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1、构词法三种方式: 派生法、转化法、合成法。,派生法(affixation) 指在词上附加前缀或后缀, 构成新词。形容词后缀 (1) 带有“属性, 倾向, 相关”的含义 1)-able,-ible, movable,comfortable,applicable,visible, responsible 2)-al,natural,additional,educational 3)-an,-ane,urban,suburban,republican 4)-ant,-ent,distant,important,excellent 5)-ar,similar,popular,regular,1. 表示

2、否定的前缀:un- unfair, unhappynon- nonsmoker, non-violentin- inactive, inhuman, indirectdis- disagree, disappear im- impolite, impossibleil- illegalir- irregular,I. 前缀 (prefix) :,2. 表示错误或失当的前缀:mis-misjudge, misdirect(误导)3. 表示向背的前缀:pro- pro-Chinese, pro-Americananti-antiwar, anti-Japanese war,4. 表示程度、大小的前

3、缀super- superstar, supermarket, superman, superpowerover- overhead, overeat, overusemini- minibus, miniskirt, minicarunder- underground, underdevelop semi- semicircle, semiskilled, semisteel,5. 表示时间的前缀pre-prewarpost-postwarfore-foretell, forecast, foresee, weatherforcast,6. 表示方位的前缀:sub-subway, subma

4、rineinter-international, intercity, interclasstrans- translate, transatlantic,II. 后缀:不改变词根的基本意义, 而是改变了词性。1. 动词变名词:-ation satisfaction, education, realization-ment development, movement, disappointment-al arrival, refusal-ee trainee, employee-er teacher, worker-or visitor, sailor,2. 形容词变名词:-ness happ

5、iness, meanness, carelessness-ity ability, possibility -ism Marxism, criticism3. 名词、形容词变动词:-ify beautify, simplify-ize realize-en quicken, widen, sharpen,4. 名词变形容词:-y windy, rainy, sandy-ish foolish, feverish-some handsome, troublesome-ous dangerous, humorous-ful helpful, careful, peaceful,1. The Ch

6、icago Bulls are not as _ as they were when Michael Jordan played for them.2. When Yao Ming hurt his head, it was very _.,powerful,painful,用所给词的正确形式完成下列句子。,beauty care hope pain power wonder,3. He had to be very _ when he played after the accident.4. The fans are all _ that the team will do well this

7、 year.5. Its terrible when we lose, but its _ when we win.,careful,hopeful,wonderful,根据句意用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. There is some _ (possible) that our team will win the basketball match. 2. We must take measures to prevent factories from sending out _ (poison) gases into the air.3. To my _ (disappoint), he f

8、ailed to pass the college entrance exam this year.,possibility,poisonous,disappointment,4. It is much more _ (comfort) to travel by air than by ship. 5. It was because of his _ (care) that the car accident happened. 6. She had done something wrong and told us she was _ (true) sorry about it.,comfort

9、able,carelessness,truly,7. On his _ (arrive) at the airport, he received a warm welcome from the teachers and students. 8. Many of his answers are _ (correct), so the teacher asked him to do the exercises again. 9. She was going to take part in the party, but an _ (expected) guest dropped in on her.

10、,arrival,incorrect,unexpected,10. The meeting supposed to be _ (success) turned out to be a failure in the end.,successful,将下列单词加前缀或后缀派生出一个新词。argue 2. spoon 3. advantage 4. polite 5. pleasant 6. attract 7. sleep,argument,spoonful,disadvantage,impolite/ politely,unpleasant / pleasantly,attractive / a

11、ttraction,asleep / sleepy / sleepless,8. courage 9. discuss 10. visit,encourage / encouragement,discussion,visitor,英语中, 有的名词可作动词, 有的形容词可作副词或动词, 这种把一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫作转化法。1) 动词转化为名词很多动词可以转化为名词, 大多意思没有多大的变化(如下); 有时意思有一定变化(如下); 有的与一个动词和不定冠词构成短语,表示一个动作(如下)。例如:,Conversion 转化词,Lets go out for a walk. 我们

12、到外面去散散步吧。He is a man of strong build. 他是一个体格健壮的汉子。Lets have a swim. 咱们游泳吧。,2) 名词转化为动词很多表示物件(如下)、身体部位(如下)、某类人(如下)的名词可以用作动词来表示动作,某些抽象名词(如下)也可作动词。例如:Did you book a seat on the plane? 你订好飞机座位了吗?Please hand me the book. 请把那本书递给我。,She nursed her husband back to health. 她看护丈夫,使他恢复了健康。We lunched together. 我

13、们在一起吃了午餐。,3) 形容词转化为动词有少数形容词可以转化为动词。例如:We will try our best to better our living conditions.我们要尽力改善我们的生活状况。4) 副词转化为动词有少数副词可以转化为动词。例如:Murder will out.(谚语)恶事终必将败露。,5)形容词转化为名词表示颜色的形容词常可转化为名词(如下);某些形容词如old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数(如下)。例如:,You should be dressed in black

14、 at the funeral.你在葬礼中该穿黑色衣服。The old in our village are living a happy life.我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。,1) Chamberlain averaged over 50 points a game for and entire season. Averaged is a verb describing what Chamberlain did.2) During this time, his average was more than 30 points a game. Average is a noun tellin

15、g us what we are talking about.,I. Read the sentences and answer the questions.,3) Jordan was the second player to score more than 3,000 points in a season. Score is part of “to score” the infinitive of the verb telling us what Jordan did.,4) The final score was 169-147. Score is a noun telling us w

16、hat we are talking about.,Whats the difference in the way average and score are used in these sentences?b) Does the meaning of the words change when they are used differently? No, it doesnt.,II. Rewrite the sentences and tell the differences between them.,1. The Chicago Bulls won their first champio

17、nship in 1991. There was a first championship _ for the Chicago Bull in 1991.,win,2. Jordan surprised everyone when he retired. It was _ for everyone when Jordan retired.3. They changed the rules of the game to try to stop him. There was _ in the rules to try to stop him.,a surprise,a change,1. A lo

18、t of young boys _ about playing in the NBA.2. The _ of the game was incredible -169-147.,dream,result,III. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.,dream question result star work,3. Michael Jordan was the biggest _ of the Chicago Bulls for many years.4. My uncle _ as a

19、trainer for the Shanghai Sharks.5. The teacher often asks us _ about basketball.,star,worked,questions,IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.,1. He _ his arm playing basketball.2. Yao Ming injured his _ during a game.3. Jordans total of points is a world _.,broke,h

20、ead,record,4. Chamberlain _ for four different NBA teams.5. After the game, the fans _ for the exit.6. We _ the commentary of the game on a cassette.,played,headed,recorded,7. Has there ever been a film or a _ about basketball?8. There was a ten-minutes _ in the game because a player was injured.,pl

21、ay,break,合成词合成词是由两个或两个以上的词合成的一个新词。一. 合成名词, 如: workforce, haircut, postman, X-ray, mailbox, landowner, farmland, handstand, handshake, coastline, gunfire, short-wave, gentleman, newcomer, tightrope, best-seller, mainland, freeway, second-hand,midday, front-runner, pickpocket扒手, breakwater防波堤, runway,

22、 sit-downer静坐罢工者, breakthrough突破, runaround借口, runaway逃亡, sell-out售完, handout传单, breakdown衰落,二. 合成形容词, 如: worldwide, nationwide, duty-free, snow-white, world-famous, lifelong, English-speaking, noise-killing, hand-made, peace-loving, horse-drawn, fun-loving, ready-made现成的,good-looking, easy-going, l

23、ow-lying地势低洼的, well-known, hard-working, well-informed消息灵通的, widespread, ill-formed, first-rate, second-hand, worthwhile, everyday, middle-aged, warm-blooded, good-tempered, bare-footed,三. 合成代词, 如: himself, herself, themselves, something, someone, anything, nobody四. 合成动词, 如: overthrow, output, input

24、, uphold, uplift, downgrade, sleep-walk, typewrite, brainwash, handpick精选, daydream, whitewash, deep-freeze五. 合成副词, 如: meanwhile, midway, everywhere, somewhere, anyway, otherwise, sometime, beforehand, onshore, inside, offhand, headfirst头朝下地, daylong,构词法的综合练习,单项填空1. That man was _ enough not to tell

25、 the manager that he would not do the job.A. care B. careful C. careless D. carelessness,B,2. The soldier died for saving the child, so his _is heavier than Mount Tai. A. dieB. dead C. diedD. death3. We stood there _ at the _ sight. A. frightened; frightful B. frightening; frightful C. fright; frigh

26、tening D. frightful; fright,D,A,4. He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a _. A. chemistryB. chemical C. chemistD. physician5. The three- _ chair isnt suitable for a young child. He may fall off. A. leggingB. legged C. legsD. leged,C,B,6. Stephenson became the _ railway engineer in the world

27、. A. leadB. leader C. leadingD. leadership7. When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem, Jack looked _ about at his classmates. A. proudB. proudly C. prideD. pridely,C,B,8. To everyones _, the girl finished the job quite well. A. satisfiedB. satisfactory C. satisfyingD. satisfact

28、ion9. No one should enter the spot without the _ of the police. A. permitB. permission C. permittingD. permittence,D,B,10. What are you doing here? Oh, my teacher asked me to write a passage about _ in English. You can write _ passage in English? A. 600 words; a 600-words B. 600-word; a 600-words C.

29、 600 words; a 600-word D. 600 words; a 600-words,C,11. You must come with us to the police _. Our head is waiting for you. A. headquartersB. headline C. headmaster D. headache12. Canada is mainly an _ country. A. English-speakingB. speak-English C. spoken-English D. English-spoken,A,A,13. His father

30、 possesses a _ factory, which does most of the pollution to this river. A. paper-makeB. paper-making C. papers-madeD. paper-made,B,14. The doctor said that the old mans condition was _ and that they had tried their best. A. hope B. hoped C. hopeful D. hopeless 15. The black people were against slavery and fought for their _ bravely. A. freeB. freely C. freedom D. frees,D,C,


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