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1、如何扩写英语句子,主讲人 穆学贵,简 单 句 扩 展,英语句子的主要成分是什么?,主语,谓语,宾语,英语句子的附属成分是什么?,状语,表语,宾补,什么叫简单句扩展?,就是在简单句中添加_,定语,附属成分,A. 扩展附加成分(定语),根据要求扩展下句:,1.这个很帅的男孩是个学生.,2.房间里的那个男孩是个学生。,3.正在唱歌的那个男孩是个学生。,The boy is a student.,4.在打篮球的那个男孩是个学生。,5.被人嘲笑了的那个男孩是个学生,6.要受到赞扬的那个男孩是个学生。,7.在那儿的男孩是个学生。,The boy is a student.,The handsome boy

2、 is a student.,(形容词作定语),扩展附加成分(定语),The boy in the room is a student.,(介词短语作定语),The boy who is singing is a student.,(定语从句作定语),1.,2.,3.,The boy is a student.,The boy playing basketball is a student.,(现在分词作定语).,The boy laughed at is a student.,(过去分词作定语),The boy to be praised is a student.,(不定式作定语),4.,

3、5.,6.,The boy is a student.,The boy there is a student.,(副词作定语,只限于地点副词),7.,Practice:,Have you seen the book on the desk ?,Have you seen the book?,1.你看见了在课桌上的书吗?,2. John给Mary一本有趣的书,John gave Mary a books.,John gave Mary an interesting books.,The boy is my brother.,3.在那边玩耍的男孩是我的弟弟。,The boy playing ove

4、r there is my brother.,=,The boy who is playing over there is my brother.,There are two questions.,4.今天有两个要讨论的问题。,There are two questions to be discussed today.,5.由他写的书很畅销。,The books sell well.,The books written by him sell well.,=,The books which were written by him sell well.,6.我们应该帮助生病的孩子。,We sho

5、uld help the children.,We should help the children who are ill.,7.可怜的John 每天要去医院,John went to hospital every day ,Poor John went to hospital ,8.这就是那块破玻璃,This is the glass.,This is the broken glass.,A. 扩展附加成分(状语),根据要求扩展下句:,我们在努力地工作.,2. We sing.,1.We are working.,We are working hard.,(副词作状语,表示程度),我们经常

6、在那里唱歌。,We often sing there.,(副词作状语,表示频率),(副词作状语,表示地点),3.They came.,根据要求扩展下句:,他们来这里看我们。,They came here to see us,(不定式作状语,表示目的),(副词作状语,表示地点),4.We live.,我们住在学校。,We live in the school.,(介词短语作状语,表示地点),5.We are working,根据要求扩展下句:,我们在日日夜夜地劳动。,We are working day and night,(词组作状语,表示时间),6.They will fly.,他们将飞往伦

7、敦。,They will fly to London.,(介词短语作状语,表示方位),7. The meeting ended.,根据要求扩展下句:,会议两点结束的。,The meeting ended at two.,(介词短语作状语,表示时间),8.He entered the room.,他说着笑着走进房间。,He entered the room,laughing and talking.,(现在分词作状语,表示伴随/方式),9.some students became worried.,根据要求扩展下句:,看到这个,有些学生变得非常着急。,Seeing this, some stud

8、ents became very worried.,(现在分词作状语,表示原因),(副词作状语,表示程度),听到这个消息,他高兴得跳起来。,Hearing the news, he jumped with joy.,(现在分词作状语,表示时间),(介词短语作状语,表示原因),10. he jumped.,11. we ”ll try our best to help him.,根据要求扩展下句:,被那故事感动,我们要尽力帮他。,Moved by the story ,we “ll try our best to help him.,(过去分词作状语,表示原因),12.we “ll try ou

9、r best to help him.,因为我们被那故事感动,所以我们要尽力帮他。,Because we were moved by the story, we “ll try our best to help him.,(从句作状语,表示原因),13.He lets me know.,根据要求扩展下句:,Whenever he goes there,he never lets me know.,无论他何时去那里,他都从不让我知道。,(从句作状语,表示让步),(副词作状语,表示否定),1.John often came to chat with me,分析横线部分的成分,主语,谓语,状语,状语

10、,状语,2. As he was ill, he didnt come to class yesterday.,主语,谓语,状语,状语,状语,主,系,表,3.She is sitting at the desk, doing her homework carefully.,主语,谓语,状语,状语,4.I will give the letter to him when I see him.,主语,谓语,宾语,状语,状语,主语,谓语,宾语,C.翻译下列具有扩展成分的简单句,1.I bought a rain coat with a warm lining(内层) .,2.The dog jump

11、ed out through the window.,我买了一件带有保暖内层的雨衣。,那条狗从窗户跳出去了.,(介词短语作定语),(介词短语作状语),3.A bright little boy with rosy cheeks put three bottles of milk quietly on my doorstep before seven oclock.,玫瑰色,rosy,脸颊,cheek,一个长有玫瑰色脸蛋的聪明小男孩,在起点前,把三瓶牛奶放在门阶上。,(1个形容词短语和2个介词短语分别作定语),(1个副词和2个介词短语分别作状语),4.He worked like a madma

12、n in the garden on Saturday.,5.The young girl with long black hair seems to be very happy.,在周日,他像疯子一样在花园里劳动.,(3个介词短语分别作状语。),那个留有黑色长发的年轻女孩似乎非常开心。,(1个形容词和1个介词短语分别做定语,1个副词作状语。),两个简单句的主语可用连词and、but、bothand、eitheror、neithernor、not onlybut also等连词连接组成一个简单句,但应注意主语和谓语动词的一致性。,D.其他扩展,The boss is flying to Par

13、is. His secretary is flying to Paris.,The boss and his secretary are flying to Paris.,Both the boss and his secretary are flying to Paris.,The boss is flying to Rome. His secretary is not flying to Rome.,The boss but not his secretary is flying to Rome.,The boss may be flying to Berlin. His secretar

14、y may be flying to Berlin.,Either the boss or his secretary is flying to Berlin.,The boss is not flying to York. His secretary isnt flying to York.,Neither the boss nor his secretary is flying to York.,两个简单句的宾语可由and、bothand等连词连接组成一个简单句。,I met Jane. I met her husband.,I met Jane and her husband,I met both Jane and her husband.,It was cold. It was wet.,It was cold and wet.,I didnt meet Jane. I didnt meet her husband.,I met neither Jane nor her husband.,两个或两个以上谓语动词也可合并为一个简单句。,We sang all night. We danced all night.,We sang and danced all night.,听上一节课并不能很快提高你们写作文的水平,需要平时多加练习,希望大家的写作越来越好!,


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