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1、snake的用法总结大全 snake作为名词有蛇,奸险的人,卑劣的人,蛇形浮动汇率制的意思?今天给大家带来snake的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。snake的用法总结大全snake的意思n. 蛇,奸险的人,卑劣的人,蛇形浮动汇率制vt. 沿曲折前进(或延伸),vi. 曲折前进(或延伸),蛇行,悄悄地爬行变形:过去式: snaked; 现在分词:snaking; 过去分词:snaked;snake用法snake可以用作名词snake的基本意思是“蛇”,喻指“冷酷阴险的人”“虚伪的人”“卑鄙的人”。snake用作名词的用法例句I have a fear of snak

2、es.我害怕蛇。The snake coiled itself around the tree.蛇盘绕在树上。The girl screamed at the sight of the snake.那女孩看到蛇就尖叫起来。snake用法例句1、The slow-worm is in fact not a snake but a legless lizard.蛇蜥其实不是蛇,而是无脚的蜥蜴。2、I haventthe faintest idea how to care for a snake.我对养蛇一无所知。3、The snake coiled up, ready to strike.那条蛇盘

3、绕起来准备攻击。外国人说 kill the snake 是让你 杀蛇 ?小心吓到别人!Kill the snake 杀死这条蛇kill k?lv.杀死;导致死亡;毁灭;破坏;扼杀;使停止;使痛n.杀死,捕杀(尤指动物);被捕杀的动物;猎物kill a rumour平息谣言kill the pain止疼kill作动词时,除了杀死、毁灭等意思,还可以表示使停止,kill a rumour就是平息谣言的意思。要注意的是,kill the snake的意思和蛇没有一点关系,意思是上厕所。例句:I m going to kill the snake. Can you wait here forkill

4、the snake=the call from naturethe call from nature 上厕所go to the john 上厕所除了kill the snake,表达上厕所的英语俚语还有the call from nature和go to the john。the call from nature很多人会误以为是大自然的呼唤,我们可以把上厕所理解为身体的呼唤。所以the call from nature可以引申为上厕所。answer the call from nature就是对身体呼唤的回答,也就是上厕所的意思。例句:She just received the call fr

5、om nature.她想去上厕所。kill timekill time 消磨时间;打发时间在英语中,经常用kill time来表示打发时间,大家千万不要以为kill time的意思是杀死时间。例句:Amy often watches movies to kill time at night.在晚上,Amy经常看电影来打发时间。a while ?我要去上厕所,你能在这等我一会吗?kill the clockkill the clock 采取拖延战术against the clock 提前完成工作;和时间赛跑clock是时钟的意思,字面意思是把时钟杀掉,但外国人不这么理解,kill the clo

6、ck可以引申为拖延时间,采用拖延战术,一般是指在比赛里拖延对手的时间来争取胜利的战术。例句:They tried to kill the clock, but they lost the match by one goal.他们试图采取拖延战术,但是还是以一分之差输了这场比赛。Doctors raced against the clock to save his life.医生们争分夺秒地抢救他的生命。kill itkill it 擅长做某事外国人经常用kill it来表示一个人擅长做某事,如果我们想夸别人十分擅长做一件事,就可以用kill it。例句:As we know,John kill

7、s iton dancing.众所周知,John很擅长跳舞。you re really killing meyou re really killing me 笑死我了在英语中,you are really killing me的意思不是你要了我的命,你杀了我,而是你真的要笑死我了。当朋友给我们讲了个非常好笑的故事,我们就可以回一句you are really killing me。例句:Stop it, you are really killing me.你快别说了,笑死我了。拓展go to the toilet 上厕所water closet/lavatory/washroom 厕所powd

8、er?room 化妆间the gents男厕所ladies room女厕所“snack”和“snake”傻傻分不清楚?看完你就会了snackn. 快餐;零食;小吃It refers to a simple meal that is quick to cook and to eat or something such as a chocolate bar that you eat between meals.它指的是简单易做的快餐,或是在两餐之间我们所吃的巧克力棒这样的零食。Linda prefers snacks than fruits.比起水果,Linda更喜欢零食。Eating too much snacks is not good for your health.吃太多零食对健康不好。snaken. 蛇It refers to a reptile with a very long thin body and no legs.它指的是一种身体细长、没有四肢的爬行动物。She is scared of snakes.她很怕蛇。There is a snake on the tree.树上有条蛇。snake的用法总结大全


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