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1、作文基础过渡性训练,连贯与句式的运用,连贯(coherence) 指文章语意的通顺和语言形式的紧密衔接并符合一定的逻辑关系。,要使文章前后衔接紧密,可采用以下方法: 提示1:恰当使用关联词 如when,so,if,because,so that等。,提示2:巧妙使用意思有联系的词或短语 如First, Second, Third, Soon, Whats more, As a result等。,提示3:适当使用过渡性语句 The reasons are as follows. Every coin has two sides. On the other hand, On the contrar

2、y,连接词、句型的选择1、 递进关系 (肯定) (否定)2、 时间 一就 不久 然后 同时,Besides / Whats more / Also /In addition/Furthermore,Whats worse / Even worse / Worse still /To make matters worse,The moment / On doing / as soon as / immediately / directly,It was not long before / After a while / Soon,After that / Then / So / Next,At

3、the same time / Meanwhile,3、 转折4、 顺序5、 条件 6、强调,however , / but / on the contrary / On the other hand / yet,First / Second / Third / Last / Next/Then,If / As long as / So long as /on condition that,It was that / who / So she did . /I do hope / She did help me. /It really worked.,7、 其它不得不做某事 have to d

4、o sth./have no choicebut to do sth. /have nothing to do but do sth.有必要做某事 There is no need (for sb.) to do sth. /It is necessary (for sb.)to do 最好做某事 Youd better do sth. Its better to do sth.做某事没困难 have no difficulty in doing sth. / have no trouble in doing sth.感谢某人 thank sb. / be thankful to sb./ e

5、xpress ones thanks to sb. / be grateful to sb. / Thanks to ,求助某人 turn to sb. for help / ask sb. for help / with the help of / with ones help惊奇 To ones surprise / In surprise / Surprisingly / only +不定式(表意外结果)原因如下(很多)The reasons are as follows. There are many reasons for it.浪费金钱(时间)Its a waste of mone

6、y / time 结果 As a result / Therefore / Thus / So总结 In a word / In short / Above all / After all表达观点 In my opinion / I think / I believe / Im sure / I guess,Task 1 请在下列句子中(间)填上恰当的关联词或意思有联系的短语。,Xiao Ming was walking in the street he heard someone cry for help.He advised that I hire a car I could travel

7、 around in the west .It was not long the police came . he heard the cry for help, he jumped into the water to save the girl. Do you agree with my arrangement ? ,do write to me soon.We can go downtown and do some shopping. , we can pay a visit to some places of interest.7. I shared the cost of the ga

8、s with my friends . , I saved $80.Eating sugar is bad for our teeth. , it may make us fat.,Whats more/Besides/ Also/Furthermore/In addition,when,so that/ in order that,before,As soon as /Immediately/Directly/The moment,If not,As a result/ Therefore,Whats worse/Even worse/To make matters worse,句式的运用:

9、利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,能增加文章的文采。,基本句型:1、 感叹句 e.g. 1) How happy I was when I received your letter. 2) What a kind boy he is! 3)How disappointed he was !2、 强调句 e.g. It was this young boy that helped the old granny. 3、 倒装句 e.g. 1) Only in this way can you solve this problem. 2) There comes the police car. 3)

10、Hardly had they got to the station when they met the young man.,句式的运用:利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,能增加文章的文采。,基本句型:4、 省略句 e.g. They read while walking or riding on a bus.5、 with短语 e.g. I saw a young lady walking slowly in the street with a handbag in her hand.6、 定语从句 e.g. In my opinion, cyber cafes should be a pl

11、ace where we can find much useful information.7、 各种名词性从句 e.g. Thats what I should do.8、 各种状语从句 e.g. Time passed quickly before we knew it.,Task 2 按要求改写下列句子,使其更具文采。1.Tom saved the drowning girl.(强调)2.I hope I can pay a visit to you next year.(强调)3.Tom was puzzled.(感叹)4.It is great fun to climb the hi

12、ll.(感叹)5.Tom and Mary like singing songs.(肯定倒装)6.John likes to study and play.(否定倒装)7.Soon the firefighters came.(表时间句型),It was Tom that/who saved the drowning girl.,I do hope I can pay a visit to you next year.,How puzzled Tom was!,What great fun it is to climb the hill!,Tom likes singing songs, so

13、 does Mary.,Not only does John like to study, but (also) he likes to play.,It was not long before the firefighters came.,Task 3 Writing Practice 请你给中国日报写一篇稿件,谈谈农村儿童失学的主要原因及你的看法。原因:1、 家庭贫穷,供不起儿童上学,他们不得不在家赚钱养家。2、部分家长认为女孩上学无用,不愿让她们上学。 3、 部分儿童对功课不感兴趣,不愿上学。看法:1、 每个儿童包括女孩都应有受教育的机会。2、全社会都应重视儿童教育,他们对国家的未来将起

14、到重要的作用。要求:1、不要逐字逐句翻译。 2、语句要连贯通顺。 3、字数100个左右。,Now in the country areas, there are many children out of school. Most families are poor and cant afford their education. They have to stay at home and make money. Some parents think daughters neednt go to school. They dont let them go to school. Some chil

15、dren are not interested in their studies and wouldnt like to go to school. All the children including girls should be educated . The whole society should pay attention to it. Theyll play an important part in the future of our country.,诊断:优点缺点药方,1、词能达意;2、语句表达基本正确。,语句不够连贯,1、使用常见句型;2、每两个句子之间使用关联词或过渡词。,

16、Now in the country areas, there are many children out of school. 。,most families are too poor to send their children to school . ,they have no choice but to stay at home and make money. ,some parents think there is no need for their daughters to go to school. ,they dont let them go to school. ,some

17、children are not interested in their studies. ,some wouldnt like to go to school.,all the children including girls should be educated . ,the whole society should pay attention to it theyll play an important part in the future of our country one day.,Task 4 Writing by yourselves 下列图画描述的是两位少先队员上星期日去少年

18、宫的途中经历的事情.请据此写一篇短文,参加由英语组组织的英语作文竞赛。,练习一、(一)简单句翻译,1我们在学习怎样用电脑。 Were learning how to use the computer.2他和他的朋友经常查字典。 He and his friend always look up in the dictionary.,3 请给我一杯水, 好吗? Please give me a cup of water, will you? 4 老师让我回答了这个问题。 The teacher asked me to answer the question.,5 我们的国家变得越来越强大。 Our

19、 country is getting stronger and stronger. 6 你的到来使我很高兴。 Your arrival makes me very happy.,7 村庄里有许多绿树和湖泊。 There are many green trees and lakes in the village. 8 我们不应该歧视弱者。We should not look down upon the weak.,(二) 并列句翻译,1. 我喜欢读书,他喜欢玩玩具。(while) I like reading while he likes playing with toys. 2. 孩子们非常

20、高兴,或者至少看起来很高兴。(or) The children are very happy or at least they look happy.,3. 中国是发展中国家,而美国是发达国家。(but/ while) China is a developing country, while the United States is a developed one. 4. 这里常下雨,有时有暴风雨。(and)It often rains here, and storms sometimes.,5他不但受到我们的鼓励而且受到老师的表扬。(not only but also) He was not

21、 only encouraged by us but also praised by the teacher. 6我们周围的东西不是固体、液体就是气体。(eitheror)Everything around us is either solid, liquid or gas.,7一个人既应该有勇气也应有毅力。 (both and) A man should have both courage and perseverance.,8. 新中国的妇女在政治生活和家庭生活方面享有和男子同等权利。(as well as) In new China women enjoy equal rights wi

22、th men in political life as well as in family life.9. 我喝咖啡要加奶加糖。When I drink coffee, I prefer to add sugar as well as milk.,(三) 复合句翻译,1我相信你一定能成功。 Im sure youll succeed.2北京再也不是20年前的样子了。 Beijing is no longer what was 20 years ago.,3 这个城市是我出生的地方。 This is the city where I was born. / The city is the one

23、 which I was born in. 4 他和以前不一样了。 He is not what he used to be.,5为了明天赶上早班车,我要早起。 I have to get up earlier so that I can catch up the early bus. 6. 虽然他年轻,但是经验很丰富。 Although he is young, he is very experienced. / He is young but he is very experienced.,7 如果有困难,请来找我。 Please turn to me if you are in trou

24、ble. 8. 老师所讲的都记在笔记本上了。 What the teacher said was all taken down on the notebook.,9众所周知,中国是人口大国。 It is well-known that China is a country with a large population.10据报道,他是来自新西兰的一位学者。 It is reported that he is a scholar from New Zealand.,11他与我们到别时留下了他的姓名和地址。 He left his name and address when he said go

25、od-bye to me.12李秘书被解雇是因为他受贿。 Secretary Li was dismissed because he took bribe.,13盗贼没等警察抓捕,就逃逸了。 The robbers had escaped before the police arrived.14他读过信后就把信毁掉。He destroyed the letter after he read it.,15自开店以来,我们赢获大利。We have made large profits since we opened this shop.16如果我知道它在哪,它就不会丢了,是不是?If I knew

26、 where it was, it wont be lost, would it?,17一直向前走直到一所新的蓝色大楼。Go straight on until you come to a new blue building.18他不照别人告诉他的去做。He wont do as hes told.,19按照她的要求,她被埋葬在花园里。She was buried at the garden, as she had requested.20我们一到达那里就给你打电话。Well ring you as soon as we get there.,练习二、改正错句,(一) 修改下面的句子,去掉多余

27、的词。1.Do you know who first invented the telephone? Do you know who invented the telephone?,2. In my opinion, I think Japan is far ahead of Spain in science. In my opinion, Japan is far ahead of Spain in science.,3. The first up train leaves away from the station at 6:00. The first up train leaves at

28、 6:00. 4. No sooner had I left the house than it began to rain immediately. No sooner had I left the house than it began to rain .,5. Listen to me speaking carefully. Listen to me carefully. 6. Every day Tom and I walk to school on foot together. Every day Tom and I walk to school together.,7. Every

29、 Sunday I go to pay him a visit. Every Sunday I pay him a visit. 8. George is entirely different in various ways from his brother. George is entirely different from his brother.,9. That famous football team from Brazil which won the match. That famous football team from Brazil won the match. 10. Hen

30、ry is still too young not to handle this important job alone. Henry is still too young to handle this important job alone.,11. Mary has made up her mind to decide to go abroad. Mary has made up her mind to go abroad. 12. There is a mistake in your wrong sentence. There is a mistake in your sentence.

31、,13. I suggest how about eating out this weekend. I suggest eating out this weekend. 14. Please look the papers over from beginning to end. Please look the papers over .,15. Though she has six children, but she lives by himself. Though she has six children, she lives by himself.16. You will find his

32、 house easily without difficulty. You will find his house easily .,17. I always have eggs for breakfast in the morning. I always have eggs for breakfast. 18. Hong Kong is an island surrounded by water on all sides. Hong Kong is an island.,19. Mrs Hill is old-fashioned in the dress, but young at the

33、heart. Mrs Hill is old-fashioned in dress, but young at heart. 20. Mr. Li is an honest man who never tells lies. Mr. Li is an honest man .,(二)改正下面句子中的词语错误:,Dont be discouraged; go ahead, and make other try. Dont be discouraged; go ahead, and make another try.2. Mr Cooper would tell you the truth if

34、he was here. Mr Cooper would tell you the truth if he were here.,3. There is not more much time before our vacation. There is not much more time before our vacation. 4. A person should always be ready to make a change in habits. A person should always be ready to make a change in his habits.,5. Ever

35、y child likes surprise. Every child likes a surprise. 6. If the book you will want is out you may ask for it. If the book you want is out you may ask for it.,7.He walked slowly, stopped frequently to rest. He walked slowly, stopping frequently to rest. 8. The number of the tickets that the box offic

36、e sell was very large. The number of the tickets that the box office sold was very large.,9. The final plan differed greatly with the original one. The final plan differed greatly from the original one. 10. That package is too heavy to be carried. That package is too heavy to carry.,11. We all know

37、the news which we won the football match yesterday. We all know the news that we won the football match yesterday. 12. The suggestion of the worker proved far more valuable that we had expected. The suggestion of the worker proved far more valuable than we had expected.,13. It was not until 1920 sin

38、ce regular radio broadcast began. It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcast began. 14. They stayed at a hotel in front of it was a beautiful garden. They stayed at a hotel in front of which was a beautiful garden.,15. So surprised he was that he could hardly say a word. So surprised was he

39、that he could hardly say a word. 16. Is this necessary to buy a new mobile phone while the old one is still working? Is it necessary to buy a new mobile phone while the old one is still working?,17. Our teacher insisted we would go there on foot. Our teacher insisted we go there on foot. 18. Though

40、he has a lot of work to do, however, he often helps us. Though he has a lot of work to do, he often helps us.,19. This is the date when I will never forget. This is the date (that) I will never forget. 20. You can stay the place where you are. You can stay in the place where you are.,练习三、,(一)改正句子中非谓

41、语动词形式的错误Get up late is a bad habit. Getting up late is a bad habit.2. Be diligent is one of the keys to success.Being diligent is one of the keys to success. / Diligence is one of the keys to success.,3. My hobby is reading and go shopping.My hobby is reading and shopping.4. Compare with these kinds

42、 of the one-child families, my family is rare at present.Compared with these kinds of the one-child families, my family is rare at present.,5. A good housewifes love can make every member in the family feels happy.A good housewifes love can make every member in the family feel happy.6. Become a good

43、 teacher is my dream.Becoming a good teacher is my dream.,7. I want to buy a lot of beautiful dresses, as love beauty is a nature of a girl.I want to buy a lot of beautiful dresses, as loving beauty is a nature of a girl.8. Lets learn English, begin with ABC.Lets learn English, beginning with ABC.,9

44、. Close the distance between them, she pressed her face to his heart.Closing the distance between them, she pressed her face to his heart.10. She watched the trees in the yard, regret that spring had so soon passed.She watched the trees in the yard, regretting that spring had so soon passed.,11. Lim

45、iting by the time, I could not visit so many places.Limited by the time, I could not visit so many places.12. It introduced that the founder of the club was a young man.It is introduced that the founder of the club was a young man.,(二)改正句子在结构上的错误,I like by train. I like traveling by train.2. I very

46、much like there. I like there very much.,3.Her dream is she can give performance in Beijing.Her dream is that she can give performance in Beijing.4.Only do that, can we improve our writing skills. Only by doing that can we improve our writing skills.,5. I would save each coin can be saved.I would sa

47、ve each coin that can be saved.6. I was still thinking if let him know it.I was still thinking if I should let him know it.,7. Most of the people buy vegetables in the market are women.Most of the people who buy vegetables in the market are women.8. The way of people spend the weekend is different.T

48、he way people spend the weekend is different.,9. As an airhostess can often stay in the sky.As an airhostess she can often stay in the sky.10. In the countryside, there are too many children cant go to school.In the countryside, there are too many children who cant go to school.,11. In the street of

49、 Beijing we can often meet foreigners come from all over the world.In the street of Beijing we can often meet foreigners coming from all over the world.12.The reason for this is because they didnt realize the importance of career for a woman.The reason for this is that they didnt realize the importa

50、nce of career for a woman.,13. He likes to help others either he knows or he doesnt know.He likes to help others whether he knows them or not.14. Ill read the papers which placed on my desk by my secretary. Ill read the papers which were placed on my desk by my secretary.,15. Because I admire him ve


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