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1、GRE写作:必备的高分技巧 GRE写作需要必备哪些技巧呢?今天给大家带来GRE写作:必备的高分技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE写作:必备的高分技巧gre作文评分标准(重要性依次递减)A 6 paper presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the complexities of the issue and conveys meaning skillfully.A typical paper in this category:presents an insightful position on the is

2、sue;develops the position with compelling reasons and/or persuasive examples;sustains a well-focused, well-organized analysis, connecting ideas logically;expresses ideas fluently and precisely, using effective vocabulary and sentence variety;demonstrates facility with the conventions(i.e., grammar,

3、usage, and mechanics) of standard written English but may have minor errors.1. complexity:事物的两面性(同一事物有优点就有缺点,相比较的事物有各自的优缺点),从多角度分析事物(分析不同领域中,不同情况下)。论点一边倒的*论述得再好也只能得5分。2.insightful position:在有全面深刻理解的基础上,观点最好新颖独到(对ets来说),但必须保证能自圆其说。5分文的要求是well-considered position,因此只要求多论述几个理由,多考虑几个方面,表明你确实好好思考过,而不强求对论

4、述题目有全面深刻的认识。看看ets范文的3篇5分文,你就能感觉的它们和6分文在思考深刻全面上的差距。所以,若对某方面论题不了解,还有一个月就要上考场的话,就不必花大时间饿补相关知识,只需看看别人的提纲,结合自己肚里的东西(足够),整理出自己的提纲,考场上有条理性的加以论证。但切记,既然在这个给分点上你已经失去了优势,就应该在其他给分点下功夫:论述结构,论证技巧以及语言运用(参看*其他部分的分析)。3. conveys meaning skillfully:可用于论证的一切技巧(估计老美自己用起来也得费点心思)。比如*的行文方向,起承转合不用明显的标志词(first, second, howev

5、er, on the other hand, the second example illustrating my point),而是依靠论述的内在脉络(只可意会不可言传)自然而然的引到下一块内容。总之是看不到transitional phrases确能明显感觉到论述的方向及其改变(例ets范文2, 6分文的第二段首句的作用)。再比如巧妙地运用引言代替自己的reason(如ets范文1的As the head once said)。再有一个深受老美喜爱的论证技巧:vivid metaphor(如ets范文1的to inspect only ones toenails is to ignore

6、the whole body),使枯燥的reason生动形象。总之,此点是用来筛选6分文的,故对5分文作者不要求。5分文的要求是conveys meaning clearly,所以把话说清楚别词不达意,茶壶煮饺子倒不出来就行。4. compelling reasons(reason就已经够令人头疼的了,有加了个compelling):这是最重要的一个得分点。就是你的理由及其论证,目的是让读者认可你的理由,从而接受论点。5分文要求logically sound reasons,结合ets范文可看出6分文要求理由非常有说服力,而5分文要求理由合常理,读者认为没错即可。5.persuasive ex

7、amples:用来支持reason的,使抽象的reason更具体,更易被读者理解,从而产生共鸣,或使其更可信,更有说服力。可用的例子有自己的经历,引言。在范文里Ets重点表扬过两种举例方式:1). extended examples(见范文1, 6分文),叙述例子的过程就是reason的过程;2). examples are varied(见反问2,6分文),举各个领域的例子或例子涉及的范围很广。恰切的例子一定要论述充分(不然ets都替你可惜)。5分文要求well- chosen examples, 4分要求是relevant examples,因此我个人认为,要达到5分要求,例子一定得典型,

8、多少有点说服力。个人经历是最好的例子,但不能是特例。6. well-focused:简单说就是不跑题。中心论点明确,全文不跑题;各段主题句明确,围绕主题句论述。使读者读完后对行文脉络,各段段意有清晰的印象。5分的要求是:is focused,内容上不如6分文联系那么紧密,但也应给读者留下同样的印象7.well-organized:*采用的论述结构,分几个部分论述,每部分有几段,各部分、各段间的关系是什么。切记,每个大的论述单元后要小结;全文结尾(最后一段)要对全文进行总结延伸:不能单纯的重复罗列各分论点,要根据全文的论证脉络,把论述过的分论点有机的结合起来(可用一些起承转合词),起到深化主题的

9、作用。全文结尾的总结很重要,运用好了能鬼使神差的把跑题的*变成考虑全面,论述充分的好文(例ets范文2,6分文)。相比较下,许多人提倡的*开头的提纲挈领反倒只有坏处没有好处:一是很容易弄的*头重脚轻;二是这样做束缚了作者的手脚,后面的每一步论证都要考虑是否回应了文首的概括,反而不能reason fluently。三是容易弄巧成拙,本来是想让阅卷人清晰地把握*内容,可他很可能会觉得你的reason不够skillfully,而且在*结尾的时候,得再一次总结全文(必不可少),若对英语的驾驭不是很好,很可能重复文首的那句话,这恰巧是阅卷人最善于揪的一个小辫子(可从ets范文评语中出现的频率看出)。再说

10、,能够在开头把*就概括得很好对我们来说也不容易。所以,还是把精彩的放到后头,前面简单的表明立场即可。8.connecting ideas logically:using transitional phrases起承转合词,过渡句,或有此种作用的句子,总之起到help organize the ideas and move the argument forward(摘自ets范文评语)。5分作文要求connecting ideas appropriately,个人认为就是ets可以容忍用transitional phrases把不logical的ideas强行联系到一起,起码表面上过得去。所以,

11、当你觉得段与段间的内容衔接得不顺,就干脆加个明显的起承转合词。9. precisely:不要罗嗦,表达简洁。但如果以上几点做得好,这缺点可以忽略不计。10. effective vocabulary:基本上挺难,但不影响大局,为避免重复大胆的用你想用的词,阅卷人能理解。11. sentence variety:最好长短句结合,ets藐视总用短句的人:Since most of the sentences are short and choppy, the ideas they try to communicate are also choppy(摘自ets范文1,1分文评语)。12.还有语法错

12、误等等,小毛病,先把上面的问题解决好在理它吧。最后在gre作文评分标准上再提醒大家注意几点:没有十分地把握,不要乱下定义,严重的损害议论文严谨的文风。ets讨厌重复,不论是内容上还是形式上,总结也要做到避免重复有层次,先表面后深刻,先分段后整体。GRE写作满分范文赏析Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness is ever increasing.This

13、statement is stating. The more advance in tecnology that society becomes, the more we depend on technology to live our everyday lives. Society as a whole will out do daily tasks and depend more on machines and computers to accomplish those tasks for them. For example; I was told that the younger gen

14、erations use caclators in classes on a everday level. We counldnt do that. We had to resolve a problem on our own. Because caculators are being used, math problems are being adjusted around the caculators. If I didnt know how to use a caculator today then I most likely woulndt know how to attempt to

15、 tackle the math of today. Computers of today are another example. Writing a essay took a lot of thought and hard work in past. Today, I can type some words in the computer and that computer will spell, make grammer correction, and dictate a right form to use in my essay. In the past we had to all t

16、hese things on our own. Im not putting down modern technology totally. I just want to state that if we take away peoples ability to think then we will slowly loose our ability to function with out modern technology.Comments:This response is fundamentally deficient because it does not discuss the iss

17、ue. Instead, it briefly discusses the drawbacks of specific types of technology (e.g., calculators and computers) in terms of the effect they have on an individuals ability to function without them.Furthermore, the awkward and imprecise phrasing often interferes with meaning (e.g., Society as a whol

18、e will out do daily tasks?).GRE写作满分范文赏析Both the development of technological tools and the uses to which humanity has put them have created modern civilizations in which loneliness is ever increasing.Computers of all shapes and sizes, p.c.s, laptops, faxes, phones, the list never ends. All considere

19、d by our society as great technological advances. Not many would argue that the development of these tools has not advanced our world in some ways. However they certainly seem to be making our world one in which contact with our fellow man is less and less necessary. Though some may be more comforta

20、ble not having to engage in direct contact, it is questionable whether this is beneficial to society as a whole. The very least result could in fact be a very lonely world, but it may result in more significant problems.Comments:This response is seriously flawed. The analysis of the issue is extreme

21、ly limited, and there are serious problems in sentence structure. The writers position, never clearly stated, seems to be that as a result of technological developments, contact with our fellow man is less and less necessary. However, the implications of this statement (and others) are never explore

22、d or developed. Furthermore, the list of technological advancements does not support or clarify the writers already tenuously held position. Each new sentence could serve as a springboard to a thoughtful analysis but instead takes the response further from the apparent premise.This response received a score of 2, not because of language problems, but because reasoning, analysis, and development are extremely thin and insubstantial.GRE写作:必备的高分技巧


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