1、托福阅读学习这3个误区要引起警惕 托福阅读备考中,考生因为缺乏经验可能会产生一些错误的想法并采取错误的练习方式走入误区。今天给大家带来了托福阅读学习这3个误区要引起警惕 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。【备考须知】托福阅读学习这3个误区要引起警惕托福阅读学习误区讲解:不要过于关注难点和冷僻词汇在托福的考试中,往往都还是会有那么3-4题难度较高的题目,这些题目涉及到生僻词汇可能性还是较高的。但是建议普通考生不必过于在意这些题目。在备考托福阅读时候,我们还是应该把复习的重心放在阅读能力的提升和词汇量的累计上。比如,如何学会归纳每段内容的段落大意,练习快速找到文中的关键词。毕竟
3、材料中还应该归纳和整理生词和长句,定期的题后的分析和整理才会给你带了更大的收益。托福阅读背景:the worst 25 passwords of 20XXWhen it comes to making up passwords, were not doing so great as a society.在编密码这件事上,大部分人的表现都不怎么样。Password management firm SplashData released its annual Worst Passwords List, revealing that humans have remained rather indif
4、ferent to choosing unique, secure passwords since the companys first report in 20XX. SplashData analyzed more than 2 million leaked passwords in 20XX and found several trends in the most common ones.密码管理公司“飞溅数据”近日发布了20XX年度“最不安全密码排行榜”。通过此次调查,“飞溅数据”发现,虽然它从20XX年就开始发这个榜,但人们对于选择一个独一无二的安全密码的觉悟还是不高。该公司对20X
5、X年遭泄露的200多万个密码进行分析,发现了以下几个特点。“Password” and “123456” still claim the top two spots on the list, where theyve remained for the past five years. Simple numerical passwords remain an easy go-to; six of the top 10 passwords are comprised of only numbers.“Password”仍然是大家最爱用的密码,“123456”其次。这是它俩连续第5年霸占前两名了。大
6、部分人还是青睐简单的数字密码。榜单前10名中有6个是纯数字密码。Youll also find that references to sports and pop culture are fairly common. “Football” and “baseball” are both in the top 10 list, and in line with the release of The Force Awakens, “starwars,” “solo” and “princess” are all new entries on this years list.体育和流行文化相关的词汇
7、也在大家最爱用的密码之列。“Football”和“baseball”都位列前10;随着星球大战:原力觉醒的上映,“starwars”、“solo”和“princess”也首登今年的不安全密码榜。Several others that werent on the 20XX list include “welcome,” “login” and “passw0rd. Changing that o in password to a zero might seem original, but a lot of people had the same idea.其他20XX没有、20XX新上榜的还有“
8、welcome”、“login”和“passw0rd。不要以为自己把“password”中的字母“o”换成数字“0”很有创意,其实很多人都想到了这点。If you see your password on this list, make your 20XX resolution to do better.如果你在本榜单上看到了你正在用的密码,就在20XX年下定决心改了吧。1. 1234562. password3. 123456784. qwerty5. 123456. 1234567897. football8. 12349. 123456710. baseball11. welcome12
9、. 123456789013. abc12314. 11111115. 1qaz2wsx16. dragon17. master18. monkey19. letmein20. login21. princess22. qwertyuiop23. solo24. passw0rd25. starwars“飞溅数据”建议使用这样的密码1. Use passwords with 12 characters or more with mixed types of characters.最好在12个字符以上,混合多种字符类型(译者注:一个数字、一个字母、一个标点,都属于一个字符)。2. Avoid u
10、sing the same password over and over again on different websites.不同网站的账户不要反复使用同一个密码。3. Use a password manager, like SplashID or LastPass, to organize and protect passwords, generate random passwords and automatically log into websites.可以使用密码管理器(如SplashID或LastPass)管理和保护密码,生成随机密码并自动登录网站账户。托福阅读背景知识之“or
11、thorexia nervosa完美食欲症”急于吃“健康食品”或者“干净食品”,一旦吃了自认为“不健康”的食品就心情沮丧、压力巨大,小心!你可能患上了完美食欲症(orthorexia nervosa)。过度痴迷于所谓的健康食品,为了吃得健康而严格控制饮食和种类直到偏执的程度,从而使身体处于危险状况的症状,世界卫生组织把这种症状定义为健康食品痴迷症,也称为完美食欲症或健康食品强迫症。数据显示,目前全球大约有28%的人口患上了这新的饮食失调症。The clean eating movement has taken the world by storm in recent years.近些年,“饮食
12、健康运动”风靡全球。Magazines, fitness blogs and Instagram are filled with people posing with their green smoothies, kale salads and sugar-free desserts.杂志、健身博客和图片分享应用Instagram上到处都是人们分享绿色果沙、甘蓝沙拉、和无糖甜点的照片。While healthy lifestyle changes should be applauded, people have become increasingly neurotic about what t
13、hey put on their plates, some experts say.而专家提醒称,尽管我们应该称赞人们向健康生活方式的转变,但人们对健康食品的执着越来越神经质了。The desire to eat more healthily can veer into an obsession, with rising numbers of people - mainly women in their 30s - suffering from orthorexia nervosa.“吃得更健康”,这一愿望可能会发展成强迫症。越来越多的人们患上“完美食欲症”,尤以30多岁的女性居多。Ortho
14、rexics spend vast amounts of their time planning their food, resisting temptation, applauding themselves when they stick to their diet.“完美食欲症”患者花大量时间计划吃什么,抵制诱惑,如果能坚持住饮食计划就会肯定自己。In its severe form, orthorexia can lead to weight loss, malnutrition and even death, experts warn.专家警告称,如果症状严重,“完美食欲症”会导致体重
15、下降、营养不良,甚至死亡。Sufferers typically cut out entire food groups often in the mistaken belief they are unhealthy or their bodies are intolerant to them thereby depriving themselves of essential nutrition and vitamins.“完美食欲症”患者经常会选择放弃整类食物-错误地认为这类食物不健康,或者自己的身体不耐受,因此身体就会缺乏必须的营养和维生素。At the same time many ove
16、r-exercise, leaving themselves weak or even emaciated.同时很多人还过度锻炼,把自己搞的虚弱又憔悴。This can leave them with low energy levels, nutritional deficiencies which can lead to depression and anxiety.由此引发的身体低能量、营养不良又会导致抑郁和焦虑。Often, their obsession with food will stop them socialising with friends, as social event
17、 revolve around drinking and eating.他们对食物的执着还会影响社交,因为聚会场合总免不了吃吃喝喝。你有“完美食欲症”吗?做个小测验吧!Do you spend more than 3 hours a day thinking about your diet?每天花3小时规划饮食?Do you plan your meals several days ahead?提前几天列食谱?Is the nutritional value of your meal more important than the pleasure of eating it?膳食的营养价值比吃
18、东西带来的愉悦更重要?Has the quality of your life decreased as the quality of your diet has increased?随着饮食质量的提升,感到生活质量下降?Have you become stricter with yourself lately?最近对自己更严格?Does your self-esteem get a boost from eating healthily?吃得健康会提升自尊?Have you given up foods you used to enjoy in order to eat the right
19、foods为了吃健康食品,放弃了你曾喜欢吃的食品?Does your diet make it difficult for you to eat out, distancing you from family and friends? 因为吃健康食品,无法外出就餐,疏远了亲友?Do you feel guilty when you stray from your diet?没吃健康食品时有罪恶感?Do you feel at peace with yourself and in total control when you eat healthily?吃得健康能使自己情绪稳定,掌控有方?测试结果:Yes to 4 or 5 of the above questions means it is time to relax more about food.4-5个问题回答“是”:该在饮食上放松放松了。Yes to all of them means a full-blown obsession with eating healthy food.全部回答“是”:彻底的“完美食欲症”!