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1、非谓语动词,非谓语动词,过去分词done现在分词doing,动词变身,分词作定语 V-ed as Attribute -用分词修饰名词,Kentucky Fried Chicken,fry 油炸 - fried chicken,- fried,过去分词 被动,完成,V-ed,break,broken heart 破碎的心,boil,boiled egg 煮熟的鸡蛋,二手车比新车便宜。,A used car is cheaper than a new car. 都是作定语都修饰名词car,单个过去分词(V-ed),位置:名词前 作用:修饰名词 关系:被动 或 完成,例外:(left 剩下的) -

2、后置,He is the only person left.,翻译下列名词: 1. the fallen leaves: _ 2. the lighted match: _,落叶,点燃的火柴,These _ people 这些受通缉的人,wanted,a lighted candle,一支点燃的蜡烛,a used stamp,一枚用过的邮票,Translation,a broken coin,一枚破损的硬币,一名退休教师,a retired teacher,This is a toy.It was made in China.This is a toy made in China.过去分词短语

3、,V-ed 短语作_定语,通常放在被修饰的名词_,它的作用相当于一个_.,后置,后面,定语从句,a. This is a toy made in China. b. This is a toy which was made in China.,过去分词短语(V-ed+别的词),位置:名词后 作用:修饰名词 关系:被动 或 完成,这是一幅达芬奇画的画。(paint; Da Vinci).这是一幅叫做蒙娜丽莎的画。This is a picturepainted by Da Vinci.called Mona Lisa.,这是一首李白写的诗。(write; poem).This is a poem

4、written by Li Bai.,练习: 1. Each week on TV, the Monkees would play and sing songs _ (write) by other musicians. 2. The amber room was also a treasure _ (decorate) with gold and jewels.,written,decorated,3. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people _ (expose) to cholera.4. H

5、e found that it came from the river _ (pollute) by the dirty water from London.,exposed,polluted,e.g. How I regretted the hours wasted in the college! 我多懊悔在大学浪费的时光啊! I like wearing clothes made of this kind of cloth. 我喜欢穿这种布料做的衣服。 Well go to visit the bridge built hundreds of years ago. 我们要去看那座建于几百年

6、前的桥。,过去分词作后置定语,表示被动或完成。,过去分词(done)作定语,位置:单词前置(left除外), 短语后置 作用:修饰名词 关系:被动 或 完成,fallen leaves 落叶,fall,falling water 流水,现在分词 主动,进行,-ing,a sleeping baby,a passing plane 经过的飞机,pass,单个现在分词作定语,位置:名词前 作用:修饰名词 关系:主动 或 进行,There is a girl,taking photos.,现在分词短语(doing+别的词),位置:名词后 作用:修饰名词 关系:主动 或 进行,There is a b

7、oy swimming in the pool.,练习: 1. 翻译:flying butterfly: _ 2. Do you know the man _ (talk) with my sister? 你认识跟我姐姐谈话的那个男人吗?,飞舞的蝴蝶,talking,分词做定语(done; doing),位置:单词前置,短语后置 作用:修饰名词 关系:done 被动 / 完成 doing 主动 / 进行,boiling waterboiled waterthe changing worldthe changed worldthe rising sunthe risen sun,V-ing 与V

8、-ed 作定语的区别,正在沸腾的水,已经烧开的水,正在发生变化的世界,已经变化了的世界,正在升起的太阳,升起了的太阳,V-ing表动作正在进行, V-ed表动作已经完成,My heart is broken.我的心碎了。,定语?,过去分词作表语 V-ed as Predicative 放在系动词后,说明主语所处的情绪或状态。,系动词的分类:,“似乎类”:,“感觉类”:,“变成类”:,“仍然类”:,基本形式:,Be( am, is, are),seem, appear, look,feel, sound, smell, taste,become, go, get, grow, turn,rema

9、in, continue, stay, keep,You look so tired.你看起来很累。,1. But he became _ when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 但当他一想到帮助那些得了霍乱的 普通百姓时,他变得很振奋。2. Wang Peng was _ at this and especially at the prices. 王鹏对此感到很惊讶,特别是对它们 的价钱。,inspired,amazed,过去分词作表语,强调主语的特点或状态,相当于形容词。被动语态中,主语是动作的承受

10、者,后面常跟by。 This shop is closed now. 这家商店现在已经关门了。(状态) This shop is closed at 6 pm every day. 这家商店每天下午6点关门。(动作),2. 过去分词作表语,构成的系表结构 与被动语态的区别:,All the doors are locked.All the doors are locked by the guard.,(系表结构),(被动语态),We get _ when we see this _ picture.看到这令人激动的画面,我们都很兴奋。,excited,exciting,excite,V-ing

11、 修饰物, “令人的”V-ed 修饰人, “感到的”,At the sight of the _scene, all the people were _ to tears.看到这么感人的情景, 所有人都感动得流下了眼泪。,move,moved,moving,V-ing 修饰物, “令人的”V-ed 修饰人, “感到的”,V-ing 修饰物, “令人的”V-ed 修饰人, “感到的”,amusing, amused; interesting, interested; disappointing, disappointed; puzzling, puzzled; satisfying, satis

12、fied; tiring, tired; pleasing, pleased; astonishing, astonished等。,英语中这样的分词还有很多, 如:,A. Nobody was _ in the story he told. B. The story he told was very _. (interested, interesting )2. A. The result of the test was rather _. B. He was very _ at the result of the test. (disappointed, disappointing ),Fi

13、ll in the blank with proper words.,interested,interesting,disappointed,disappointing,- He sat there and _ (play) the guitar.- He sat there _ (play) the guitar.,played,一个句子中,已经存在一个谓语动词,而又没有连词的情况下,别的动词出现,要变成非谓语动词。,playing,The teacher walked into the classroom _ (carry) a book in her hand.,carrying,一个句

14、子中,已经存在一个谓语动词,而又没有连词的情况下,别的动词出现,要变成非谓语动词。,The teacher walked into the classroom _ (follow) by 3 students.,followed,练习:1. The bridge _ (build) last month needs repairing. 2. She got off the bus, _ (leave) her bag on her seat.3. Deeply _ (move) by the story, the children began to cry.4. He sat on the sofa _ (watch) TV.,built,leaving,moved,watching,


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