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1、GRE写作:30天复习经验 如何用30天来复习GRE写作呢,今天给大家带来GRE写作:30天复习经验,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作:30天复习经验(1)先看北美范文,对issue有一个大概的感觉,开始拟一个argu的粗略模版。同时背几篇issue范文,随便哪几篇都可以,学习范文语言,找感觉。这个过程大概需要5天。我是在3月底做完这些事情的。而且对于和我一样打字不行的朋友,建议用范文联系打字,既熟悉了范文又提高了打字速度,一举两得。(2)分类列issue提纲。我四月前之所以很抓狂,就是因为面对issue题目不知道该写什么。开窍后,我用了4天时间把高频前100的提



4、低选择的。模考一共进行了十几天,在这段时间里,我还会不断熟悉argu的提纲,完善模版,并且把issue高频前50的提纲更加完善,比如找更合适、更具体的例子。我觉得平时尽量把题材、例子的准备充分,因为考场上毕竟时间紧迫,最多只能发挥出正常水平,一般难以临场发挥。GRE写作满分范文赏析Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook.I believe this statement is how you loo

5、k at a glass of water. Either the glass is half full or it is half empty. The opptimist would look for things in life, whereas the pessimist would try to aviod things in life. This summary will explain how looking for things in life better than overlooking a persons involvement in new opportunities

6、and to learn from these new experiences.I am strong believer in hands on experiences. If I have a open mind, try new things, and look for new answers to my questions about life, I will in the end gain wisdom because I have experienced many new situations. I plan on becoming a speech language patholo

7、gist in the future. In this field I will be dealing with clients who may have a disorder, such as autism or a cognitive delay. I must be aware of the red flags that identify these disorders. I must look for the obvious symptoms before I can overlook anything. If I would in my mind tell my self to ov

8、erlook things. The result would be detrimental to my career and the individual I am treating.Who can predict the future? So how can someone purposely overlook an experience in which they may recieve a life lesson or gain knowledge. In conclusion, a person should look at the glass half full. No one c

9、an predict the future so how can one know what to overlook. Look for things in life, you may even stumble across that wisdom you were looking for in the first place.Comments:This response displays some competence analytic writing since it presents a position on the issue and has a clear pattern of o

10、rganization.The opening paragraph introduces the topic and states a position that neither agrees or disagrees completely with the stated claim. The second paragraph presents an example; and the last paragraph provides a clear conclusion. The one example is minimally developed, however, and does not

11、clearly explain how looking for things in life is better than overlooking a person抅s involvement in new opportunities.There are numerous small errors and problems in sentence structure (e.g., If I would in my mind tell my self to overlook things.), but they do not seriously interfere with meaning. T

12、hus, this response meets the criteria for a score of 3.GRE写作满分范文赏析Wisdom is rightfully attributed not to people who know what to look for in life but to people who know what to overlook.I disagree with the opinion expressed above, in that I feel that the statement is omitting a very big part of what

13、 learning is all about. I firmly believe that wisdom is gained by careful observation of all that is around us in our lives. We gain a great deal by watching those around us, or by observing our surroundings, as well as watching the assembly of an object. All my life, I have learned a great deal by

14、being very observant of people and their reactions to certain situations, or to procedures that are to be followed. Being observant has helped tremendously in travelling as well, since it has helped me recall certain landmarks to know if I am going in the correct direction. It is true that if we pay

15、 too much attention to insignificant detail, we clutter our minds with too much that is unnecesssary. Instead, we should have more time to devote our attention to that which is meaningful. In the field of science, we teach our students to be observant, and to look for specific reactions. If they don

16、t learn to watch closely and record their data precisely, their results will be less than adequate, and their data will most likely not be very accurate or dependable. The statement above has merit, but it does not represent widsom in its entirety. It doesnt do justice to the great amount of learnin

17、g that thas taken place through the ages through simple observation. Our forefathers survived by learning and knowing what to look for. That information was then passed on, so each successive generation didnt have to gather the same basic knowledge, but could build on what had already been learned.

18、As a society, we need to lean on those who come before us, to learn valuable lessons from their experience, and to decipher that which we can improve on and that which is steadfast through the ages.Comments:This response presents a competent analysis of the issue, taking a position contrary to that

19、expressed in the prompt, at least initially.After stating the importance of careful observation of all that is around us, the response presents reasons and examples to support that position. The examples are clear and relevant, although the analysis is fairly brief. Also, the organization and focus

20、of the response weakens a little, especially as the writer interrupts the group of examples with a statement that if we pay too much attention to insignificant detail, we will clutter our minds with too much that is unnecessary. This statement modifies - and weakens - the initial position, which the writer believed firmly.The writer抯 ideas are conveyed with reasonable clarity, but - as is evident in the closing sentence - this response lacks the skillful use of sentence structure and vocabulary that communicate meaning in responses that typically earn higher scores.GRE写作:30天复习经验


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