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1、原句重现,1.Can I have some more food? 翻译: some more 再来一些 注意more的位置,more意为“额外的,附加的”修饰some和数词时,后置。如:在给我两个苹果好吗? can you give me _ apples.,你能再给我一些食物吗?,two more,原句重现,2.Betty is one of my best friends.翻译: one of +_他是我们班最高学生之一。He is one of the _ (tall) students in our class.,Betty 是我最好的朋友之一。,形容词最高级+名词复数,talles

2、t,原句重现,3.He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh.翻译:Make sb. do sth.意为_注意:make 是使役动词,其后接动词原形。相类似的词还有let ,have 如:Mum always makes me _ (read) books.,他说笑话,总是使我大笑。,使某人做某事,read,原句重现,4.I want to be a social worker when I grow up.翻译:a social worker 意为_例如:A social worker help people in need with out

3、 paying any money. 社会工作者无偿帮助有需要的人们。,当我长大后,我想成为一名社会工作者。,一名社会工作者,原句重现,5.I want to travel around the world and learnt more about art some day.翻译:learn more about 意为_learn much about =learn a lot about 了解许多关于如:我想了解许多关于物理。,某一天,我想要游览全世界,了解更多关于艺术。,了解更多关于,I want to learn much about physics.,You always _(关心)

4、 about me. Thank you so much.他的那些玩笑经常使我们大笑。 Those _ of his often _ us _.3. 那次测试后,他体重减了很多。 After that _ , he lost a lot of _.,care,jokes,make,laugh,test,weight,易错题:,4. Helens sister is less careful than Helen.(改为同义句) Helen is _ _ than her sister.5. Are you _ (will) to share your things with others?,m

5、ore careful,willing,1. Finish the exercises on the worksheet.,Homework:,Many thanks ! Bye-bye!,Unit 2 School life,原句重现,1.Whats school like?翻译:Be like 意为“像”此时like 是介词,意为“像”。Like 也可以作动词,意为“喜欢”,后接名词,代词或动名词。如:_ his father, he _ play tennis.,学校像什么样子?,Like,likes,原句重现,2.Learning foreign languages is fun.翻译

6、:Learning 是learn 的动名词形式,learning foreign languages 作句子的主语。如:打篮球有趣。 _ basketball is interesting.,学习外语是有趣的事。,Learning,原句重现,3.Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books.翻译:seem 意为“似乎,好像”,可接动词不定式,形容词,it seems that +从句。如:He seems _ (happy) today.,当我们读有趣的书时,时间似乎过得更快了。,happy,原句重现,4.He of

7、fers me help.翻译:offer 意为“主动提出”,相当于give, 后可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,即offer sb sth =offer sth to sb, 如:The young man offered the old man his own seat on the bus.那个年轻人在公共汽车上将自己的座位让给了那个老人。,他主动为我提供帮助。,原句重现,5.She draws better than any other student in my class.翻译:any other student 意为_=_ students.改为同义句She draws _

8、(well) in my class.She draws better than the other _(student) in my class.,她比班上任何其他学生画得好。,其他任何学生,the other,best,students,易错题,1.一些人不住法国,但他们也讲法语。Some people do not live in _, but they also speak _.2.你学习不够刻苦。你需要更加刻苦地学习。You dont study _ _ . You need to study _ .3.The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than

9、_ in Beijing. A.that B.it C.this D.one,France,French,hard enough,harder,A,易错题,4.他们今天为什么不上学。Why _ they _ to school today?5.不要停止使用它,继续使用它。Dont stop _ it. _ _ it.,dont,go,using,keep using,Homework: Search online for more differences between British English and American English.,Unit 3,A day out,原句重现,1.

10、Lets enjoy ourselves.翻译:注:enjoy oneself=have a great/good/wonderful time=have fun. ourselves 意为“我们自己”,为反身代词。列出其余反身代词:_ _ 同义句:,Lets have a great time!,Lets have fun!,让我们享受享受,myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves,2.We finally arrived at the park.翻译: arrive at+较小的地点名词,s

11、chool,park,zoo.arrive in+较大的地点名词,如Beijing ,ShangHai如:He will arrive at school soon. She has arrived in NanJing. 练:Finally,we arrived at the word park.(改为同义句)Finally,we _ the world park. Finally,we _ _the world park.,我们终于到达公园。,got to,reached,3.I couldnt believe my eyes.翻译:not believe ones eyes 意为“不相信

12、某人的眼睛”, believe是“相信”。例如:The girl could not _ (相信) her eyes when she opened her birthday present.,我不能相信我的眼睛,believe,4.We learnt a lot about different cultures.翻译:culture 意为“文化”,是一个可数名词。复数形式为cultures.如:有许多来自世界上不同文化背景的人们。There are many people from different _ in the world.,我们学到了很多不同的文化。,cultures,5.The

13、bus is as comfortable as those in the USA.翻译:as.as意为“和一样”,表示同级的比较。其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv. +as。例如:This film is as interesting as that one.这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。其否定式为not as/so +adj./ adv. +as.例如:This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think.这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。练:他学习不如他弟弟努力。 He doesntstudyas _ his brother.,公共汽车和美国

14、的一样舒服,hard,易错题:,1.They got there at 3 p.m. yesterday.They _ _ there _ 3 p.m. yesterday.2.Here comes the train. Lets _. A. to get it on B. to get on it C. get it on D. get on it3.孩子们,随便吃点水果吧。Boys and girls , _ _ to some fruit.,didnt get,until,D,help yourselves,易错题:,4.He is waiting _ the bus stop _ yo

15、u . A. for , in B. at , for C. for, at D. at , on5.你不必把它还给我。你可以留着它。You dont have to _ it _ me.You may _ it.,B,return,to,keep,Unit 4,Do it yourself,Welcome to the unit,1.Youd better get some tools.翻译: You had better +do(动词原形),意为你最好要做某事。 常用的否定形式是将否定副词not直接放在hadbetter的后面。如: Youhadbetternotmissthelastbu

16、s. 你最好不要错过末班公共汽车。 Youd better get some tools.(改为否定句),你最好买些工具。,原句重现,Youd better not get some tools.,2.He filled the room with water .翻译:fill.with.意为“把装满”“充满”be full of中full是形容词,of后多跟名词。fill是动词。fill with=be filled withfilled是fill被动形式,在词组中当形容词来用。 He filled the room with water .(同义句)His room _ _ _ water

17、.His room _ _ _ water.,他充满水的房间。,is filled with,is full of,3.Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor.翻译:用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其意为“不仅而且”;其中的also有时可以省略。 若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致。如:Not only you but also he has to leave. 不只是你,他也得离开。 练:Not only I but also my brothe

18、r _ (like) playing the piano.,现在客厅里不仅有蓝色的墙而且有一个蓝色的天花板和地板。,likes,4. I also advised him to take a course in DIY.翻译:advisesb.todo sth. 建议某人做某事 advice 是不可数名词,常用a piece of advice,一条建议advise是动词,常用advise sb to do sth.建议某人做某事。老年人常常对年轻人提出金玉良言。 The old often give good _ to the young.,我还建议他参加DIY课程。,advice,5.We

19、 had fun working together.翻译:havefundoingsth.意为做某事有乐趣,其中have fun = have a good time doing sth. = enjoy doing sth. ,表示过得愉快。 eg:我享受放风筝的乐趣。 I have fun _ kites.,我们很开心一起工作。,flying,易错题:,1.Can you give me some more _ (说明).2.The writers cousins name is Andrew.(对划线部分提问) _ cousins name is Andrew?3.I am _ (terrible) busy these days.4.Can you give me some _ (advise) on how to learn English well?5.你认为你能在他到来之前完成这项工作吗? Do you think you can _ the work before he _?,instructions,Whose,terribly,advice,finish,comes,Homework,Finish the exercise in the Workbook.,


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