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1、雅思写作高分经验解析 冲刺高分你应该这么做,雅思写作高分经验解析,今天给大家带来雅思写作高分经验解析 ,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。冲刺高分你应该这么做,雅思写作高分经验解析第一、一定要勤学苦练。勤于动笔,勤于思考,勤于修改最重要。一开始对写作很惧怕,也很讨厌那些看上去非常stupid的题目。但实质上是自己不愿去动笔思考。听力和阅读是输入的过程,被动接受,成绩容易提高; 但写作和听力都是输出的过程,当然会累很多。加上已经工作,没有那么多时间复习和练习写作,而写作就是靠练,不好好练习,写不好作文就越来越畏惧作文。痛定思痛,这次我改变了复习方式,以前通常是按照考试顺序,先练




5、醐灌顶的感觉; 二是滥用一些似是而非、模棱两可、但自以为很美的句式,被外教批评为表意不清。外教对作文结构也提了一些意见,不需要太复杂,简明易懂就行。我大概找外教批改了10篇,感觉非常有收获。第三、一定要留出时间检查。这和第一点讲到的多练也有关。一开始写一篇作文非常痛苦,不花上1个小时就写不完,到后期可以在30分钟内完成一篇完整的作文。在考场上速度是关键,最后留出5分钟将两篇作文都好好看一遍,能检查出不少语法错误或拼写错误。而雅思最重要的,不是写作的高度和深度,而是准确度。雅思写作高分作文的一些特点1. Avoid really, so, a lot, very 避免使用really, so,

6、a lot, very在雅思写作中,你需要使用学术语言,你的目标是正式和学术,所以你不要使用较为口语化的表达,如really, so , a lot and very.举一些例子:(1)Many IELTS candidates think that achieving Band 8.0 in IELTS is very hard.= Use a stronger word: Many IELTS candidates think that achieving Band 8.0 in IELTS is difficult.(2)Robot-driven car is really contro

7、versial= Robot-driven car is controversial(3)A lot of IELTS learners share their great tips on IELTS writing, speaking on IELTS Material website.= Many/A great number of/ A multitude of IELTS learners2. Avoid “There is / There are” 避免使用 There is / There are当你在写作的时候,努力将你的想法用一种简洁的方法呈现出来,有些词语是不需要的,这样你的

8、句子可以更加直戳重点。例子:There are many issues that students have to face at university= Students face a multitude of issues at university3. Vary your sentence length 句子长度多样化如果你知道不同的句子类型,你就可以试着多多练习。在众多句型中,复合复杂句是最难的,不过就算你不懂这个语法,尝试用一系列的简单句,复杂句,和复合句相结合来写这篇*,你也可以得到一个很好的分数。这个关键就在于句子类型和句子长度要灵活多变,这样你的*也会比较自然。看一个下面的例子

9、:(1)Firstly, children watch too much TV. Its bad for their health. It can make them addicted. They will spend too much time indoors. This can make them fat.这个例子就是句子太短,你可以把句子连接在一起,会发现得到一个更加耐看的版本。(2)Firstly, children watch too much TV, which is bad for their health. This habit can cause them to become

10、 addicted, resulting in them spending too much time indoors and thus getting fat.4. Remember collocation 牢记固定搭配学生们在准备雅思考试的时候总会学习很多的词汇,这对于我们提高英文理解是十分重要的,然而有些时候,“知道一个词语的含义”和“会使用它”还是有一定区别的。在*中学习一个单词会使得你在使用这个词时更加容易。当你学习词汇的时候,一定要注意的是什么样子的搭配会常常在一起。我们来举几个例子:(1)Verb + thought:Spare a thought for 想到,替着想Spare

11、 a thought for all those who are homeless on a cold night like this.想到那些在寒冷的夜晚中无家可归的人。(2)Hear ones thought 聆听的想法Have you given the new proposal any thought yet? Were keen to hear your thought你有没有考虑新提议了吗?我们渴望听到你的想法吗?(3)The thought occurs to someone某人有了一个想法The thought just occurs to me that its mums b

12、irthday tomorrow and we havent got her a card.我突然间想到明天是我妈妈的生日,我们还没有给她卡片呢。(4)Gather ones thought理清思路The President was taken aback by the question and took a minute to gather his thoughts.总统被这个问题吓了一跳,并用一分钟的时间来理清思路。(5)Noun + preposition + thought:great deal of thought很多想法,大量思考Shirley doesnt devote a gr

13、eat deal of thought to her appearance.雪莉对她的外表没有太多想法。(6)freedom of thought思想自由Some places dont encourage freedom of thought.有些地方不鼓励思想自由。(7)school of thought思想派别One school of thought contends that modern man originated in Central Africa.某学派认为:现代人类起源于非洲中部。(8)train of thought思路,思绪Sorry, where was I? Ive

14、 lost my train of thought.对不起,我说到哪里了?我刚刚没了思路5. Do not use Contractions in academic writing 不要在学术写作中使用缩略形式Dont = do notCant = cannotMustnt = must notCouldnt = could notWouldnt = would notIsnt = is notHavent = have notHasnt = has not6. Know the sentence types 知道句子类型了解简单句和复杂句式的区别很重要,你不需要知道术语,但是你需要有能力自己

15、完成一个句子的写作,了解以下句子类型可以帮助你避免许多基本的写作错误。(1)SENTENCE FRAGMENTS: 片断句(不完整的句子)这是雅思考生经常犯的错误:缺少句子成分的句子片断是不可以单独成句的,因为他并不具备成为一个完整的独立分句的要素。记住,一个简单句就是一个合格的独立分句,它由3要素组成:1. A subject2. A verb3. A complete thought主语,谓语,和一个完整的思路。有时看起来像一个句子,但是当我们仔细研究时会发现它缺少了许多很关键的成分,因此它并不能成为一个独立的句子。例子:? The doctor worked round the cloc

16、k. Operating on the boy.? As India has entered the WTO. The local entrepreneurs are faced with both challenges and opportunities.我们怎么改正这些句子呢?= The doctor worked around the clock, operating on the boy.= As India has entered the WTO, the local entrepreneurs are faced with both challenges and opportuni

17、ties.(2)RUN-ON SENTENCES: 粘连句粘连句包含着两个或更多的主句,他们连在一起,没有标点分隔(逗号、分号、句号等)。我们在说话的时候经常使用这样的粘连句,但是我们可以用停顿来表述清楚含义。而在写*的时候,我们需要用标点符号来分隔我们的句子,让它有更明确的表达含义。【逗号误接句】就是两个独立主句之间用逗号连接,这是很多考生会犯的错误。记住,逗号不能连接两个独立的句子,你需要添加连接词来使它变完整,或者使用分号或者连接副词。更重要的一点,想在雅思写作中拿高分,你不需要对所有标点符号的使用都了如指掌,了解逗号和句号的使用方法就足够了。例子:? Van Gogh is a wor

18、ld-famous artist his paintings can be found in many museums and art galleries.? Allen Ginsberg is a renowned American poet, his most famous poem is Howl.我们怎么改正呢?= Van Gogh is a world-famous artist whose paintings can be found in many museums and art galleries.= Van Gogh is a world-famous artist. His

19、 paintings can be found in many museums and art galleries.= Van Gogh is a world-famous artist; his paintings can be found in many museums and art galleries.= Allen Ginsberg is a renowned American poet, whose most famous poem is Howl.= Allen Ginsberg is a renowned American poet. His most famous poem

20、is Howl.= Allen Ginsberg is a renowned American poet; his most famous poem is Howl.那正如我们可以看到的,不仅仅只有一个方法来改正错误,但是一定要根据句子最最准确的含义来改正。(3)COMMA SPLICES:逗号误接句这一点在前面已经强调了,要十分小心在用逗号链接两个句子时,要避免前后两个句子都出现谓语动词。比如:? The dog was hungry, he wanted some food.我们可以用很多方法来改正它:= The dog was hungry; he wanted some food.=

21、The dog was hungry. He wanted some food.= The dog was hungry, and he wanted some food.以上就是冲刺高分你应该这么做,雅思写作高分经验解析的全部内容,*介绍的雅思写作备考方式通用性较高,实施起来需要落实到每一天的计划当中去,但是只要坚持,效果的可以预估的。当我们掌握了写作的基本框架之后,再来按照*中的写作高分*的得分点对*进行适当的润色。雅思阅读做题技巧四部曲雅思阅读做题技巧之一:入手雅思阅读词汇首先,当然是雅思阅读中的词汇。任何一篇内容相对复杂的阅读*,都不可避免地出现大量生僻词语或者是难度相对较大的单词。从

22、*的选材而言,范围是十分丰富的,主要来自世界各国主要的英文报刊杂志,内容涉及任何一个国家的文化、经济、自然和科技等。而IELTS考试所考查的,是实际运用语言的能力,所以在考试中真正需要理解的单词,或是题目中真正考查到的单词,往往是英语阅读中的一些最核心的单词。这些单词虽然数量不多,难度不大,但却是必须掌握的。就考试而言,掌握 6000左右的常用词汇,即大学六级大纲中所要求的词汇是必须的。雅思阅读高频词汇的记忆是为了辅助学生更好的高效率理解雅思阅读*的。雅思阅读真题下载是为了学生在考前进行真题的理解和分析的。因此,学生对于每一部分的备考资料和步骤都要明白意义的所在。这样利用三大招才能够更好的提升


24、了解其真正含义,可以再看一下这个词对整个句子所构成的影响是肯定的,还是否定的,实际上这对你理解作者的意图已足够了,实在不行就做上记号,将来看一看是否影响答题,如无影响就坚决忽略。雅思阅读做题技巧之三:注意考题的考察维度题型多样化。这个障碍使原本已经拥有相当英语语言实力的考生,在考试中因为缺乏对题型的理解,或是被众多题型干扰,不能正常发挥。一些必考题型如list of headings, summary, T/F/NG等,可以作为练习重点。如summary题是很多同学感到头痛的题型,普遍感到非常难找。其实不然,建议考生只要记住两大原则即可。原则一,顺序原则。summary题的答案排列顺序,必定与

25、*的行文顺序一致。原则二,完整的summary,不仅应该能够体现*本身所表达的思想含义,而且必须是符合语法规律的英语*。所以根据语法也可以进行判断。还是要提醒大家一下在雅思阅读学习的过程中总结雅思阅读做题技巧。这些都是对于大家提高成绩很有帮助的。雅思阅读做题技巧之四:雅思考察的句型的结构程度复杂的句型结构。有些同学的词汇量已经达到了6000左右,甚至超过了雅思阅读高频词汇,但是依然感觉读不懂*,这就是因为*中充斥着大量结构复杂难以把握的复杂句。如:The challenge now is to develop policies and practices based on a presumpt

26、ion of shared responsibility between men and women, and a presumption that there are potential benefits for men and women, as well as for families and the community, if there is greater gender equality in the responsibilities and pleasures of family life. 这是一个相对复杂的句子,主干是the challenge now is to devel

27、op policies and practices, 从based on到句子的结尾处是由过去分词短语充当的状语。后一个presumption后面有一个由that引导的从句,充当presumption的同位语。在同位语的后面,有一个if引导的条件状语从句。分析发现,一般而言,对同学们造成障碍的是并列句或并列复合句,倒装结构,所以在训练时可以精挑一个语段做仔细分析。雅思阅读真题下载后,学生对于*的理解要学会认真分析,把握核心关键句。雅思阅读中谚语的使用1.After meat, mustard; after death, doctor .雨后送伞Explanation: this describ

28、es a situation where assistance or comfort is given when it is too late.Example: just as I had cancelled my application to go abroad, I had a promise of money for my fare. It was a case of fter death, the doctor.2. After praising the wine they sell us vinegar.挂羊头卖狗肉Explanation: to offer to give or s

29、ell something that is inferior to what you claim it to be.Example: that fellow completely misled us about what he was capable of doing. After praising the wine, he sold us vinegar.3. All is over but the shouting.大势已去Explanation: finally decided or won; brought to the end; not able to be changed.Exam

30、ple: after Bills touch down, the game is all over but shouting.4. All lay load on the willing horse.人善被人欺,马善被人骑Explanation: a willing horse is someone who is always doing things for others. Very often the implication is that others impose on him.Examples: the trouble is youre too good-natured and pe

31、ople take advantage of it. all lay load on the willing horse. You will have to learn to refuse people who ask too much.5.anger and haste hinder good counsel.小不忍则乱大谋Explanation: one can not act wisely when one is angry or in a hurry.Example: you should calm down before you decide the next move. Anger

32、 and haste hinder good counsel.6. As poor as a church mouse一贫如洗Explanation: to be exceedingly poor, having barely to live upon.Example: he has a large family, and is poor as a church mouse.Note: a church is one of the few buildings that contain no food.7. A word spoken is past recalling.一言既出,驷马难追Exp

33、lanation: the harm done by a careless word can not easily undo.Example: for the rest of his life he regretted what he had said, but a word spoken is past recalling and he knew he could never repair the damage of that moment of harshness.NOW, TRY YOUR HAND ON THE FOLLOWING:(根据解释,试试翻译下面的谚语)Love is bli

34、nd.beauty is a matter of individual taste and judgement. This is often used of a person whose judgement is affected by love or infatuation.Better to die in glory than live in dishonor.if one has the choice between living in shame and degradation and dying in glory, it is better to die.Birds of a fea

35、ther flock together.people who are alike often become friend or are together: if you are often with certain people, you may be their friends or like them.Blood, toil, tears and sweat.said of a person bending oneself to a task and exerting all efforts in the performance of one duty.Calamity is man tr

36、ue touchstone.the most telling test of a man ability and worth comes when he has to face great difficulties.Clean conscience laughs at false accusation.a person who knows he has done no wrong is morally stronger than those who falsely accuse him are.Cry over spilt milk.to cry or complain about something that has already happened雅思写作高分经验解析


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