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1、The Government and Politics of Canada,Three Parts,Canadian Political SystemPolitical Parties,Canadian Prime Ministers,Introduction:Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a federal system of parliamentary government and strong democratic traditions. Its political system under which modern Canada op

2、erates is known as the Westminster system.(威斯敏斯特系统) Since Canadas political structure is modeled after those of Britain and the United States, it can be described as both a federation like the US and a constitutional monarchy like Britain.,文本,文本,The Canadian government consists of three parts The Le

3、gislature The Executive The Judiciary,The Legislature,The Parliament of Canada: the House of Commons and the Senate.The House of Commons:Each member chosen by a majority of eligible voters in each of the countrys federal electoral districts, or ridings, via a plurality voting system. To run for one

4、of the 308 seats in the House of Commons, an individual must be at least 18 years old, and on average, members of the House of Commons are elected for a maximum of five-year term.The Senate :It is a group of 105 individuals appointed by the governor general on the advice of the prime minister; all t

5、hose summoned to the Senate by the viceroy must be a minimum of 30 years old, and own property with a net worth of at least $4,000, in addition to owning land worth no less than $4,000 within the province he or she is to represent. Its main function is to accept or reject the suggestion of the House

6、 of Commons.,The Executive,The Governor General(总督) holds the highest position and is theoretically the source of executive power. In practice, however, the Governor General is only the symbolic executive who can act only on the advice of the Canadian Prime Minister and the Cabinet.,The Prime Minist

7、er is often the leader of the majority party in Parliament, and selects the ministers who make up the Cabinet, they exercise executive power as the “Government”, and are responsible only to the House of Commons.,总督,总理+内阁,加拿大是英联邦国家之一,英国女王是名义上的国家领袖,加拿大总督是名义领袖的代表,他由英国女王任命。现在,加拿大总督全是加拿大人。加拿大总督的职责包括:召集或解

8、散议会,主持总理、最高大法官、内阁和枢密院的就职仪式,统帅三军。实际上加拿大总督的权力受到宪法很大的限制,根据加拿大宪法,加拿大总督召集或解散议会必须在总理的提议下进行,其职责的履行必须遵循各有关部长的建议。,加拿大第28任总督David Loyd Johnston,是滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)校长、加拿大著名法律专家和知名律师。,阿德里安娜克拉克森 (伍冰枝),Michaelle Jean,The Judiciary,The courts in Canada are organized in four-level structure.Level 1: The

9、Supreme Court. It serves as the final court of appeals in Canada.It hears both civil and criminal appeals from decision of the courts of appeals in all the provinces and territories.It plays a special role as adviser to the federal government on questions concerning the Constitution and controversia

10、l complicated areas of private and public law.Level 2: The Federal Court of Appeal and the various provincial courts of appeals.联邦上诉法院和各级上诉法院Level 3: The Federal Court, The Tax Court of Canada, The provincial and the territorial superior courts of general jurisdiction.Level 4: Provincial courts.,Pol

11、itical Parties,The Liberal Party,The Conservati-ve Party,The New Democratic Party,The Bloc Quebecois,1990年成立。该集团代表魁北克人的利益,主张魁北克独立。领袖:吉利斯杜塞普(Gilles Duceppe),现执政党。加右翼政党。由加拿大改良保守联盟党和进步保守党于2003年12月合并而成,代表银行保险业、铁路运输业、能源工业垄断资本和大农场主利益。领袖:史蒂芬哈珀(Stephen Harper)。,加拿大左翼政党。1961年由“平民合作联盟”与“加拿大劳工大会”联合而成。该党属于社会民主党

12、性质,代表中下劳动阶层利益,主张企业公营,标榜社会主义。领袖:杰克莱顿(Jack Layton),1873 年成立。代表工业垄断资本集团利益并兼顾中、小企业利益。领袖:米哈伊尔伊格纳季耶夫(Michael Ignatieff)。2011年5月2日举行的国会下议院选举中,该党首次沦为第三大党。,自由党,保守党,新民主党,魁人政团,Canadian Prime Ministers,Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada. Trudeau began his political career campaigning f

13、or socialist ideals, but he eventually joined the Liberal Party of Canada when he entered federal politics in the 1960s. He was appointed as Lester Pearsons Parliamentary Secretary, and later became his Minister of Justice. From his base in Montreal, Trudeau took control of the Liberal Party and bec

14、ame a charismatic leader, inspiring Trudeaumania. From the late 1960s until the mid-1980s, he dominated the Canadian political scene and aroused passionate reactions. Reason before passion was his personal motto. He retired from politics in 1984, and John Turner succeeded him as Prime Minister.,Pier

15、re Elliott Trudeau,皮埃尔埃利奥特特鲁多,Stephen Joseph Harper,Stephen Joseph Harper, PC, MP (born April 30, 1959) is the 22nd and current Prime Minister of Canada, and leader of the Conservative Party. Harper became Prime Minister after his party won a minority government in the 2006 federal election. He is t

16、he first Prime Minister from the newly reconstituted Conservative Party, following a merger of the Progressive Conservative and Canadian Alliance parties. Harper has been the Member of Parliament (MP) for the riding of Calgary Southwest in Alberta since 2002. Earlier, from 1993 to 1997, he was the M

17、P for Calgary West. He was one of the founding members of the Reform Party, but ended his first stint as an MP to join, and shortly thereafter head, the National Citizens Coalition. In 2002, he succeeded Stockwell Day as leader of the Canadian Alliance (the successor to the Reform Party) and returne

18、d to Parliament as Leader of the Opposition. In 2003, he reached an agreement with Progressive Conservative leader Peter MacKay for the merger of their two parties to form the Conservative Party of Canada. He was elected as the partys first non-interim leader in March 2004.Harpers Conservative Party

19、 won a stronger minority in the October 2008 federal election .,斯蒂芬约瑟夫哈珀,(生于1959年4月30日)是第22届即现任加拿大总理,保守党领袖。哈珀就任总理后,他的党在2006年联邦大选中赢得了一个少数派政府。他是进步保守党和加拿大联盟党合并后新组建的保守党后的第一任总理。自2002年以来,哈珀一直是国会议员( MP )成员,在阿尔伯塔省卡尔加里西南任职。此前,从1993年至1997年,他是卡尔加里西部的MP 。他是改革党的创始成员之一,但结束了他的第一次进站前为MP加盟,并在此后不久成为全国公民联盟的领袖。 2002年,他成为加拿大联盟(改革党的接班人)的领导人和议会反对党领袖。 2003年,他与进步保守党领袖彼得麦凯两党合并达成了一项协议,加拿大的保守党形成。他于2004年3月当选为党的第一个非临时领导人。哈珀的保守党在2008年10月联邦大选中赢得了更强的少数派的支持。,


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