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1、,Unit1Whats the matter? Section A 3a,Bus Driver and Passengers Save an Old Man司机和乘客救一位老人,At 9:00 a.m. yesterday, bus No.26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road. A woman next to him was shouting for help.昨天上午9点钟.,26路公交车沿中华路行驶时司机看见一个老人躺在路边.一个女人旁边,大

2、喊求助.,The bus driver, 24-year-old Wang Ping, stopped the bus without thinking twice. He got off and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man had a heart problem and should go to the hospital. Mr. Wang knew he had to act quickly.公交车司机,24岁的王平,两次不假思索地把车停了下来.他下车,问那个女人发生了什么事.她说那个男人的心脏出了问题需要去医院

3、.王先生知道他必须迅速采取行动.,He told the passengers that he must take the man to the hospital. He expected most or all of the passengers to get off and wait for the next bus. But to his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. Some passengers helped Mr. Wang to move the man onto the bus.他告诉乘客,他必须把这个人送到医院去. 他希望

4、大多数或所有乘客能下车,然后等待下一辆车.但是令他吃惊的是,他们都同意和他一起去.一些乘客帮助王先生搬那个男人上了公共汽车.,Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctors saved the man in time. “Its said that many people dont want to help others because they dont want any trouble,” says one passenger. “But the driver didnt think about himself. He only tho

5、ught about saving a life.”幸亏王先生和乘客,医生们及时救了那个男人.“令人难过的是,很多人不愿意帮助别人,因为他们不希望任何麻烦,”一位乘客说.”但是司机没有想到他自己,他只想到救人.,Unit 2,Ill help clean up the city parks.,Students who volunteer,Mario Green Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours to help 花费几个小时others,Mario loves animals and wants to be a

6、n animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it can help him to gethisfuture dream job.,“ Its hard work,” he says, “ but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong of when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on

7、their s faces.当我看到动物们(病情)渐好,看到主人脸上的喜悦表情时,我产生出那么一种极强的满足感来.,Mary is a book lover. She could read by herself at the age of four. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading 试用program. She still work there once a week to help kids learn to read.,“The kids are sitting in the li

8、brary, but you can see in their eyes that theyre going on a different journey with each new book. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. 在这里当志愿者对我来说是梦想成真。I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.”,Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?,Last month, our dog welcomed me whe

9、n I came home from school. He wanted a walk, throw扔下but I was too tired. I threw down my bag and The minute 一就. 相当于as soon aswent to the living room. The minute I sat down 走过来 in front of the TV, my mom came over.,“Could you please take the dog for a walk?” she asked.“Could I watch one show first?”

10、I asked.“No!” she replied angrily. “You watch TV 一直 all the time and never help out around the house!,I cant work all day and do housework all evening.”“Well, I work all day at school, too! Im just as tired as you are!” I shouted back.回嘴 as+原级+as 像一样,My mom did not say anything and walked 走开away. Fo

11、r one week, shedidnot do any housework and neither did I. Finally I could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt.,She didnt do any housework and neither did I.,neither作副词,意为“也不”,“Neither 系动词 (助动词或情态动词) 主语”表示前面所述否定内容也适用于另一个人或物。此时也可用nor替换neither使用。,我不喜欢这件连衣裙。 I dont like this dress. 我也不喜欢。 Neither / N

12、or do I.,玛丽经常帮她妈妈做家务。 Mary often helps her mother do housework. 我也是(经常帮妈妈做家务)。 So do I.,“So系动词 (助动词或情态动词)主语”表示前面所述肯定内容也适用于另一主语。,The next day my mom came home from第二天 work to find the house clean and tidy.“What happened?” she asked in surprise.惊讶的,“ Im so sorry, Mom. I finally understand that we need

13、 to share the housework to have a 需要分担 clean and comfortable home,”I replied.,Unit4 Why dont you talk to you parents?,Section A 3a,Dear Mr. Hunt,亲爱的鸿特先生, My problem is that I cant get on with my family. 与相处Relations between my parents have become difficult. They fight a lot, and I really dont like i

14、t. 经常打架我的问题是我不能和我家人相处。我父母间的关系变得很困难。他们经常打架,我真的不喜欢那样。,Its theonlycommunication they have. I dont know if I should say anything to them about this. 是否 说些什么 When they argue, its like a big, black cloud hanging over our home.笼罩 打架是他们唯一拥有的交流方式。我不知道是否我应该对他们说些什么关于这个问题。他们吵架的时候就像一大片黑色的云笼罩在我们家。,Also, my elderb

15、rotheris not very nice to me. He 哥哥 对不是很好always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV 拒绝让我看show. Instead he watches whatever he wants 相反until late at night. I dont think this is fair. 深夜我的哥哥对我也不是很好。他经常拒绝让我看我最喜欢的电视节目。相反,他可以看任何他喜欢的直到深夜。我认为这是不公平的。,At home I always feel lonely and nervous. Is that norm

16、al? What can I do?在家我经常感觉孤独和紧张。那正常吗?我能够做什么?Sad and Thirteen一个伤心的十三岁的孩子,Dear Sad and Thirteen,亲爱的正在伤心的十三岁的孩子Its not easy being your age, and its normal to have these feeling. Why dont you talk why notabout these feelings with your family? 谈论 和在你这个年龄总是不容易的,有这些感觉是正常的。为什么你不和你的家人谈论你的这些感觉呢?,If your parent

17、s are having problems, you should offer to help. Maybe you could do 提供more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication.更多的时间可以进行如果你的父母间有问题,你应该帮助他们。或许你在家可以多做些家务,让你的父母有更多的时间可以进行适当的交流。,Secondly, why dont you sit down and communicate with youbrother? You should 与焦炭explain

18、that you dont mind him watching TV 介意他看电视all the time.一直其次,你为什么不坐下来和你哥哥谈谈呢?你应该向他解释你不介意他一直看电视。,However, he should let you watch your Let sb do让某人做favorite show. I hope things will be better for you soon.但是他应该让你看你最喜欢的节目。我希望事情将很快会变好。Robert Hunt鸿特先生,Unit5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came?,The

19、 storm brought people closer together.风暴把人们更拉近在了一起。,Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama.在阿拉巴马,本可以听见屋外的强风。Black clouds were making the sky very dark.Make+名词+形容词乌云使得天空变得很黑。,With no light outside, it felt like midnight.在外面没有亮光,感觉就像午夜般。The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm w

20、as in the area.电视报道上的新闻说在这个区域中有场暴风雨。Everyone in the neighborhood was busy.社区里的每个人都很忙。,Bens dad was putting pieces of wood over the windows while his mom was making sure the flashlights and radio were working.本的爸爸正在窗外放着一片片木头,他的妈妈也正在确认闪光灯和收音机正在工作运行。She also put some candles and matches on the table.她也

21、放了些蜡烛和火柴在桌子上。,第三自然段Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.当雨水开始猛烈地敲打窗户的时候,本正在帮助他的妈妈做饭。 After dinner, they tries to play a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.在晚饭后,他们尽力在玩牌,但是外面有暴风雨,很难去玩的很开心。,He went outside

22、 with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess.他和家人走了出去,发现社区周遭都处于杂乱之中。Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere.到处都有倒下的树木,坏了的窗户和垃圾。,They joined the neighbors to help clean up the neighborhood together.他们加入邻居们去帮忙打扫社区。Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought familie

23、s and neighbors closer together.尽管暴风雨破坏了很多东西,但是它使家人和邻居们更相近了。,Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains.,Beautiful sceneries,Mountain of Flower and Fruit,Peach Garden,In November 1979, pupils in England were able to watch a new TV program called Money.在1979年的11月份,在英国的小学生能够看一部叫做猴子的电视节目。Most of them

24、 were hearing this story for the first time.他们当中大多数人是第一次听到这个故事。,However, this story is not new to Chinese children.然而,这个故事对于中国的小孩子并不陌生。 The Monkey King or Sun Wukong is the main character in the traditional Chinese book Journey to the West.齐天大圣或者孙悟空是这本中国传统书籍西游记的主角。,第二段The Monkey King is not just any

25、 normal monkey.齐天大圣并不是一只普通的猴子。In fact, he sometimes does not even look like a monkey!事实上,他有时看起来甚至不像猴子。 This is because he can make 72 changes to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.这是因为他会把他的形状大小进行72变,把自己变成不同种动物或物体。,But unless he can hide his tail, he cannot turn hi

26、mself into a person.但是除非他能藏得住尾巴,不然他就不能把自己变成一个人。To fight bad people, the Monkey King uses a magic stick.为了和坏人斗争,齐天大圣用他的魔法棒。Sometimes he can make the stick so small that he can keep it in his ear.有时,他可以把棒变得如此小以至于他可以将它藏在他的耳朵里。,同义句She was so busy that she had no time to make a dress for the party.She wa

27、s too busy to make a dress for the party.,At other times, he is able to make it big and long.有些时候,他能把它变大变长。第三段The Monkey King has excited the children of China for many years.齐天大圣多年来使中国小孩们都很兴奋。,And as soon as the TV program came out 一就more than 30 years ago, Western children became interested in rea

28、ding this story because the clever Monkey King keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up.在30年多年以前,当这部电视节目一出版时,西方的小孩对阅读这个故事产生了兴趣,因为聪明的齐天大圣一直都在努力去帮助弱小的人,而且从不放弃。,Unit 7Whats the highest mountain in the world?,Qomolangma the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World?,珠穆朗玛峰世界上最危险的山,One of the worlds

29、most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, and one of the most popular places for this is the Himalayas. 世界上最危险的运动之一是登山运动,适合登山运动的最受欢迎的地方之一是喜马拉雅山脉,The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China. Of all the mountains, Qomolangma rises the highest and is the most famous.喜马拉雅山脉蜿蜒于中国的西南部.在所有的山当中

30、,珠穆朗玛峰最高且最著名,It is 8,844.43 meters high and so is very dangerous to climb. Thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard.它高达8,844,43米并且爬起来非常的危险,浓云覆盖着着并且雪可能会下的很大.,Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms. It is also very hard to take in air as you g

31、et near the top.甚至更严峻的困难包括极冷的天气条件和巨大的风暴,你快要到达峰顶时也很难吸入空气.,The first people to reach the top were Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May 29,1953. 1953年5月29日,丹增.诺尔盖和埃德蒙.希拉里是第一批到达封顶的人,The first Chinese team did so in I960, while the first woman to succeed was Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.第一批中国队在1960

32、年 到达峰顶,而第一位成功到达峰顶的女性是 1975年来自于日本的田部井纯子.,Why do so many climbers risk their lives? One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties.为什么如此多的登山者冒着生命的危险去 攀登珠穆朗玛峰呢?其中主要原因之一是人们想要在困难面前挑战自我,The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up t

33、rying to achieve our dreams. It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.这些登山者的精神向我们表明 :我们绝不应该放弃实现自己梦想的尝试,这也表明人类有时比大自然的力量更伟大.,Unit 8,When I first arrived on this island, I had nothing.当我第一次到达这个岛屿的时候,我一无所有.But Ive found the ship and made a small boat.但是我发现了这艘大船,然后做了艘

34、小船.,Ive brought back many things I can use-food and drinks, tools, knives and guns.我已经带回来了许多我能够用到的东西-食物,饮料,工具,刀,和枪.Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life.尽管我已经失去了所有,但是我没有失去我的生命.,So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship.因此我将不会放弃,我会永远等待另外一艘船.I have already cut down tree

35、s and built a house.我已经砍到了树,造了房子.I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food.我每天出去几乎都带着我的枪去打动物和鸟来作为食物.,Im even learning to grow fruit and vegetables.我甚至学习去种水果和蔬菜.A few weeks ago, I found the marks of another mans feet on the sand.几个星期以前,我发现了另外一个人在沙地上的足迹.,Who else is on t

36、he island? 还有谁在这个岛屿上呢?How long have they been here?他们在这里有多久了?Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.在那不久之后,我看到两个食人肉者正在试图杀掉来自于一艘破船的两个人.,One of them died but the other ran towards my house. 他们其中的一个死了,另外一个朝我的房子这边跑来.I helped him kill the cannibals. 我帮助他杀死了食人肉

37、者.This man now lives with me and helps me.这个男人现在和我住在一起,并且帮助我.,I named him Friday because that was the day I met him.我把他叫做星期五,因为我就是在那天遇见他的.He is smart and I have already taught him some English.他很聪明,而且我已经教会了他一些英语.,Unit 9,Ken: Themostinteresting museum Ive ever been to is the American Computer Museum.

38、 They have information about different computers and who invented them. Ken: 我去参观过的最有趣的是美国计算机博物馆。他们有不同的计算机及其发明者的信息。,The old computers were much bigger. Its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! Ive also learned that there was a special computer.老计算机大多了。科技以如此迅猛的方式发展真是令人难以置信

39、啊!我也了解到一台特殊的计算机。,It could play chess even better than humans. I wonder how much more computers will be able to do in the future.它比人更会下棋。我想知道将来更多的计算机他们会做多少事情。,Amy: Ive recently been to averyunusual museum in India, the InternationalMuseum of Toilets. Amy: 最近我去印度参观了一个不同寻常的博物馆,国际厕所博物馆。,I just couldnt b

40、elieve my eyes when I saw so many different kinds of toilets there. The museumteaches people about the history and development of toilets.当我看见那么多的厕所时,我简直不敢相信我的眼睛。博物馆告诉人们厕所的历史和发展。,It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future.它也鼓励政府和社会团体思考在今后改善厕

41、所。,Linlin: Last year I went to the Hangzhou National Tea Museum. Its a relaxing and peaceful place near a lake. Linlin: 去年我去杭州国际茶博物馆。它在一个湖边,是一个让人放松、静心的地方。,The teaartperformances show how to make a perfect cup ofteawith beautiful tea sets. Watching the tea preparation is just as enjoyable as drinking

42、 the tea itself.茶艺表演怎样用漂亮的茶具沏一杯完美的茶。观看她们准备漂亮的茶具就如同在品茶一样的感觉。,Ive finally realized why my grandpa loves drinking tea and collecting tea sets.我终于明白了我的爷爷为什么喜欢喝茶和喜欢收集茶具了。,Unit 10,My children are growing up fast. My daughter is 16 and my boy is already in junior high school. As they get bigger our house s

43、eems to get smaller. 我的孩子们成长的很快.我的女儿16岁了,我的儿子已经上初中了.他们长大了,显得我们的房子变得更小了.,So we want to sell some of our things in a yard sale and give the money to a childrens home.所以我们希望能在卖掉一些我们的东西并将所得的钱捐给一个儿童之家.,We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms. We have decided to each sell five things

44、 that we no longer use. My son was quite sad at first. 我们已经将很多东西从我们的卧室里搬出来了.我们决定每个人卖掉5样不再使用的旧物.我的儿子一开始挺伤心的.,Although he has not played with his old toys for a long time, he still wanted to keep them. 虽然他已经很久没有玩他的旧玩具了,但是他还是先要留着他们.,For example, he has owned a train and railway set since his fourth bir

45、thday, and he played with it almost every week until he was about seven. And he didnt want to lose his toy monkey, either.比如说,他从他四岁生日那天就得到了一个小火车铁道组,并且他每周都会玩直到他7岁为止.他也不想要失去他的玩具猴子.,He slept next to the monkey every night when he was a child. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys.当他还是小孩子的时候他每晚都睡在玩具猴旁边.虽然我的女儿也觉得离开一些玩具让她很伤心,但是她更能理解我们的良苦用心.,As for me, I didnt want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for a while now. I am getting older, too! 至于我,我不想要卖掉我的足球衫,但是,说老实话,我已经好一阵子没踢过足球了.毕竟我也在变老嘛.,


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