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1、.,如何写好英文书信感谢信,.,假如你是李华,你和你的家人去笔友David所在的城市新加坡旅游,受到他的热情款待,回来后你想对他表达自己的感谢之情.请根据以下要点给David写一封信:1.感谢他的热情款待.2.在新加坡玩得很开心.3.新加坡的风景和美食令人印象深刻4.邀请他来北京旅游.注意: 1.词数:100左右. 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯. 3.信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数.Dear David, Looking forward toyour early reply. Best wishes, Yours,一. 任务呈现,.,二. 写作指导,1. 该书面表达任务是一篇感谢信,

2、因此首先应该注意书信格式,以符合感谢信的文体特征。2. 感谢信的语气应当友善真诚,由于收信人系作者的同学,因此语言较为简洁,随意,避免使用过于正式,生硬的表达。3. 感谢信常用thank sb. for doing sth. 的表达方式,也可以用be grateful for或者是be thankful to sb. for sth.,.,Dear David, How are you doing these days? Thank you for your help and kindness while we were traveling in Singapore. It was very

3、kind of you to treat us to good meals, and show us around. Singapore is really a very good place to visit, and we were greatly impressed by its beautiful scenery and delicious food. I had a great time there and learned a lot about Singapore. I would like to invite you to visit Beijing; Ill show you

4、around the places of interest ,such as the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. Looking forward to your early reply. Best wishes. Yours,三. 学生习作,.,四. 感谢信的写作指导,1. 掌握写信格式 感谢信属于书信,应该使用英文书信的写作格式。首先应该在左上角写上称呼,后面用逗号;正文写作结束后应该在右下角写上敬语,如Yours sincerely; 然后在下一行与之对齐署名。,.,2. 有序组织要点 首先, 应当友善地对对方的生活表示关心;其次,应明确陈述写信的目

5、的,即致谢;然后,应肯定对方的帮助恰当好处;最后,应对对方给予的帮助再次表示感谢并表示良好的祝愿。,.,3. 灵活把握时态 感谢信的正文中的时态灵活多变。通常,在提到对方曾经所给予的帮助时,应用过去时态;在提到对方的帮助所产生的实际效果时,可以使用现在完成时态;在涉及到现状时,应用一般现在时;在表达祝愿或希望时,使用一般将来时态。,.,4. 运用规范的语言 感谢信有其自身的特色语言,在行文的每一个环节也有一些常用句型。另外表示从对方的帮助中获益时,可以用 I benefited greatly from your help./ With your help, I achieved等句型表达;也

6、可以用虚拟语气表达,例如:Without your help, I couldnt have/ But for your help, I couldnt have/ If it hadnt been for your help, I couldnt have等,这样更能增强表达效果。,/,.,5. 表达感激之情 感谢信的主要目的在于向对方致谢,因此语言要诚挚,友善;在信的开头和结尾部分一般会使用Thank you very much for your kindness and deep concern或 Thanks again and wish you all the best之类的语言表达

7、感激之情。,.,写作模板,Dear , How about your life/ study/ work? Im writing to thank you for your ./ Thanks for your . 致谢 During , you . First, you .Whats more, you . Another thing that I cant forget is that you ./ There is still one thing that I cant forget. That is . 原因Thank you/ Thanks a lot for your kindne

8、ss again. 再次致谢 Best wishes./ Give my best regard to . 祝愿 Yours sincerely ,.,Writing Template,Dear _, I am writing to extend my thanks for_ . Do you still remember _? I would also like to thank you for_. During the _, you _. First, you _.Besides,_. Whats more, you _.Another thing I cant forget is tha

9、t _, which_. I am looking forward to _, I feel deeply indebted to you and I really don t know how to thank you enough for your help. With kind personal regards. Faithfully SincerelyAffectionately yours, signed,原因,具体内容,问候祝福强调感谢,Date and PlaceMr._ Minister of _ (Address) Beijing , China,Mr._ Minister

10、of Economic Cooperation PLACE,Just for Business Interactions,Just for Business Interactions,.,2.Commonly-Used Sentences on Letters of Thanks 感谢信常用句型,1) Thank you very much for2) Many thanks for your3) Please accept my sincere appreciation for4) I am truly grateful to you for5) It was good (thoughtfu

11、l) of you 承蒙好意(关心) 6) You were so kind to send,.,7)Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality(盛情款待) and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.8)I hope I can reciprocate (回报)your kindness when you come to 9) Please accept my sincere appreciation for请接受我对衷心感谢。,.,13) I sincerely appreciate14) I a

12、m very sincerely grateful to you for15) I wish to express my profound appreciation for 我对深表感谢。16) Many thanks for your generous cooperation. 谢谢贵方的真诚合作。,Thank You Sincerely,.,WORDS convey thank complimentappreciation appreciategrateful obliged(thankful ) gratitude N.Kindness kindIndebted(感激的,蒙恩的) gen

13、erous entertainment,Typical words and sentences,.,Typical Sentences,Expressing thanks,I am writing to extend my thanks for your hospitality.I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for your hospitality.My sincere thanks go to all of you for making such a great effort to conti

14、nue serving our customers during the accident.I am writing to express my appreciation of .,.,Please accept our sincere compliments on your careful research. I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for your timely assistance. My true gratitude is beyond the words description. I feel obliged to th

15、ank you once more. I feel deeply indebted to you and I really don t know how to thank you enough for your help.,Typical Sentences,.,Typical Sentences,Concluding sentence,Thanks again for helping us at this critical time.Thanks for your support and dedication.Thanks for your contribution to this impo

16、rtant project.We are fortunate to have you with us.We are completely satisfied with your timely concern.We are delighted with the manner in which you played your part.,.,3. Specimen/examples1)Thanks for Favor谢恩惠,Dear Mrs. Green: My daughter has written to tell that you have been very kind to her dur

17、ing her stay in New York. My husband and I deeply appreciate your Courtesy(对此深感谢意), and we do hope youll come to stay together with us for a few days when you are in Beijing. Thank you for your many kindness to Lin Fang. Sincerely yours, Li Lan,.,2.Thanks for Hospitality谢款待,Dear Prof. Smith, Many th

18、anks for your hospitality and the honor you showed me during my recent visit to your country. It was thoughtful of you to introduce me to so many of your famous professors and learned scholars in your Country. I have learned a lot from them. I returned to China safe and sound last Friday, and have r

19、esumed my work now.,.,I hope you will some day visit our country with its ancient history and beautiful scenery, and give us some lectures on “ Modern English Literature”. Please have no hesitation in writing to me should you want me to do something for you in China. With best wishes, I remain.(祝好)

20、Yours sincerely, David Li,.,3.Thanks for Help,Dear Alice, I wish there were a better word than “thanks” to express my appreciation of your help in making the celebration of our School Founders Day(校庆庆祝会) a success. Thanks for giving me the thrill of bringing your wonderful work to the attention of t

21、he trustees at our celebration.(在庆祝会上,您对校董事们的招待工作做得很出色,使我感动。谢谢。) All my best wishes. Sincerely Salley,.,4. Thanks for Recommendation谢推荐,Dear Professor Smith, I think youll be pleased to know that I have been hired as Human Resources Assistant manager(人力资源部助理经理) of Huawei Co. I will begin to work on

22、May 1st. Please accept my sincere thanks for your reference and your thorough coaching(推荐以及各方面的教诲) I received at Hunan University. With best wishes. Faithfully yours, Porsia Yang,.,5. Thanks for Seeing Off,Dear Alice, Many thanks for your coming to see me off at the airport. The warmth of friendship

23、 has accompanied me through the whole flight, and made my journey pleasant and comfortable. I arrived safely at Hong Kong this afternoon, and shall write you again later. Sincerely yours, Jack,.,6. Thanks for Dinner,Dear Mr. Song, Thank you for inviting me and some of my colleagues to dine with you

24、last night. It was an enjoyable occasion and an excellent dinner. As you know, we value our long-established relationship with the Peoples Republic of China, and with the Ministry of Foreign Trade(对外贸易部) in particular, and look forward to doing more business with them and to many future years ahead

25、of increased cooperation. Yours sincerely James,.,7.Thanks for Gifts,Dear Mr. Martin: I want to thank you for the beautiful roses you sent to my mother. She was very happy and pleased when she saw they were from you. I m glad to say she is recovering, and I hope she will soon be able to leave the ho

26、spital. We both send you our warmest thanks for the flowers and your very kind wishes. Sincerely, John Granby,.,五. 写作训练,假设你是李华,你作为交换生在英国学习期间寄宿在Wilson家,如今你学习期满,即将回国。请你根据下表内容给Wilson夫妇写一封感谢信。生活上,Wilson一家为你提供了舒适的居住条件和可口的饭菜。学习上, Wilson夫妇经常帮助你练习口语,并且加深了你对英国文化的了解。此外,你们还成为了好朋友,而且他们也爱上了中国文化,这些给你的留学生活留下了美好的回忆

27、。,.,一. 任务呈现,假设你是李华,交换生Tracy刚刚结束在你们学校的学习生活,已经返回英国。作为班长,请你根据以下内容用英语写一分感谢信,感谢她一学期以来带给大家的美好回忆:1. 怀念与她相处的快乐时光;2. 感谢她对大家英语学习的帮助;3. 感谢她为班级捐赠的英文书籍; 4. 欢迎她有机会再来中国。,.,三. 学生习作,Dear Tracy, How about your life back in Britain? Im writing this letter to express our thanks to you on behalf of the class. We enjoyed

28、 the great time when you stayed here. During last term, you helped us a lot in our English so we made great progress with English study. Whats more, all our classmates are very thankful to you for donating English books, which are surely very helpful in our study. We miss you and wish you a happy life in the UK. Thank you for your kindness again and we are looking forward to your visiting China again.,


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