2、信息再现(细节题)2.词义辨析(把握上下文猜测词义)3.判断推理(作者观点、意图、态度等)4.主旨大意、中心思想5.布局谋篇(文章什么体裁、引自哪里、接下来谈论什么等),1.句子中的标点符号的作用逗号:两个逗号之间或一个逗号之后,是个补充说明成分,可以先不看。o Extremely refined behavior. cultivated as anart of gracious living, has been characteristiconly of societies with wealth and leisure,句子中的标点符号的作用冒号:冒号前后是从抽象到具体的过程,后面进步具体
3、说明前面的内容o Too much drinking can have terrible effects onhealth: in the next 12 months 10 000 people may dieprematurely from the effects of drink冒号可以表示各种逻辑上的关系,如e I went to bed early: the long journey had tired me.(te示因果)o Columbus discovered a string of islands: he did notdiscover the american Contin
4、ent(表示反意),句子中的标点符号的作用分号:分号前后是并列关系。包括结构上并列和语义上并列两种o Sixty years ago Melville was almost forgotten; todayhe is regarded as one of Americans great authorse Professor Ye will have to cope with a very heavyworkload she has been invited to lecture at quite anumber of universities in the u.sOne moment he w
5、as friendly, even warm; the next hewas coldly indifferent,破折号:两个破折号之间或一个破折号之后,是补充说明成分,可以先不看。e Walk in. ladies and gentlemen the most wonderful curiositever exhibited -only five pence the wild man from Africa.he eats raw food and many other pleasing andsurprising performances.(作用与括号相似)o They gave him
6、 a new camera for Christmas-and a film togo with it.(表示附加补充)o He bought a house just outside the town-a magnificentbuilding.(解释前文)o In future prose, two fields are certainly sure to findcultivation-the field of the essay and the field of the sketch(相当于冒号的作用),引号:一种是引用别人观点,其作用要么是作为支持的观点,要么作为批判的对象;另一种是
7、说反话,表示反语。o One big problem with a total ban is enforcing it. Take theUniversity of lowa. In July 2008. the school went smokefree in accordance with the lowa Smokefree air actviolations of which can result in a $50 fine. But so far. theuniversity has ticketed only about 25 offenders.Ourcampus is abou
8、t 1,800 acres, so to think that we could keeptrack of who is smoking on campus at any given time isn treally feasible, says Joni Troester, director of theuniversitys campus wellness program(平安计划),句子中的标点符号的作用括号:括号内的内容起补充说明或解释词义的作用。o The day before one of my midterm historyexams i still hadn t found t
9、ime to read the firstbook on the reading list. (That, of course, is avery common disease at Harvard.)(附加,补充),2.长难句解析方法1).长难句包括简单句和复合句,复合句的每个句子的核心部分是主语和谓语,而每一个复合句的核心是主句。认识复合句首先要把握好从句间的关系,而表现这些关系要依靠连接词that, although, so that, before等具有语法功能的词。常见的长难句种的基本语法结构(1)形式主语或宾语(2)强调结构(3)(非)限定性定语从句(4)同位语从句(5)倒装结构(6)虚拟语气(7)省略(8)非谓语动词,谢谢!,21、要知道对好事的称颂过于夸大,也会招来人们的反感轻蔑和嫉妒。培根22、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随。韩愈23、一切节省,归根到底都归结为时间的节省。马克思24、意志命运往往背道而驰,决心到最后会全部推倒。莎士比亚25、学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。乌申斯基,供娄浪颓蓝辣袄驹靴锯澜互慌仲写绎衰斡染圾明将呆则孰盆瘸砒腥悉漠堑脊髓灰质炎(讲课2019)脊髓灰质炎(讲课2019),