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1、English Presentation Skill,To understand the major process of preparing, delivering and ending a successful presentation.To share with you of some useful tactics when you are giving a presentation.,The Objective,Todays agenda,Starter-CommunicationPreparing your presentationEnding your presentationDe

2、livering your presentation,Starting-Communicating,Creating & delivering an effective presentation requires a basic understanding of the Communication processHuman nature is to assume that when we communicate we do so effectively and that if anything goes wrong then it is responsibility of the recipi

3、ent/audienceThis is known as the:Egocentric(自我中心的) Communication model,Starting-Communicating,Therefore in an ineffective presentation:A presenter decides what he wants to say and how he wants to say it with no regard for the characteristics of the audienceThe speaker attached too much significant t

4、o their own role in the communication processPresenters often forget thatWhen communicating to an audience there is high chance that a message will not be fully understood,Starting-Communicating,Interactive Communication breakdownEncodes(编码) the messageWhat the presenter thinks he saysWhat the prese

5、nter actually sayswhat the receiver thinks he sayWhat the receiver actually sayDecodes(解码) the messagewhat the receiver thinks the presenter sayswhat the presenter thinks receiver saysThere is a total 6 chance for a communication breakdown. This has not even taken into consideration communication pr

6、oblems brought about the language or not-face to face presentations,Summary of Starting,Communication is a complex processIt is up to the presenter to check that the message has been received, understood and interpreted correctlyEgocentric Communication often fails to deliver the intended messageTra

7、nslation the encoded message will greatly reduce the chance of misinterpretation(曲解) and misunderstanding,Preparing for your presentation,StructureAimAudience Profiling,Greet,Introduce Self,Aim,Outline Talk,Main Parts,Summary&Conclude,InviteQuestion,What is a good structure,Aim,Your aim is what you

8、want to happen as a result of the presentationIt must be defined before you start your preparation,Audience profiling,Before planning the content and style of your presentation you will need to analyze the audience you will be presenting to.,Audience profiling,Your tactics when facing different audi

9、ence:Emotive(情感型): people orientated and highly sociableCharacteristics: Animated, Spontaneous, unstructured and welcome change, dont like detailAdvice: Keep presentation short and at overview levelSupportive(支援型): High in social ability, low in dominance(统治)Characteristics: Loyal, steady reliable g

10、ood workersAdvice: Avoid being uncaring/aggressive, Stay away from change,Your tactics when facing different audience:Directive(指示型): high in dominance, more formalCharacteristics: Aggressive, intense, pushyAdvice: Stick to facts. Cover each point clinically (客观地)Reflective(沉思型) : low in dominance,

11、more formalCharacteristics: Precise, questioning, aloof(孤僻), scientific.Occupy product related jobs, scientists and engineersAdvice: Supply lots of detail and support information,Audience profiling,Your tactics when facing different audience:If you know who is the decision maker, than aim the presen

12、tation at him/herIf not, your best strategy is to prepare for a directive audience personality,Audience profiling,Summary of Audience,In order to give a fully effective presentation your style, content and aim should be directed towards a target audience.Only when you have profiled the prospective a

13、udience, you can start preparing your presentation,Preparing for your presentation,Introduction & BeginningsRhetorical QuestionsSignposting,The beginning of a presentation is very importantGood opportunity to build rapport and gain their attention/,Introduction & beginning,Breaking the ice: Ask a qu

14、estion Joke Picture/Slides/Media Tell a Story State a problem Let audience to introduce himself,A rhetorical question is asked to increase interest amongst the audience but an answer is not expectedIn order to break up a presentation you can present your ideas as questions rather than a series of di

15、rect comment sand ideasQuestion will involve your audience. They also make your presentation sound more conversational and create anticipation in the minds of your audience,Rhetorical(设问) Questions,Question:. Emphatic StatementSo, just how bad IS the situationcataSTROphicSo, just how difficult IS it

16、imPOssibleSo, just how sure AM I that we can do itpOsitiveSo, just how competitive ARE WEunBEAtableSo, just how good ARE the resultsspectacularSo, just how small IS the risknEgligibleSo, just how new IS this technologysTATE of the art,Technique to show where one part of a presentation ends and when

17、a new one startsBreaks up the presentation and makes it easier to followEspecially useful in longer presentations to summarize a certain point or to draw a conclusion,Signposting(路标),An example to deliver a long speech with several major points:I am going to talk to you today about.So lets start by

18、looking atOk, thats all I want to say about this point.Now lets move on to Before going on, Id like to mention thatOk finally Id like to turn toSo to sum up First SecondThirdThenNextRight, Let stop there,Summary,Introduction: A good opportunity to break the ice with the audience/build rapportRhetori

19、cal questions: A good way to increase the audiences attention.Signposting: Breaks up a presentation, allow the audience to know when one part ends and another one finishes,Ending your presentation,Summary or conclusionQuestion and DiscussionsHandling Questions,Summary(摘要):Restates/Reviews key points

20、 which audience must understand and remember (informative presentation)Contains no new information and is short, strong, clearConclusion(结论):Can contain recommendations/ Suggestion/ calls for actionMay contain new and important information States the logical consequences of what has been said (persu

21、asive presentation),Summary or Conclusion,Question:Implies audience is less expert than the speakerBeware of “ no question” scenario ( have one or two questions to ask the audience)Remain in controlDiscussion:Give the impression of equality and more diplomaticStill need to control the discussion,Que

22、stions and Discussions,A good presentation can be ruined by a poor question and answer sessionBefore you presentation you should prepare yourself for any possible questions and think carefully about suitable answers.Types of question:Good question:Thank person for asking them. They will help to your

23、 message across the audience.Unnecessary and irrelevant questionYou have already given this information or this is not a question that you feel to be covered in this presentation. Point this out, answer briefly again and try to move on,Questions,ExercisePut the following responses into 3 groups:Resp

24、onses to good question, unnecessary & irrelevant questionsdifficult questions,Im sorry, I dont know that off the top of my headThats an interesting point, can I get back to you on that later?I think that I answered that earlier.Good pointInteresting, what do you think?Well as I saidIm afraid Im not

25、in the position to comment on thatIm glad you asked that.Well as I mentioned earlierTo be honest, I think you raised a different issue.Thats a very good question.Im afraid that I dont have the information with me.,The answerGood4, 8 ,11Unnecessary& Irrelevant3, 6, 9, 10Difficult: 1, 2, 5, 7, 12,Visu

26、al Aids & Describing Trends,Introduction to VisualsVisual Aids: Dos and Donts,Research has shown:The impression made by the visual aids is about 15% of the overall impact.,Introduction to visual aids,Speaker is backed by visual aids:Show a process more easilyHelp people to understand and recall figu

27、res Create memorable image in the mindMake abstract ideas such as trends, more concrete,Dos,Choose color, font, typeface carefully Face the audience as much as possible Keep visual aids as clear as possible Use a pointer wherever possible Number your slides and ensure you have a content and summary

28、slide,Donts,Dont put up so much information at a time Dont block the audiences view Dont start a presentation without being very familiar with your slides,Delivering your message,Controlling Presentation NervesBody language Communication,When speaking in public our bodies naturally with into a “Figh

29、t” mechanismAdrenaline (肾上腺素)will be pumped into your system.The following situation always happen:Legs wobble and unintentional movement occurBody temperature will increase, sweaty and suffer from a hot foreheadFeel stressed, stumble over your words making you speak a lot fasterVoice goes dry and y

30、ou become dehydrated,Controlling Presentation Nerves,Effective and deeply breathingDressing, control the body temperatureStand stable, stop unnecessary movementHold your hand, put them a little bit under your chest,Learn to control your adrenalin,You will need to be aware of your body language from

31、the moment you stand up until your presentation is completedPeople form 90% of their opinion of someone in the 1st 90 secondsA brilliantly prepared presentation can be ruined(荒废) if accompanied by negative or hostile(敌对的) body language,Body Language,Eye contactEssential, try to involve the whole aud

32、ienceFace shown has a correct zone for positive eye contactDistanceMovementMove around can catch attentionBody and LimbsUpright, feet apart, weight evenly distributedFacial Expression,Body Language,Summary of Delivering,As a presenter being nervous is natural.Preventative measures must be made to en

33、sure that your nerves arent shown to the audienceResearch has shown that the delivery of a presentation is impacted by :body language 30%, voice 40% Failure to realize this will result in a major loss of impact in your presentationRegarding voice; Effort must be made here to speak more rhythmically(

34、有节奏的), clearly and at a volume with which the audience is comfortable with.,Time management,The pace of presentation,How you useYour voice,How youHandle question,Your bodylanguage,How confidentYou are,The level of Energy,How relevantThe content is,Your enthusiasmFor subject,Practice&Rehearsal,Clear structureWith signals,Your rapportWith audience,Your choice of Visual aids,How well youManage the Visual aids,The room layout,Your use of handouts,The Really GoodPresentation,Q&A,Thank you for your attention,


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