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1、餐饮美食 Eating In & Eating Out,各种美食说法,Chinabeef noodles 牛肉面bubble milk tea 珍珠奶茶Englandfish-and-chips 炸鱼配薯条tea 茶绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea 奶茶 milk tea,Indianaan 印度烤饼curry 咖喱酱lassi 拉西Japansushi 寿司sashimi 生鱼片sake 清酒Irelandcoddle 土豆炖肉Guinness 黑啤酒(商标名),Americasteak 牛排French fries 薯条cola 汽水(Coca-Cola Coke)app

2、le pie 苹果派,Making Breakfast,Cereal 麦片Cornflakes 玉米片As usual 照例,一如往常For a change 换个口味Saltshaker 盐瓶(瓶盖有细孔)Slice 薄片,切片,对话中的单词,cereal 麦片Cheerios 奇力欧麦片 How would you like your (sth)?你的想怎么做/煮?eg. How would you like your steak? 您牛肉要几分熟? How would you like your coffe? 您的咖啡要加多少糖和奶精?Here you are. 拿去吧,在这里,到站了。

3、Here we are. 我们到达目的地了。-May I borrow you pen?-Here you are.,Fried egg 煎荷包蛋Hard-boiled egg 煮的全熟的蛋Omelet/omelette 煎蛋卷Poached egg 煮蛋Soft-boiled egg 半熟的水煮蛋Sunny-side up 煎蛋(单煎一面),与鸡蛋有关的做法,我想要一份煎蛋卷,不要洋葱Id like an omelet, no onions please.Omelet/omelette 做法A把打好的蛋花(beaten egg)加上奶油或油放在平底锅(frying pan)上煎B 将馅料(f

4、illing),如奶酪(cheese)火腿(ham)熏肉(bacon)洋葱(onion)番茄(tomato)青椒(green pepper)等一同炒,可随个人喜好调配。C将炒好的馅料铺在蛋皮上对折起来就行了,Breakfast,In time 及时Appetite 食欲Silly 蠢的,糊涂的Refrigerator 冰箱toast 吐司,1.Sleep like a log 睡得很熟log 指木材,like a log 像木头一样,用来形容“笨重,一动不动的样子”2.Piping hot 滚烫的,极烫的。Piping 可用来形容滚烫锅炉冒出高压蒸汽的声音,piping out于是用来形容液体

5、或食物“滚烫的”,意思接近“steaming(热腾腾的)”。反义喂“freezing cold(冰冻的)”。3.help(oneself)自由取用(某物)意思接近 to take whatever(one)wants or needs(要多少就取用多少)Please help yourself to anything in the kitchen.,西式早餐常见食物(主食类),bacon 熏肉cereal 谷物类食物,早餐麦片croissant 牛角面包French toast 法式吐司granola 多种谷类及干果制成的麦片muffin 松糕oatmeal 燕麦片pancake 薄煎饼 松饼

6、whole-grain bread 全麦面包,配料,butter 黄油jam (含有果粒的)果酱jelly 透明果酱margarine 人造奶油mayonnaise 蛋黄酱syrup 糖浆(常用来搭配松饼),饮料,black tea 红茶coffe 咖啡milk 牛奶orange juice 柳橙汁,你早餐吃松饼了吗?Would you like some pancakes for breakfast?,Taking a Break,Futher 较远地(far的比较级)Corner 角,街角Thirsty 口渴的,口干的Ordinary 普通的,一般的,1.Take a break 休息一下

7、Break 做动词与名词皆可表示“打断,打破,终止”。在此表示“休息时间”,如coffee break,tea break均指“上班时间短暂的休息时间”。老师下课的时候说“Lets take a break”我们休息一下吧2.Would you care for你想要吗?care for “喜欢,想要”Would you care for+名词?或者 Would you care to do sth?Eg. Would you care for a walk? Would you care to go for a walk? Would you like to go for a walk?,3

8、.prefer 比较喜欢Prefer A to B 喜欢A胜于BWhich type of coffee would you prefer , regular or decaf?你比较喜欢哪种咖啡?普通的还是低咖啡因的?I prefer coffee to tea.跟咖啡比较起来,我更喜欢茶。4.Irish coffee 爱尔兰咖啡 是一种用爱尔兰威士忌和奶油冲饮的热咖啡。,brew 煮caffeine 咖啡因cappuccino 卡布奇诺咖啡coffee grinder 咖啡研磨机coffee grounds 咖啡渣coffeemaker 咖啡机coffeepot 咖啡壶,咖啡相关用语,de

9、caf 低咖啡因咖啡(decaffeinated)dirp coffee 滴滤式咖啡espresso 意大利浓缩咖啡instant coffee 速溶咖啡latte 拿铁咖啡,早餐喝卡布奇诺咖啡会比喝浓咖啡健康Having a cappuccino with breakfast is healthier than having an espresso.,Waiting for a Table,Colse to 在接近,接近于Noisy 喧闹的,嘈杂的Available 可得到的,有空的。,1.make a reservation 订位Reservation “保留,预定(座位,门票等)”动词为

10、reserve 形容词喂reserved-Id like to make a reservation.我想订位。-When would you like to make the reservation for?您想订什么时候的位置?Youd better reserve a room before taking a trip.你最好在旅行前就预定好房间This table is reserved.这个位子已经被预订走了。,2.Id like a table for (number)我要一个人的位置文中的 Id like a table for two .可简化为 a table for two

11、 或two, please.如要坐在禁烟区就说“Id like a table for two,no smoking.”,外出用餐实用句,How long will you hold a reservation?订位可以保留多久?Id like to postpone my reservation for twenty minutes.Would that be OK?我想把订位延后二十分钟可以吗?postpone 使延期,延迟We have eight people.Are there any tables in a private room?我们有八个人,有包厢的位子吗?private 私

12、人的,私下的,向餐厅领班表达希望坐那里可以这样说,seats next to/by the window 靠窗的位子seats in a quite area 安静一点的位子seats on the terrace 在露台的位子terrace 大阳台,(庭院中的)露台,平台屋顶seats at the bar 在吧台的位子,Is it necessary to dress formally when dining at your restaurant?在你们餐厅用餐需要穿正式服装吗?dine 进餐,用餐Do you have any vegetarian dishes?你们有提供素食吗?vegetarian 素食主义者的,素菜的Is there a smoking area in your resturant?你们餐厅有吸烟区吗?,


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