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1、Chapter1商务英语翻译概论,Chapter one,商务英语翻译概论,contents,I、商务英语简述II、商务英语的语言特点III、商务英语翻译的标准与方法IV、商务英语翻译的基础知识,商务英语(Business English)的定义及内涵定义:在商务活动中所使用的英语统称为商务英语。英文全称为English for Business and Economics(EBE),一般简称为Business English。商务活动:范围很广,包括技术引进、对外贸易、招商引资、对外劳务承包与合同、国际金融、涉外保险、国际旅游、海外投资、国际运输等(课本P1)。定位:商务英语是专门用途英语(

2、English for Specific Purposes,ESP)的一个分支特点:专业化、针对性、实用性,I、商务英语简述,1. 文体多样性商务文体:指在商务和贸易活动中使用的文体。不能过于口语化,较正式。领域众多: 商务信函(Business Correspondence) 会议纪要Synopsis(概要) of Minutes(会议记录) 法律文书(Legal Documents) 备忘录Memo(Memorandum)、 说明书(Specification) 商业广告(Commercials) 通知(Notice)、报告(report)、演讲(Speech) 协议(Agreement)

3、、合同(Contract) 单据与表格(Bills and Forms),II、商务英语的语言特点,商务信函、合同、法律文书、通知等主要是公文体形式。 词汇:以书面词为主,正式严谨。 句式:多使用长句、复合句,以及插入语、同位语、倒装句、被动语态等特殊句型广告文体集经济、文化、宣传、美学为一体,灵活多样 词汇:大量使用形容词及其比较级、最高级,大胆借用杜撰词语 句式:多用简单句和现在时态,词汇用词正式、严谨、准确基本要求:大量使用书面语,正式性词语。一般用词义相对单一的词来替代词义灵活丰富的词。切忌:谨慎使用夸张、比喻等手法,尽量避免使用模棱两可的词(除广告语体外)。,1. To acquai

4、nt you with the Light Industrial Goods we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list and several sample books for your reference.Light/Heavy Industry 轻/重工业sample books 样本簿/册for your reference 供您参考;仅供参考译文:为使贵方熟悉我方经营的轻工产品,另航寄上商品目录和一些样本簿,仅供参考。注解: 1) 在英译汉时,冠词a/an/the经常省略不译 2) 注意商务

5、英语中敬语的使用,2. The full report isnt ready yet, but you can see the interim report.the full report 完整/正式报告interim adj. 临时的,暂时的 interim report/government/order 临时报告/政府/命令译文:正式报告尚未写好,但您可以先看看这份临时报告。,3. Will you partake of our simple meal?partake of 吃,喝simple meal 便饭(=potluck un.) take potluck译文:您和我们一起吃点便饭好

6、吗?,4. The new manager effected several changes in the company.effect vt.正式 实现,促成译文:新来的经理在公司里促成了好几次改革。5. Negotiations terminated yesterday.terminate vt. & vi.正式 结束,终止译文:谈判于昨天结束了。,商务英语中常用的正式用语还有:assign to assign a contract 转让契约construe Different lawyers may construe the same law differently. 对同一法律,不同的

7、律师可以做出不同的解释。convene to convene a meeting 召开会议execute vt. 1) 履行,执行,贯彻,实行 to execute a plan/purpose 实行计划/贯彻意图 2) (签名)使(法律/法令/判决/遗嘱等)生效 to execute a(n) will/agreement,repatriate v. 遣返回国 to repatriate sb. to the homeland levy v. 1) 征收(税金、罚款等) to levy taxes, to levy a fine on someone 2)征(兵),征募 to levy tr

8、oops 征集军队grant vt. 让渡,转让(财产),赐予 to grant license 转让执照 initiate v. 创始,发起utilize vt. 利用 to utilize all available resources 利用一切资源,2. 词汇常用缩略词、外来词、古体词1)缩略词的使用(详见第三章第四节)商务交往要求省时省力国际商务合同、协议、函电及单证中较常用,VCreps AdsNYSEPOD BRwtB/L,Venture Capital 风险投资/资本representatives 代表 advertisements 广告New York Security Exc

9、hange 纽约证劵交易所Port of Destination 目的港bank rate 银行利率weight 重量bill of lading 提货单,简称“提单”,(课外作业,下周检查)CFRCIFCOD D/P D/AFOBL/C,Cost and Freight 成本加运费Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价Cash on Delivery 货到付款Documents Against Payment 付款交单Documents Against Acceptance 承兑交单Free on Board 离岸价Letter of Credit 信用证,Revie

10、w,force majeuread valorem dutystatus quoas perde facto,2)外来词的使用商务英语中所使用的(半)专业词汇,很多来自于拉丁语、法语和希腊语等的书面词,1. Should either of the parties to the contract be prevented from executing the contract by force majeure, such as earthquake, fire, war and other unforeseen events, the prevented shall notify the ot

11、her party by cable without any cable 发电报译文:若合同一方受到地震、火灾、战争及其他不可预见事件等不可抗力因素的影响,难以履行合同时,应立即电报通知对方。 注解:force majeure(不可抗力),法语外来词,“Force Majeure”一词来自于法国民法典第1148条,英文译为:“There is no occasion for damages where, in consequence of force majure or accident the debtor has been prevented from conveying

12、 or doing that to which he has obliged or has done what he was debarred from doing.”,2. In that country, an ad valorem duty of five percent was imposed on all goods on importation.goods on importation = imported goods,进口货译文:在那个国家,所有进口货物征收以5%的从价税。注解:ad valorem duty(从价税),拉丁语外来词从价税:按照进口商品的价格为标准计征的关税。 计

13、算公式是: 税额商品总值从价税率。,3. Their attitudes to Chinas Communist Party vary widely, from enthusiastic support to overt opposition, with the majority accepting the status quo. 译文:他们对中国共产党的看法千差万别,有的衷心拥护,有的公开反对,大多数人则接受现状。 注解: status quo(现状),拉丁语外来词4. He has already indicated that he believes the ceremony to be

14、null and void. 译文:他早已发表看法:这场典礼是无效的。注解:null and void(无效的),拉丁语外来词,5. As per the Agreement, Sinotrans was responsible for delivering the packages in China . Sinotrans 中外运集团译文:按照协议,中外运负责在中国境内的包裹递送。 注解:as per(按照,依据),拉丁语外来词6. De facto segregation is still existing even in the new African nations. 译文:事实上的种

15、族隔离仍旧存在于那些“新”的非洲国家中。注解:de facto(事实上的),法语外来词,3)古体词的使用在法律文件中,为了体现法律公文的规范性和约束力,常以here, there, where为词根,加上一个或几个介词构成的合成副词。例如:herewith, hereunder, herein等,1. The terms were specified hereunder. hereunder adv. 在此之下,在下面 译文:下面是具体条款。 2. The salary was eight dollars the 1st week and ten dollars thereafter.ther

16、eafter adv. 其后,从那以后 译文:第一周的薪水是八美元,此后每周十美元。3. I shall discuss the question herein.herein adv. 由此处,在此处译文:在这里,我将要讨论这个问题。,4. This agreement terminates all prior agreements on the subject matter hereof. hereof adv. 关于此点 译文:此协议终止所有先前关于此主题的协议。 5. We enclose herewith an inquiry sheet. herewith adv. (尤用于商业函件

17、) 同此(函等)inquiry sheet 询价单译文:兹随函附上询价单一份。,3. 句法特点1)多用介词或介词短语为体现商务文体正规严肃的特点,常用in terms of, in regard to, in accordance with 等成语介词,而非against, concerning等普通介词,1. The cost was calculated in terms of the current price. in terms of 依据,按照译文:成本是以现在的价格计算的。2. Most Chinese carmakers are years behind their wester

18、n counterparts in terms of quality, technology and service. in terms of 在方面,就来说 译文:在质量、技术和服务方面,大多数中国汽车制造商仍落后西方同行多年。,3. I will speak to the mayor in regard to city planning. in regard to 关于,对于,至于 译文:我要向市长就城市规划问题进言。4. The Colleges are responsible for selecting students in accordance with University re

19、gulations. in accordance with 依照,与一致 译文:院系可以根据大学的相关规定,自主招生工作。,2)多用被动语态、情态动词、祈使句1. These distinctions between the functions of members in general meeting, board of directors and managing directors must not be exaggerated. general meeting 股东大会 board of directors 董事会 managing director 常务董事;总经理译文:股东大会成员

20、、董事会和常务董事之间的作用区别不能夸大。,2. Party A shall be unauthorized to accept any orders or to collect any accounts on and after May 28. unauthorized a. 未被授权的,未经认可的 collect v. 商 托收on and after 自 起,自以后 译文:自5月28日起,甲方无权承兑订单或托收账单。3. The date of the receipt issued by transportation department concerned shall be regar

21、ded as the date of delivery of the goods. receipt cn. 收据, 收条 & un. 收到delivery n. 商 交割,交货;法 交付,让渡译文:由承运的运输机构所开具的收据日期即被视为交货日期。,3)句式结构复杂句中常常用插入短语、从句、非谓语动词等限定、说明成分,往往一个句子就是一个段落,1. The prices stated are based on current freight rates主, any increase or decrease in freight rates at the time of shipment to

22、be the benefit of the buyer, with the seller assuring the payment of all transportation charges to the point or place of delivery.freight rates 运价;运费率 at the time of shipment 装运时 transportation charges 运费译文:所述价格是以时下运价计算,装运时运价的增减均属买方,卖方则承担至交货的全部运费。,2. Inspection: It is mutually agreed that the certif

23、icate of quality, quantity or weight issued by the manufacturer shall be part of the documents for payment under relevant L/C.L/C (Letter of Credit) 信用证译文:商品检验:双方同意以制造厂出具的品质及数量或重量证明书作为有关信用证项目下付款的单据之一。,1. 商务英语翻译的标准中国商务英语研究会常务理事刘法公教授提出的商务英语翻译标准,被认为是切实可行的: 1) 忠实(faithfulness) 2) 准确(exactness) 3) 统一(con

24、sistency) 4) 通顺(smoothness),III、商务英语翻译的标准与方法,1)忠实(faithfulness)“忠实”包括两方面:既忠实于原文的内容意指,又忠实于原文的风格效果1. A particular average loss under 3% of the insured amount will not be recoverable, but one amounting to or exceeding 3% will be paid.particular 是货运保险条款中的术语,分为: 1) particular average(单独海损),货物损失只涉及各货方和船方中

25、的某特定的利益方 2) general average(共同海损),损失由该保险涉及的各货方和船方分摊。,商务英语翻译的标准,1. A particular average loss under 3% of the insured amount will not be recoverable, but one amounting to or exceeding 3% will be paid.误译:单独的平均损失低于所保金额的3%时不赔,但损失达到或超过3%时则赔偿。正译:单独海损的损失低于所保金额的3%时不赔,但损失达到或超过3%时则赔偿。2. The shell burst into a

26、million new copies.误译:炮弹一爆炸,变成了几百万份的新拷贝。正译:炮弹炸成了无数碎片。,2)准确(exactness)1. Party A shall have a right of first refusal whenever Party B wishes to sell any of its shares in the Group.the right of first refusal 优先取舍权,优先购买权误译:乙方任何时候有意出售其持有之任何集团股份,甲方一律拥有优先拒绝权。正译:乙方任何时候有意出售其持有之本集团股份,甲方一律拥有优先购买权。,3)统一(consis

27、tency) 翻译过程中所采用的译名、概念、术语等在任何时候都应保持统一尤其是长篇合同中的专业术语和关键词语一定要前后保持统一例:exclusive territory 独占区域 exclusive contract 专销合同,4) 通顺(smoothness)1. Many of these fine products are in stock ready for your order.译文1 上述多种优质产品,备有现货,准备好你来订购。译文2上述多种优质产品,备有现货,欢迎订购。2. This novel was the beginning of his name.译文1 这部小说是他的名

28、声的开始。译文2 这部小说是他的成名之作。,2. 翻译的基本方法音译 Transliteration直译 Literal Translation (word-for-word translation) 意译 Free Translation (sense-for-sense translation) 艺术加工,音译 Transliteration人名、地名多用音译,2) 直译 Literal Translation (word-for-word translation) 专有名词、专业术语多用直译e.g.OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Cou

29、ntries ) 石油输出国组织APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) 亚太经济合作组织(亚太经合组织)gentlemans agreement 君子协定chain reaction 连锁反应,3) 意译 Free Translation (sense-for-sense translation)1. Sure, Bob, everybody talks about empowerment, but when the rubber hits the road, the bosses demand to have the last word.译文:当然,

30、Bob, 每个人都在谈论放权,但真正开始执行总要等老板的最后决策。,直译 vs 意译,4) 艺术加工指采用一些翻译技巧,如:合并、拆散、引申、增加、减少、补充说明等1. A document containing the terms of an enforceable obligation between the parties is called a “contract”.the terms of an enforceable obligation可执行义务的条款译文:所谓合同,是指当事人订立的包含可执行义务条款的文书。注解:逆序译法,2. My work, my family and my friends were more than enough to fill my time.译文:我干工作、做家务、和朋友往来,这些占用了我的全部时间。注解:增译法3. I have received your letter and read it with delight.译文:来信收悉,并愉快地拜读了。 注解:减译法,谢谢,


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