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1、spell的用法总结大全 spell作为名词符咒,咒语,魅力,一段时间,轮班的意思,今天给大家带来了spell的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。spell的用法总结大全spell的意思vt. 拼写,导致,意味着,组成(一个词)的字母是vi. 轮替n. 符咒,咒语,魅力,一段时间,轮班变形:过去式: spelt spelled; 现在分词:spelling; 过去分词:spelt spelled;spell用法spellspell可以用作动词spell作“拼写,拼读”解时,一般指拼写单词,即把单词的字母逐个地读或写出来,用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时接

2、名词或代词作宾语。spell也可作“招致,带来”解,多指招致不好的结果,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。spell作名词的意思是“着魔,中邪”,指被一种魔力所迷惑,引申可作“着迷”解,常用作单数名词,与不定冠词a连用。spell用作动词的用法例句I dont know how to spell your name.我不会拼写你的名字。Can you spell the word metropolis?你会拼写“metropolis”这个词吗?Her writing is neat, but she cant spell.她的书写很工整,但是她不会拼写。spell可以用作名词spell作名词的

3、意思是“着魔,中邪”,指被一种魔力所迷惑,引申可作“着迷”解,常用作单数名词,与不定冠词a连用。spell还可作“连续不断的一段时间”解,可用于表示天气、疾病等持续的“一段时间”。可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。spell用作名词的用法例句The witch put the princess under a spell, and she fell asleep for ten years.这女巫使公主中了巫术,沉睡了十年。Can you feel the mysterious spell of music?你能感受到音乐的神奇魔力吗?After a short spell in hospi

4、tal she was soon back at work.她在医院住了一段时间后,很快又回来上班了。spell用法例句1、Drug experts say it could spell the end of the crack epidemic.禁毒专家说它可能会结束强效可卡因吸食泛滥的局面。2、A spell of poor health took the edge off her performance.一度身体欠佳令她表现有失水准。3、For many years sundials have cast their spell over scientists and mathematic

5、ians.多年来,日晷一直吸引着科学家和数学家们。“spell”的释义与用法?A:用字母拼;拼写to say or write the letters of a word in the correct orderHow do you spell your surname?你的姓怎么拼?B:拼出,会拼(单词)to form words correctly from individual lettersIve never been able to spell.我一直不会拼写。C:拼作;拼成(of letters of a word) to form words when they are put

6、together in a particular orderC A T spells cat.C A T拼作cat。D:招致,意味着(通常做坏事)to have sth, usually sth bad, as a results; to mean sth, usually sth badThe crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers.对许多农民来说,庄稼欠收就意味着灾难。spell sth out- 解释明白;讲清楚to explain sth in a simple, clear wayYou know what I mean, Im su

7、re I dont need to spell it out.你明白我的意思,肯定不需要我解释了。- 用字母拼;拼写to say or write the letters of a word in the right orderCould you spell that name out again?你能不能把那个名字再拼一次?名词 nounA:(持续的)一段时间a short period of time during which sth lastsThere will be rain at first, with sunny spells later.开始会有雨,雨后间晴。B:(干某事或在某

8、处工作的)一段时间a period of time doing sth or working somewhereShe had a spell as a singer before becoming an actress.在当演员以前她唱过一阵子歌。C:咒语;符咒;魔法words that are thought to have magic power or to make a piece of magic work; a piece of magic that happens when sb says these magic wordsThe wizard recited a spell.巫

9、师念了一道咒语。D:魅力;魔力a quality that a person or thing has that makes them so attractive or interesting that they have a strong influence on youI completely fell under her spell.我完全给她迷住了。It was a magic night until the spell was broken.那是神奇的一夜直到魔幻消散。学习结束 词句拓展 What, you wanna spell it out with noodles?对自己说我好

10、棒沉睡魔咒:spell有几种用法Remember,no matter what anyone says or tells you to do,look to your self!Whats inside you is stronger than any spell.Ella Enchanted记住,无论别人说什么或是让你去做什么,全都在于你的决定。你的内心信念比任何的咒语都要坚定。魔法灰姑娘一、你知道spell有几种含义吗?n.1.(持续的)一段时间;作(干某事或在某处工的)一段时间 CThe spell of rainy weather broke away.持续了一段时间的多雨天气突然放晴

11、了。2.咒语;符咒;魔法 CA charm,fetish,spell,or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo.伏都崇拜物一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语。3.sing. 魅力;魔力 CYou have me under a spell.你的魅力使我着迷。v.1.用字母拼;拼写;拼作;拼成 TNote my name and how to spell it.注意记住我的名字如何拼写。2.拼出,会拼(单词) I,TIts not fair to hold me up to ridicule because I cant

12、 spell.因为我不会拼写而嘲笑我是不公平的。3.spell sth (for sb/sth) 招致,意味着(通常指坏事) TThose dark clouds spell rain.那些乌云意味着下雨。二、下面我们来学习一下含有spell的常见短语cold spell一段寒冷的气候,寒潮spell outv. 1.拼出,读出 2.阐明breathing spell喘息的机会sinking spell跌价期间三、学会这些spell的用法了吗?来做个小测试吧They say she died after a witch cast a _ on her.他们说她是被一个女巫施了魔法后死的。spell的用法总结大全


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