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1、A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者善终,形容词(1)the adjective,考点清单,形容词常用形容词意思辨析作定语、表语和宾语补足语的用法。比较等级(原级、比较级、最高级) 副词时间、地点、方式、程度、疑问副词的用法比较等级(原级、比较级、最高级),形容词 the adjective,I am fine.Its sunny today.I had a nice breakfast this morning.You look happy today.I find it easy to study English.We have somethin

2、g important to learn today.,形容词用法,1. 作定语:放在 前This is an interesting book.2. 作表语:放在 之后The book is interesting.Leaves turn yellow in autumn. You look very happy. 系动词主要有:be动词、三变化(turn,get,become),五感官(feel,sound,look,smell,taste)以及keep和seem等。,名词,系动词,作宾补: 放在宾语后,常与keep,make,find,feel,think等动词连用。We should

3、keep our classroom clean and tidy. What he said made me happy.常用于下面的句型中:keep sth +adj.make sb+adj.find/feel/think it+adj.to do sth,一、形容词词义辨析,1. Jack, your hands are very _. Wash them now. A. tidy B. dirty C. dark2. I think the movie is _ , - I agree. I fell asleep twice in the cinema.A. boring B. ex

4、citing C. educational D. sad 3. The boy lied to his teacher. After that, his face turned _. A. pale B. reddlyC. redD. palely,二、形容词的句子成分,考点一、形容词作定语形容词+名词2.不定代词+形容词:定语后置 something blue anything else,The sun is shining in the _ sky.A. green B. blue C. round D. good,I cant see_ (其他的东西),anything else,二、形

5、容词的句子成分,考点一、形容词作表语,be动词或连系动词+形容词(表语),Your sister looks_(开心的) today.,五感三变两保持一好像,look, feel, smell, taste, sound,get, turn, become,keep, remain,happy,seem,1. -What do you think of the cake? -I like it very much. It tastes_. A. goodB. terrible C. well 2. We love to go the country in spring as the flowe

6、rs smell so_. A. well B. nice C. wonderfully D. nicely,考点三、形容词作宾语补足语动词+宾语+形容词1.We should keep our classroom _ (干净又整洁).常见动词:keep, make, find, feel, think2.I find it _ (有趣的)to learn English.3.What he said made me _.(悲伤的),clean and tidy,interesting,sad,1. 形容词/副词+enough、,enough+名词 (形前名后),He didnt work_.

7、(够努力),Dont worry, we have_. (足够的时间),2. the+形容词(表示一类人或物),Young people should help _.A. the old B. the men C. the old man,hard enough,enough time,补充,在英语中有些动词的过去分词用作形容词,用来表示人的感觉,现在分词一般用来表示主语的性质和特点。常见的有:worried,closed,lost,married等。 短语如getbe married(结婚)get dressed(自己穿衣)be lost(迷路、丢失)look worried(看上去很焦虑)

8、等。,常见的现在分词用作形容词的有:rising,living,boring,tiring,relaxing,interesting等。如: 注意:过去分词一般用来表示人的感觉,现在分词一般用来表示主语的性质和特点。 如: They were on the beach. 他们在沙滩上很放松。 We want a vacation. 我们想要一个放松的假期。,relaxed,relaxing,1.Both green tea and black tea taste _ A. well B. good C. better2.Tom, the box is_. Youd better ask for

9、 help. A. heavy B. big C. dirty3.I can always find _ on the Internet. A. something useful B. anything useful C. useful somethingWe should keep our hands _ (open) and eyes _ (close).,活学活用,open,closed,中考题?So Easy!,1. He is _enough to work out this difficult problem. A. kindB. cleverC. necessaryD. youn

10、g2. -Is there _in todays newspaper?-Yes, our National Table Tennis Team won all the seven gold medals once more. A. something new B. anything new C. somebody special D. anybody special,中考题?So Easy!,3.It is _to work out the problem. You neednt go to the teacher. A. enough easyB. easily enough C. easy

11、 enoughD. very easily 4. The music in the supermarket so_ that I wanted to leave at once. A. soft B. wonderful C. friendly D. noisy,Good better best, never let it rest.,副词,I have never been to Beijing.I remember I saw you somewhere before.Students must listen to the teacher carefully in class.Your n

12、ew dress is very beautiful.He runs faster than me.I can easily remember her name.,副词的用法,副词,_词用来修饰名词和代词,而副词用来修饰_词,_词或其他副词。,形容,动,形容,形容词考点,基本用法,形容词 adj.,1、形容词+名词 (定语),2、be动词或连系动词+形容词(表语)五感三变两保持一好像,3、动词+宾语+形容词(宾语补足语),5、enough的用法(形前名后),6、the+形容词(表示一类人或物),4、不定代词 +形容词(定语后置),Keep/make+adj, find/feel/think i

13、t+adj,形容词变副词,1、一般加-ly,careful- slow-,carefully,slowly,3、辅音字母加-y结尾,变y为i再加-ly,happy- heavy-,happily,heavily,2、辅音字母加-le结尾,去e加-y,simple- terrible-,simply,terribly,4、其他变化,full-fullytrue-truly,特殊情况,6、-ly结尾,但为形容词的词,lovely, friendly, lonely, lively, ugly,5.不带-ly的常用副词有:,well, fast, hard, straight,一般情况下,副词可以分

14、为以下几类:A. 时间副词 B. 地点副词 C. 方式副词D. 程度副词 E. 疑问副词时间副词now, today, yesterday, often, always, since, ever等地点副词here, there, home, anywhere, around等,补充,方式副词强调动作怎样进行,常见的方式副词大多数是这样构成的: 形容词+_如:carefully/ quickly/ slowly/ easily/ wonderfully等当然还包括一些不含ly的方式副词,如:fast, late, hard, well, together等。,ly,方式副词,1.He is al

15、ways _. Look, he is laughing_ now. A. happily; happy B. happy; happily C. happy; happy 2.The driver drives _. He is a _ man. A. carefully; careful B. careful; carefully C. careful; careful D. carefully; carefully 3.Your handwriting is _ mine. A. as well as B. as good as C. as beautifully as,程度副词,多数用

16、来修饰形容词或其他副词如:quite, very, so, too, enough, rather, deeply等 e.g. The girl is quite beautiful. Her skin is very white and soft. He is so tall that he can pick the apples. She dances quite well.,1.He is _ to carry the heavy box.A. strong enough B. enough strong C. strongly enough2.The millionaire has _

17、 to buy anything. A. money enough B. enough money C. rich enough3.The weather today is _ bad, but were _ happy. A. quite; enough B. rather; quite C. rather; enough4.He is _ young to go to school. A. too B. so C. very5.He is _ young that he cant go to school. A. too B. so C. very,疑问副词,以wh/h开头的特殊疑问词 w

18、hat, who, when, where, whose, which, how, how long, how often, how soon, how far等1._ have you been a member of the League? For five years. A. How long B. How often C. How soon2._ has he lived in China? Since 1990. A. How long B. How often C. How soon3._ do you visit your uncle? Once a week. A. How l

19、ong B. How often C. How soon,4._ will he be back? In two days. A. How long B. How often C. How soon5._ is your home from school? Its about 5 kilometers. A. How long B. How far C. How soon6._ people are there in your family? Therere five. A. How long B. How much C. How many7._ is the pork? seven yuan

20、 half a kilo. A. How many B. How much C. How long,考点三: 比较级、最高级,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成是基本相同的,请同学按列项填充表格,走喽! 填表去喽.,longer taller,longest tallest,nicer larger,nicest largest,busier easier,busiest easiest,bigger hotter,biggest hottest,more useful more slowly less expensive,most useful most slowly least expen

21、sive,1.形容词与副词规则变化,many, much good, well bad, badly, ill old little,better,best,less,worst,more,most,表 “程度”,least,furthest,farthest,further,farther,表 “距离”,只做定语,表辈份仅用于兄、姐,年龄大小,eldest,oldest,elder,older,worse,2.不规则变化,两多,两好,两坏病,一老,一少,远距离,far,考点突破,巩固练习,longer. longestslow, slowest nice, nicer late, later

22、 big, bigger hotter, hottest fatter, fattest thinner, thinnest easier, easiest happier, happiest more careful, the most careful more interesting, the most interesting better, best worse, worst,15. more, most16. less, least17. farther, farthest/further, furthest,1. fast 2. hot 3. lazy 4. young 5. fin

23、e 6. early 7. good 8. ill 9. useful10. fat 11. little 12. famous,13. quickly 14. many 15. busy 16. bad 17. old 18. wet19. few 20. far 21. large 22. beautiful 23. carefully 24. difficult,practice,fatter fattest,hotter hottest,lazier laziest,younger youngest,finer finest,earlier earliest,better best,w

24、orse worst,more useful,faster fastest,less least,more famous,more quickly,more most,busier busiest,worse worst,older/ elder,wetter wettest,fewer fewest,farther/ further,larger largest,more beautiful,more carefully,more difficult,3.形容词和副词的三个等级,. very, so, too, quite, rather +原级,.as +原级as, not as (so)

25、 +原级as,. 原级+enough,. the +比较级+句子 the +比较级+句子 越. 就越,. 比较级+than,. far, much, a lot, a little, a bit, even, still+比较级,. 比较级+比较级 表示“越来越”,. 最高级+of in among.,. one of +最高级+名词复数,. 序数词+最高级,ex,ex,ex,.疑问词+谓语+最高级+A,B,C,ex,. A+谓语+less +原级+than +B A不如B,形容词与副词比较等级,原级,比较级,最高级,1. very, quite, too, enough, so+ 原级,2.

26、 A=B,as+ 原级+as,3. A=B,not so/as+ 原级+as,1. than,2. much, a little, a lot, even,3. 比较级+and+比较级,4. The + 比较级,the + 比较级,5. 倍数,6. “of the two” the +比较级,1. the+最高级+of /in/ mong,1. one of the+最高级+ 名词复数,1. the+序数词+最高级+名词单数,3、as +原形+ as, 表“和一样” 那个箱子和我的一样重The box is as big as mine.4、not as/ so+原形+as ,表“不如” 我跑

27、得不如他快。 I dont run as (so) fast as he does.他的苹果不如你的大。 His apple _ yours.,isnt as big as,比较等级口诀,一者比较用原级。比较级限二者比。三者三者往上比,最高级的用法起。若要比项掌握齐,比较范围要搞细。比较级二句型记,做出句子没问题。若甲乙程度相同,asas 结构体。甲某方面不及乙,用 not so/asas表示。上述内容全记起,比较等级谈完毕。,1. The man is very (so, quite, rather) kind. (kind)2. Its too cold outside. Come in

28、please. (cold) 3. He is as tall as his brother. (tall)4. Lesson 1 is not as (so) difficult as Lesson 2. (difficult)5. He is not old enough to go to school. (old),用括号里的单词填空。,1.Jack doesnt speak as_ as Mike. A. better B. good C. well2.His _ sister is 2 years _ than he. A. older,older B.older,elder C.e

29、lder,older3.He is _ earlier than she. A. a lot B very C.a few4.The more you eat, _ you will be. A. fat B. fatter C. the fatter5.Her son is _. A.more and more tall B.taller and taller6.I have _clothes than my brother. A.much more B.more much C.much many,Exercise,1. Their city is not _ your city. Ever

30、y one should keep the city clean. A. as clean than B. so clean as C. as clean so D. as cleaner as2. This book is _ than that one. A. more interesting B. much interesting C. the most interesting D as interesting as3.He was ill yesterday, but he felt _ today. A. well B. good C. best D. better4. -What

31、do you think is the _ in the world? -computer, of course. A. more useful B. useful C. less useful D. most useful,Exercise,Mom, Bill is coming to dinner this evening.-OK. Lets give him_ to eat.A. anything differentB. different anythingC. something differentD. different something2. -_ is the history o

32、f Tsinghua University? -100 years. A. How soon B. How longC. How far,1. Health is more important than wealth. (important)2. The green coat is less expensive than the red one. (expensive)3. Li Jun is far (much, a lot) stronger than Li Ming. (strong)4. I am a little (a bit) younger than Lucy. (young)5

33、. Jack and I want to lose weight. After some time I amstill fatter than before. Jack is even fatter than before. (fat)6. Our country is becoming stronger and stronger. (strong)7. She grows taller and taller. (tall)8. The harder you study, the better you will be at your lessons. (hard, good)9. The mo

34、re we get together, the happier well be.(much,happy),比较级,1. 莉莎在她班中跑得最快。1. Lisa runs fastest in her class.2. 哪一个最大,苹果、香蕉还是橘子?2. Which is the biggest? Apples, bananas or oranges?3. 这幅画是这些画中最漂亮的。3. This picture is the most beautiful among these. 4. 汤姆是他学校最好的足球运动员之一。4. Tom is one of the best football pl

35、ayers in his school.5. 黄河是中国第二长的河流。5. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,最高级,1、形容词最高级前要加the, 副词最高级 前可加可不加the the tallest (the) fastest2、the+比较级表“两者中较的那个” There are two boys in the room, _(较胖的那个) is Li Hua. He is _of the two boys. (heavy),the fatter,补充,the heavier,5、than any other

36、 +单数,比较级表 最高级的意思 David jumps highest in our class. = David jumps _than_ _in our class. The population of China is larger than any other country in the world. = The population of China is _ _in the world.,higher,any other,student,the largest,sun,rain,wind,cloud,friend,care,love,use,sunny,rainy,windy,

37、cloudy,careful,lovely,friendly,useful,掌握下列名词和形容词的转化,做母题训练课堂小测,Thank you for listening!,易混词辨析,1. hard和hardlyThe problem is very hard.Study hard, or you will fail.I can hardly remember his name. hard作形容词时,意思是_,当hard作副词时,意思是_而hardly做副词,意思是_。,困难的=difficult,努力地,几乎不,1.The problem is so hard that _ of us c

38、an work it out. A. few B. a few C. many D. any2.Work _, _ youll succeed. A. hardly; or B. hard; or C. hard; and3.He is a stranger in China. He can _ speak Chinese. A. hard B. hardly C. always4.It is said that the film is very interesting. I can _ wait to see it. A. hard B. hardly C. eager,2. late和la

39、tely Dont be late again. He stayed up late last night. I have read the book twice lately. _的意思是迟到, 晚;而_的意思是“最近地”。1. Im sorry, Miss Gao. I am _. it doesnt matter, but dont do that again. A. late B. lately C. early2. I havent heard from him _. A. late B. lately C. for 10 days,late,lately,near, nearby和

40、nearly_一般放句子中间,而_则放句子末尾,nearly的意思是_。1.There is a hospital _ my home. A. near B. nearby C. nearly2.He is badly hurt. Please send him to the hospital_. A. near B. nearby C. nearly3.The old man can hardly walk, he is _ 100 years old. A. near B. nearby C. nearly,near,nearby,几乎,易混词辨析,三、易混形容词、副词辨析 1.alone

41、,lonely alone与lonely意义相近,alone表示“独自一人”的状态,而lonely表示“孤单;寂寞”的情绪。 练习: But the children are not . She was sitting in the bed when we went to see her. So we never feel .,alone,alone,lonely,易混词辨析,2.every,each (1)every和each作形容词时,都是“每一个”的意思,但实际含义并不完全相同。each着重个别情况,而every则着重整体情况。当我们说each child,each student或ea

42、ch teacher时,我们想到的是一个人的情况。当我们说every child或every student时,我们想到的是全体的情况,every的意思与all接近,表示他们都如此。 (2) each可以用来指两个或两个以上的人或物,但every则只能用于指三个或三个以上的数量,不能指两个。 练习: The teacher gave a present to student. student loves his teacher. Two boys entered. boy was carrying a large box.,each,Every,Each,易混词辨析,3.big, large,

43、great 在谈论物体大小的时候,big和large都可以用来表示“大的”。big在口语中使用得较多。great主要修饰抽象的东西,表示在范围上或程度上比一般的大。在修饰具体事物时常常带有感情色彩。 练习: This box is . I want a box,this is too small. We like China very much.Its ! 4.high,tall 都可表示“高”,其区别:high通常用于物之高,而tall常用于指人的个子及细长之物。(building和pole用high或tall都可以)。 练习: He has a nose. The boys are gro

44、wing and .,big,large,great,higher,taller,taller,易混词辨析,5.black,dark 都可作形容词,也可作名词,其区别:black的意思是“黑色”(的):指颜色,其反义词是white;而dark的意思是“暗、天黑、黑暗”,指无光。 练习: All the windows have been painted . It is too to read here. 6.real,true 都可翻译为“真的”,其区别:real的意思是“真的,实在的”,用来表示“客观存在而不是想象或虚构的”或“真的而非假造的”。true的意思是“真正的,真实的,确实的,名副

45、其实的”。 练习: Its that he is married. Is that a flower?,black,dark,true,real,易混词辨析,7.too,also , either 这三个词作副词用时,都含有“也”的意思,但用法不同。either只能用于否定句中,一般放在句尾。如: 练习: Im in Row 1, . Chinese take-away food is popular. We dont like the same colours, . 8.already,yet, still already意为“已经”,通常用于陈述句;用于疑问句时表示惊异、怀疑;不用于否定句

46、。yet意为“尚”、“仍然”,常用于否定句和疑问句。still表示“仍然,还”,放于句中。 练习: We have finished the work. Is he in the classroom? We havent finished the work .,too,also,either,already,still,yet,易混词辨析,9.hard,hardly hard作形容词,意为“艰苦的”,作为副词,意为“努力地”、“猛烈地”,如:hard work(艰苦的工作),work hard(努力工作);hardly不是hard的副词形式,而是另外一个词,意为“几乎不”。用在反意问句中,疑问

47、部分要用肯定句。 练习: He works . He listened to me. 10.ago与before 都可译为“以前”,其区别:ago只与过去时连用,ago前通常要有表示时间的词。before常与现在完成时或过去(完成)时连用。并且,可以当介词,后面接介词宾语。 练习: She saw the film three days . She said she had seen the film three days .,hard,hardly,ago,before,易混词辨析,11.late与lately late表示“迟、晚”。lately是“最近、近来”的意思。 练习: He al

48、ways arrives home . Have you been to the cinema ? 12.instead与instead of 都可译为“代替”,其区别:instead只能单独使用,常位于句首或句尾。instead of后面要跟名词、动名词、代词、或介词短语。 练习: She is very tired.Let me go . Shall we have fish eggs today?,late,lately,instead,instead of,易混词辨析,13.good,well good形容词,“好的”。well副词,意为“好地”;做形容词时是“身体健康的”。 well

49、放在动词之后,表达“健康;妥善”等意思。不能放在名词之前修饰一般物品。 练习: He is a player. He can play basketball very . Im not feeling now. I must see a doctor at once. 14.sometimes, sometime与some time (1)sometimes的意思是“有时,往往,不时地”。 (2)sometime的意思是“某个时候”,可指将来,也可指过去。 (3)some time的意思是“一段时间”,可以是几分钟、几小时、几天、甚至几年。 练习: Sometimes we are busy

50、and we are not. Well take our holiday in May. The fire went on for before it was brought under control.,good,well,well,sometimes,sometime,some time,易混词辨析,15.so与such so是副词,意为“如此”,修饰形容词,如:so fast。such是形容词,意为“如此”,修饰名词。如:such a good boy。 练习: There are many clouds in the sky. He is a bad man that people


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