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1、Welcome to my class!Miss Xu,I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.林肯,3,1 Adjusting,Adjusting the state (调整状态就是加分)马步宣言:当东方第一缕阳光破晓的时候,我就在为自己加油;用生命激情学习,用科学方法学习;成长、成绩、成功、成就!誓言:I believe in myself. I am sure I can manage it. Yeah!,Language,The past continuous tense,过去进行时,过去进行时,1.由现在进行时导入过去进行时2.过去

2、进行时的构成3.过去进行时的用法4.中考真题练习,What is the boy doing?,He is sleeping.,现在进行时:,is/are/am + doing,They were answering the questions.,What were they doing?,The Past Continuous Tense (过去进行时),基本结构:,was / wasnt were / werent,doing,+,Sb+,_/_/_and _+ was doing. _, _ and _+ were doing,Work out the rule,I she he it,

3、we you they,Guessing Game,Was it.?,Was she.?,Were they?,at the table,on the basketball ground,under the tree,on the playground,What was the boy doing at the table last Sunday at 5 pmB. He was speaking with a girl.A. Was the girl at the table writing ?B. No, she wasnt /Yes,she was.,last Sunday at 5 p

4、m,过去进行时,2. 用法一: 表示过去某一时间点或某段时间内正在进行的状态或动作。 I was reading a book at 5 p.m. yesterday. What were they doing just now? My mother was washing clothes at 9 last night. What was he researching all day last Sunday?,at 10 a.m. yesterday morning,She was reading a book,She was shopping.,from 8 to 9 last night

5、,S1: What were you doing while Li Jie was getting ready to go out?S2: I was sleeping while Li Jie was getting ready to go out.,用法二:表示在过去的某个时间,前后两个动作是同时进行的。,如果主要动作和背景动作都是延续的或同时发生的,那么主从句的动词都可用过去进行时,S1: What were you doing while she was tavelling on the underground?S2: I _ _while she was travelling on

6、the underground.,was playing basketball,用法三: 描述一件事发生的背景;一个长动作发生的时候,另一个短动作发生。My brother fell while he was riding his bicycle.It was raining when they left the station.,短,短,长,长,过去进行时常与when, while连用,意思是当之时。while后面一般跟延续性动词,常用进行时;when后面既可跟延续性动词,也可跟瞬间动词,常用过去式。,-What was Lilei drawing when the teacher came

7、 in?,-He was drawing an elephant.,-What were the twins drawing when the teacher came in?,-They were drawing a car.,While,What were they doing yesterday afternoon?,He was playing basketball while she was sleeping.,A monkey was .while two cats were,at 3 p.m. yesterday,默想记忆,时间:510分钟具体方法:坐姿端正,双手轻轻握拳置于腿上

8、,闭上眼睛,深呼吸。想象自己躺在西湖岸边:微风、绿草、鲜花;鸟语、花香;仰望天空:蓝天、白云、飞鸟;感觉自己也飘荡空中.现在请收回注意力集中在眼前,开始默想记忆本次课所学的知识点。,实战演练,填入以下单词的正确形式,1 It was warm, so I _(take) off my coat.2 Jane _(wait) for me when I _(arrive).3 Sue wasnt hungry, soshe_(eat) anything.4 My brother came into the bedroom while I _(dance).5 _ he _(lie) on the

9、 ground at nine yesterday evening ?,took,was waiting,arrived,ate,was dancing,Was lying,:,6 What _ Jim _(write) when the teacher came in ?7 Mike and I _ (play) basketball at that time yesterday afternoon.8 My brother _(fall) while he _(ride) his bicycle and hurt himself.9 I first met Lisa three years

10、 ago. She _(work) at a radio shop at the time.10.When I arrived at his office , he _ on the phone. (speak),was writing,were playing,fell,was riding,was speaking,:,was working,根据汉语提示完成句子。1 他们那时不在打排球。They _ _ volleyball at that time.2 当你回来时,他在看电视吗?_ he _ TV when you came back?3 昨天中午他在哪里等你?_ _ he _ for

11、 you at noon yesterday ?4 当我离开时,他正在做家庭作业。He _ _ his homework when I left.5 正当他们扫地的时候,老师进来了。While they_ _ the floor , the teacher came in.,were playing,Was watching,Where was waiting,was doing,were sweeping,Exercise:,(1) I _ a shower at that time. A. haveB. had C. am having D. was having (2) As she _

12、 the newspaper, Granny _ asleep. A. read; was falling B. was reading; fell C. was reading; was falling D. read;fell (3) Mary _ a dress when she cut her finger. A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes,Exercises,D,B,C,I.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1.We _ (play) football when it began to rain heavily.2.You should

13、 tell what you _ (do) at eight yesterday.3.They _ (talk) loudly when the teacher came in.4.Last night we _ (do) our lessons, when the light suddenly _ (go) out.,was playing,were doing,were talking,were doing,went,II.完成句子。1.昨晚我在看电视,我的父亲在看书。Last night I _ _ TV while my dad _ _ a book.2.我们正在下棋,突然电话响了。W

14、e _ _ chess _ the phone _.,was,reading,was,watching,playing,was,rang,when,默想记忆就是加分,默想记忆,时间:510分钟具体方法:坐姿端正,双手轻轻握拳置于腿上,闭上眼睛,深呼吸。想象自己躺在西湖岸边:微风、绿草、鲜花;鸟语、花香;仰望天空:蓝天、白云、飞鸟;感觉自己也飘荡空中.现在请收回注意力集中在眼前,开始默想记忆本次课所学的知识点。,34,三句一图(收获卡),咱们一起用“三句一图”把今天所学的内容归纳整合起来,好吗? 三句:一、本堂课主要内容是什么? 二、本堂课你学到了什么方法? 三、本堂课你最大的收获是什么? 一图:请用思维导图把本堂课的内容总结出来。,今天好棒啊!给自己鼓鼓掌!,Thank you!Bye!,


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