1、Numbers 0-10,how many?,数一数树上有多少个苹果?,?,one,two,three,four,five,one,four,three,five,two,1,2,4,3,5,How many rabbits are there?,+,How many are there?,=,horses,three,+,How many are there?,=,turtles,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,Pop quiz,seven ten eight nine,71089,six 6,How many?,How many bikes are there?
2、,How many are there?,=,cars,three,How many are there?,=,two,ants,数字海洋,sing,1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 tenone two three four , how are you , how are you , how are you five six seven eight nine ten ,how are youone two three four, how do you do, how do you do, how
3、 do you do five six seven eight nine ten, how do you do one two three four five six seven eight nine ten,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,10,ten,10 1 2 3 4,5 6 7 8 9,Numbers,6,9,74,35,602,831,4521,32194,786635,6,9,4521,1084557,1,3,10,5,7,4,8,2,find,questions,two and five is four and one
4、is six and four is three and five is,seven fiveteneight,review:oneten!,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,把它们排列一下吧,chant,One, one. Run, run, run!Two, two. Go to the zoo.Three, three. Swim in the sea.Four, four. Stay by the shore.Five, five. Find a beehive.Six, six. Pick up the sticks.S
5、even, seven. Go to Seven-Eleven.Eight, eight. Stand by the gate.Nine, nine. Form a line.Ten,ten. Catch the hen.,zero,0,Fast answer!(快速抢答),1.If(如果) someone(某个人)is ill badly(得了重病),we should (应该)call(打电话)_.,What telephone number should we dial(拨)?,2.If(如果) you are in danger(身处险境). .,What telephone number should we dial(拨)?,4.If(如果) you breaking out of fire(发生火灾). .,