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1、Teaching methodology,-Direct Method and Natural Approach,Direct method,content,Introduction Principles AdvantagesDisadvantages,DEFINITION,The direct method of teaching foreign language, sometimes also called the natural method, Psychological Method, Oral Method and Reformed method , refrains from us

2、ing the learners native language and uses only the target language. It was established in Germany and France around 1900.,Representative,Berlitz Palmer,principle,Direct contact principle : the basic thing of the direct method is the establishment of language and to associate the study with external

3、experience. That is to say, in the foreign language teaching, each word represents the thing or the significance of direct contact, not through translation.,Based on the principle of spoken English, oral English teaching is the major means and purpose of the entry-level stage,To imitate : through a

4、variety of means to repeat the sentence. Imitation and habits help to achieve automatic degree.In addition to the above four major principles of the direct method, there are other teaching principles, such as the selection of language materials, progressive principle, principle of interest,Advantage

5、s,1.Using a variety of visual aids Using the teaching way that close to the real life Help to cultivate the ability of thinking in a foreign language.2.The study and application pay attention to the language practice, students learning enthusiasm, learning interest3.Pay attention to speaking and pro

6、nunciation teaching so that we can effectively cultivate students ability of using language,Disadvantages,1.Exclusion of native language, so that some abstract and complicated concepts are difficult to understand2.There is no clear grammar explanations, lead students to say more errors.,The natural

7、approach,Definition,The Natural Approach emphasizes natural communication rather than formal grammar study and is tolerance of learners errors. The core of the Natural Approach is language acquisition which is considered a subconscious process.,Representative,Tracy TerrellStephen Krashen,Background,

8、自然教学法于1977年提出,源于加利福尼亚的特瑞尔(TTerrell)的西班牙语课堂教学实践以及它对第二外语习得的研究成果 。1977年他发表的第二语言习得和学习的自然途径成为自然教学法的开端特瑞尔与克拉申(SKrashen)联合,运用第二语言习得理论,提出了自然教学模式,并于1983年出版了自然路径(The Natural Approach)一书克拉申总结了第二语言的研究成果,并使之系统化,提出了一个较为完整的第二语言习得理论,即监察模式(the monitor model)1983年,特瑞尔和克拉申合作发表了自然途径:课堂中的语言习得一书,它标志着自然教学法的正式确立。,Theoretic

9、al basis,习得-学习假说(acquisition-learning hypothesis)自然顺序假说(natural order hypothesis)监控假说(monitor-hypothesis)输入假说(input hypothesis )情感过滤假说(affection filter hypothesis),Teaching aim:,(1) to develop communicative skills, both oral and written, for students;(2) to enable students to function adequately in

10、the target language;(3) to enable students to make their meaning clear;(4) to enable students to use “contextual inference” strategies;(5) to help students to understand goals in terms of situations, functions and topics.,Main features:,1. Pre-Production 2. Early Production 3.Speech Emergence 4. Int

11、ermediate Fluency,自然教学法,第一阶段,教师在课堂上和学生自然地谈话,使用基本的词汇和句型,并且突出。重复重点词汇。教师通过身体动作和视觉提示,如图片、实物等,帮助学生理解。只要求学生能够听懂和执行简短的英语指令,作出非语言性的反应。许多学生开口之前要经过一个“沉默”的阶段,这是正常的。在这个时候,教师要有耐心,不要多催逼。,第二阶段,教师自然地和学生谈话,选择使用简单的词汇和句子结构,继续注意学生是否能够对简单的英语指令作出正确的反应。此外,教师可以使用一般疑问句、选择疑问句以及 Wh- 起首的特殊疑问句进行提问,要求学生用一、两个单词或短语回答问题。学生应能听懂这些问题,

12、并作出回答。,第三阶段,教师使用自然、简单的语言和学生谈话,用 How 起首的特殊疑问句提问,要求学生用短语或完整的句子作解释,表达自己的意见。教师应鼓励学生在实际生活中用英语表达思想,与人交流。,第四阶段,教师可以继续使用直观教具,强化重点词汇。同时,教师可以选择一个题目或要求描绘一个情景,引导学生使用英语。在这个阶段,学生应能用英语随意交谈,广泛参加社交活动,并能在学术会议上,用流利的英语答辩和讨论问题。,Advantages :,The classroom consisting of acquisition activities can be an excellent environme

13、nt for beginners. Comprehensible and meaningful practice activities are emphasized. The teacher creates speeches which enable students to interact using the target language.,Students are not forced to respond in the target language immediately. Students interact in meaningful situation at their own

14、level. The teacher knows students needs and concentrates on appropriate and useful areas.,Disadvantages:,1) It ignores many factors essential in second language course design.2) It simply borrows techniques from other methods.3) There is nothing novel about its procedures and techniques.4) There are

15、 still many problems in the research method.,Conclusion,NA和Direct Method (DM;又称Natural Method)常常被认为是相同的教法,其实它们各有不同的特色:DM是依据幼儿自然而然习得母语的经验所创立,教法中强调教师用second language和切合的场景直接上课、问答、重复重点,并要求学生要练习做到正确无误的地步;NA的理论基础却是根据成功习得second language的一些自然共通原则,并强调上课之内容(而非课堂上的练习)、重视学生学习心理、以及学生充分了解(comprehension)second language后准备开始用口语表达前的预备 / 调适期。,Thank you !,


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