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1、side的用法总结大全 side有面,边,方面,侧面,旁边的意思?今天给大家带来了side的用法总结大全,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。side的用法总结大全side的意思n. 面,边,方面,侧面,旁边adj. 侧面的,旁边的,次要的,枝节的,副的vi. 支持,同意,偏袒,附和,站在一边变形:过去式: sided; 现在分词:siding; 过去分词:sided;side用法side可以用作名词side用作名词的基本意思是“面”,通常可以指固体或平的或近似平的面,也可指不包括顶面和底面的或不包括顶面、底面、前面和后面的“侧面”,还可指组成三角形、矩形等平面图形的“边”。s

2、ide也可指“边缘或边界(的地方)”,如床边的桌子(by the side of ones bed); 还可指平而薄的东西(如纸、布、金属片两面之一)的“面”。side还可指垂直或近似垂直物的“内侧或外侧”,如山的坡面(the side of the mountain); 用于人指“(人体的)左侧或右侧”,尤指腋至臀的部分,即“胁”。side用作名词的用法例句My house is the ninth on the right side.我的房子是右边第九幢。The park is just on the left side of this street.公园就在马路的左侧。We plante

3、d tulips along the side of the lawn.我们沿草坪的边缘种上了郁金香side可以用作形容词side用作形容词的基本意思是“侧面的,边的”,引申可表示“枝节的,次要的”,在句中主要用作定语。side无比较级和最高级形式。side一般用作不及物动词,常与with连用表示“支持(某人),站在(某人)一边”,与against连用表示“反对(某人)”。side偶尔与toward连用表示“趋向于”。side用作形容词的用法例句He came in through a side door to avoid the crowds.为了避开人群他从旁边的门进来。The teach

4、er would like to discuss this side issue later.老师想晚点谈论这个并不重要的问题。She always sided with my brother.她总是带在我哥哥那边。side可以用作动词side一般用作不及物动词,常与with连用表示“支持(某人),站在(某人)一边”,与against连用表示“反对(某人)”。side偶尔与toward连用表示“趋向于”。side用作动词的用法例句She always sided with my brother.她总是带在我哥哥那边。Why do you always side against me ?你为什么

5、总站在我的对立面?side用法例句1、Youll need to get on the right side of Carmela.你得讨卡梅拉的欢心。2、He slewed the car against the side of the building.他的车滑到了大楼的一侧,抵住了。3、Tamsin materialized at her side, notebook at the ready.塔姆辛从她身旁冒了出来,且备好了笔记本。英语语法:短语by the side of, due to的用法41. by the side of在的旁边用法:by the side of后面通常要跟名

6、词或者名词词组,相当于near,其同义词组有at the side of。 例句:The famous singer stood by the side of the boss.那位著名的歌星站在老板旁边。 语法结构分析:The famous singer是主语(The famous是两个前置定语,修饰singer), stood是谓语动词(一般过去时), by the side of the boss是状语。 42. due to由于,因为用法:due to作为“由于,因为”解,其后可接短语,相当于because of。 例句:All flights have been delayed du

7、e to bad weather. (20XX年6月四级)由于天气恶劣,所有的航班都延迟了。 43. even if即使用法:even if意为“即使”,在句中引导让步状语从句,等同于even though。 例句:Even if thats the case, though, the above findings are still striking. (20XX年6月四级)尽管如此,上述结果仍然是惊人的。 44. even so尽管如此用法:even so在句中要与后面的内容隔开,而even if则不用。 例句:But even so, around 60% of all supermar

8、ket purchases are the result of decisions that are taken in the store. (20XX年12月四级)但是即便如此,大约60%的超市采购决定都是在商店里做出的。形容词短语:except for除了外例句:Likewise, except for dull-hued materials like slate or sandstone, most stone floors are polished before installation. (雅思)1.句子结构、时态等分析;2.将英文译成中文;3.转发*到朋友圈或微博或自己组织的群里,

9、并截图发到训练群里。(加入训练群,可加助理微信:lin-boshi,并注明“短语与语法”)英语外刊,精读练习:Thousands of ISIS fighters are being held by Kurdish-led forces in northeastern Syria, but the Turkish assault threatens the security of the detention centers there.【Newsweek】side和beside的用法,beside oneself是什么意思,在自己旁边?01side(由想象的中线分出的)一边,一侧;(事物左方或

10、右方的) 一旁,一边侧面支持,偏袒The hotel is on your left side.The father pulled the child back from the river side.那父亲把孩子从河边拉回来。There is a path along the left side of the field.田野的左边有一条小路。We walked along by the side of the canal.我们沿着运河边走。She stopped the medication because of side effects.因为副作用,她停止了服药。Im definitel

11、y on your side in this.在这件事上,我绝对支持你。They stood side by side looking out to sea.他们并肩站在一起眺望大海。Mr. White sided with me in the argument.怀特先生在辩论中站在我一边/支持我。02beside在旁边(或附近)与相比The path beside the river was slippery with mud.河边的小路泥泞易滑。At night, he lay awake beside his wife.晚上,他躺在妻子身边,难以入眠。The children seeme

12、d tiny beside him.孩子们在他身边显得很小。Beside yours our contributions count for little.与你们的贡献比较起来,我们的算不了什么。side是名词或动词;beside是介词。03beside oneself是在自己旁边?只按字面理解会闹笑话。beside oneself是一个习惯用语,它的意思是“极为激动,兴奋,生气,高兴”。The poor girl was almost beside herself.那可怜的女孩几乎发疯了。They were beside themselves with excitement.他们兴奋异常。He was beside himself with fury.他勃然大怒。beside在13世纪末,有“在之外”的意思,beside oneself的意思是“在他的思想之外”,和“出神”差不多,牛津英语词典将其定义为“失去了对自己的精神能力的控制;精神错乱。”side的用法总结大全


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