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1、Translation and Relevance,Cognition and Context,Part One: Introduction,1.About the author,Degrees Ph.D.,Linguistics, University College London, 1989 M.A., Linguistics, University College London, 1983 Current positions Translation researcher, International Translation Department (1998 ) Translation c

2、onsultant Ethiopia Branch (2003 ) Linguistics consultant Ethiopia Branch (1991 ) International Translation Consultant (1991 ) Research interests Relevance theory, translation, cognition,2. Major Works:,Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context (2000) Relevance Theory :A Guide to Successful Co

3、mmunication in Translation (1992) SIL(Summer Institute of Lingustics) serves language communities worldwide, building their capacity for sustainable language development, by means of research, translation, training and materials development.,3. About the Book关联理论(Relevance Theory)最早是由Dan Sperber和Dei

4、rdre Wilson在关联性:交际与认知(Relevance: Communication and Cognition) 一书中提出来的,他们的学生Ernst-August Gutt根据关联理论对翻译进行了研究,并在五年后出版了翻译与关联:认知与语境(Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context)。,Part Two: Main points of the Book,1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,Chapter 1 begins with a sketch of the s

5、tatus quo and a critical evaluation.在第一章开头的部分,格特首先引用Steiner,Levy,Kelly,Wilss等人的观点,指出当今翻译研究的现状是“mass of uncoordinated statements”,接着并给出了几点可能的原因;(p1-2)One is that translation theorist were preoccupied for too long with debating unfruitful issuesAnother is that the understanding of translation has rema

6、ined inadequate because it has never been studied in its own right, but merely as a subdomain of some other subject,1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,之后又对Hofmann,Wilss,Schulte等人提出的“multidisciplinary scientific methodology research”这一新方案进行了批判,并进一步给出了当今翻译研究现状混乱不堪的三个根本原因: (P2-3)1. The ri

7、sk of (multidisciplinary) disintegration. There is a question whether a comprehensive account of translation in the form of a coherent and homogeneous theory can ever be achieved. (P3-4),1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,2. The problem of determining the domain of the theory. Krings (

8、1986) comments that the notion of translation is used to refer to a variety of rather different phenomena. There have been three major lines of approach to this issue: shared intuitions; definition; culture-oriented 但是这三种方法均存在明显的缺陷。 (p4-5),1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,格特又批判了Toury

9、 的观点:“the overall CONCEPT OF TRANSLATION underlying the corpus”。 (p6)因为这一观点的结果是:the culture-specific approach does not really resolve the problem of defining the theoretical domain: either it leads to the abolition of the intercultural study of translation or it does in fact rely on non-culture-spec

10、ific criteria for determining its domain.(p7),1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,3.The problem of evaluation and decision-making Gutt 批判了Steiner,Newmark等人的观点,同时还挑战了Nida 的对等理论。(p9-10)另外,作者提出了两个问题:1) the problem of over-specification. 以Wilss的理论为批判对象;2)Is equivalencean evaluate cocept? 主要

11、针对House 的理论进行批判。(p10-12)之后,作者又对科学翻译思想进行论述,分别从结果论和过程论进行说明,并指出了它们的不足。(p17-20),1.The state of the Art-Some Critical Observation,最后,格特提出了:changes in scientific method. 这里主要包括两个主要转变:1. A shift in the domain of the theory: It domain is therefore mental faculties rather than texts or process of text produc

12、tion,and it is the aim of this study to explore the possibility of accounting for translation in terms of the communicative competence assumed to be part of our mind.2. A shift from description to explanation: Relevance theory is not a descriptive-classificatory approach. (p21)之后并引出了他自己的观点:Translant

13、ion as communication? 翻译是一种言语交际行为。(p22),2.A relevance-Theoretic Approach,Chapter 2 introduces basic notions of relevance theory as found in Sperber and Wilson,and goes on to explore further what is generally involved when uttrances are used interpretively to interpretively to represent other utteran

14、ce.格特首先介绍了关于关联理论的一些基本概念,如“交际的推理本质”(The inferential nature of translation),交际者的“信息意图”(informative intention),交际中的明示程度,通过推理提供“交际线索”(Communicative clues)的“语义表达”(Semantic representations),从而指出交际是一种明示推理的过程。(p25),2.A relevance-Theoretic Approach,The inferential nature of translation:The crucial mental fac

15、ulty that enables human beings to communicate with one another is the ability to draw inferences from peoples behavior.Looked at from the communicators end, his task is to produce a stimulus -verbal or otherwise-from which the audience can infer what he means, or ,in the terms of relevence theory, w

16、hat his informative intention is .The difference between non-verbal and verbal or linguistic communication, lies not in the presence or absence of inference, but rather in the degree of explicitness which the stimulus can achieve.(p24-25),Semantic Representation:linguistic expression are dealt with

17、first of all by a component or module of the mind that specializes in processing language data.This component is essentially a coding device which takes as input linguistic formulae that mean or represent something, that is, semantic representation. (p25),2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,紧接着他又详细地介绍

18、关联理论中最重要的“最佳关联”(Optimal relevance)和 “关联原则”(Principle of relevance)最佳关联的目的就是使交际中的听话者花费最小的信息处理达到足够的或最大的语境效果:“The central claim of relevance theory is that human communication crucially creats an expectation of optiaml relevance, that is, an expectation on the part of the hearer that his attempt at int

19、erpretation will yield adequate contextual effects at minimal processing cost.”(p32)Principle of relevance:Every act of ostensive communication communicates the presumption of its own optimal relevance. (p32),2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,2.A relevance-Theoretic Approach,之后格特又提出关联理论中的交际分为两种不同模式:

20、描述性运用(descriptive use)和解释性运用(interpretive use)Within relevance theory, this way of entertaining a mental representation is called the descriptive use of that representation: it is entertained as a description of the state of the affairs of which it is thought to be true. (p36)our mind can entertain

21、a mental representation or thought in virtue of its interpretive resemblance to some other representation. This use of representations is called interpretive use in revelance theory.,2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,并重点介绍了“意义相似”(Interpretive resemblance)概念,并主要从以下三个方面进行阐释:1. Interpretive resemblance

22、 between propositional forms: “Since all propositional forms have logic properties, two propositional forms may have some logic properties in common. Accordingly, we can say that mental representations whose propositional forms share logic properties resemble each otherin virtue of these shared logi

23、c properties. Such resemblance between propositional forms is called interpretive resemblance.(p36-39),2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,2. Interpretive resemblance between thoughts and utterances: “Every utterance comes with a guarantees of faithfulness”- that is, in each case “the speaker guarante

24、es that her utterance is a faithful enough interpretation of the thought she wants to communicate”. (p41),2. A relevance-Theoretic Approach,3. Interpretive resemblance between utterances:格特在此处主要通过例子说明原文的话语与译文的话语之间的相似。(p41-45)最后,他指出“The main purpose of utterances is to convey the set of assumptions w

25、hich the communicator intends to convey.”(p46),3. Covert Translation,Chapter 3 deals with instances of translation where the relationship to the original seems incidental rather than crucial to the communication process.在该部分中首先提出了有关“隐性翻译”(Covert translation)的新论点。他认为只有在隐性翻译中才有可能达到功能对等,这也是他对翻译的根本界定,Ho

26、use defines covert translation as a translation which enjoys or enjoyed the status of an original STsource text in the target culture,3. Covert Translation,Covert translations “have direct language addressees, for whom this translated text is as immediatedly and originallyrelevant as source text is

27、for the source language addressees.”(p47)Covert translation are in fact the only ones capable of actually achieving functional equivalence,3. Covert Translation,他还通过举例说明了功能对等在隐性翻译中的重要性。接着格特又通过广告翻译的案例论述了翻译文本中的功能变化问题,指出文本的功能是变化的,进而推导出原文不是翻译的唯一标准。(p48-54)最后,格特首先讨论了译文本身在译入语中发挥多大的作用更重要,我们不能以与原文内容的近似性为评价译

28、文好坏的标准,总结出“there is no necessary relationship between the source language and the target-language texts.”(54-56)然后他又仔细区分了描述性运用和解释性运用的不同,并且解释了为什么有些翻译看起来不像翻译等问题。(56-64),4. Translating the Meaning of the Original,Chapter 4 examines the idea that translations should preserve the meaning of the original.

29、他首先介绍了比较传统的翻译目标是要达到意义上的对等,并介绍了奈达和泰伯提出的“动态对等”(Dynamic equivalence)理论:the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message,因此强调译文要表达出原文的“meaning”而不是注重“form”;,4.Translating the Meaning of the Original,然后他又介绍了

30、Beekman和Callow提出的“地道翻译方法”(Idiomatic translation approach),以及Larson对该方法的进一步发展,之后并用France的观点来反驳上述观点;Idiomatic translation also demands that translation should be faithful to the dynamics of the original, in terms of naturalness language use and ease of comprehension rather than receptor response.(p71)

31、Larson extends the idiomatic approach to translation. She does include the aspect of audience response in her definition of dynamics (p71)France: Any translation committed to conveying the intended original meaning should convey to the receptor language audience. (P75),4.Translating the Meaning of t

32、he Original,接着,他在探讨有关次级交流环境问题的过程中,又批判了“动态对等”理论和“地道翻译方法”;(76-98)If communication is successful, the text or utterance produced must be inferentially combined with the right, speaker-envisaged, contextual assumptions.Primary communication situations:Communication situations where this condition is ful

33、filled Secondary communiacation situations:in interpreting a text an audience may fail to use the contextual assumptions intended by the communicator and perhaps use others instead.(p76),4.Translating the Meaning of the Original,最后,他便提出了自己的观点:Translating the same “message” by interpretive use?并讨论这个观

34、点存在的一些问题,以及关联理论是否能解决这个问题。The intended interpretation of an utterance consists of its explicatures and/or implicatures.(p99)Omitting explicatures: (5) (p100)Avoiding extraneous implicatures: to communicate a particular message or interpretation to any audience, no matter what their cognitive envirome

35、nt is like. (p101),5.Translation as Interlingual Interpretive Use,Chapter 5 argues that much of translations should can be viewed adequately as interlingual interpretive use,noting, however, that on this view the notion of translation would cover a very wide range of phenomena.格特一开始就提出“Translation a

36、s interlingual interpretive use”的观点,即“A translation would be a receptor language text that interpretively resembled the original.”并用例子做了进一步的说明。(p105)其次,他又通过几个例子来阐述有关“Faithfulness in interlingual interpretive use”(p107-111),主要对Levy提出的“semantic functions”、“functional hierarchy”(p113)等观点进行了批判;,5.Transl

37、ation as Interlingual Interpretive Use,然后,格特主要探讨了“The origin of translation”,他通过一些例子分别批判了Vernay、Beekman、Callow、Newmark、Savory等人的观点,(p119-127) 来论证自己的观点,最后总结出:“only notions believed to be part of general human psychology the principle of relevance and the ability to engage in interpretive use.”,6.Tran

38、slation What was Express,Chapter 6 examines the possibity of a much narrower view of translation designed to preserve also stylistic features of the original. For this purpose, the notion of communicative clue is introduced.一开始他就提出:Stylethe importance of the way thoughts are expressed.他认为,“style is,

39、 in some sense, the way writer or speaker express himself resulting, for example, from the words he chooses or the way he constructs his sentences.”,并且运用了Savory的例子进行了解释,又批判了Chukovskiis “Imprecise precision”。(p130-131),6.Translation What was Express,接着,他又提出了三个重要的概念:1. Direct quotation.格特首先区分了“indirec

40、t speech quotations”和“direct speech quotations”两个概念,然后并指出:“the notion of direct speech quotation can be derived from the nature of stimuli and used in communication; in relevance theory such stimuli are defined as a phenomenon designed to achieve cognitive effects.” (p133)direct speech quotations pr

41、eserve exactly what was said, whereas indirect speech quotations give an indication of what was meant.(p132),6.Translation What was Express,2. Communicative clues: clues that guide the audience to the interpretation intended by the communicator, we shall refer to such clues as communicative clues. (

42、p134)3. Direct translation. The notion of “clue giving” would allow us to define translation along lines parallel to direct quotation: as direct quotation calls for the preservation of all linguistic properties, so this kind of translation calls for the preservation of all communicative clues. (p135

43、),6.Translation What was Express,在此基础上,格特又区分了“direct translation” 和“in direct translation”这两个概念。In view of the close correspondence between this notion of translation and direct quotation, we shall refer to it as direct translation.By analogy, we shall call the concept of translation defined in the

44、previous chapter as interlingual interpretive use indirect translation. (p136),6.Translation What was Express,之后,他就主要探讨了以下两个问题:1. What kind of phenomena could be covered by the notion of communicative clue. 2. What light it can thrown on the preservation of style in direct translation. (p136)Communi

45、cative clues arises from semantic representations, syntactic properties, phonetic properties,semantic constraints on relevance,formulaic expressions, and sound-based poetic properties.(p136-166),6.Translation What was Express,Onomatopoeia and Communicative cluesSince the concept representing the ono

46、matopoeic expression can have information about its use stored its encyclopaedic entry, and since this information can constitute a communicative clue, it can be translated into another language if that language has an expression associated with similar information. (p160)Communicative clues and the

47、 stylistic value of wordsOur minds store concepts of words in addition to concepts of the objects and events which those words describe is rather consequential. It allows us to give an explicit, empirical account not only of the meaning ,but of a whole range of stylistic phenomena.(p162),7. A Unifie

48、d Account of Translation,Chapter 7 rounds off the discussion by showing that both the wide and the narrow view fall out naturally from the relevance-theoretic frame-work; it also investigates prerequisites for successful communication by translation.首先,他提出了在前面几章中还没有完全解决的四个问题,然后分别就这四个问题进行了答疑。,7.A Uni

49、fied Account of Translation,他主要分了以下四个小部分进行讨论:1. Direct translation a special case of interpretive use. The notion of direct translation is dependent on interpretive use: it relies, in effect, on a relationship of complete interpretive resemblance between the original and its translation. (p170)另外,他还

50、指出:direct translation is the interlingual simulation of a direct quotation,(p171)以及交际线索的功用是:help the translator to identify and talk about features in the source and target language utterances that affect their interpretations.(p172)同时,他也给出了为什么用“两分法”而不是“多分法”的理由。(172),7.A Unified Account of Translati


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