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1、A,1,形容词比较级与最高级,A,2,形容词比较级最高级规则变化,1.一般+er/est eg:cold strong fast slow2.以字母e结尾+r/est eg:nice large,3.词末只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写辅音 字母+er/est eg: thin fat,4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,先改“y”为“i”,+er/est eg: funny easy,5.多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前加more/most eg: beautiful serious,A,3,原级 比较级 最高级,fastshortbigthinfunnyheavyathleticexpensi

2、vefar,fastershorterbiggerthinnerfunnierheaviermore athleticmore expensivefarther,FastestShortestBiggestThinnestFunniestHeaviestMost athleticMost expensivefarthest,A,4,不规则变化,good / well better - best,much / many more - most bad / badly / ill worse worst little less least far farther/ further farthest

3、 furthest old older/ elder oldest / eldest,A,5,比较级的用法:,He runs faster than she.,He runs much faster than she.,A,6,最高级的用法:,2、One of the +最高级 “最中之一”,三者或三者以上比较,Yaoming is one of the tallest basketball players in the world.,1、the +最高级+of+比较范围 “之中最”,He is the tallest of the three.,A,7,The green oranges a

4、re big.,The orange ones are bigger.,The red ones are the biggest of all.,A,8,250,000 RMB.,50,000 RMB.,The green car is the most expensive.,The red cat is more expensive than the bike.,The bike is expensive.,500 RMB,A,9,Jim,Tom,Stallone is the most athletic of three.,Tom is more athletic than Jim.,Ji

5、m is athletic.,A,10,cinema,Book store,Super market,My house,3000 m,4000m,5000m,A,11,is far from my home.,The book store,Super market,is farther from my home.,is the farthest from my home.,The cinema,用所给的形容词副词的适当形式填空。1. Tom is _ (tall) than Jim.2. Li Lei is _ (young) boy in his class.3.David has _ (m

6、any)story books of all the students.4.Li Lei speaks English _ (well) in his group.5.Lucy runs _ (slow) than Lily.,taller,the youngest,the most,the best,slower,A,13,改正下列句子中一处的错误。A Tom comes to school late than Jim._B. Which do you like better , cats ,dogs,or chickens? _C. Who is oldest in our class?

7、_D. He thinks math is importanter than Chinese._E. This work is very harder than that one._F.He lives farer than any other student in your class._,A,14,形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成,1、规则变化,A,15,形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成,2、不规则变化,A,16,1. It is _ in the south than in the north. (warm),2. That questionis _ than this one. (di

8、fficult),3. She felt ill yesterday and she feels even _ today. (ill),4. He is much _ than his younger brother. (young),5. Lily is _ of the two. (young),6. Tom is _ of the twins. (tall),7. Which do you think tastes_, the chicken or the fish? (good),8. Who runs _, Tom or Jim? (fast),warmer,more diffic

9、ult,worse,the younger,younger,the taller,better,faster,A,17,1. The environment in our hometown is _ than it was before.,good B. worse C. better D. bad,2. I can type _ than I can write by hand.,A. fast B. much fasterC. more faster D. fastest,A,18,3. -Have you decided which youd like to buy, the black

10、 shirt or the yellow one?-The black one. Because it is _ of the two.,A. the nicerB. the nicestC. nicer,A,19,4. Lilei is _ than any other _ in his class.,A. tall, studentsB. taller, studentsC. taller, student.,比较级+any other + 单数名词. “比其他任何都”. (暗指: 最高级),A,20,1、the +最高级+of+比较范围,2、One of the +最高级,比较级:,最高

11、级:,A,21,1.She is the _in the class.(young)2.Jason is the _of the three.(tall)3.Whose handwriting is the _of all? (good),youngest,tallest,best,最高级的用法表示三者或三者以上(人或事物)的比较用最高级,最高级的前面一般要加定冠词the,后面可带of(in, among)短语来说明比较的范围.,A,22,1.她女儿是她们学校最好学生之一.2.中国长城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一.,“ 最之一”: 用one of the + 形容词最高级+名词复数 + of /

12、in介 词短语. 如:,Her daughter is _ in her school.,The Great Wall of China is _ _ in the world.,one of the best students,one of the,greatest buildings,A,23,The Yellow River is _ river in China.,A. the second longest B. the second longer C. second longest,the +序数词最高级表示第几,A,24,1.比较级 + and +比较级 越来越2.the+比较级

13、, the + 比较级 越, 越 ,3._you are, _mistakes you will make. (你越仔细,做错的题目就越少) 4. _ you eat, _youll be.(你吃得越多,就越胖)5. Alice writes well. Mary writes _ than she. (甚至更好),The more careful,the fewer,The more,the fatter,1.The girl becomes _. (越来越漂亮),more and more beautiful,2. The weather is getting _. (越来越槽糕),wor

14、se and worse,even / still better,A,25,1. -Whos _ basketball player in China now? Is it Yao Ming?-No. Its Sun Mingming.,A. tall B. taller C. the tallest,2. English is one of _ imporant subjects in our school.,A. most B. the mostC. more D. much more,A,26,3. Which boy is _, Jim, Mike or Tom?,A. tallerB

15、. the most tallC. the tallestD. the taller,4. Of all the ball games, I like baseball _. its really my favorite.,well B. goodC. better D. best,A,27,5. The price of this computer is the _ of the three.,A. smallestB. biggestC. highestD. tallest,A,28,一者比较用原级,比较级限二者比,三者三者往上比,最高级的用法起;若甲乙程度相同,asas 结构体;若甲某方面不及乙, not so/asas来担起;中间形、副连接要切记!,Remember,A,29,Thank you for your time.,


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