1、Teaching aims:,中考复习专题指导: 1.“完形填空”题方法解析。,I. 完形填空例题(1),Someone says : “Time is money .” But I think time is _1_ important than money . Why ? Because when money is spent , we can get it back . However , when time is _2_ , itll never _3_ . That is _4_ we mustnt waste (浪费)time . It goes without saying th
2、at the _5_ is usually limited(有限的) . Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do _6_ useful . But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time . They spent their limited time smoking , drinking and _7_ . They do not know that wasti
3、ng time means wasting part of their own _8_ . In a word , we should save time . We shouldnt _9_ todays work for tomorrow . Remember we have no time to _10_,1. A.much B.less C.much less D.even more2. A.cost B.bought C.gone D.bring3. A.return B.carry C.take D.bring4. A.what B.that C.because D.why5. A.
4、money B.time C.day D.food6. A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything7. A.reading B.writing C.playing D.working8. A.time B.food C.money D.life9. A.stop B.leave C.let D.give10. A.lose B.save C.spend D.take,II. “完形填空”命题与备考,1.完形填空题立足语篇,要求学生从全文的整体角度去分析、归纳、猜测,考查学生的思维能力。2.注重短语、句型、习惯用语、动词时态、语态的构成、名词、代词
5、、形容词、副词、介词等语义辨析和语义理解能力的考查。,III. 完形填空试题的选文特点,1.多数试题在选材时考虑材料的教育性、趣味性或实用性。2.完形填空命题的短文绝大多数是以叙事性为主的记叙文。例如:幽默故事、名人轶事、社会热点问题、科普知识等。3.许多文章或体现了人世间的亲情、友情, 或渗透着爱心、友善、真诚与关怀, 或饱含人生哲理,催人奋进、给人自信,读后令人感动,使人深受启发。例如:,富含哲理例如:四川成都完形填空考题中:通过拟人化的手法钥匙了解锁的心,所以能顺利打开锁。用来比喻人与人之间的交往要彼此了解,具有哲理性。这篇短文比喻恰当,通俗易懂,适合学生的水平和生活实际。,IV. 完形
6、填空解题指导,1.通览全文,了解大意。答题时,应先细读首句,越过空挡通读全文,整体理解大意,找出信息词。2.综合考虑,先易后难。通读全文后,可以根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,分析这一空格处在句中的位置、前后的关系和它所起的作用,确定最佳答案;第一遍做出三分之一,先确定有把握的答案。第二遍逐个解决时,注意后线索的现象。3.复读检验,消除疏漏。答案不仅要在原句中合理,在全文中也要合理。看看这时的短文行文是否流畅、意义是否连贯、逻辑关系是否合理。,完形填空例题(2) We can see walls everywhere in the world. But the Great Wall of Chin
7、a is _1_ of all . The Chinese _2_ it “The Ten-thousand-Li Great Wall .” It is in fact more than 6,000 kilometres long . It was really very difficult to build such a great wall _3_ any modern machines many centuries ago . They _4_ do all the work by hand . It _5_ millions of men hundreds of years to
8、build it . The Great Wall _6_ a history of over two thousand years . The men began to build the first part of it about 2,700 years _7_ . Then Qin Shi Huang made the men join all the walls together . He thought that could _8_ the invaders from coming into the country . Today the Great Wall _9_ a plac
9、e of interest . _10_ the Chinese people and the people all over the world come to visit it .,A. the longest B. the nicest C. the highest D. the best2. A. say B. ask C. shout D. call3. A. no B. not C. without D. nor4.A.must to B. had to C. have to D. wanted to5. A. spent B. cost C. took D. used6. A.
10、had B. have C. has D. having7. A. ago B. before C. after D. later8. A. fight B. against C. stop D. beat9. A. becomes B. has become C. became D. is becoming10. A. Both B. Only C. All D. Every,I. 完形填空解题指导,1.通览全文,了解大意。答题时,应先细读首句,越过空挡通读全文,整体理解大意,找出信息词。2.综合考虑,先易后难。通读全文后,可以根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,分析这一空格处在句中的地位、前后的关
11、系和它所起的作用,确定最佳答案;第一遍做出三分之一,先确定有把握的答案。第二遍逐个解决时,注意后线索的现象。3.复读检验,消除疏漏。答案不仅要在原句中合理,在全文中也要合理。看看这时的短文行文是否流畅、意义是否连贯、逻辑关系是否合理。,完形填空题判断的依据,因果线索(答案B)He was badly ill, so he was _A. present B. absent转折线索(答案A)He was badly ill, however, he was _.A. present B. absent让步线索(答案A)He didnt _the test, though he worked hard. A. pass B. fail,完形填空题判断的依据,顺序线索(答案B)After he wrote the letter, she_it and then _it. A. posted; signed B. signed;posted反义词线索(答案A)He used to be lazy. But now he is quite _.A. hardworking B. handsome,