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1、中英诗歌比较与欣赏,A CONTRASTIVE STUDY OF WESTERN AND CHINESE POETRY,Unit 1 What is Poetry?,Objectives:,After the unit, the students are supposed to be able to,understand what poetry is,remember specific definitions of Chinese and western scholars,know the differences & similarities in understanding poetry,1

2、,2,3,next,back,Teaching Program,Western Definitions,Chinese Definitions,Ars Poetica,Catalog,next,back,next,Poetry is a great thing for everyone to understand. It lets you live in the world with new spectacles.Poetry enables us to know what it feels like to be alive in the world. Only poetry in the b

3、road sense of the word can help us to answer such questions and help us , thus , to an understanding of ourselves and of our own values.,Preview,back,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 :Teaching Program,next,back,Week 1What is Poetry?-A Study of Chinese and English Definitions of Poetry Week 2Beauty of Sound and Rhyme in

4、Chinese and EnglishPoetry Week 3Narrativeness and Lyricalness-Two Different Traditions of Chinese and English Poetry Week4Directness and Indirectness-Two Different Versifications of Chinese and English Poetry,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 :Teaching Program,next,back,Week5Image of Chinese PoetryWeek 6English Image Poe

5、tryWeek 7Comparison and Appreciation of English Versions from Classical Chinese Poetry (CCP)Week8 Final Exam,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 :Requirements and Assessment,next,back,1. Class attendance accounts for 20%2. Involvement in class activity 5% 3. Poetry chanting 5%4. Final Exam 70%Examining time: April 23 2015

6、(Thursday)Place: Room1334 , The first Teaching BuildingPatterns: Five essay questions,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Chinese Definitions,next,back,The poem articulates what is on the mind intently; song makes language last long.诗言志,歌咏言尚书Poetry is where the hearts wishes go, what lies in the heart is “wish”, when exp

7、ressed in words, it is “poetry”诗者,志之所之也,在心为志,发言为声。诗大序Poetry is “to sing what is in the heart”.诗者,吟咏情性也.诗大序,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Chinese Definitions,next,back,Poetry can serve to inspire emotions, to help your observation, to make you fit for company ,to express your grievances.诗可以兴,可以观,可以群,可以怨。 论语The poem

8、follows from the affection and is sensuously intricate诗缘情而绮靡文赋Poetry is what expresses ones nature and emotion(余)以为诗写性情随园诗话,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Comments,next,back,Comments on the Definitions1.Poetry as Moral Instruction2. Poetry as Self-expression3. Poetry as Contemplation4. Poetry as Literary Exercise,中英

9、诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Explanation,next,back,The Didactic View: Poetry as Moral Instruction1.poetry as a means to influence personal morality 2.poetry as a reflection of peoples feelings towards the government and an exposure of the social evils3.Poetry should be “ya” that is “elegant or refined ”, especially

10、in themes, ”no evil thought”,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Explanation,next,back,The Individual View : Poetry as Self-expression1.Poetry as an expression of heart wish, desire, emotion2.Poetry as an expression of the poets unique personality,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Explanation,next,back,The Technical View: Poetry as Literary

11、 Exercise1.Advocation of imitation of earlier poets and mastery of the technique of versification2.What makes poetry different from prose is that it possesses regulated sounds and can be recited,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Western Definitions,next,back,Poetry in general seems to have sprung from two causes: the i

12、nstinct of imitation ,the pleasure felt in things imitated -AristotlePoetry is making , Imitation, is not the end of poetry but is intermediate to the end. The end is the giving of instruction in pleasurable form. -Julius Caesar Scaliger,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Western Definitions,next,back,Poetry is the art

13、of uniting pleasure with truth by calling imagination to the help of reason - Dr. JohnsonPoetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings -Wordsworth,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Western Definitions,next,back,Poetry is the best words in the best orderPoetry “in ideal perfection, brings the soul into activit

14、y. ” - Coleridge,中英诗歌 比较 与欣赏 : Western Definitions,next,back,poetry is a record of the best and happiest moments of the happiest and best minds -Shelleyblood, imagination, intellect running together -Yeatspoetry is saying one thing and meaning another - Frost,中英诗歌比较与欣赏 : Western Definitions,next,bac

15、k,Poetry is kind of saying ,the way of the saying and the nature of the saidPoetry is concerned with the massiveness, the multidimensional quality, of experience. Poetry is a response to, and an evaluation of , our experience of the objective, bustling world and of our ideas about it, -Cleanth Brook

16、s,Ars Poetica 诗艺,A poem should be palpable and muteAs a globed fruitDumbAs old medallions to the thumbSilent as the sleeve-worn stoneOf casement ledges where the moss has grownA poem should be wordlessAs the flight of birdsA poem should be motionless in time As the moon climbsLeaving, as the moon re

17、leasesTwig by twig the night-entangled trees,诗应该可触摸,而一声不吭,如同一只球状的水果沉默似旧勋章任由拇指把握寂静,如窗台被衣袖磨平的石栏杆,长满青苔诗应该不用文字如鸟的飞翔展翅诗应该任由时间流逝而不动好似月亮在空中攀登渐渐离去,如月亮把被黑夜缠绕的树解放一枝一丫次第沐浴着月光,Leaving, as the moon behind the winter leaves,Memory by memory the mindA poem should be motionless in timeAs the moon climbsA poem shoul

18、d be equal to:Not trueFor all the history of griefAn empty doorway and a maple leafFor loveThe leaning grasses and two lights above the seaA poem should not meanBut be.,渐渐离去,如月亮在冬叶之后桩桩记忆离开心头诗应该任由时间流逝而不动好似月亮在空中攀登诗应该就是:不真实全部忧伤的历史,代之以,空寂的门道和枫叶爱情代之以倾倒的草和大海上空的两盏明灯诗不应该意指而应该直呈其是,Translation,诗应该可触摸,而一声不吭。如同

19、一只球状的水果沉默似旧勋章任由拇指把握寂静,如窗台被衣袖磨平的石栏杆,长满青苔诗应该不用文字如鸟的飞翔展翅,Translation,诗应该任由时间流逝而不动好似月亮在空中攀登渐渐离去,如月亮把被黑夜缠绕的树解放一枝一丫次第沐浴着月光渐渐离去,如月亮在冬叶之后桩桩记忆离开心头诗应该任由时间流逝而不动好似月亮在空中攀登,Translation,诗应该就是:不真实全部忧伤的历史,代之以,空寂的门道和枫叶爱情代之以倾倒的草和大海上空的两盏明灯诗不应该意指而应该直呈其是,Tips,1 Poetry is the wordless, palpable, and independent object. 2

20、The silent poetry lies in its motionlessness and movement. 3 Poetry is a kind of being , an experience, a organic whole.,Poem for ChantingThe Woodcutters Night SongThough to leave your pretty song Little birds, it gives me pain,Yet tomorrow is not long ,Then Im with you all again. -John Clare(1793-1861 ),Poem for Chanting生查子 去年元夜时, 花市灯如昼。 月上柳梢头, 人约黄昏后。 今年元夜时, 月与灯依旧。 不见去年人, 泪湿春衫袖。 宋欧阳修,


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