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1、职教中心 邢亚宣,英语说课,Welcome to our class,English for Vocational School Unit 2 Short Stories Reading B Earning Three Dollars Honestly,STATUS AND FUNCTION (教材的地位与作用) This is an interesting story about Mark Twain .It helps to know about the famous humorous novelist. People who learn American literature must

2、know Mark Twain .,Part 1 Analysis of the Teaching Material,Knowledge objects 1. To make the students know about Mark Twain better.2.Let the students get to know how to use our wisdom to make a living.,TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDS 教学目标与要求 (1),Ability Objects 4. To improve students ability of getting inf

3、ormation through reading.5.To develop students ability of expressing their own opinions in English,TEACHING AIMS AND DEMANDS 教学目标与要求 (2),1.To help the students to understand the whole article. 2.To make them learn the hot words and useful expressions.,TEACHING KEY POINTS教学的重点,1. The understanding of

4、 some long sentences. 2.insist +subordinate clause,TEACHING DIFFICULTIES教学的难点,1.Multimedia Computer Assisted Instruction(借用多媒体)2. Elicitation Method(启发式) 3.Discussion Method (探讨式)4. Explaining Method (解释法),Part 2 Teaching Methods,1). To find the problems on the students own.2). To discuss this probl

5、ems and try to solve them.3). To be able to guess the meaning of some words and sentences in the reading material with the teachers help.,Part 3 Learning Methods,Part 4 Teaching Procedure (教学流程),Step 1 Presentation (5m)Step 2 Pre-read (10m)Step 3 Fast Reading (8m)Step 4 Intensive Reading (15m)Step 5

6、 Discussion (5m)Step 6 Homework (2m),Welcome to our class,Unit two Short storiesReading B Earning three dollars honestly,Step 1. Presentation,Who was the most famous humorous ( 幽默 ) novelist in America?,Mark Twain was the most famous humorous novelist in America. He had a hard childhood and at the a

7、ge of 12 his father died. After that, He stopped schooling and began to work as a typesetter(排字工)and later a sailor. He became a journalist (新闻工作者) after the Civil War. His articles were popular, such as The Prince and the Pauper 王子与贫儿 ,The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆索亚历险记Running for governor竞选州长100

8、0000 pound bank-note 百万英镑 and so on.,About Mark Twain,Let the students pre-read the text and answer these questions:1.Do you think this is a true story that happened to Mark Twain?2.What does “Earning three dollars honestly” mean?3. Whom does Mark Twain make fun of in this story?,Step 2 Pre-read the

9、 text (about 5),Step 3 Let the students talk about the text which they canunderstand(about8 ) The student may walk about in the class to solve his problems. At the same time Ill walk about and help them.,EARNING THREE DOLLARS HONESTLY,Step 4 Explain the text (especially the important and difficult p

10、oints) (about 15),earn 挣得,赚得 e.g.(1) We must work hard to earn more money. 我们必须努力工作以挣得更多的钱。(2) To earn money, he left his hometown.为了挣钱,他背井离乡。,Mark Twain was out of money.,be out of 用完了,失去 e.g.(1)We are out of money, we can buy nothing. 我们的钱用完了,什么都买不到。 (2) His friend is out of work now. 他的朋友现在失业了。,T

11、here came a lovely dog.这是一个倒装句。,在英语中,凡以there, here, out等副词开头的句子,都要进行倒装。 e.g.(1) Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来啦。 (2) Out came the wounded boy at that time.正在那时受伤的男孩出来了。,Mark Twain thought it seemed to be a marvelous thing and said ,”yes.”,seem 看起来,似乎.常用句型:1 It seems (seemed) that 2 Somebody seemed to do

12、(be) e.g.(1) It seems we can win the game today.看起来我们今天能赢这场比赛。(2) She seemed to be very familiar with the leader.她看起来和领导很熟。(3)They seem to know me very well.他们看起来很了解我。,Only three dollars! Are you serious?”Serious 认真的;严重的 e.g. (1)This is a serious young man.这是一个认真持重的年轻人。 (2) We gave him a serious war

13、ning.我们给了他一个严重警告。,Very well, since you insist on it,” said the general,常用句型:(1) insist on + something (doing something)坚持;坚决认为;坚决要求 something (doing something) (2) insist that somebody (should ) do something * that 从句用虚拟语气,即should+动词原形。 should通常可以省去。 e.g. (1) He insists on some vegetables every day.

14、 他 坚持天天吃蔬菜。 (2) We insisted on working hard ,though it was very hot. 尽管天气炎热,我们坚持努力工作。 (3) She insisted that Tom (should) give the bike back to her. 她坚决要求汤姆把自行车还给她。,In about ten minutes a middle-aged gentleman came alongmiddle-aged 中年的 是一个合成形容词类似的还有:warm-hearted 热心肠的;Cool-blooded冷血的;等等。合成词还有以下几种构成方式:

15、(1) adj. +v. (ing ) : good-looking, ordinary-looking (2) adj. + n. : full-time, part-time(3)num.+n.+adj. : five-year-old, ten-meter-long(4)n.+v.(pp): man-made, hand-made,.,The gentleman asked Mark Twain to try and promised to pay for the trouble.,1 promise to do something答应做某事,承诺做某事 e.g.(1) He promi

16、sed to help me, and so he did.他答应帮助我,而且他也帮了我。2pay for 为而付费 ,付 的费 e.g. (1) He tried to leave the restaurant without paying for the meal.他没付饭钱就想溜走。(2)You will pay for what you have done. 你要为你的所为付出代价。,but he was too tired to argue with Mark Twain.1 tooto 太 而不能(1)He is too young to go to school.(2)We ar

17、e too tired to say a word.(3)He is too short to catch the apple on the tree.2 argue 争论,争辩常用句型:1. argue with somebody 与某人争吵 2. argue about something 为某事争论 e.g. (1) Why do you argue with him ? (2) What are you arguing about?,Hot words: earn, wander, enter, argue, army, attract, stomach , serious, insi

18、st, lead, disappear light , price Useful expressions: to be out of , seem to do , insist on ,promise to do something , pay for, argue with some body,Hot words and Useful expressions,一。用所给词的一适当形式填空:be out of 2.argue with 3.tooto.ask for 5.promise 6.insist , be (1). Tom _ to give back my money tomorro

19、w.(2).Dont_.argue with _ your parents, they are all for you.(3)Lucy runs_ slowly _catch her sister.(4).We _water ,fetch some quickly, please.(5).They_10,000 dollars_ their car.(6).We all_ that Kate_ the best one to do this job.,Exercises for today,promises,用所给词的一适当形式填空:be out of 2.argue with 3.tooto

20、.ask for 5.promise 6.insist , be (1). Tom _ to give back my money tomorrow.(2).Dont_ your parents, they are all for you. (3) Lucy runs_ slowly _catch her sister.(4).We _ water ,fetch some quickly, please.,.promises,argue with,too,to,are out of,(5).They_10,000 dollars_ their car.(6).We all_ that Kate

21、_ the best one to do this job.,ask,for,insist,be,GREAT!,Additional exercises(弹性练习题),单项选择:We all insist that Lily _ the best student in our class. A. is B. be C. was D. areHe is _tired _say a word . A. soto. B. toonot to C. very to D. tootoDont _your mother ,she does it for our good.argue B. argue with C. arguing with D. to argue,4.What do you like best about Mark Twain works?5.Do you know anything else about Mark Twain?6.DO you like Mark Twain? Why?,Homework for today,1.Read the text smoothly.2.Retell the story.3.Master all hot words and useful expressions (Make a sentence with each word ).,


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