植物生理学11.第十章 植物对生物和非生物胁迫的反应ppt课件.ppt

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1、第十章 植物对生物和非生物胁迫的反应,Yield Losses From Biotic and abiotic Stresses,非生物胁迫(abiotic stress) :由过度或不足的物理或化学条件引发的对植物生长、发育或繁殖产生不利影响。胁迫可以引发植物从调节基因表达和细胞代谢到生长速率和产量变化等一系列反应。,Introduction,植物抗胁迫的机制避逆性(stress avoidance):防止接触胁迫。抗逆性 (stress tolerance):植物可以抵抗胁迫。,Introduction,非生物胁迫通常引起植物基因表达模式发生改变,Introduction,胁迫是可以接受和

2、识别的环境信号;植物识别逆境信号后,该信号就在细胞之间和整株植物中传递;逆境信号的传递通常会导致细胞水平上的基因表达发生变化;它又接着影响到整株植物的代谢和发育。,1 缺水胁迫,水资源短缺以及土壤盐渍化是目前制约农业生产的一个全球性问题,全球20%的耕地受到盐害威胁, 43%的耕地为干旱、半干旱地区。,引起植物缺水的环境条件干旱盐渍低温,Drought Stress,Drought stress treated,untreated,Salt stress,A variety of sorghum, sensitive to salinity, growing in sand culture a

3、nd watered with a nutrient solution containing increasing concentrations of sodium chloride. All the plants have grown for the same length of time.,1.1 渗透保护物质在抗旱耐盐中作用,渗透调节(osmotic adjustment) 指耐旱植物可以调节它们的溶质势以抵消暂时或长期的水分胁迫,是植物细胞中溶质颗粒数目净增加的结果。渗透调节在帮助植物顺应干旱或盐性环境中起到关键作用。,渗透保护物质(Osmoprotectant)为可混溶溶质,许多植物

4、在水分胁迫条件下会积累小分子相溶性溶质或渗压剂,有效地提高植物的渗透调节能力、增强植物的抗逆性。可混溶溶质(compatible solute)是一小类化学性质各异的有机化合物,它们都具有高度可溶,而且在高浓度下也不影响细胞代谢。,二甲基磺基丙酸,甜菜碱,胆碱-磺酸,松醇 甘露醇,脯氨酸,重要的渗透保护物质: 脯氨酸、甘氨酸甜菜碱、 甘露醇、 松 醇,渗透保护物质的生物合成,脯氨酸合成关键酶P5CS 吡咯啉-5-羧酸合成酶P5CR 吡咯琳-5-羧酸还原酶,L-谷氨酸,L-鸟氨酸,甘氨酸甜菜碱,胆碱,甘氨酸甜菜碱合成关键酶 胆碱单加氧酶 (Choline monooxygenase, CMO)

5、甜菜醛脱氢酶 (Betain aldehyde dehydragenase, BADH),甘露醇(mannitol)生物合成途径1-磷酸甘露醇脱氢酶(E.coli)使6-磷酸果糖转化为1-磷酸甘露醇,表达该酶基因的转基因植物可以积累甘露醇,提高耐盐性。,松醇是一种环状的糖醇,是松科、豆科和竹科植物中的主要溶质,对盐胁迫做出反应。,1.2 缺水和盐分对跨膜运转的影响,干旱和盐分胁迫都要求植物顺应低水势,对细胞内离子浓度、组分、及其分布的调控是渗透胁迫抗性的基本特征。Na+/H+反向运转蛋白( Na+/H+ antiporter) 位于质膜和液泡膜上的Na+/H+反向运转蛋白在植物耐盐机制中起重要

6、作用 水通道蛋白(aquaporin) 水通道蛋白可使质膜和液泡膜对水的通透性增加,通过水通道蛋白可以迅速调控细胞的水分流动。植物可以通过调控水通道蛋白等膜蛋白以加强细胞与环境的信息交流和物质交换, 增强抗旱、耐盐能力。,拟南芥Na+/H+反向运转蛋白基因: AtNHX1 SOS1 (salt overly sensitive),Salt Stress and the SOS Pathway,Regulation of Na+ homeostasis by the SOS pathway in Arabidopsis,植物水通道蛋白 主要膜内蛋白(MIP) 液泡膜内蛋白(TIP) 质膜内蛋白(

7、PIP),松叶菊根中MIP基因表达,1.3 水分胁迫诱导的LEA基因,LEA蛋白(late embryogenesis abundant protein)在种子发育后期和受到水分胁迫的植物营养组织中积累。LEA蛋白是一种脱水保护剂,能够在水分胁迫下保护生物大分子。LEA蛋白分为5组,其中第3组LEA基因转化水稻可以提高抗旱耐盐能力。,1.4 ABA调控水分胁迫诱导基因的表达,某些水分胁迫诱导基因受ABA调控,这些基因的启动子中存在ABA应答元件(ABRE) 和偶联元件(CE),一起控制ABA应答基因的表达。,Drought and Abscisic Acid Signaling,Self-re

8、gulation and osmotic stress regulation of ABA biosynthesis,2 低温胁迫,低温胁迫包括冷胁迫(chilling/cold stress)和冰冻胁迫(freezing stress) 。冰点以上低温对植物的危害叫做冷害。冷害使植物膜透性增加,膜相由液晶态变为凝胶态,原生质流动减慢,代谢紊乱。冰点以下低温对植物的危害叫做冻害。冻害主要是冰晶的伤害,结冰会引起细胞质过度脱水,蛋白质空间结构破坏而使植物受害。,通过低温训化(cold acclimation)措施可提高植物的抗寒性。,2.1 冰冻胁迫(freezing stress),冰冻对细胞

9、水分有显著的影响。细胞壁结冰时,细胞内的水分外流到胞外的冰上,致使细胞内缺水。,植物抗冻机制 1)促进细胞外冰的形成,从而阻止细胞质中形成有破坏作 用的冰晶; 2)通过使膜脂不饱和度等增加膜稳定性; 3)抗冻蛋白在质外体中积累,以减缓结冰,延缓细胞脱水。,植物抗冻蛋白(Antifreeze proteins ,AFP),Diagram of the published cDNAs of plant antifreeze proteins,AFP的本质 冬黑麦、小麦和大麦AFP有些是病程相关蛋白(PR): 包括-1.3葡聚糖酶、几丁质酶和甜蛋白;所以认为具有抗冻和抗病双重功能。AFP的作用 AF

10、P形成寡聚复合体,其表面与冰相互作用,有效抑制冰晶生长和在结晶。,2.1 低温胁迫的信号传导,低温诱导一系列基因的表达,这些基因的表达产物可以帮助植物提高对冰冻胁迫的适应能力。许多低温调节蛋白(cold-regulated protein, COR)也可以被ABA或干旱单独诱导合成。这些蛋白包括第2组和第5组LEA蛋白及其它低温诱导蛋白。,很多低温调节基因启动子中包含有DRE,其转录因子为CBF1.,Cold Stress Signaling and Tolerance,Cold-activated transcriptional cascade in Arabidopsis. SNOW is

11、 a partner protein of ICE1,DRE( DEHYDRATION RESPONSIVE ELEMENT)/ C-repeat (CRT) , which has the core sequence CCGAC.,CRT-binding factors (CBFs) or DRE-BINDING FACTORS (DREBs),Heat Shock Proteins,在高于正常生长温度1015 以上的温度即热激( heat shock ,HS) 下, 生物体大部分正常蛋白质的合成和mRNA 的转录被抑制,同时迅速合成一些新的蛋白质称之为热激蛋白(heat shock pro

12、teins , HSPs ) , 这种现象叫做热激反应( heat shock response ,HSR) 。,Heat Shock Response,从细菌到人,所有生物都可对热激产生反应,而且除温度外,其它许多因子例如氨基酸类似物、高盐浓度、厌氧、水分胁迫、低温、重金属离子、亚砷酸盐、乙醇、营养饥饿、2 ,4-D、ABA 等都可以诱导热激反应,合成的HSPs 参与生物的许多代谢过程。,HSPs 的分类,HSP110sHSP90sHSP70sHSP60ssHSPs ( small HSPs), 分子量在1542 kD 之间的LMW HSPs,热激蛋白定位,热激蛋白定位于细胞的多种细胞器,包

13、括细胞质、叶绿体、线粒体和内膜系统,Heat Shock Cognate Protein,除热激外,正常生活的细胞中也有HSPs ,这类HSPs 是组成型表达的,称为HSC (heat shock cognate protein) 。HSC 和诱导型HSP 在结构和功能上都很难区分, 统称HSP。,热激反应的特点,1)HSPs 的保守性,亲缘关系很远的原核生物和真核生物的同种HSP 的同源性很高。 真核生物HSP70s 和大肠杆菌的HSP70 即DnaK蛋白的同源性大于65 %。,不同物种相同细胞器之间的同源性比同一物种不同细胞器之间的同源性高。 玉米、矮牵牛、拟南芥、大豆、豌豆、 绿藻等细胞

14、质HSP70 氨基酸的同源性达75. 0 % , 但和番茄定位于内质网的HSP70 比较,则同源性只有54. 9 %。,同种植物不同类型的HSPs 的同源性较低 如豌豆HSP18. 1、HSP17.7、HSP22. 7 和HSP21 分别属于不同类型,它们之间的同源性低于50 %。,Sequence alignment of the signature sequence I present in N-terminal portion of plant Hsp100.,At-A. thaliana (U13949); Gm-G. max (L35272); Nt-Nicotiana tabacu

15、m (AF083343); Os-O. sativa(AF332981); Ta-A-T. aestivum clone A (AF083344); Zm-Z. mays (AF 077337); Ta-B- T. aestivum clone B (AF097363) and Ta-C- T. aestivum clone C (AF174433).,Sequence alignment of the Walker consensus sequence present in NBD1 of plant Hsp100,2)热激反应的短时性,Northern blots 分析表明,热激时35 m

16、in 就可检测到大豆幼苗HSP mRNAs 的积累, 12 h 达到高峰, 6 h 后显著下降, 12 h 就检测不出了。放射性标记显示, 氨基酸渗入HSPs 在4 h 达到高峰,随后下降。,RNA blot hybridization of RNA samples obtained from seedlings subjected to different heat stress treatments to analyze maize HSP101mRNA levels.,3)热激蛋白的多样性,HSPs 的种类很多,分子量从15 kD110 kD 或更高,定位于多种细胞器。 大多数植物常见的

17、大分子HSPs 为68 、70 、83 、92 kD 等。此外, 分子量更大的如番茄的HSP95、大麦的HSP99、小麦的HSP103、棉花的HSP100、烟草的HSP100 和120、以及大豆的HSP110 等。植物热激蛋白的显著特点是smHSPs 相当多,大多数植物sHSPs 在20 种左右。,热激蛋白的主要功能,1)分子伴侣,分子伴侣(molecular chaperones) 是指与新生肽链的折叠, 寡聚蛋白质的组装和蛋白质的跨膜运输有关的一类特殊蛋白质分子。HSP60 、HSP90、HSP70、smHSPs 都具有分子伴侣作用。,Several classes of molecula

18、r chaperones exist in eukaryotes, including Hsp100/Clp proteins, Hsp90, Hsp70, Hsp60/chaperonins, sHsps and co-chaperones Hsp40/DnaJ, GrpE, and Cpn60, which are accessory proteins mediating activity of specific chaperones.,Members from different families often cooperate as chaperone machines, for ex

19、ample the Hsp70 and Hsp40. In contrast to the Hsp60 and Hsp70, sHsp chaperone activities are ATP independent.,Function of mt-hsp70,Mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mt-hsp70) functions as a molecular chaperone in mitochondrial biogenesis. The chaperone in co-operation with its co-proteins acts as

20、 a translocation motor pulling the mitochondrial precursor into the matrix.,Hsp70 proteins contain two functional domains, an N-terminal ATP-binding domain (44 kDa) and a C-terminal substrate-binding domain (27 kDa). The ATP binding domain is highly conserved (60 %). The substrate-binding domain dis

21、plays less identity than the ATP-binding domain (45%).,The N-terminal subdomain is folded into a compact -sandwich, and the C-terminal subdomain is composed of five extended -helices. The N-terminal subdomain is responsible for substrate binding.,Alignment of the substrate-binding domain of DnaK (re

22、sidues 389-607) with four mitochondrial hsp70s from kidney bean (HS7M PHAVU), spinach (AF039084, Genebank access number), pea (HS7M PEA) (residues 381-599) and potato (HS7M SOLTU) (residues 381-600).,Mt-hsp70 model,The mt-hsp70 (green) was constructed by homology modeling based on the structural inf

23、ormation of DnaK (red).,2)生物的耐热性,热激条件下,大豆中I 类smHSPs 的含量可达到总细胞蛋白的1 %以上,并且和耐热性的获得一致。用生物工程技术使拟南芥的热激转录因子表达,并诱导细胞质I 类smHSPs 组成型表达,同时耐热力提高。,3)在植物种子发育中的作用,In the absence of environmental stresses, synthesis of sHsps in plants is restricted to certain stages of development, such as embryogenesis, germinatio

24、n, pollen development, and fruit maturation.,In Arabidopsis embryos, cytosolic AtHsp17.4-CI and AtHsp17.6-CI (former name AtHSP17.4 and HSP17.6), and AtHsp17.7-CII begin to accumulate when seeds enter mid-maturation stage and are abundant through the late maturation stage and in dry seeds,In pea and

25、 sunflower, both cytosolic class I and class II sHsps appear in embryos during reserve synthesis and increase in abundance in mature seeds.,BiP 在所有植物中含量丰富,受热激诱导不明显,主要受营养(葡萄糖饥饿) 调节,和内质网上的束缚核糖体合成蛋白质有密切关系,可能参与种子贮藏蛋白的合成。,The synthesis of HSPs along with seed maturation suggests that sHsps might be impor

26、tant for protection of cellular components against desiccation,Hsp70 and Hsp90 change their expression and subcellular localization after microspore embryogenesis induction in Brassica napus L.,A stress treatment of 32 C for at least 8 h was able to change the gametophytic program of the microspore,

27、 switching it to embryogenesis in Brassica napus, an interesting model for studying this process in vitro.,After induction, some microspores started symmetric divisions and became haploid embryos after a few days, whereas other microspores, not sensitive to induction, followed their original gametop

28、hytic development.,Both Hsp proteins are rapidly induced, localizing in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Inside the nucleus, Hsp70 was found in association with RNP structures in the interchromatin region and in the nucleolus, whereas nuclear Hsp90 was mostly found in the interchromatin region.,4)在植物减

29、数分裂中的作用,玉米受精时对热敏感,高温时导致减产,部分原因可能是成熟花粉不能合成HSPs。玉米花粉的热敏感性可能是从单核到双核花粉粒的转变开始,合成HSPs 的能力逐渐下降,花粉成熟时完全丧失。从单核到双核花粉粒的转变是花粉发育的一个重要阶段,其特征是“早期”花粉基因表达关闭,“晚期”花粉基因开始表达。,sHSPs的分类,C类sHSPs (定位于胞质或细胞核)C类sHSPs (cytosolic/nuclear)质体(P)sHSPs线粒体(MT)sHSPs 内质网(ER)sHSPs,Structure of plant sHsp,The Arabidopsis genome contains

30、 19 open reading frames, which code for sHsp-related proteins. Classes CI and CII of cytosolic/nuclear sHsps are generally encoded by multigene families. All sHsps share a conserved 90-amino acid C-terminal domain called the a-crystallin(晶体蛋白) domain (ACD) or heat shock domain.,The plant sHsps, like

31、 those from other organisms, can form homo-oligomers with apparent molecular masses of 200 to 350 kDaThe C-terminal ACD is involved in contact with subunits and maintenance of the tertiary structure of the oligomeric complex.,Analysis of the first crystal structure of a sHsp from Methanococcus janna

32、schii (Hsp16.5) revealed the formation of a hollow spherical complex composed of 24 subunits.Usually, plant sHsps form homo-oligomers with 12 subunits.,Amino acid sequence alignment of MT sHSPs from diverse plant species.,Amino acid sequence alignment of the wheat MT sHSPs with wheat cytosolic class

33、 I and II and chloroplast-localized sHSPs.,热激基因表达的调节,The HSP genes are expressed under the control of the heat shock transcription factor (HSF). HSF acts through a highly conserved upstream response element, the heat shock-responsive element (HSE), which consists of three contiguous and inverted rep

34、eats of a 5-bp sequence, defined as nGAAn.,热激基因表达的调节模式,K2 植物抗寒基因,冷害 cold (chilling):零上低温 冻害 freezing:零下低温,K2.1 Cold stress signaling,Low temperatures induce the expression of a diverse array of plant genes. The products of these genes help plants adapt to subsequent freezing stress.,cis-Element in c

35、old-regulated genes(COR),Many cold-regulated genes have in their promoters one or several copies of the DEHYDRATION RESPONSIVE ELEMENT (DRE)/ C-repeat (CRT) cis-element, which has the core sequence CCGAC.,Transcription factors,CRT-binding factors (CBFs) or DRE-BINDING FACTORS (DREBs)Transcription fa

36、ctors in the AP2/EREBP (APETALA2/ETHYLENE RESPONSE ELEMENT BINDING PROTEIN) family bind to this element and activate transcription of the downstream genes.,Importantly, the CBF/DREB1 genes are themselves induced by low temperature. This induction is transient and precedes that of downstream cold-reg

37、ulated genes containing the DRE/CRT cis-element. Therefore, there is a transcriptional cascade that leads to the expression of the RD/COR/KIN/LTI genes under cold stress.,Using cDNA microarray technology, 12 downstream target genes of the CBF/DREB1 regulon have been identified. Eleven of these genes

38、 have an obvious DRE/CRT cis-element in their promoters.,Flowering behavior of summer- and winter-annual types of Arabidopsis thaliana. (a) Summer-annual types of Arabidopsis flower rapidly without vernalization treatment. In contrast, winter-annual types, which have functional FRI and FLC alleles,

39、(b) flower very late without vernalization and (c) flower rapidly, like a summer annual, if vernalized.,FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC), that switch this gene into a repressed state that is mitotically stable.,HOS1 (HIGH EXPRESSION OF OSMOTIC RESPONSIVE 1),HOS1 encodes a variant RING-finger, which normally

40、exists in the cytoplasm but appears in the nucleus when plants are subjected to temperatures of 04C.,抗冻蛋白 Antifreeze proteins(AFP),Overwintering plants produce antifreeze proteins (AFPs) having the ability to adsorb onto the surface of ice crystals and modify their growth.,抗冻蛋白的分离和特性鉴定,自1992 年加拿大Gri

41、ffith第一次从冬黑麦中获得植物A FP 以来, 已先后从冬大麦、小麦、燕麦、沙冬青和胡萝卜等质外体中获得A FP。A FP 在体外水溶液中均表现出典型的热滞效应(降低冰点)和重结晶抑制活性。A FP 主要通过重结晶抑制作用来避免冰晶体对细胞组织的伤害。,植物生理学的研究结果揭示, 植物抵御冻害的途径主要有2 条: 一是避免细胞内冰晶的形成和阻止冰晶的生长, 二是维持细胞膜的结构稳定性和蛋白质核酸的生物活性。抗冻蛋白(antifreeze proteins,A FPs) 及其基因的研究是其中的一项重要内容。,抗冻蛋白的生化特征,现在, 从极区鱼、昆虫到植物, 不少具有A FP 特性的蛋白质被

42、发现, 它们有糖蛋白, 也有非糖基化蛋白, 分子量大小不等, 进一步的化学结构只有鱼类研究得比较清楚。总体上来看, 鱼、昆虫和植物3 类生物之间A FP 的化学结构差异很大, 同类生物之间的A FP同源性也不高。但在植物A FP 中发现了一种有趣的现象, 即A FP 与某些抗病蛋白具有化学结构上的相似性。,Cloning and characterization of plant antifreeze protein genes,黑麦、小麦和大麦A FP 中存在着-1. 3 葡聚糖酶, 几丁质酶和甜蛋白结构与功能类似的多肽。胡萝卜A FP 富含亮氨酸, 与多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白(polyga

43、lacturonase inhibitor proteins, PGIPs) 的不少成员有很高的同源性。,胡萝卜A FP 在胡萝卜直根中冷诱导表达, 其cDNA 全长1 140 bp, DNA 全长1 238bp , 编码332 个氨基酸。成熟糖蛋白的分子量为36 kD, 等电点5. 0。,cDNA encoding an antifreeze protein from S. dulcamara(沙冬青), was cloned by using a polyclonal antibody (Huang and Duman, 2002). The cDNA was determined as

44、2137 bp in length, encoding of the 591 amino acids of an antifreeze protein of 64 kDa.,Diagram of the published cDNAs of plant antifreeze proteins,植物抗冻蛋白的基因工程,1998 年10 月英国York 大学的Dawn Worrall 等发表了胡萝卜AFP 及其基因的论文, 标志着第一个植物AFP 基因的发现, 对于植物抗冻基因工程具有非常重要的意义。在此之前, 只有鱼类4 种AFP 的基因结构研究得较为清楚, 昆虫和植物一无所知。因此, 人们从事

45、AFP 基因工程的目的基因只有来源于鱼类。,转化郁金香、烟草、油 菜、玉米,1987 年, Davies 等将AFP 基因整合在T i 质粒上, 用叶盘法转化郁金香、烟草、油菜等, 获得了一定的抗冻力。1990 年Georges 等合成了冬比目鱼AFP 基因, 构建了含35S 启动子、AFP 基因和CAT 基因的表达载体, 将其通过电击导入玉米原生质体, 通过CAT 分析以及用AFP 和CA T 的抗血清做的蛋白质印迹, 检测到了融合肽的产生。,转化烟草和番茄,1991年Hightower 等将极区鱼的afa3 AFP 基因由农杆菌介导转入烟草和番茄, 在二者的叶内均检测到了高水平表达的mRN

46、A , 但在组织提取物中未检测到重结晶抑制作用的活性。在另一组试验中, 他们将截短了的葡萄球菌A 蛋白基因与afa3 抗冻基因组成嵌合基因, 结果在转基因番茄的组织中不仅检测到了mRNA , 而且检测到了融合蛋白。在含有融合蛋白的组织提取物中检测到了重结晶抑制作用。据报道这种转基因番茄果实可经受冷冻不坏死。,转化马铃薯,1997 年W allis 等按照Winter flounder 成熟AFP 的氨基酸序列人工合成了一段基因, 并接上信号肽, 以使其定向表达于质外体。该基因被转入马铃薯后, 用免疫杂交的方法检测到了表达产物AFP。对马铃薯叶片电解质释放量的分析表明, 转基因蛋白表达水平与冰冻

47、忍耐程度之间存在着相关性。,胡萝卜AFP转化烟草,1998年,Daw nWo rrall 等将胡萝卜A FP cDNA 连接在表达载体的双CaMV 35S 启动子之后导入烟草, 让其组成性表达。9 个独立的转基因株系在温室条件下表现正常。用蛋白质免疫杂交法分析这些株系的叶提取物, 有8 个株系表达了36 kD 的多肽。这些含有胡萝卜A FP 的烟草提取物可以抑制冰晶的生长。,植物抗氧化系统,Antioxidants,Oxidants,Oxidative Damage,Enzymatic Defences catalytically remove ROS,Metal Sequestration

48、Proteins,Low MW Antioxidants,Other Protective Compounds e.g. HSPs,(Repair Processes),氧胁迫,在温度(高温或低温)、水分、盐碱、UV、臭氧(ozone)等胁迫下, 植物体内会产生一系列有害的活性氧(active oxygen species,AOS;reactive oxygen species, ROS)。,活性氧种类,能导致氧化伤害的活性氧种类包括超氧自由基(O2)、过氧化氢(H2O2)、羟自由基(OH)。,Molecular O2 is reduced through four steps, thus g

49、enerating several O2 radical species,活性氧的毒性,活性氧能与酶的巯基或色氨酸残基反应,导致酶失活;活性氧会破坏核酸结构,攻击核酸碱基,使嘌呤碱和嘧啶碱结构变化,导致变异出现或变异的积累;DNA是蛋白质合成的信息,由于活性氧对DNA复制过程的损伤,从而妨碍蛋白质合成;启动膜脂过氧化反应,使维持细胞区域化的膜系统受损或瓦解。,植物抗氧化系统,植物为保证各部分的正常功能,对潜在的活性氧伤害存在着精细而复杂的防御系统,以清除体内活性氧, 使细胞免受毒害。其中最明显的是合成与清除活性氧有关的酶。植物抗氧化系包括抗氧化酶(antioxidative enzyme)和抗

50、氧化剂(antioxidant)。,抗氧化剂,抗氧化剂主要包括维生素E、维生素C、类胡萝卜素和谷胱甘肽,抗氧化酶,超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxidedismutase , SOD) 过氧化氢酶(catalase ,CAT) 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶( Ascorbate peroxidase , APX) 谷胱甘肽还原酶(Glutathione reductase,GR) 过氧化物酶(Peroxidase , POD)谷胱甘肽转移酶(Glutathione S-transferase , GST),超氧化物歧化酶,超氧化物歧化酶(EC,是生物细胞普遍存在的金属酶,催化O2 的歧化


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