the preceding paragraphs.D. To provide a contrast to the preceding paragraphs.文章的第二、三段主要谈科威特妇女没有选举权。第四、五段着重论述科威特的妇女与其他海湾国家的妇女相比,已经享有了很大的自由。消极方面和积极方面的对比使我们选择D为正确选项。,再比如2019年真题的第三篇文章的第六个小题。The relation between the first and second paragraphs is thatA. each presents one side of the pictureB. the first

22、 generalizes, the second gives examples.C. the second is the logical result of the firstD. both present Richards virtues and faults通过阅读文章可知第一段描述的是查理酷爱战争;第二段描述的是查理虽说骁勇善战,但他不残暴而且仁慈慷慨。由此可知,这两段话分别从不同的角度对查理的性格特点作了描述。所以选择A项为正确选项。,二 测试要求(requires) 高效英语专业八级考试大纲(2019年新版)规定如下: 1.能读懂一般英美报刊(the press)杂志上的社论(edi

23、torial)和书评(comment)。 2.能读懂有一定难度的历史传记(biography)和文学作品(literary works)。,3.能理解所读材料的主旨大意(general ideas and main points),分辨出其中的事实(truth)和细节(details);能理解字面意义(literal meaning)和隐含意义(connotation);根据所读材料进行判断和推理(infer/inference);能分析所读材料的思想观点,语篇结构(structure),语言特点(language characteristic)和修辞手法(rhetoric)。4.在阅读中根据

24、需要自觉调整(adjust)阅读速度(reading speed)和阅读技巧(reading skills)。5.考试时间30分钟(remember, we only have 30min for this part)。,三.解题步骤(steps) 考生在阅读过程中,掌握普遍的解题步骤是十分有必要的。1.通读全文。通读全文往往采用速读法(skimming),要求考生在最短的时间内了解文章的主旨,掌握文体结构,了解每个段落的大意,以便在做题时可以迅速定位考点所在的位置。2.浏览(skim through)试题。速读后浏览文章后的试题和选项,以便带着问题有目的地去复读原文。,3.有目的的复读。在通

25、读全文了解大意,结构和浏览试题后,考生可以采用跳读法(scanning),按照试题要求,有针对性地从相应的段落中迅速找出所需要的关键信息。此时应注意,在选择答案时,要排除自己的主观想象,根据文章内容做出客观选择。 4.核读(checking)。考生对较难的试题,尤其是文章主旨题,作者态度题,可以根据全文及各题所给的选择项进行甄别,筛选。,四.解题技巧(skills)1.整体把握 对文章整体内容的理解有助于考生定位文章主题,确定作者的语气态度,把握文章的结论。对于整篇文章的把握,考生应该从宏观(macro)上重点阅读文章的首尾两段,因为这两段往往是文章主题和结论的所在。另外,每个段落的主题句(t

26、opic sentence)也应该特别关注,一般该句就是该段的中心内容。,2.局部定位 在绝大多数情况下,考试中的试题顺序和文章内容的先后顺序一致,问题的分布也是大致均匀的,而且是针对一定范围的内容提出问题。所以在定位细节信息的时候,考生不要用撒网的方式,将全部内容考虑在内,而应该在一个范围内设定目标,有的放矢地去考虑。文章中出现的细节信息并非独立存在,而是包含于某个论点之中,所以在寻找具体信息时,应该先定位这个论点的位置,接着找到细节信息在这个论点中的具体位置,从而得出正确答案。,3.积极阅读(a positive reading)阅读理解要求考生积极地参与到阅读中,根据一般英文写作的模式,

27、利用已知的信息和自己的背景知识,预测文章的内容。这里要注意,考生的预测含有主观性,不一定是文章所谈到的信息。所以考生在预测的同时,还要从文中不断地去核实自己的猜测,猜对了可以加快阅读速度;猜错了,可以在阅读中进行调整,加深理解。,另外,考生还可以在时间紧张的情况下,运用寻读(search) ,跳读(skip),略读等方法,积极地选择阅读的重点,舍弃次要信息,加快阅读速度,主动把握文章要点。,专业英语八级考试阅读提速方法我们在进行专八阅读练习时都会采用什么方式呢,下面的这些方法您都用过吗? 1.不要反复浏览。凡是科技读物,一般只须顺着读一遍即可。如有 必要,也要等整篇读完之后,再回过头重复某项内

28、容。避免眼睛不断地来回转动。 2.采用“筛选”式阅读法。有意识地为涉猎专业所需的信息而读3.要默读,不要朗读。发声的阅读是快速法的大敌。 4.阅读时,视线应与读物成垂直线,并充分发挥视线的“余光”作用,多览到一些内容。,5.要聚精会神地阅读。快速阅读必须有“强化”的注意力。 6.提倡有理解地阅读。阅读时,抓住实质性的关键词。读物的内容实质,正是阅读时应弄通的重点。理解,就是探索出读物的思想意义。7.在阅读中,运用要领记忆的基本方法,有目的地去记。不必去记无关紧要的词句,却要记住作者意图及内容实质。 8.学会运用多种形式的学习法,不断提高阅读速度。9.经常训练自己的阅读能力,便能巩固已经取得的成

29、果10.每天阅读的定额标准在两份报纸,一本杂志,按自己的专业需要,从中吸取相当于普通图书五十至一百页左右的信息。,EXERCISES,The Welsh language has always been the ultimate marker of Welsh identity, but a generation ago it looked as if Welsh would go the way of Manx. Once widely spoken on the Isle of Man but now extinct. Governments financing and central p

30、lanning, however, have helped reverse the decline of Welsh. Road signs and official public documents are written in both Welsh and English, and schoolchildren are required to learn both languages. Welsh is now one of the most successful of Europes regional languages, spoken by more than a half-milli

31、on of the countrys three million people. The revival of the language, particularly among young people, is part of a resurgence of national identity sweeping through this small, proud nation. Last month Wales marked the second anniversary of the opening of the National Assembly, the first parliament

32、to be convened here since 1404. The idea behind devolution was to restore the balance within the union of nations making up the United Kingdom. With most of the people and wealth, England has always had bragging rights. The partial transfer of legislative powers from Westminster, implemented by Tony

33、 Blair, was designed to give the other members of the club- Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales-a bigger say and to counter centrifugal forces that seemed to threaten the very idea of the union.,The Welsh showed little enthusiasm for devolution. Whereas the Scots voted overwhelmingly for a parliam

34、ent, the vote for a Welsh assembly scraped through by less than one percent on a turnout of less than 25 percent. Its powers were proportionately limited. The Assembly can decide how money from Westminster or the European Union is spent. It cannot, unlike its counterpart in Edinburgh, enact laws. Bu

35、t now that it is here, the Welsh are growing to like their Assembly. Many people would like it to have more powers. Its importance as figurehead will grow with the opening in 2019, of a new debating chamber, one of many new buildings that are transforming Cardiff from a decaying seaport into a Balti

36、more-style waterfront city. Meanwhile a grant of nearly two million dollars from the European Union will tackle poverty. Wales is one of the poorest regions in Western Europe- only Spain, Portugal, and Greece have a lower standard of living. Newspapers and magazines are filled with stories about gre

37、at Welsh men and women, boostingself-esteem. To familiar faces such as Dylan Thomas and Richard Burton have been added new icons such as Catherine Zeta-Jones, the movie star, and Bryn Terfel, the opera singer. Indigenous foods like salt marsh lamb are in vogue And Wales now boasts a national airline

38、. Awyr Cymru. Cymru, which means “land of compatriots,” is the Welsh name for Wales. The red dragon, the nations symbol since the time of King Arthur, is everywhere- on T-shirts, rugby jerseys and even cell phone covers.,“Until very recent times most Welsh people had this feeling of being second-cla

39、ss citizens,” said Dyfan Jones, an 18-year-old student. It was a warm summer night, and I was sitting on the grass with a group of young people in Llanelli, an industrial town in the south, outside the rock music venue (of the National Eisteddfod, Waless annual cultural festival. The disused factory

40、 in front of us echoedto the sounds of new Welsh bands. “There was almost a genetic tendency for lack of confidence,” Dyfan continued. Equally comfortable in his Welshness as in his membership in the English-speaking, global youth culture and the new federal Europe, Dyfan, like the rest of his gener

41、ation, is growing up with a sense of possibility unimaginable ten years ago. “We used to think. We cant do anything, were only Welsh. Now I think thats changing.”,11. According to the passage, devolution was mainly meant to A. maintain the present status among the nations.B. reduce legislative power

42、s of England.C. create a better state of equality among the nations. D. grant more say to all the nations in the union. 12. The word “centrifugal” in the second paragraph meansA. separatist.B. conventional.C. feudal.D. political,13. Wales is different from Scotland in all the following aspects EXCEP

43、TA. peoples desire for devolution.B. locals turnout for the voting.C. powers of the legislative body.D. status of the national language.14. Which of the following is NOT cited as an example of the resurgence of Welsh national identity A. Welsh has witnessed a revival as a national language.B. Povert

44、y-relief funds have come from the European Union.C. A Welsh national airline is currently in operation.D. The national symbol has become a familiar sight.,15. According to Dyfan Jones what has changed is. A. peoples mentality. B. pop culture.C. towns appearance.D. possibilities for the people.,C A D B A,THE END,THANKYOU !,谢谢,


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